RE: Meet the AKs - this week LostSoul (Full Version)

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eternaldeath09 -> RE: Meet the AKs - this week LostSoul (10/16/2005 1:43:26)

I am back for another round of questioning!!!
Really there is nothing to do!!!

How did you lose the bet to the Reaper or what was the bet?
Wonder if Reaps know how to Blitzball......his GD boxers for Tidus' soul......
Sounds like fun, more time for me to get to know yuna!!!

Update 30.2!?! hmm....ya mind clueing me in?
Level cap raises, and a stat change to mess up the hybrids!

If would you rather be stuck in a room with a monkey, a bushel of apples, and Orlando Bloom or an island with a penguin, some bananas, and Johnny Depp?
The latter :D

Why? And what would you do?
Not sure :D Penguins are snuggleable, we could plot Jhonnys death is the banana!

Play any trading card games? If so, which ones?
I'm not, I like money too much too :D

That's it for now, seeing as how I've found The Reaper......*grabs Golden Axe and Blitzball*
be back in a bit......
go for it :D

EDIT: That's why I said I'd do it......
Too lazy to do a simple and I have very in common my friend......
heck I'd be too but I'm REALLY bored......

back......Tidus is souless, I'm afraid......heh......
I could add this to my other post if you want......
to lazy to delete :P

Say where did you hear about update 30.2?
a thread in the KoO

Level cap goes up? HUZZAH!!! reason for me to continue playing on my lvl92 char......
By how much?
to 120, I belive

Hey wait, I'm a will this affect us hybrids!?!
it makes maxs stats to 200, so we wont be balanced

ehh, I like Rikku better that a word?
Lulu > rikku > yuna I tihnk insane is the best word/

LordSowl -> RE: Meet the AKs - this week LostSoul *Offline!* (10/16/2005 2:15:10)

Am i annoying?*apologies*

HI LostSoul[:)]

Do you like goths, anime, greenday, and questions?
all of the above

Do you like having fun?[&:]

Do you like my text color?

Do you like Super Smash Brod Melee ( I hope you do )
loved it!

Are you gonna awnser by 1 or 2 for the following questions? 1 for the first one, and 2 for the second one

Mario or Luigi?
mario (luigi farted >.>)

Peach or Daisy?
Peach (she was always quenn Bi-ach

Bowser or DK?

Yoshi or Birdo?
yoshi x 1000

Toads or Goombas?

Green Koopas or Red Koopas?

Black bob-omb or pink bob-omb?

Zelda or Shiek?

Ganon or Ganondorf?
The latter

Link or Samus?
Link is my favorite

Ganon(dorf) or Mother Brain?
the 1st

Kraid or Ridley?
Don't know

Ice Climbers or Kirby?

Pokemon or not?

Ash from Pokemon or Ash from Evil Dead (With the chainsaw)
the latter

Do you want me to ask more questions?
doesn't matter

If you don't then im not sorry

FF4 or FF6 ?

Kefka or Zeromus
Kefka sounds ocoler ^_^

Edgar or Sabin?

Cecil Dark Knight or Paladin?

Cloud or Squall?

Tidus or Auron?

Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat?

Guilty Gear X2 or King Of Fighters?
no idea

Or Tekken5?

War(star)Craft or Age of Empire?
either is ok

Star Wars or Star Trek?

Asking is fun, I hope Awnsering is
it so is!

Metallica or Rhapsody?

Night or Day?

Having walks at 3:00 am or pm?

Alone or with someone?
depends ;)

Clouds( not from FF7) or Stars?
clouds, they can be stuff LD

Moon or Sun?

Atrix or Galanoth?
*Bus passes by*

Captain Rhubarb or Warlic?

Robina or Valencia?

Yulgar or Uldor?

Morgul or Halenro?

Twilly or Zorbak?

Safiria or the Werewolf King?(lets just say I dont know the awnser)
I <3 Safiria

Akriloth or Drakonnan?

Tathlin or Black Hawke?

Melee or Magic?

I feel like asking more...

Archangels or Archdevils?
Arch angles

Medusa or Dridder?

Forgotten Realms or Lord of the Rings?

