Thursday, January 30th Design Notes: Book 2 Reimagined: The Floating City of Atrea (Full Version)

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Laeon val Observis -> Thursday, January 30th Design Notes: Book 2 Reimagined: The Floating City of Atrea (2/1/2025 1:09:30)


Thursday, January 30, 2025
Book 2 Reimagined: The Floating City of Atrea
Hey there, heroes!

This week, the Book 2 Reimagined project continues! The floating city of Atrea has been updated and expanded!


Shrouded in darkness thanks to their Lens held high above the city, Atrea is home to the last remaining Ateala after their planet was destroyed by Wargoth, the Infernal. Thanks to your help, the city is safe, for now. Time to explore!

Defend the Lens from desert monsters, find farmland for the Atealans, and visit the Midnight Inn, and more!

Also this week, we have new cosmetic items for sale!


Firehammer's gear is now available! Now, you too can wear a massive helmet and carry THE Firehammer into battle! Purchase the Firehammer helm and weapon from the DC Cosmetics shop for 300 DCs each!

Also, as a reminder, the 50% Dragon Coin Bonus on certain bundles ends next week on february 7th!


Also this week there have been a couple of small fixes/adjustments.
  • Renamed the button in the Frostval storybook to better show that the Storm of Stars war is actually available.
  • Void Rift Cover now has numerals to differentiate the item levels.
  • Fixed a couple other small things.
  • (February 1, 2025) Added level 90 versions of the Paraginium item merges, and fixed Magus wings Defenses and Helm IV merge components.

You may have noticed this week's release was a day early- due to some IRL commitments, I wouldn't be able to be here to rol lthings out and finish the release on Friday. That said, we'll see if we can squeeze in a few more small updates to the town over the weekend.

And that's all for this week!

Flabagast -> RE: Thursday, January 30th Design Notes: Book 2 Reimagined: The Floating City of Atrea (2/2/2025 4:42:54)

Now that I'm caught up on the last few releases, I'm delighted to see Atrea getting some love! Being able to interact with Atealan NPCs and visit the inn definitely makes it feel a lot more lived-in. I don't believe we've ever gotten a proper explanation of Atrea's artificial night until last week, so it's nice to finally know how that works too.

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