=AQ= What Lies Beyond the Rainbow? (Full Version)

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Heroes of the Scape -> =AQ= What Lies Beyond the Rainbow? (3/9/2025 13:08:44)

The Blarney War 2025 - Donkey Business
With the hero currently... indisposed, someone's career is in danger! Fred is going to need a lot of gold to secure his position, and trouble with Sham is never far behind that word!

Spring Season Limited-Time Shop
Embrace the rejuvenating spirit of Spring with the Spring Season Limited-Time Shop! Step into a realm of blossoming beauty and mystical allure with our exclusive collection of Kitsune masks, crafted to capture the enchanting spirit of the fox amidst the beauty of the cherry blossoms in full bloom. Plus, revitalize your battles with the Wildgrace arsenal! These stunning weapons are a potent symbol of renewal and vitality. This is also the final week before The Lunar New Year and general Limited-Time Shops leave!

Legion-deery Rare Monster Hunt & Legion Limited-Time Shop
For the Legion!
Adorable at first glance, this Deery has now become part of the growing Undead Legion Army. Do not underestimate this creature if you happen to come across it as it possesses a unique surprise. This legendary creature can be found randomly throughout Lore. Defeat it in combat and unlock access to an exclusive shop, featuring new Darkheart Hunter gear! Stop by the Legion Limited-Time Shop to find everything you need to show your allegiance to Dage and the Legion with the release of the new Unraveling Nightmare Spells, as well as the return of many fan-favorite items.

Savable Color Profiles
Armor Customization
Prepare to express yourself like never before! We're launching a massive project to bring you savable color-custom profiles for your individual pieces of gear. This initial update will cover armor customization.

February 2025 Golden Giftboxes
Timeless Guardian Sets
During one of Lore's darkest ages, the Timeless Guardian made history as a fierce and beautiful protector of the world. Her sacrifice saved countless lives against a crisis with Tjeli at its core, and is honored by these powerful items! Will you take up the legacy of this graceful guardian?

Limited-Time 50K Z-Token Packages
Doomlight Sets - Grimtide & More
Unleash the power of the Doomlight! A new, Legion-corrupted set, imbued with aquatic menace, joins the returning Doomlight ranks - completing the set of all 8 elements. As Champions of Doom, the Doomlight are able to return incoming damage back to their enemies! This sinister Water package features:

  • Armor
  • Shield
  • 3-in-1 Weapon
  • 6 player faces
  • 2 Titles

Don't miss out on these powerful, new and returning Doomlight sets as they will only be available until April 4th!

Returning Legion Z-Token Packages
For the Legion!
As you prepare to harvest souls for Dage and The Legion, the following Z-Token package bonuses also return until April 4th!

  • Legion Paragon Fiend Mount Set
  • Legion Paragon Fiend Mount Armor
  • Legion Paragon Fiend Armaments
  • Legion Shogun Set
  • 3 ProtoParagon Mk Sets

The Artix 2025 Calendar!
To ??
Order your 2025 Artix This Game Is Undead Calendar double-sided poster or Collector's Edition of the 2025 Artix Calendar and unlock exclusive in-game rewards in Classic AQ, as well as our other AE games.

The Regular Edition of the calendar includes the exclusive PhantomChronomancer Rewards.
The Collector's Edition includes all of the prizes from the regular edition of the calendar + the exclusive SpecterChronomancer gear!


Tag you're it. ~Anim
Lorekeeper edit: Whoops! The quest summary got sent instead of the quest teaser! Replaced it in this post, and rest assured, it's not mechanically a war.

chaosnecro -> RE: =AQ= What Lies Beyond the Rainbow? (3/9/2025 19:26:57)

I'm so excited for the return of Fred! I was talking about that for a while with some people on Discord earlier this year, and I feel absolutely seen. What an absolutely silly, loving concept for a Blarney celebration.

If y'all haven't had a chance, you should play Fred On Strike! It's a short, silly little quest that reveals that you, Chosen, might not be so great of a boss after all. [:D]

I'm really looking forward to this one as we approach completion of this current campaign (approaching 75% war wins at the time of posting)!

1stClassGenesis -> RE: =AQ= What Lies Beyond the Rainbow? (3/10/2025 3:20:24)


you should play Fred On Strike!

If it continues to be greyed out, I suppose this coming quest will leave some players with questions unanswered.

chaosnecro -> RE: =AQ= What Lies Beyond the Rainbow? (3/11/2025 11:13:36)

^ It's greyed out for you? I wasn't aware it was a guardian-only quest.

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