RE: Meet the Archknights: This week Suikoman444 (Full Version)

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h4rold -> RE: Meet the Archknights: This week Suikoman444 (9/11/2005 3:14:54)

where were you on september 15th, 2005?
Using a time machine to see what I was doing :D

did we have pizza?
A huge pizza

what was on the pizza?
cheese :P

did noah and dadric steal said pizza?
they tried, but they tripped :)

so, whats up with that guy over there
He's weird, that's all I know

yeah, that guy

glass half empty / full / just refill the glass?
Refill the glass :)

and lastly, do you need more cowbell?
More cowbell!

ty =D

etalihinna -> RE: Meet the Archknights: This week Suikoman444 (9/11/2005 3:22:28)

Just wanted to stop by and thank you for your work in the Encyclopedia. It's very helpful. Your title should be 'The Helpful ArchKnight of ArchyKnighty Valor and Bravery(etc., something about a battlefield), Who enters things into the Encyclopedia and Stuff'.
thanks :)

Do you like the BTN?
Sometimes they're work can be fun other times it can be a bit too silly for my tastes.

reverseblade -> RE: Meet the Archknights: This week Suikoman444 (9/11/2005 4:52:13)


::kicks a Yeah. Well....

How 'bout them GCer's?
Them GCers are the best ever :)

That darn Miffin Man, always causing trouble.
That he is, you never know what he's up to.

Heh, have fun Suiko. /me snuggles Suiko!
Bye! *Snuggles*

aNyThInG -> RE: Meet the Archknights: This week Suikoman444 (9/11/2005 6:08:49)


Nice to meet you!!

Favourite game?
Suikoden 2

Who are you?
I'm me, who else?

Are you popular??
That's up to the general populace to decide

Who is Artix/Adam??
A guy who created a fun little game

Got a picture of him??
I've seen one, but I don't remember where it was

What inspire him to create this game??
I remember hearing a story about his Dad being the one who inspired him to create games, but It's been a while and my memory may be fuzzy.

How did he create this game??
By putting art and coding together

Can you introduce to me??
I rarely see him myself :P

Why he rarely log in to the forum??
He's very busy.

Is it best to be guardian??
It's not the best, but it is the best a normal player can be.

How do you get the tittle below your name??
By becoming an AK.

<<< Insert question here >>>

Why AQ is not downloadable??
That would take the fun out of it, no more updates

How did Artix/Adam come out with the name AQ??
No clue.


Where do you play AQ usually??
Here at my house.

How old are you??

Need friends??
You can never have too many friends

Is Artix/Adam your friends??
I've only talked to him a couple times.

Do you meet him?? How??
Only if in IRC counts

Describe Artix/Adam's appearance??
I'm not too good at this.

Which is the car that is faster in the whole world??
Rocket cars!

Do you have a ferrari??
I can't drive yet.

Who recommend this game to you??

Do you have a dream??
Every night :P

What do you want to be one day??
Not sure, yet

Why Artix/Adam create this game??
Because it was his dream, I suppose.


Thats all...

Bye!! Take care

Legasee -> RE: Meet the Archknights: This week Suikoman444 (9/11/2005 6:53:06)

Hello :)

How did you join the super, slick Gentlemen's Club?
By applying and being accepted.

One Question, Why did you edit out my reference to Shadowboy in the Necrostaff entry? :P
Because if he got the info from a KoO, it's not really his info, is it?

Isn't there a difference between a Sage of Lore and an AK? Or were you premoted?
Sage of Lores are gone and now are Encyclopedia Archknights, so no difference anymore.

Got any best friends?
I guess so.

Did you participate in many contests? Just Judging by your character, I donated mostly :/
I participated in 4 or 5, and only won one (Indestructible Plate) the rest of the stuff I donated for.

And that's it ^^

Krywallyn -> RE: Meet the Archknights: This week Suikoman444 (9/11/2005 6:54:39)


Did you ever taste moose meat?
Nope, but maybe someday I will.

Did you know the sky is black at night because of the streets?
Maybe :P

How long (cms) is your left toe?
My big left toe? About 5 or 6 cms.

Why is a normal flame red?
Because it has something to do with air intake.

Are you a ninja?
Only on Tuesdays

SonicWind -> RE: Meet the Archknights: This week Suikoman444 (9/11/2005 6:56:07)

Do you like Twig???He is cute:)
On occasion :P

dragonrr -> RE: Meet the Archknights: This week Suikoman444 (9/11/2005 7:33:54)


Is being in the Gentlemen's Club like a job?
Not at all, it's just a place where I can hang out with some cool people.

If it is then how much how much do u get paid?

Do u have a video game system?
13 or so of them.