Elf or Dwarf?
elf, definatly

The Reaper[sm=fantastisch_05.gif] or Death?[sm=6r83v6.gif]

Axes or Swords?
sword, definatly

One or Two handed Maces?
nither, maces are ugly

Stealth or Brutality?

Past or Futur?

Modern or Medieval games?

Guns or Swords?

Should I keep asking?

Are you sure?

Am I afraid or annoying you?
you arn't :D

Should I?
do what?

Do you wanna take a break and rest?

Will you?

How are you?

How much fingers?
8 fingers + 2 thumbs

How about a water glass?

What will you do when there will be nothing more to ask?
go back to AK'ing

Ready for more ---- or ----- questions?

Strategy or Tactic games?

1st person or 3rd person?
3rd is so much better!

Fantastic or Realist games?
a mix between

Illusion or Hallucinations?

Curse or Hex?

Manta Ray or Moray eel?
Moray ell

Deep sea or space?
Sea, water is fun!

Calmari or octopus?

Megaman or MegamanX?

X or Zero?

Megaman or Samus?

Snowboard or ski?

or stay in bed like me?

Gold or Silver?
gold, oh course

Arnold Schwarzenegger or Silverster Stallone?
umm the 1st

Terminator or T1000?

People dying because of War or because or a plague?
nither :(

Buried or incinerated?
the latter

Or Stuffed?

Chef Boyardee or Quaker?

Doom or Quake?

Resident Evil 0 to Code Veronica or 4?

El Gigante or Bella sisters?
Bella sisters!

Leon or Krauser?

Ashley or Ada?

Jill or Rebecca?
I ono

Salazar or Saddler?
I ono

Do you at least know Resident Evil?

Long Hair or Short hair?(Oh no! there's ice cream in mine!)

The Simpson or Futurama?

Familyguy or South Park?

Buddies or Girlfriend? (This seems like a damn hard choice)

Purging Racism or Sexism?
Both, if possible

Bin Laden or Saddam Hussein?

Both or George W. Bush?

Who do you like the most in anything?

*waits for you to catch your breath and regain conciousness*
*takes wake up pills*

Man you're really tough to take this on!

Now, here are some serious questions

What exactly are the AKs? (I don't know because I did not hang out much on the forums recently)
Lesser mods, we only control a few board (I only have 1)

How did you become one?
I was asked

What do you plan to do, now?
Be a good AK?

Do you know what Québec is?(Just wanna know)
ancient city?

How were my questions?


It was good to ask you, good night

good to answer :D

eternaldeath09 -> RE: Meet the AKs - this week LostSoul *Offline!* (10/16/2005 2:25:00)

Have fun Lost......I passed out READIN' the post before response......
speakin' of it?
No :D

fave. TV show? most sitcoms and comedies, Prison Break, Lost, and few others for me
Anything reality TV

ever seen or read Bleach?
never heard of it

oh, I'm very much random too......
This post seems like I've answered it before :|

Digital Panda -> RE: Meet the AKs - this week LostSoul *Offline!* (10/16/2005 2:50:51)

-deep breath- I'm back!..

Hehehehe.. Did you miss my random panda questions?
you know it

When will I beable to read your poems?
I've got a thread somewhere in the GoCA, it's dead though :D

Ok now lets get to the real questions... ^-^
so thoes above were fake questions?

Ok hope your ready for this..

If two men jumped off a bridge, how many mice will it take to build a house made of the number 5?
Trick question, none. Houses can only be made up of the numbers 2, 6, 14, and 27

Ranch or Italian?

what type of pizza do you like?
Cheese and peporoni, and alfrido!

Were you confused with the two men question?
I probably gave the wrong answer :P

I don't know why I put that on here..

Have I bothered you yet?
-If so I'm sorry, I'll stop.
-If not then you must be very brave or able to resist my annoyingness...
Lol, I'm not bothered :D

Will you marry me?
-If So, yay another one added to my list!
-If not.. ah.. I'll cry now.......................I think.
read my title ;)

I gotta go now. Time for me to sleep since its 1:52am.. yay! Panda girl signing off.. -salutes-
good night!

