Frost Guardian Plate (Full Version)

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Aubrey -> Frost Guardian Plate (1/28/2005 18:30:08)


Level: 6
Gold: N/A
Sellback: 0
Location: Contest
Element: Ice

Melee 20
Ranged 15
Magic 10

Fire 200%
Water 100%
Wind 95%
Ice 50%
Earth 95%
Energy 95%
Light 110%
Darkness 95%

Seemingly weak, this armor has a bone chilling secret.

Hits: 1
Damage: 100% base and random
BTH: +0

Alt Image

Attack and level from Legasee.

Suikoman444 -> RE: Frost Guardian Plate (12/16/2005 18:11:27)


Price: N/A
Level: 0
Location: Great Fire War

Melee 20
Ranged 15
Magic 10

Fire 200 %
Water 100 %
Wind 95 %
Ice 110 %
Earth 95 %
Energy 95 %
Light 110 %
Darkness 95 %

Seemingly weak, this armor has a bone chilling secret.

Hits: 1
Damage: 100% base and random
BTH: +0

When an enemy which has a base element of ice hits you, a random number between -1% and -9% is added to your ice resistance percentage.
Informations below are without shield:
You start with 110% to ice , it stops at 50%.
You must have been chilled between 6 and 50 times to reach these 50%. But the average should be 10 chills, 50 would be very unlucky.
When you are at 50%, it stays from a battle to another as long as you don't change your armor. Actually, the bonus stays from a battle to another even when you aren't at that maximum 50% yet.

{Fixed syntax, and used "Chills" as opposed to "Freezes" since I'm more than positive people would confuse mechanics} -Coronet
Attack from Legasee.

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