RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- Grafh (the doctor is in) (Full Version)

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UChihaSteven -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- Grafh (the doctor is in) (9/27/2005 10:32:46)

yo Grafh....
Wassss Uppppp
uhm...bye ^_^ was nice to talk to you =D

Ace Frost -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- Grafh (the doctor is in) (9/27/2005 13:32:46)

Hey Grafh!
Hey bdc Fyro
Exciting, my first question thingy wingy to a AK!
You made me a sig once, how do you get flames? is it standard to photoshop? ifso...DRATS!
Chances are that I made the flame BG. Would have to see the BG it figure out how I did it.
What do you think about Bush? Honestly!
Honestly. I dont know.
Do you think im improving to sigs? current is latest!
Getting better.
Wich smiley do you like the best?
You like Twig?
Zorbak is cooler.
Ice cream?
Maybe fish?
What do you think of the BoA?
I miss my GB.
Whats youre fav pet? (AQ)
Whered you get the surname 'VonHoltan' from?
Variation of a last name in Xenogears.
Ever considered opening a shop again?
Some times.
Phew, that was it, it gone well!
300 sigs in 1 month.
You liked the randomness?
See ya!
Auf Wiedersehen!

Deathlordd -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- Grafh (the doctor is in) (9/27/2005 18:25:17)

Hi for the third time
what do you think of this umm one of my sig battles
seems like theres so flaming going on in there its one of my sigbattles
You should really PM me if you have a problem.
once finished reading i know your probally going to lock it so whatever,ever get the feeling you lock to much stuff.
I'll leave it for now, if it keeps up, let me know. About 90% of all my locks are because someone requested it to be locked, so no.
my latest sig is in that battle what do you think of it?
Well its funny.
any good places to get some good grim reaper pics that you know of?thats not a search site like google
anyway you know i can improve my sigmaking?
Read allot of tuts.
do you think some people take sig making a little to seriously?
Yes, but thats not always a bad thing.
i think im done,of course ill come back with more questions

yofo -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- Grafh (the doctor is in) (9/27/2005 19:00:42)

am I any good at sig making for paint shop pro
Off hand none I can think of.
about what times are you on the forums
I vary a lot. Today is my day off from work, so I check in now and then.
do you like being an ak
Its ok.
that is all thank you
No prop.

~=~CHRIS~=~ -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- Grafh (the doctor is in) (9/28/2005 6:52:18)

Just a couple of questions so I can add you to The Library... (click here to see wat it is...)
If your life was a book, what would the book be called? (all these are serious...)
I may have to come back of this one, cant think of a name.
How did you become a mod, why were you chosen, and how did you react?
First thing first, I'm not a mod. I'm a AK, much different, I'm like everyone else, but I can lock posts (I cant ban or give out titles). And I believe I has picked because I'm active and helpfull. At first I was quite shocked, I was never trying to become an AK, I really didnt even know what a Ak was.
When you became a mod, what was the first thing you did?
Answered like 50pms that people sent be saying "OMG youre a AK"
What is one moment you found that made you very proud/happy?
Have to come back to this, I'm note sure.
What is the strangest thing you have found on the forum?
Waking up to find that I had a Creative title.
What is the best thing about being a mod? (Feel free to mention the obvious things, but I'm also interested in little things as well.)
Talking with the other AKs and the Mods.
Have you ever been in trouble/was your mod-ship ever in jeopardy? (I know you haven't been around long, but still...)
What is the number one annoying question you are asked?
Hmm, have to look at the questions, because they are all a blur.
I pm'd you, but smbdoll told me to post this in meet the mods, so... meh...
If you wanted mod answers that is the best place, for I'm a AK.
Auf Weidersehn, Ciao, Sayonnara, Arivadeci and Asta la vista. (I speak German, Italian, Japanese and Schwarznegger-ese...)
I know German, alittle of Japanese, and I plan on learning Italian.


Who are some sig makers around here that you consider to be not only talented, but kind and helpful?
Good question. Alot of the sig makers that are helpful are quite good as well.
Is there anyone you'd recommend for the Creative! title?
Hard question. Maybe Cloud44765. He does some nice work

What about me? Huh?
Darn it. Forgot about you. I really didnt want to answer that.

deckyboy -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- Grafh (the doctor is in) (9/30/2005 15:38:58)

do u think im good at GIMP??
Yes you are.
do u like Iron Maiden??
should i get photoshop??
Only if you feel you need it.
am i cool
Are you?
do u like mee??
Dont know you that well.
do u like metallica
do u like my Gimp art work??
Not to bad. Keep at it.