DT13 -> RE: Meet the AKs - this week LostSoul *Offline!* (10/16/2005 9:34:30)


Do you like this color
it burns my eyes

do u like riddles
easy ones :D

How are you liking the AKness?
its great!!!!

more questions to come
Awaiting I shall go!

Alexandru Ilea -> RE: Meet the AKs - this week LostSoul *Offline!* (10/16/2005 11:00:47)

Hi Lost Soul!!!!!!!!!!
HI Alex!

How are you?
good, and yourself?

Where are u from?
The big TX

do u like the huge amount of questions u need to answer?
they're "ehhh"

what is your hobby?
I'm here arn't I. I also enjoy doing random things with my friends.

favourite AQ element?

do u like me?
why not :D

do u think my forum name is strange?

whats best about being an AK?
Everything about it!


moogle or moglin?
Moogles are slightly more cuddleable!

ice or water?

light or fire?

red or jellyfish?
Red jellyfish!

left or right?

bow or arrow?
Arrow, as a bow without an arrow is usless.

staff or sword?
Toughy, I'd say sword.

final fantasy or AQ?
AHHH!!! you butt head!!! How can I choose, AQ, until the new FF comes out (which I think is in december :D)

mad or crazy?
Crazy, naturally.

Creasy -> RE: Meet the AKs - this week LostSoul *Offline!* (10/16/2005 11:29:43)

Hey Lost Soul.
Hi Creasy!

I wouldn't worry about your board being'll explode soon enough =P
I can't wait!!!

Anyway, hows AKishness and whats your obsession with being flamed? (Well maybe not obsession...)
I just like the thought of someone being red in the face, while I laugh at them millions of miles away.

I normlly ask Wolves or vamps, but I think I can guess what you'll answer.
I'm a vampire at heart

Favourite weapon class? (I love my real life sword collection)

Have you argued with Dadric about GreenDay yet?
No, but I'm sure we'll get to it eventually.

Ancient Greek or Ancient Rome? (Well you said you were random so I thought I'd try to fit-in, or out =S not sure)
which one had the gods :| oh both did... the one whoes gods wern't named after planets. (shows how good I am in history :P)

Ever read DragonLance? If so, what does "Est Sularus oth Mithas" mean?
Sorry, I havn't.

Looking forward to DF?
Yes more random one....

Oo, good one! Baby chimps or baby dolphins?
Chimps, they get away with flinging poo

Anyway, that'll do for now. Have fun and good luck when DF is released, I think you may need it =P
heh, thanks

Krayola -> RE: Meet the AKs - this week LostSoul *Offline!* (10/16/2005 11:30:12)

[sm=fun_83.gif]? (true?)

funnyfun1 -> RE: Meet the AKs - this week LostSoul *Offline!* (10/16/2005 13:21:00)

hi again [sm=twill8a.gif]

heres so randomy random niss

ebil or evil?
V... Im trying to get people to leave, it's a Bloody V!!!! not B@

head or shoulders, knees or toes?
toes (I like feet :D)

fear factor or wussy factor?

do i like pie?
Why not?

bike or unicycle?
unicycle, bears can't ride bikes!

have you been to anime town in japan?
NEver left the us :(

have you fell up the stairs because the favor you owe death is to entertain him so he got to send you roling up the stairs? (i have it was fun but it makes my brain hurt when i think)
I don't think so?

am i random?
a bit :D

are you one of those pain loving goths or ful loving goths or a guy whos goth because he thinks goths are cool but hes really a vampire from nebula 5 in the panda loving anime watching pizza eating galaxie??
Darnit you caught me, I am a panda loving anime watching pizza loving wierdo

now do you thin im random after that long annoying pain hurting finger thing to write because its so lon um what am i talking about again?
I think :|

blizzard or microsoft computer games? (go blizzard in my oppinion expecially since they made diablo witch is awsome)

comedians or just people who are desprete to make money so they pose as funny people who only get there matrial of reading random stuff like the stuff were doing now?
I guess...

vampire movies or monkey movies?
Monkey mover

tv or no tv?

if you got tv do you like the randomness of g4?

