=AQ= Timeless Treasures Await! (Full Version)

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CarrionSpike -> =AQ= Timeless Treasures Await! (2/16/2025 13:17:13)


February 2025 Golden Giftboxes - Timeless Guardian
During one of Lore's darkest ages, the Timeless Guardian made history as a fierce and beautiful protector of the world. Her sacrifice saved countless lives against a crisis with Tjeli at its core, and is honored by these powerful items! Will you take up the legacy of this graceful guardian?

The following prizes will be leaving this week:
  • Underworld Archfiend Reaver
  • Underworld Archfiend Faces
  • Vengence of Nulgath Defender
  • Underworld Archfiend Armor
  • Vengeance of Nulgath Arsenal
Current Limited-Time Shops:
  • Lunar New Year
  • General (Hedgemog Pets/Guests; Groundhog Pets; Superb Owl Pets)
  • Winter Season
  • Z-Token Packages: Heart's Crusher Arsenal - Available Until March
Newsletter Link: https://mailchi.mp/artix.com/2025-timeless-guardian

Tag, you're it. ~Anim

Update: Hollow's had a little tidy up of the shop, clearing out the Nulgath gear to make room for newer stuff. No worries though, as these will be back in the future. (Most likely next January.)

Please note: Legion stuff will be leaving in April to make space. ~Anim

GwenMay -> RE: =AQ= Timeless Treasures Await! (2/16/2025 21:38:14)

The Timeless Guardian gear looks gorgeous! I'm always glad to see more female armors in AQ.

Mystical Warrior -> RE: =AQ= Timeless Treasures Await! (2/17/2025 8:31:52)

Not gonna lie, that really looks like Aerith from FF7, but eitherway, I'm a big FF7 fan, so it's great lmao

sunblaze -> RE: =AQ= Timeless Treasures Await! (2/17/2025 12:17:15)

Absolutely legally different of course. [;)]

But yes they are wicked cool!

The Hollow -> RE: =AQ= Timeless Treasures Await! (2/20/2025 18:59:57)

The Timeless Guardian is indeed an homage to the iconic Aerith. Now you can embrace the Timeless Guardian's legacy and harness the power of Fire or Light with these legendary items:

  • Timeless Guardian's Heart Miscs
  • Timeless Guardian's Heart Staves
  • 4 Timeless Guardian Faces

  • Timeless Guardian Armors
  • Timeless Guardian Shields

  • Sir Cloud -> RE: =AQ= Timeless Treasures Await! (2/20/2025 20:24:43)

    @Hollow, for some reason both Mini Nulgath and Vengeance of Nulgath Blade pets were removed from the Rare Shop and were not listed as leaving here with this release. Would it be possible to put them back? Thanks in advance, for helping correct this.

    Also, not sure if anything else was accidentally removed or not so if someone could double check that, much appreciated! :)

    edit: Oh you're right @Ninjaty, the Reaver of Nulgath weapon was there last night as well. I remember seeing it when buying a few Underworld Archfiend Reavers that look similar to it. Thanks for pointing that out in addition to the other 2 you mentioned. [8D]

    Ninjaty -> RE: =AQ= Timeless Treasures Await! (2/20/2025 21:20:08)

    @Sir Cloud & The Hollow: Based on a quick search for "Nulgath" in Rare/Ultra Rare, seems like Warlord of Nulgath, Nulgath's Wrath, and Reaver of Nulgath were removed as well. At least, I vividly recall them having been there up until recently.

    I hope this gets fixed soon.

    Sir Cloud -> RE: =AQ= Timeless Treasures Await! (2/20/2025 22:01:44)

    Update: It looks like ALL things associated with "Nulgath" have been removed. Just discovered that Broodfiend of Nulgath is no longer in the UR GGB Shop too. That armor was most definitely not announced as leaving. Hopefully all these items can be replaced back in the Shops soon.