Swordhunter -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- Grafh (the doctor is in) (9/30/2005 16:01:48)

Whats up?
Same old same
Thats cool?
Tis ok
Like my new shiny title?
Looks good.
Do you like Zorbak?
We shall take over all!!
Have you looked at the Art Jam thing?
Do you like to eat dragons?
Love spicy foods.
I have been eaten by dragons?
They try to bit back.
I've heard if you put a '?' at then end of a sentence, it makes it a question?
When I ask a question.
Do you think its true?
I see nothing but lies!
I do...?
Do you?
Bye! ^_^?

littlebro1 -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- Grafh (the doctor is in) (9/30/2005 16:32:59)

ive been wondering this

whast the difference btween the koO the mods and the archnight
Mods can give out titles and ban indivuals. I can not do that. The only thing I can really do is delete/lock topics and make stickies in areas where I can do that, which is only the Gallery of Creative Adventures and subforums. Mods have power everywhere.
and what do u think of my 1st pixel stretch sig
Not bad, does look like a pix stretch though.

gandalf5849 -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- Grafh (the doctor is in) (9/30/2005 17:48:56)

Do you like my sig?... Its not much.
Its different, which makes it nice.
Who is your favorite artist/sigmaker on the forums?
Dont have one.
If you could Have 1 wish what would it be?
Hmm, not sure.
Thanks, later

magic war -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- Grafh (the doctor is in) (9/30/2005 18:13:46)

Do you think I am good at Photoshop?
DO you like my latest work? (it was the one in the battle. you remember, right?)
Yep, looked good.
What is your color number, that way I don't use it as well?
Were you ever in a band?
If yes, what instrument?

If no, do you like listening to them?
i'm in one. I play Clarinet. Clarinets rock.
I played that at one point in my life,
If you're curious, I do consider black to be another color.
It is a color, or the lack of color, something like that.
Are these colors bad for peoples eyes?
Yes, try not to do to much. (the Color Texty title wont be given out again for so time anyways)
I'll finish with you later lol.
I'm not going for a title, I just had fun :) Me like colorful textyness!
What level of sig maker would you label me? I know you don't think of people as better or worse than other people, but give it a try,lol.
I dont tend to label anyone. I say you are up there though.

DarkRaven93 -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- Grafh (the doctor is somewhere) (9/30/2005 20:11:43)

how did u become an archknight?
I'm active and helpful. And the place needed some help, so here I am.
you a boy or girl?
Whats your main characters level in AQ?

.Passion// -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- Grafh (the doctor is somewhere) (9/30/2005 20:34:40)

what do you think is the best in my gallery =p?clickie my siggy
This one. But in truth quite a bit are good

Krayola -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- Grafh (the doctor is somewhere) (9/30/2005 21:27:26)

Do you care if your still my go to guy?
My time is very limited now, so a shop will get it done faster then me.
Do you like the current sig I have JCC made it for me?
Looks good.
How is my avvy coming ^-^? (J/k can't rush perfection)
You want it done right, or not at all? ;)
Do you find being an AK very time comsuming?
It can be.
You plan on reopening your shop this sumer?
Nope, I have a full time job, so no summer vacation for me. :(
How long do you plan staying here on AQ and forums?
Well I have no plans on leaving.
How well do you know me?
I know you, just about it. One of my 1st customers.
Am I your friend?
Shall I continue?
No. hahaha
What is your religion?(I am a mormon)
Do you think you will be well known later on?
I'm know enough.
Whats your opinion on rice?
Mmmm, rice.
If I had a potatoe do you think I would give the pills back to the old man?
Keep the pills, then sell them back at a higher price.

DarkForest -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- Grafh (the doctor is somewhere) (10/1/2005 14:40:35)

What a coincidence... My first visit to Siggy and Avvy makers board in like a year and I get to ask you questions! Woot!
What has so far been the most embarassing moment in your life?
To embarassing for the younger minds around here.
And I'm off to another board!
Cheers Grafh :)
Cheers for DarkForest. :D

yofo -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- Grafh (the doctor is somewhere) (10/1/2005 15:18:11)

some more questions

how old are you
Old enough to know better, young enough to not know at all.
how do you like vector sigs
Not to bad.
what is your favorite food
Dont have one.
what is your favorite country foreign from U.S.A.
what do you like best in the world
Hard to say.
is my sig any good for paint shop

DarkRaven93 -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- Grafh (the doctor is somewhere) (10/1/2005 19:27:17)

will lyour be my friend?[:)][:D][;)]
That sounds creepy, so no. :P

StormGuard -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- Grafh (the doctor is somewhere) (10/1/2005 20:04:19)

Hi im new or am i mwhahaha,guess the name of my old account
Got me.
What do you think of my shop,link is in my sig
Alittle dead right now.
a new start and a new style,i think uhh i guess bye
Good luck

Swordhunter -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- Grafh (the doctor is somewhere) (10/1/2005 20:12:25)

Did you know your my friend?
Dont beilve me?
I believe you.
Check this thread and scroll down a bit! ^_^
See, your my friend... >.> and theres nothing you can do about it! *insert evil laugh here*
:) *huggles for Sword*
Uhh..still, its not a bad thing, I mean, im a nice guy...
I see.
Well, peace!
~Sword, Vindictivly Sweet

*huggles Grafh back* ^_^

DarkRaven93 -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- Grafh (the doctor is somewhere) (10/1/2005 20:20:26)

will you be my friend?
Now your sound like a stalker.
Sry about thew smilies
Tis ok, read the rules next time.
do u live in the USA
Tell a stalker where I live, I'll pass.
Qhere did u learn about AQ
I just found it one day.
why would i be a stalker im only 13?

Grafh -> RE: =AQ= Meet The Archknights- Grafh (the doctor is somewhere) (10/2/2005 0:34:28)

Well everyone time to call an end to this. Been fun, thanks for the questions.

Now I'm off to do minor surgery to my brain. [:@]

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