anime rules all or final fantasy rules all? (your going to say both arnt ye)
They both do :D


big bang or a monkey made the universe?
Big bang

monkey mad the universe or universe exsited forever?
Big bang...

am i random?

what do you want to be when your grown up?

mac or windows?

aq or df?
DF, at the moment

ebil is evil at a higher level or ebils is just cooler sounding the evil?
It's horrible :|

whould you rather go to a green day concert or get all there cds free?
Concert :D, one CD is fine with me.

eating animals is ok because other animals eat other animals or eaing animals is just wrong?
Meat is overrated :P

have you played dynasty warriors?

hehe i hope i have the longest of all
you don't :D

round 2 *crack* *stretch*

round 2 or no round 2? is so i will edit this if you say yes to round 2.

Krayola -> RE: Meet the AKs - this week LostSoul *Offline!* (10/16/2005 13:23:09)

Do you want a cookie?

Here you go. *Chomp*

This post was pointless :P

yea, basicly

funnyfun1 -> RE: Meet the AKs - this week LostSoul *Offline!* (10/16/2005 13:50:37)

hey chino do you think i should do round 2 or not??????
o ya lost do you think gorge bush is a good or bad president ? (i think hes bad he took my monkey panda and hes from the panda hating none anime watching pizaa thrower awayer galaxie)
I hate all government people

gandalf5849 -> RE: Meet the AKs - this week LostSoul *Offline!* (10/16/2005 14:31:00)

Drumroll.... Im back again! rawr!

Have you read A hitchhikers guide to the galaxy?
If so who is your favorite character?
I havn't :|
Have you read Eragon/Eldest?
no, if you can;t tell, I'm not a big reader
If so who was your favorite character?

Given the choise would you rather:
Play video games or Go on a bike ride?
Do homework or have the flu?
Listen to music or watch TV?
Save your own life or save another persons life?
Sacrafice myself, to save someoen elses life
Go hunting with a bow or a rifle?
bow is cooler ^_______^
Play Paintball or basketball?
Run around the block or Bike around the block?
Eat or drink?
Be an AK or a regular forumite?
Ak, silly ^_^, I am a regular member, in every board but this one.

See you later

HypnotistJango -> RE: Meet the AKs - this week LostSoul *Offline!* (10/16/2005 15:29:25)

Bonjour LostSoul
Hello, to you to
.....I'm lost how's that for ironic?
About as ironic as rain on your wedding day >.>
How did I get here again?
When did you get promoted?
About a week ago
I believe I knew you before you became an AK you are the dude who always hangs out in the suggestion forums correct?
I used to :D
Does it bother you knowing that there is, at this very moment, a very large spider crawling up your leg?
Are you now or have you ever been a fluffy pink bunny?
I am at the moment
Au Revoir LostSoul till we meet again *tries to hypnotize LostSoul into forgetting he ever existed*
good bye!

Keylogger Alex -> RE: Meet the AKs - this week LostSoul *Offline!* (10/16/2005 16:26:22)

Wassuup lost? i got several questions:

Do you Play AQ anymore?

level in AQ?

counrty where you live

favorite Slayer job(Dragon/Demon)
Pie contest slayer

well bye bye for now!

Aekwiel -> RE: Meet the AKs - this week LostSoul *Offline!* (10/16/2005 16:55:51)

Hello! *hugs fellow goth*

Wow, must be tiring answering all those questions... so I'll make mine breif (kinda).

Are you as concerned as I am about the ever increasing amount of posers popping up everywhere, when it comes to the goth and punk subcultures?
to each his own, I don't really care.

