Excited Ateala (The Lost Ateala) (Full Version)

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DemonicDarkwraith -> Excited Ateala (The Lost Ateala) (2/28/2025 22:43:55)


Excited Ateala (The Lost Ateala)

Location: The Lost Ateala

Quests given

Shops owned

Excited Ateala: Oh! Jatiw! You're... You're <Character> and <Dragon>! I've heard so much about you!
Excited Ateala: I would offer to treat you to a homemade meal and some snacks, but I'm afraid Atrea's supplies are running low...
Excited Ateala: This is hardly the time for celebration, too, I suppose.
Excited Ateala: Oh, you're looking for an Ateala named Veyla? I'm sorry, I don't know her. I wish I could help!


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