    Nice hawk eyes there! Yes, Hollow has tidied up the shop of Nulgath items for the moment. But don't worry these will be returning in the future, as part of Nulgath's seasonal collection.
    Please see the first post for more details. ~Anim

    edit: Thanks Anim for the quick update! @Hollow, would it be possible to get Mini Nulgath, Reaver of Nulgath + Broodfiend of Nulgath added back for just a day or two as they weren't listed as leaving? Thank you.
    (Def. Broodfiend tho) as I wanted to pick up an extra one of these armors for other chars :)

    ming shuen -> RE: =AQ= Timeless Treasures Await! (2/21/2025 8:55:39)

    Hi. If y'all need space in the Golden Giftboxes, and wish to remove some Nulgath items, here are some items that have Nulgath in the name that is not yet removed.

    - Evolved Void of Nulgath
    - Dragon Blade of Nulgath
    - Abyssal Cutlass of Nulgath
    - Dragon Blade of Nulgath
    - Cocytus Fiend of Nulgath
    - Dread Fiend of Nulgath

    I think similar to Dage, Nulgath items in GGBs can be made seasonal.

    Andlu -> RE: =AQ= Timeless Treasures Await! (2/21/2025 13:12:21)

    I had made a list with everything that was removed from nulgath, and everything nulgath-related that wasn't removed, just in case it's useful for people (Ignoring the ones that were said to be removed properly before)


    Removed currently:

    Mini Nulgath - Pet, Rare GGB
    Nulgath's Wrath - Weapon, UltraRare GGB
    Reaver of Nulgath - Weapon, Rare GGB
    Warlord of Nulgath - Armor, UltraRare GGB
    Legion Dragon Blade of Nulgath - Weapon, UltraRare GGB
    Broodfiend of Nulgath - Armor, UltraRare GGB

    Not removed currently, could be, if looking for space:

    Evolved Void of Nulgath - Armor, UltraRare GGB
    Grimlord - Spell Guest, Rare GGB
    Dread Fiend of Nulgath - Spell Guest, Rare GGB
    Cocytus Fiend of Nulgath - Spell Guest, Rare GGB
    Abyssal Cutlass of Nulgath - Weapon, Rare GGB
    Headless Horseman - Armor, Rare GGB
    Human Fisher - Armor, Rare GGB
    Void Awakening Wall - Shield, Rare GGB
    Crag & Bamboozle - Pet, Rare GGB
    Aberrant the Exiled - Pet, Rare GGB
    Legion Overfiend Blade - Pet, Rare GGB
    Cosoma - Pet, Rare GGB
    Storm Knight - Pet, Rare GGB
    Void Awakening F/M - Face, Rare GGB
    Weteye - Pet, Common GGB
    Void of Nulgath F/M - Face, Common GGB
    Dragon Blade of Nulgath - Weapon, UltraRare GGB
    Fiend of Vergill - Armor, UltraRare GGB
    Void Awakening Form - Armor, UltraRare GGB
    Seraphim of Ver - Armor, UltraRare GGB
    Void Awakening Skull - Pet, UltraRare GGB
    Void Awakening Skull - Spell Guest, UltraRare GGB
    Drakath Fiend Blade - Weapon, UltraRare GGB

    The Hollow -> RE: =AQ= Timeless Treasures Await! (2/24/2025 12:34:16)

    Thank you for writing up a handy list, that is very helpful when dealing with so many items! The following prizes will leave later this week:

  • Mini Nulgath
  • Dread Fiend of Nulgath
  • Cocytus Fiend of Nulgath
  • Abyssal Cutlass of Nulgath
  • Void Awakening Wall
  • Void Awakening Faces

  • Broodfiend of Nulgath
  • Evolved Void of Nulgath
  • Dragon Blade of Nulgath
  • Void Awakening Form
  • Void Awakening Skull (pet and guest summons)

  • kreem -> RE: =AQ= Timeless Treasures Await! (2/24/2025 18:29:17)

    Are they going to return in January?

    Yes, they'll return. ~Anim

    m4k1 -> RE: =AQ= Timeless Treasures Await! (3/8/2025 18:42:36)

    Are the elements of the Timeless Guardian items swappable? I saw someone saying yes but I cannot see them on Manage Account > Upgrade Inventory.

    neswii -> RE: =AQ= Timeless Treasures Await! (3/8/2025 23:17:40)

    Could void awakening form get a FD or FO lean? It does feel a little out of place as a neutral armor.

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