What's your best/worst subject at school?
best: tech ed
wost: geomatry

Liberal/Conservative? (Even if you don't vote yet...just pick one anyway, for laughs.)
The nice ones >.>

With the dramatic increase of natural disasters lately, how much time would you say we have until the apocalypse? (in whichever form it may come.)
6 days ago

That is all. See you around.

melak -> RE: Meet the AKs - this week LostSoul *Offline!* (10/16/2005 23:21:53)

hi lost soul! ^-^

can i have a snuggle? :P

hmm.... now on to some questions... >.>.. i mean YAY :P
what do you do mostly outside of life on AQ? :P

whats ur favourite hobby? if you have one :-O
Umm, videogames
favourite sport?
haha! phyiscal labor? HAHA!!!
whats your favourite hot drink? (i.e. tea, coffee, etc.)
hot coco!
fav. CD of all time?
Umm, green day...
favourite anime show?
Umm, not sure :D
Has Artix chained you up in the basement yet? :P
no, but reens has a nice basement
weekends almost over >.> so i g2g to sleep have a g'night lost! *snugglebuggles*
good night!

Kabroz -> RE: Meet the AKs - this week LostSoul *Offline!* (10/16/2005 23:26:57)

Are you prepared to accept Kabroz as your new leader once my takeover is complete?
yea, probably
What do you like about Kabroz?
What do you hate about Kabroz?
That your on my board....
(Note: The above was a trick question... you like EVERYTHING about Kabroz)

List 5 reasons why Kabroz is superior to his pathetic brother Zorbak:

  • You're green
  • You visits my board
  • Your name is awesome, it's backwards ;)
  • The plantes arn't alligned.
  • My fingers itch.

Flame Sword8 -> RE: Meet the AKs - this week LostSoul *Offline!* (10/16/2005 23:31:26)

Hey lost souls.
Are you a FF Fanboy?
unfortuanatly, yea
If so Cloud or Sephiroth?
Lulu ^_^
Naruto or Kakashi?
Secret Finger Jutsou or Sexy Justou?
Fat Cats or Anerexit Cats? Fat Cats Are Funny
Fat cats, ^_^
Peace Im out for the night.

good night

Betaphi -> RE: Meet the AKs - this week LostSoul *Offline!* (10/16/2005 23:55:59)

greetings Lost Soul.
i see quite often that you say you are a fan of final fantasy, which leads to my questions...

anime or final fantasy?
Final fantasy
or final fantasy anime?
anime, :P
are you a full fan or just a new one? (are you a fan of the whole series or just ten new ones)
Sorta in between
if you are a full fan, how many have you collected?
I've beated all but about 3
personally i have collected all but ff tactics for psx and ffXI (i'm not a fan of the whole minthly fee at the moment).
I didn't get ff11 either :P
i'll even give you a list at the end....(it's long) [:D]
ok, lol
now for game questions: (hoping you DO go back to the psx unlike others i know)
Cloud or Sephiroth?
Squall or Seifer?
Lulu, (she's my favorite)
Squall or Cloud?
Sephiroth or seifer? (bet i know how this'll turn out, sephy rocks[:D])
Cait Sith (ff7) or Quina (ff9)?
Cait Sith is fat, and Adorible ^_^
favorite of the above characters?
@_@ Cloud, probably
Emerald Weapon (ff7) or Nemesis (ff12)?
emerald is green :D
Omega Weapon (ff8) or Ozma (ff9)?
favorite of the above four?
Omega soulds coolest ^_^
watched the movies?
favorite game?
and umm.....
gun, sword, or gunblade?
now the promised list, i will organize them according to the system they are on.

Gameboy (and it's descendants)
The FF legend
FF Legend II
FF Legend III
FF Adventures
FF Tactics Advance
FF I & II: Dawn of Souls

Final Fantasy
FF III (the real ones from japan)

FF IV (II in US)
FF VI (III in US) {no IV in US?}
FF Mystic Quest

all of the above are emulated (i share [:D])

FF VII (real + emulated)
FF VIII (<-my favorite! it got me started)
FF IX (real + emulated)
FF Tactics (don't have)
the others (origins, chronicles), are all the nes/snes versions put on a psx disk

and the rest are QUITE illegal to have emulated copies of (computers are still too slow anyway, for now), so i don't share these[;)]

FF Crystal Chronicles

FF X-2
FF XI (pc too, not likin' the monthly rate thing)

and that's that. well....technically there's also the two movies, but those aren't games, and i don't buy pirated copies

so if you want to try them feel free to say so, and i can make it happen, but i won't do anything illegal.

did i put in too many smilies? [:o]
oh well, laterz!

