Suikoman444 -> Joust Training (11/2/2005 15:42:07)
Joust Training Location: Guardian Tower > Stables > Talk to Kai ( green shirt kid ) Kai: There is a big tournament coming up. This is the best way to hone your skills on horseback. But you are only allowed to fight on an animal. Wear any other armor and you will be escorted off the training grounds. Choose "Great! Let's start" or "Perhaps later..." If you choose "Perhaps later..." you go back to the Guardian Tower. If you choose "Choose "Great! Let's start" If you are not on an armor with "rider" in it's name, then: Kai: I am sorry, you are currently not riding an animal... go mount a steed and come back when you are ready. This area is exclusively for training on the back of an animal. If you are using an armor with "rider" in the name 1 BATTLE Arroc Drakel Air Raider Fire Cobra Frogzard Griffin Hellhound Lesser Warbeast Necrofiend Shevite SkyHunter Soldier Wasps The Bloatt Velociraider Whomp Worm Knight Worm Rider Each battle won gets added to the Wins total on the top of the page. After each fight: Kai: Wow, what a great battle! That was some of the best animal handling I have ever seen. Are you ready for another one? Choose "Bring it on!" or "Nay, I am done." Choosing "Nay, I am done." takes you back to the Guardian Tower. Choosing "Bring it on!" puts you in another Battle from the list above. Changing armors to a non-rider armor gets you escorted out. Kai: I am sorry, you were not supposed to switch to an armor that is not an animal riding one. You must leave now. This area is only for training on the back of an animal. You're taken back to the Guardian Tower.