Gateless -> A Complete Four-Part Fix to Infinite Resource Conversion (2/13/2025 5:53:34)
A Complete Four-Part Fix to Infinite Resource Conversion To keep things brief and simple—Infinite Resource Conversion mechanics completely break the game into pieces, and is the most broken mechanic in AdventureQuest short of Infinite Charge Mechanic Quickcast items such as Book of Burns (both are frankly the opposite of fun). The purpose of this proposal is to address all Resource Conversion mechanics simultaneously in the best way possible, while counteracting the gameplay shortcomings of reduced resource access by giving players access to a familiar degree of modern SP burst and a non-MP cost DEX Booster Quickcast SPell. Part 1: Fixing Essence Orb and Pixel Ether • Essence Orb and Pixel Ether become identical mechanically. Pixel Ether becomes a Permarare reskin of Essence Orb, rather than a problematic Permarare Mechanic. • The MC bonus is no longer used for a random 8% proc, but goes into compressing both HP to SP and HP to MP conversion as 2 separate buttons. • Once per turn, the Player is able to click one of the buttons. Doing so is Quickcast and converts 100% Melee in HP to either SP or MP, depending on the button. This once per turn limitation is shared between both items and running both gives no advantage. • No more Resource Conversion items are made going forward. This, along with the merging of Pixel Ether and Essence Orb into the same item, prevents Players from being incentivized to run 4 or 5 different Misc Items for no reason other than to abuse additional resources; devaluing all other Misc items in the game. The proposed fixes here have the added benefit that neither Essence Orb/Pixel Ether nor Soul Gauntlet/Mind Gauntlet eclipses the other. The Gauntlets maintain a larger resource conversion, while the updated Essence Orb/Pixel Ether maintains utility as a 2-in-1 compression item. Players can freely choose to run any combination of the three Resource Conversion Misc items (Essence Orb/Pixel Ether, Soul Gauntlet, and Mind Gauntlet) depending on their playstyle, without any being a "must run" due to simply being more optimal. Furthermore, Essence Orb/Pixel Ether can be unbanned from challenge bosses. Part 2: Fixing Infinite HP to MP Conversion in INT Drives • INT Drives no longer infinitely convert HP to offset deficit MP costs. Instead, INT Drives will function in the same way as END Drives already do, by scaling the Player's MP based on the current percentage when added or removed. This removes the Player's ability to infinitely convert HP to MP using any INT Drive in the game, including on a Mage character using specific item interactions; effectively giving the Player a HP to MP Essence Orb. It is crucial that INT Drives no longer do this, otherwise fixing Essence Orb will be for naught and Players will simply switch to abusing an "Essence Orb" that is baked into the game itself. Part 3: Making SP Mechanics More Sensible • The Player's HP is permanently reduced by 100% Melee. In exchange, the Player gains 100% Melee in SP on the Player's First Turn; this is in addition to the amount of SP currently given to the Player at the start of a battle. • The Player's SP is reset before the First Turn of every battle. • The maximum SP capacity is doubled. • Fleeing a battle no longer costs SP. These changes remove tedious aspects of SP, such as requiring SP to flee from a battle. And also gives the Player more instantaneous SP on the First Turn of a battle, so that non-Mages still have access to burst damage setups without requiring an absurd amount of HP to SP Resource Conversion. SP is also reworked to no longer carry across battles, because the way SP currently functions incentivizes Players to use the SP bar as a charge mechanic—for no good reason, especially given that loadout-changing checkpoints are already standard before boss fights. Part 4: Adding a non-MP DEX Booster SPell • A Premium DEX Boost SPell Token Package is released, similar to the existing spells for STR, INT, and CHA. Since INT Drives can no longer be abused for Infinite Resource Conversion, Rangers will need a non-MP Mainstat Booster Spell option that is in line with the options available for other Mainstats.