If so then what the best games that u have?
Suikoden 1-4 :)

Who is your best friend or friend in AQ forums?
hard to say.

Do u like the joke i put for my sig?

Well thats all the questions I can think of for now.


tyty_pretzel -> RE: Meet the Archknights: This week Suikoman444 (9/11/2005 8:03:13)

Hiya Suikoman!

Hows life goin?
Not bad.

May I ask where in PA?(I live an hour from the border in Ohio)
Outside Philadelphia, 30-45 minute drive to it.

Ok now with the every time questions!

Do you like soft pretzels?

If so,with or without cheese?
Usually without.

Favorite book?

Favorite author?
Brian Jacques

ummm all for now.


NightVortex -> RE: Meet the Archknights: This week Suikoman444 (9/11/2005 10:15:31)

Pretends to *superdupersnuggles* but holds a dagger in hand getting ready to stab while *superdupersnuggle*-ing.

Do you think i would be a good choice for an AK/KoO?
Don't know

What do you think my personality is like?
Crazy, fun :)

Vomit or Fecies?

Pineapple or Watermelon?

^_^ or *_*?

What occupation do you want to be when you grow up?
Don't know

Do you think those paladimwits like Artix should fall?...
Maybe someday.

Ebil or Evil?

Do you think i would be a REALLY EBIL minion for zorbak? ( Obviously I am a zorbak supporter)

Do you know where i could find the " Zorbak Supporters " sigs?

What country do you think i live in?
No clue

*Smiles Ebily* hehehe... *superdupersnuggles*

I shall take my leave, The Ebilness shall return.....

MADemocrat -> RE: Meet the Archknights: This week Suikoman444 - Sleeping (9/11/2005 10:22:31)


How's life?
Not bad.

XBOX, Gamecube, or PS2?
I like all 3 :)

Liberty or Death?
Liberty's more fun :)

Well, I don't have any more random questions to ask. Thanks for your time :) !

Rathger -> RE: Meet the Archknights: This week Suikoman444 (9/11/2005 11:23:36)

Ok I got One question for you

Did you enjoy adding my post? the 50+ monster one *CoughheheheCough* ^_^
It was... fun :P

SiLvErWiNg -> RE: Meet the Archknights: This week Suikoman444 (9/11/2005 11:34:55)

ZOMG! It's Suiko! ^_^ *snugglehuggletackles*
Silver! *Snuggles*

how are you?
Pretty good :)

how has it been being a SoL and AK?
Well SoLs no longer exist, as we're now Encyclopedia Archknights. But it's been fun :)

i've learned to appreciate answering the short posts ;) (jinwoopang's were ridiculous) *hopes that he doesn't find your AKotW thing :P*
Heh, I'm beggining to see what you mean :)

well, i'll bother you more on IRC ;)
Yay! :P

*byesnuggles from teh AgWing*

Ollierulez1 -> RE: Meet the Archknights: This week Suikoman444 (9/11/2005 15:44:53)


You alright?
Maybe :P

My soccer team drew 2:2 today.
Mine lost 3:1 yesterday

Do you care really?
Heh, not really.

Have you ever poked a badger with a spoon?
*pokes a badger with a spoon* I have now.

Any siblings?
1 brother, 1 half brother

Cats or Dogs?
I prefer dogs, but don't have any

Penguins or sheep?

Monkeys or People called Ryan?
Monkeys :)

Blonde or Brunette?
No preference really.

I know what you did last summer........
Nothing! :)

If a sheep that breathes fire, A pig with a Uzi, A Monkey with a bomb strapped to it and a badger with rabies and 20 foot long claws got in a fight, Who would win?
The monkey would explode and kill everything.


You scared?
Not yet :)

No? BOO!

Ever played Guild wars? If yes, Whats your characters name called?
Yeah, Suik Oden :D

Ummm....Out of random things. Bye. For now. MWA HA HA HA HA

Penumbra Shade -> RE: Meet the Archknights: This week Suikoman444 (9/11/2005 15:57:45)

What is the sound of one hand clapping?
Clap your fingers into your palm, and there you go.

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
Of course

What is the average air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
A lot


Favourite game?
Suikoden 2
[sm=puppy_dog_eyes.gif] How did you manage to get your hands on Suikoden 2!?
I had to travel to a Gamestop 30 miles away and pay $60

Matufreak -> RE: Meet the Archknights: This week Suikoman444 (9/11/2005 16:03:17)

I'm back... Muaahahahahahahaahha. *ahem* Gah... I'm acting like my RP self again. Oh Hi there ^_^

Why the name?
Really it was my screename on the first forum I ever joined I was the 444th person to join, but then I became the 445th due to someone joining too quick anyways, a lot of people have been purged so I'm no longer the 445th person more in the 100s now. Anyway I put Suikoden with man and 444, and then it just sorta stuck :)

Say something random!

