Reflective (Full Version)

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ShadowHeart -> Reflective (2/7/2005 12:43:56)


«Neutral Light armour. Mastercraft; damages the monster when they attack you.»

Location: Yulgar's Shop. Donations - (Donate 5 times).
Element: Light
Level	100
PowLvl	100 MC

Price	9000000
Sell	4500000
Melee	42
Ranged	42
Magic	42
Fire	66
Water	98
Wind	76
Ice	98
Earth	76
Energy	66
Light	52
Dark	100
Hits: 1
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
BR%	400
Stat%	760
BTH	12
  • You receive Armour Lean x1.
  • While equipped, you gain Backlash status. When you take damage, your opponent makes a save roll. If it fails, then the opponent takes 11.9% of the damage it dealt, converted to Harm damage. The monster takes +20 to its save:
      Level: 100 vs Monster Level
      Major: {YourINT or YourSTR, whichever is higher} vs MonsterEND
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    *Note that, when Backlash occurs, the damage displayed above you and the monster is the amount of damage reflected; the actual damage you take is not shown, but you still lose the appropriate amount of HP.

    A powerful light armor, this suit also reflects some damage BACK at the enemy!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res and Ash. Image thanks to In Media Res.


    October 14, 2003: The armour was released.
    ??/??/??: The armour became rare.
    May 15, 2014: The armour was updated. See revision for older stats.

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