Suikoman444 -> Cleric (12/14/2005 16:01:55)
[image][/image] Cleric Price: N/A Sellback: 0 Level: 40 Location: Old contest Element: Neutral DEFENCES Melee: 35 Ranged: 30 Magic: 40 DEFENSE MODIFIERS Fire: 105% Water: 95% Wind: 95% Ice: 105% Earth: 95% Energy: 105% Light: 80% Darkness 120% DESCRIPTION +5 HP and +5 MP regen per spell cast. NORMAL ATTACK Hits: 1 Damage: 100% base and random BTH: +0 SPECIAL You heal 5 HP and 5 MP when you cast a spell, or a weapon Special occurs. [image][/image] Pic thanks to Gokuojin. Sellback, attack, element, level and image thanks to Legasee.