Just a copy from the AQ Design Notes (Full Version)

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Bu Kek Siansu -> Just a copy from the AQ Design Notes (3/4/2025 3:10:32)

Just a copy from the AQ Design Notes.

Limited-Time Spring Z-Token Bonus:
AdventureQuest is heating up with some seriously hot Z-Token bonuses! Time to shake off that winter chill and grab up to 35% extra Z-Tokens, as well as unlock a hoard of bonus items with selected packages. Don't miss out on this blossoming opportunity to level up your gameplay!

Players who purchased a Z-Token Package back to March 1st will also have their bonus Z-Tokens retroactively added to their account.

Our limited-time Z-Token bonus won't last forever, ending 11:59 PM EST April 10th!

AdventureQuest - Z-Tokens

Until April 10th

Z-Token Packages give up to 35% more Z-Tokens!

Package	Amount		Bonus Amount	

$0  -	$9.95		+5%		

$10 -	$19.95		+10%	

$20 -	$34.95		+15%	

$35 -	$64.95		+20%	

$65 -	$200		+25%	

$200+			+35%	

Sir, currently we have a Package Amount of $300.
Would it be possible to increase it to $500, $750 and $1000?
If yes, when? [:)] Thanks in advance.

chaosnecro -> RE: Just a copy from the AQ Design Notes (3/4/2025 14:27:13)

Sorry, I don't quite follow why this would be needed. A $300 package + a $200 package, or 2 $250 packages would produce the same number of bonus tokens at the exact same price of $500USD, and, presumably, taxes.

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Just a copy from the AQ Design Notes (3/4/2025 22:15:26)

The more you pay at once or twice the more you get the amount of Z-Tokens.


20000 Z-Tokens for $50.00
50000 Z-Tokens for $100.00

100000 Z-Tokens for $150.00
300000 Z-Tokens for $300.00

200000 Z-Tokens for $250.00
200000 Z-Tokens for $250.00

150000 Z-Tokens for $200.00
300000 Z-Tokens for $300.00

Hopefully, Z-Token Packages give up to [ 50% ( ? ) ] more Z-Token! [:)]

Limited-Time Spring ( or another season / event ? ) Z-Token Bonus:

AdventureQuest - Z-Tokens

Until April 10th ( or another time ? )

Z-Token Packages give up to [ 50% ( ? ) ] more Z-Tokens!

The Hollow -> RE: Just a copy from the AQ Design Notes (3/6/2025 22:01:10)

Thank you for your incredible support of AQ! While there are no current plans for larger Z-Token packages, that could change in the future.

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Just a copy from the AQ Design Notes (3/8/2025 11:35:53)

^ Thanks, sir!

Sir, I sent you a PM regarding Infernal Angel Package.
Would you not mind to check it when you have some free time?
Thanks in advance.

Infernal Angel's Liberation

My apologies for Double Posting, I just want to let know.
Double posts removed, posts merged. ~Anim

Sir, I sent you a PM I've bought 3 other 50K packages 2 days ago.
Thanks in advance.

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