Visit Grumbugly (Full Version)

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Suikoman444 -> Visit Grumbugly (1/23/2006 19:31:04)

Visit Grumbugly (Visit Valencia Privately)
The Rare Item Hunter

Location: Battleon » Speak to Valencia » Visit Grumbugly (Visit Valencia Privately) OR Battleon » Aria's Pet Shop » Valencia? » Visit Valencia

«Within the scene you can see Grumbugly, Valencia and Truffle. Interacting with each of them gives you various dialogues.»

«When you click on Grumbugly»
Grumbugly: GRRRR..
Valencia: I trade for rare items all over the world. Grumbugly carries my prized possessions on his back. Originally he was one of the Salamanders being used to pull the Mage Tower around. It was a tough trade but the mages are very excited with the magical object they received in return.

«When you click Truffle»
Truffle: Meep meep! Meep meep!
Valencia: Aha, yes! That is Truffle, my ultra rare moglin pet. Not only is she the only moglin who can fly, but she also has a great nose for finding rare items.
Truffle: MEEP!

«When you click on Valencia»
Valencia: *wink* Why hello there Adventurer! I'm Valencia and my specialty is hunting rare items. There is no item too rare and no quest too dangerous.
  • Introduce yourself
      Valencia: It is a pleasure to finally meet you as well, «You». I have heard amazing stories about you and your adventures. With your battle skills and my nose for treasure we are going to get along very well.
      Valencia: I'm in town frequently now. Be sure to visit me often. You never know when the opportunity for a rare item will arise! Incidentally I have a little quest that I could use a Guardian's help with. It involves some rare Drakel technology that needs to be "liberated".
    • Drakbots - Non Guardians: You must be a Guardian to fight the drakbots and get the Kayda Reaver!
    • Back
  • Awe Equipment!
      Valencia: *wink* I believe you're interested in the Set of Awe? Fortunately I happen to be... very well informed... on that matter! What would you like to hear about?
    • The Blade of Awe!

        «With hearts surrounding an image of the Blade of Awe in the following dialogue, Valencia gets all excited and asks:»

        Valencia: Did you.... Just.... Ask... About.... The Blade of Awe!?
        Valencia: *Winks* Just one moment....
        Rare Item

        Truffle: Meep meep! Meep meep!

        «Truffle flies to you.»

        Truffle: *Sniff* *Sniff*

        «Truffle flies back to Valencia.»

        Truffle: MEEP!!

          «If you do not have the Awe weapon on you...»

          Valencia: Thank you Truffle.

          Now let's see. Where were we? Oh yes! You are interest in learning how to obtain the Blade of Awe? Let me tell you everything you need to know!
          Valencia: The Blade of Awe is one of the rarest and more deadly weapons in the world: Its rare special ability "Power Word Die" makes it priceless and feared by many of the most powerful monsters. (You are shown a picture of the BoA)
          Valencia: To construct your own Blade of Awe you must first find all of the pieces! To do this you will need a Stonewrit!

          These Stonewrits can only be found in Rare Treasure Chests. (A picture of the Stonewrit is shown.)
          Valencia: Once you have found a Stonewrit you can start collecting all of the pieces... the Handle, Guard, Blade, and Runes! (A picture of your progress on collecting the full blade is shown)
          Valencia: When you have found all of the pieces, come back and speak with me. I've heard a rumor that the rare treasure chest is more common at the Crossroads to Somewhere!
          Valencia: However, my service does not come without a price. I require a Guardian or UltraGuardian Weapon as payment. If you aren't interest in the Blade, I can also swap it for some other items you might prefer instead!

          Valencia: The Blade of Awe has many special attacks!
        • PowerWord Die 15%
        • Guardian Dragon 35%
        • Awe Blast 15%
        • Health Vampire 10%
        • Mana Vampire 10%
        • Spiral Carve 15%

          Valencia: I look forward to making yours! Good luck to you!
          «If you do not have the Awe weapon yet, but have already completed the Stonewrit...»

          Valencia: Amazing! You have completed the Stonewrit for the Blade of Awe! With these items I can construct a new Blade of Awe for you.

            «If you do not have the Guardian Blade»

            Valencia: But I require a Guardian Blade in return for creating this weapon. That is my price, non-negotiable. I am a rare item hunter after all. Come see me again when you can make the trade.

          Valencia: But I require a Guardian Blade in return for creating this weapon. That is my price, non-negotiable. I am a rare item hunter after all. Would you like this to become your new no-drop weapon?
          Valencia: I am now preparing your Blade of Awe... please wait!

            «If an error occurs»

            Valencia: Hmmm... this is not good. There seems to be a problem swapping your Guardian Blade for the Blade of Awe. This is a technical issue. Please log out and try again. Your Stonewrit will still have all the pieces.

          Valencia: Truffle, would you conduct this transaction for me pretty please.
          Valencia: Congratulations, you are now the proud owner of a Blade of Awe! To see and use your new weapon, you must exit and re-log in. Take good care of your Blade, it is priceless!
          «If you already have the Awe weapon on you...»

