Miscs / Quick-Cast Skills/Spells (Full Version)

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Bu Kek Siansu -> Miscs / Quick-Cast Skills/Spells (3/6/2025 13:11:24)

I'm looking for some Miscs / Quick-Cast Skills/Spells
that can improve/increase HP/MP/SP healing
Skills/Spells And/Or HP/MP Potions.

Thanks in advance.

SilverSoul -> RE: Miscs / Quick-Cast Skills/Spells (3/11/2025 0:17:42)

I think the premium package qc spells that boost stat like Buffalot and Arcane should be able to boost skill/spell healing if the skill/spell in question uses the related stat of those qc spells. Though I guess anything that boosts a stat that's used for a healing skill/spell would also apply.

Teacup of Life is a relatively old misc that boosts healing.

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