WRONG GENDER (Full Version)

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ACA -> WRONG GENDER (3/12/2025 0:11:56)

Does anyone have the problem where the in game dialogue refers to you as the wrong gender? I was doing the Ultimon's Fortress 4 quest and ElBhe called me by my character by the right name ( which is Aaron The Chimera Taur), but called me she. When I first made my character, I chosed male. This is not isolated to just this quest. I tried the quest the greatest warrior II and was still called a she. I would like if the team could fix this when they have the chance. I am not saying there is anything wrong with a male making a female character and vice versa, it's just I want to be referred to what I chosed in character creation.

Ninjaty -> RE: WRONG GENDER (3/12/2025 0:39:39)

Your character's face determines which sex your armors use and which pronoun quest dialogue uses. All faces are either male or female, and sometimes this is mentioned in the name.

Zeldax -> RE: WRONG GENDER (3/12/2025 2:20:18)

I assume that you're referring to the character you have linked. In that case, the face you currently have equipped is coded as a female face.

Red Blood -> RE: WRONG GENDER (3/12/2025 2:22:51)

Shinobi Kitsune Mask of War is a users custom face, and they did indeed set it to be a female face. Sometimes harder to notice on those but they are subject to what Ninjaty mentioned above so outside swapping to a new face long as you have that custom face equipped that is how the game handles gender. So your options are to swap to a preferred gender face, or just ignore it in text given I'm sure you bought the face for looks rather than to waste tokens.

ACA -> RE: WRONG GENDER (3/12/2025 4:06:06)

Thank you Red Blood, Zeldax and Ninjaty for the explanation. I had no idea that the face you had equipped determined what the game thinks you are. I had been confused for a while and had been thinking that something was wrong with the game or worse someone hacked my account and for their amusement changed my characters gender.

I don't know if Artix Entertainment would do this, but just as a idea maybe put the gender on all faces so people know before they get them.

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