Curious Ateala (The Lost Ateala) (Full Version)

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DemonicDarkwraith -> Curious Ateala (The Lost Ateala) (2/28/2025 22:40:04)


Curious Ateala (The Lost Ateala)

Location: The Lost Ateala

Quests given

Shops owned

Curious Ateala: What to buy... What to buy...? I know the Empress set a limit on purchases of melon per person, but for there to be so few left...
Curious Ateala: Ah, you wanted something from me? You're from this planet, yes? I have many questions I'd like to ask you, as well!
Curious Ateala: I'm sorry, if you're busy, I don't want to keep you! I'm afraid I haven't seen who you're looking for, though.


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