Kabroz > Zorbak, correct?

Hmm... gotta say something random: MOSCITO! Your turn!

What do you think of this?
It's interesting.

I think I'm out of questions. Last one: Which moglin Kabroz likes? *hint hint: The one who backflips*
Poelala! :)

sethd80 -> RE: Meet the Archknights: This week Suikoman444 - Awake! (9/11/2005 16:15:00)

Bonjour ........ I forgot your name h/o ......... Suikoman ..... that's right right?

Are you now or have you ever been a fluffy pink bunny?
Why? Are they on to me?

Did you know that I am an egomaniac?
I do know.

Some people say that you are as it true?
Not really.

ummm... How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
3 gallons :P

hmm...What are your thoughts on that new Incredible Hulk game?
Don't know haven't played it or want to play it really.

You are a dude right?
*points to name*

What is the best way for me to drive you insane?(I want bonus points from Seahawk^_^)
It's impossible :P

Who's your fav Batman villain?
The Penguin :)

Who's mine?
I don't know, who is?

Something random?
Flurf the durf!

Just because no one is around to hear a sound does that mean that sound does not exist?

Did Matufreak mispell mosquito?

Which is better Snuggles or snugglehuggletackles?

If you had the power would you make me a mod or AK?

I knew you would say that.

Ummm I think that's all the questions for now.

Au Revoir Suikoman

Alar Menoc -> RE: Meet the Archknights: This week Suikoman444 - Awake! (9/11/2005 16:22:45)

Why do do you volunteer to answer pointless questions?
Because I can

Someone911 -> RE: Meet the Archknights: This week Suikoman444 (9/11/2005 16:26:14)

Hiya! (Wow...rarely start with a hiya...oh well...)
Hi've ya been?
Not bad

How much wood would a wood chuck chuck, if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
3 gallons

Ice cweam or fish?
Ice Cweam

What's your favourite kind of pie?


What do you think of the totally awsome nickname I recieved in the totally awsome Werepyre RP? (Nickname: Sir Fluffalot) Rocks doesn't it?


Ever seen me around in the forums? (Of course you haven't why am I even asking?)
Probably not

I asked Kabroz this but I need your opinion on this:
Undead Undeads. What if the Undead creature would be...uhh...deader...yeah...since some people try to bring the dead back to life. The dead...dead would resurrect dead so the person who's trying to bring the deader dead back to life will get a pleasant/unpleasant surprise! How about that?

What are the chances of this happening?
Hey they already do that, when we die, we just can't see it :)

I guess that's all...for now...

Hero1500 -> RE: Meet the Archknights: This week Suikoman444 (9/11/2005 21:59:25)

OMG! Lol. Sorry.

I was at your house today, was I not?
You were


Do you know who I really am?
Maybe :P

Pie or cake?

Whats your opinion on the inside of sandals?
They're soft and squishy

Did ya get that "thing" I sent ya?
I sure did >_>

Do socks make you daydream of dandelions?
Only sometimes

Do you like multicolored people?
Sure why not

When's the last time you talked to weeman?
A few months ago

Do you like paintbrushes in your cereal?
If they have spoon like parts on them :)

Is it fun being an Archknight?

I'm so jealous.

I hate you.
Yay! :P

I love you.


Would you totally PWN Danny in a fight?

Why does he throw pillows?
He's weird

All cd's half off at Walmart!

Small medium large X large or XX large?
Large :)

Popcorn chicken or burgers at wendey's?

Matt or Steve?
Steve :P

If I pay three easy payments of 99.99 can I become and archknight?

If men could fly, what would Jesus do?

What wouldn't Jesus do?

Intimidating shout or Divine intervention?
Intimidating shout :)

Can you PM me your Screen name so we can talk on AIM?
PM me, I'll forget

Why Steve as opposed to me?
Why not?

Do you think Reens is a total hottie or does your heart belong to corporate business.
Uh... whatever :P

Tell Reens I said hi, cause she is teh L33T!
Uh... sure?

Is your middle name Rafiki?
Only on tuesdays

Do you like living close to me?

Are all my questions bothering you? Because if so, I'll stop.
Maybe :P

Lemons...Or gumdrop nipples?

Guild wars or city of heroes?
Haven't played City of Heroes

Reens or Safira?
*shrugs* :P

Can I come over tomorrow?
Probably not

I'll give you 40 Pennies for your golden axe. What do you say?
Make it 60 :P

Did Danny finish his homework?
Probably not

If Artix and Galanoth got into a fight over who was the prettiest, who would win and be crowned prettiest?
Not sure

I'm sorry about your cheesecake...