(P.S. try not to do the snuggles thing too much or my gf will get angry)
Too bad *snuggle*

ratman444 -> RE: Meet the AKs - this week LostSoul *Offline!* (10/17/2005 1:16:46)


do u get paid for being on team?

1) Ak's arn't part of the AQ team :D Just someone shackled to reenes basement (who is locked in artix's basement)
2) none of us get paid (not even mods)

umm well thats it lol byebye

lanesra2412 -> RE: Meet the AKs - this week LostSoul *Offline!* (10/17/2005 2:27:59)

Hello Lost Soul! *snuggles*
If you were an animal, what would you be?
Pandas, they are really lazy ^_^
If you were a fruit, what would you be?
If you were a character in AQ, what would you be?
UHhh.... Artix, gotta get me some respect :D
If you were an NPC in AQ, who would you be?
The bard NPC
If you could have a custom class in AQ, what would it be?
Clergic or Bard
If you were an AK, which forum would you be in charge of?
Dragon fable board :P
If I was me, me was myself and myself was I, who would you be?
Are you still clear about who (or what, for that matter) you are?
A person?
Confuzzled yet?

aNyThInG -> RE: Meet the AKs - this week LostSoul *Offline!* (10/17/2005 4:05:54)

Hi there!! Lost Soul!!

Do I know you??
I guess
How old are you??
Are you a boy or girl??
Why Lost Soul?? Why not Soul of Shadow??
Because, that would mean I had a soul ^^
If you could have a NPC in DF, what would you name it??
So what you always do during your free time??
What is it feel like being an AK??
Pretty cool
Having a hard time??
I heard that you like skyboy which is stated under your nick, is it true??
inside joke :D
Do you like pie??
Which band do you like??
Green day & the killers are good :D
Do you have a hobby?? What is it??

* Running out of question *

If you are given an interview by Artix, would you agree??
to the interview? Why not...
Do you know Artix well??
Never spoken to him
Do you have the pic??

That's all for now. I'll come back with more question if i have. It's that ok with you??
fine with me
Bye, take care!!

* Open the doors and start to leave *
see ya :D *snuggle*

Lucius -> RE: Meet the AKs - this week LostSoul (10/17/2005 8:19:14)

hallo. (if im not too late)

have you met artix yet?

errrr....... pie or sandwich?

[sm=BoA.gif] or [sm=Vorpal.gif]

can i stop losing to warlic?
Train :D

Do you think Warlic's gonna come out in DF?

Do you want a donut? i got three.

whats your fav juice?

Robina or Valencia?

Ribena(a drink) or Valentines day?

is my list too long?
not really (well spaced though ^_^)

do i have any spelling mistakes?
if you do, I make worse.



scorpius -> RE: Meet the AKs - this week LostSoul (10/17/2005 8:33:42)

How are ye?
first thought when ye became an AK?
How they hell can I stop myself from smiling...
second thought^^?
First thing ye did when ye became 12 years old?
umm... sighed, since my birthday sucked :P
Pizza or Lasagna?
Soup or noodles?
Tomatoes or onions?
Cooked potatoes or fries / (chips)?
Tortilla or Burrito?
IMO... the honest should be inplyed :P
Fish / Bugs?
nither *shudders*
meh, im done here....
I bid ye farewell, at lest till next time ~ Scorpius
See ya!

KazgrothX -> RE: Meet the AKs - this week LostSoul (10/17/2005 15:17:54)

How's the AKness going? Gone insane with power yet? Not that that happens....often...just ya know, asking.
Fine, no, lol, give it time.
So, what you like about the DragonFable board? Any dislikes?
I like most of it, I hate the I have to lock almost everything, since it is either covered in the FAQ or a suggestion.
Of all the your new responsibilities, which one weighs heaviest?
Locking, I don't like doing it ^^
Is there a different board you wish you had the chance to moderate?
Question and answers, most likly :D (I'm a Q/A junkie)
Do you know of the 'I hate Kazgroth?' that are held on IRC? If not, I heard their fun....with hot dogs....and I never get to come [sm=crying5.gif]
Why hate kazzy? He's Your fun!
See ya!

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