=AQ= Unleash the Legion's Power - New Hunt, Gear & Customization (Full Version)

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CarrionSpike -> =AQ= Unleash the Legion's Power - New Hunt, Gear & Customization (3/2/2025 13:14:35)


Legion-deery Rare Monster Hunt & Legion Limited-Time Shop
Adorable at first glance, this Deery has now become part of the growing Undead Legion Army. Do not underestimate this creature if you happen to come across it as it possesses a unique surprise. This legendary creature can be found randomly throughout Lore. Defeat it in combat and unlock access to an exclusive shop, featuring new Darkheart Hunter gear! Stop by the Legion Limited-Time Shop to find everything you need to show your allegiance to Dage and the Legion with the release of the new Unraveling Nightmare Spells, as well as the return of many fan-favorite items.

Savable Color Profiles
Prepare to express yourself like never before! We're launching a massive project to bring you savable color-custom profiles for your individual pieces of gear. This initial update will cover armor customization.
Limited-Time Shops:
  • Legion - Arriving With Release
  • Lunar New Year
  • General (Hedgemog Pets/Guests; Groundhog Pets; Superb Owl Pets)
  • Winter Season
Rare Monster Hunts:
  • Legion-deery - Arriving With Release
  • Z-Token Packages: Heart's Crusher Arsenal - Available Until March
  • Z-Token Packages: Doomlight & Returning Legion Packages - Available April 4th
Newsletter Link: https://mailchi.mp/artix.com/2025-legion-hunt-lts-color-profiles

Tag, you're it. ~Anim

Doomknight Arakos -> RE: =AQ= Unleash the Legion's Power - New Hunt, Gear & Customization (3/3/2025 5:40:57)

About the custom color project, does ''individual pieces'' mean we can finally customize more than (mostly) just capes or a select few gear? Because no offense, I've found the custom color update quite lacking so far ?? there's so many neat equipment with great potential for customisation.

If so, I'm glad this is finally being looked into.

Ninjaty -> RE: =AQ= Unleash the Legion's Power - New Hunt, Gear & Customization (3/3/2025 7:32:46)

@Doomknight Arakos: Seems unlikely that this update would just turn all armors CC. Nor would that necessarily be a good thing, as our simple 3 - 4 color choices cannot match all the different shades and in-between colors that the staff can apply to items by hand.

Most likely, it means that all CC items (just armors this first time around, with more item types coming later) will have their own color profile, so that each CC item can be colored independently from the others, instead of there only being one color profile that is used for every CC item on the character.

Doomknight Arakos -> RE: =AQ= Unleash the Legion's Power - New Hunt, Gear & Customization (3/3/2025 7:48:41)

I agree, not all armours have to be CC. But at least the armours which already have customizable capes should have more customizable pieces IMHO. Or maybe 50K token packages? We PAY for those, after all.

That aside, individual color profiles with saves still sounds like a reasonable update if anything. Even if I won't be attending the CC shop a lot.

Ninjaty -> RE: =AQ= Unleash the Legion's Power - New Hunt, Gear & Customization (3/3/2025 12:03:52)

If the staff wishes to go that route with the 50K sets, then I hope they will add new CC variants, instead of just turning the existing ones CC. Otherwise I could easily see myself spending an eternity trying to satsify my OCD by getting them back to their original colors, or at the least very close to them. XD

chaosnecro -> RE: =AQ= Unleash the Legion's Power - New Hunt, Gear & Customization (3/4/2025 12:56:08)

I'm excited to grab legion gear I've missed out on, and to see what this update that's been brewing looks like!

Re: custom colors, I'm of the opinion that for something that's a fairly uncommon item property that's being described as a "massive project," we have a tendency to actively and negatively get in our own ways with speculation. There's really only one way to know how the custom coloring update is going to roll out, and that's by waiting to see. And so I shall! [;)]

The Hollow -> RE: =AQ= Unleash the Legion's Power - New Hunt, Gear & Customization (3/6/2025 23:54:45)

The Legion-deery once again stalks Lore! Do not underestimate this creature if you happen to come across it as it possesses a unique surprise. Defeat it in combat and unlock access to an exclusive shop, featuring new Darkheart Hunter gear.

Stop by the Memorial Shop and pick up your new Space Ghost helm as we honor the memory of the talented George Lowe.

The color-custom armor update requires more time in the oven. It's working great if you only have 2 CC armors, but runs into issues when you have more than 2 armors, or move them around in your inventory.

Andlu -> RE: =AQ= Unleash the Legion's Power - New Hunt, Gear & Customization (3/7/2025 12:45:08)

I honestly think legion deery should have a painting. Be it one for the shop only, or for the encounter + shop.

The Hollow -> RE: =AQ= Unleash the Legion's Power - New Hunt, Gear & Customization (3/8/2025 12:18:35)

I agree, and a new Legion-deery painting is now available in its shop!

Ninjaty -> RE: =AQ= Unleash the Legion's Power - New Hunt, Gear & Customization (3/8/2025 17:10:45)

Great, so now it has a painting. Guess I'll just go find the little bugger again. XD

Here deery, deery, deery!

UPDATE: Legion-deery painting get!

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