Bold Ateala (Full Version)

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DemonicDarkwraith -> Bold Ateala (2/28/2025 22:36:05)


Bold Ateala

Location: The Lost Ateala

Quests given

Shops owned

Bold Ateala: Have you ever seen a sight like that before? I heard people talking about it, but to see it with my own eyes...

Bold Ateala: I don't know, but I am thankful for the Lens and the Cryptics!
Bold Ateala: Sorry, did you need—
Bold Ateala: Wow, are you a native of this planet? Can you tell us more about that sun?
Bold Ateala: Somorrah did not have a sun, you see, so—

Bold Ateala: Good luck in your search!


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