Is there any way to turn off armor color customization? (Full Version)

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sebihp2007 -> Is there any way to turn off armor color customization? (1/30/2025 9:45:15)

I was very excited to unlock the Vilmor Dragonlord armor, because it looked really cool in the pictures.


But when I went to put it on, turns out it uses color customization, which makes it look completely out of touch. And if I want to achieve the original color scheme, I have to change my dragon's colors, which I don't want to do since I like the little fella as he is.
Is there a way to revert to the default color scheme that I am somehow missing?

Laeon val Observis -> RE: Is there any way to turn off armor color customization? (1/30/2025 9:49:34)

None, so you have to deal with the so-called wardrobe malfunction you're encountering.

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