Why can't I come over?
Back to School night and stuff


12 monkeys?
1 fell off and broke it's head

Which is the best of the suikoden games?


At least I got chicken.

Would you consider us to be best friends?
I don't know


Do slow people make you angry?

Do fast people make you happy?

Straw berries or blue berries?

Dreadlocks or buzz cut?

California or Pennsylvania. Which do you like better?
Don't know

Is your romance chemical?

Any girlfriends I should know about?

Any boyfriends that I don't want to know about?

Steve is fat?

Go to bed soon. You have school tomorrow.

What do I have to do to get a super snazzy title?

What would you get Artix for his birthday?

What language did you take?

Can you help me with my homework?


I'm running out of good question ideas.

I wish I had gold teeth. What about you?

Favorite monster?
Not sure

Reens -> RE: Meet the Archknights: This week Suikoman444 - Awake! (9/11/2005 22:14:22)

Hi Suiko!

enjoying your AKness of the Encyclopedia?
Sure am!

If you could change one thing about the 'pedia what would it be?
Not much it's pretty good, but lots of the older pictures get deleted and a lot of the older posts have bad info, both of which I will or others will fix once I stop being lazy :P

what's your favorite part of AQ (the game)?
I like it's simplicity, and how it gets updated a lot, it always makes new things to do :)

guava or kumquat?
Kumquat :)

I'm done. :p

/me snugglehugglewuggles Suiko.

darkestgod -> RE: Meet the Archknights: This week Suikoman444 - Awake! (9/11/2005 23:52:07)


how are you?

which came first the chicken or the egg?
the egg.

the zard or the egg?
Do zards even come from eggs?

If god is almighty and can do absolutly anything can he create a door that even he can't open?

whats got 4 legs in the morning, 2 in the afternoon and 3 at night?
People :P

what am i?
1-Poor Man has it
Rich Man wants it
It is stronger than God
It is more evil than Satan
And if you eat it, you will surely die
*thinks* Tough one... but is it nothing?

2-Squeeze it and it cries tears as red as its flesh,
but its heart is made of stone.
Cherry, while the stone is the pit.

3-Only two backbones, a thousand ribs.
hmm... ah a railroad track?

4-Born Motherless and Fatherless,
Into this world without a sin
Made a load roar as I entered
And never spoke again.

5-There is a thing that nothing is,
and yet it has a name.
It's sometimes tall and sometimes short,
joins our talks and joins our sports,
and plays at every game?
Your shadow?

6-Pernounced as one letter,
And written with three,
Two letters there are,
And two only in me.
Im double, Im single,
Im black blue and grey,
Im read from both ends,
And the same either way

There is a seven-letter word in the English language that contains ten words without rearranging any of its letters." What is the word?

how are you now?
fine I think

hope you have fun answering those...

NightVortex -> RE: Meet the Archknights: This week Suikoman444 - Awake! (9/12/2005 4:02:05)

I am Back!!
Hi... again


You play warcraft III?

Fav Game?
Suikoden 2

How many times can you BURP In a row?
Uhh... a lot?

how is it like being an AK?
It's fun and tough

How was it like when you were asked to be an AK?
I was happy

Fav Anime series?
Zeta Gundam, so far

Fav Television Show?
I think my favorite show would have to be Rocko's Modern Life, old cartoons :)

Dog or Cat?

Dragon Or Phoenix?
Dragon I guess

[sm=icon16.gif] or [sm=fun_83.gif] ?
the second I guess

What do you think about this? :
Birds Fly High,
Gofers Down Low,
Finding you foe
is hard as dough,
Kin Or Fin,
You wouldn't Know!

Wings Or Legs?

Legs Or Wheels?
Legs I guess

Car or Bus?
I prefer cars

Sun or Moon?
Sun I guess

What does " Suikoman444 " mean?
If you mean where did it come from, then look at an above post somewhere.

The Ebil shall wander off to another place as this place is destroyed by the Ebil Necromancer Mods.......

Links -> RE: Meet the Archknights: This week Suikoman444 - Awake! (9/12/2005 6:35:37)

Sorry for waisting your time,but......

What is your favorite game?
Suikoden 2

Do you like bananas?

Are you really old?
Only if 15 is really old.

Can you make strawberry milkshakes while drinking chocolate straight from the tub?
Haven't tried that yet :P

WARNING(The following is totally senseless):


mmm... indeed


Nanay Tatay



Do you like bieng an Arch-Knight?
It's fun

Are you corrupt?
Always... mwhaha?

Will you ever betray everyone and side with ebil?
Who knows, watch out :P


Dadric Daeglos -> RE: Meet the Archknights: This week Suikoman444 - Awake! (9/12/2005 6:44:13)

Why are Suikoden fans so cool?
Because we play the coolest game ever :)

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