          Valencia: Ah yes, there it is! You worried me for a moment when you asked about it... I thought you had lost it! It is a really nice weapon, and it looks "Awesome" on you. Would you like to hear the Blade of Awe story again?
        • Yes, please. - See above story on BoA
        • Whoops... no thank you.

    • Awe Item Exchange

        Valencia: I can exchange your no-drop equipment for rare Awe weapons, armors or shields but only after you've gained access to the appropriate Awe equipment. These can be permanent or temporary. A small fee applies to permanent swaps.
      • Awe Weapons

          Valencia: Which of my rare Weapons of Awe are you interested in trading?
        • Blade
        • Staff
        • Dagger
        • Spear

          «If you choose any weapons above...»

          Valencia: Would you like to borrow that (lasts only until logout and I'll keep your current no drop until then) or keep it until you come back and change it again? I require 20 Z-tokens and your current item to make a permanent swap!
        • Permanent - Option does not appear if you already have a permanent version of the weapon you selected

            «Truffle flies to you to collect the 20 Z-tokens as payment.»

            Valencia: Congratulations, you are now the owner of a new item! Take good care of it!

        • Temporary

      • Awe Armors

          Valencia: Which rare Armor of Awe would you like to attune to?
        • Mighty
        • Deft
        • Insightful

          «Remaining dialogue is same as Weapon of Awe.»

      • Awe Shield - Dialogue is same as Weapon of Awe, after selecting a weapon

      • Done - Adventurers see only this option and not the Awe Weapons, Awe Armors and Awe Shield options above

    • Tomb of Awe!
    • Armor of Awe!
    • Back to Town
  • Rentable Rare Items!
      Valencia: I have a rare and powerful variant of each Weapon of Awe in every element! These weapons scale quickly as you level, and allow you to access the full power of the Set of Awe's Full Set Bonus no matter how it is elementalized! You can rent (until logout) and of them for 150 (Guardian) / 200 (Adventurer) Z-tokens. As long as you have one I'll let you swap it for one of the others free of charge!
      Valencia: Which kind of Weapon of Awe would you like to rent?
    • Blade
    • Staff
    • Dagger
    • Spear

      «Upon selection of weapon of choice...»

      Valencia: Which elemental variant would you like to rent?
    • Fire
    • Ice
    • Wind
    • Earth
    • Energy
    • Water
    • Light
    • Darkness

      «Upon selection of element...»

      Valencia: You have selected the «Element» Spear of Awe, would you like to rent this weapon until you log out for 150 (Guardian) / 200 (Adventurer) Tokens?
    • Yes! - Successfully spent 150/200 Z-Tokens
  • Customize Items
      Valencia: One of my specialties is item customization. Many new items have the ability to have their color changed for their pieces modified. For example... the new Guardian Armor with cape.
      Valencia: I can custom color this armor for you. If you are a Guardian, you can permanently customize it. The armor will keep the new colors even after you log out. You can change it as many times as you would like when I am in town.

      «You are given the options of changing the Plate color, Trim color and Cape color. You can also hide the cape in the preview. Clicking More will continue with the process of color changing.»


      Valencia: If you are a Guardian you can permanently apply these color changes to your new Guardian armor. Would you like me to apply the changes?
    • Apply Colors

        «If you do not have the Guardian Armor»

        Valencia: Hmmm... you do not have the Guardian Armor. Come back with the Guardian Armor and I will apply the color change for you.
        «If you have the Guardian Armor»

        Valencia: Excellent... let me borrow your armor for a moment. *begins working*

          «If an error occurs»

          Valencia: Oh no... there was a problem changing your armor's color. I will make it temporary for now, come back and try again later please!

        Valencia: Success! Enjoy your new armor, those colors look great on you!
  • Travel Passes
      Valencia: I have a few extra travel passes that allow non-Guardians to travel while I am here today. As I am sure you know I absolutely love rare pets. I will trade you one for a pet rock. What, you do not have one? I know that Mage Warlic can summon one in his shop somehow. If he will not show you how....
      Valencia: ...try mixing some of his arcane ingredients you find on his shelf together in that large iron pot he has. I trade him some of those rare ingredients for the enchanted gem in my collar during my first trip to town.

      «Once you have a Pet Rock...»

      Valencia: Incredible, a per rock! You are wonderful. Thank you very much. As promised, here is the travel pass. Use the travel map in town to travel. Enjoy!

      «Adventurers will gain access to Crossroads for the day upon receiving the travel pass. This will last until they log out. They will also lose the Pet Rock guest.»
  • Kingdom Breaker Shop!
      Valencia: Thank you so much for your support of AQ through the years! Anyone that has bought Guardianship or Z-Tokens prior to today can now access a shop with an exclusive weapon - The Kingdom Breaker.
    • Kingdom Breaker! - Opens Kingdom Breaker shop
  • Back to Town

    Entry write-up courtesy to Scakk and whackybeanz. Corrections thanks to Archlist.
    Kingdom Breaker

  • Kingdom Breaker [L. 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 150]

  • Scakk -> RE: Visit Grumbugly (4/1/2010 19:39:23)


    (1) Valencia: When you have found all of the pieces, come back and speak with me. Be careful... fleeing from battle reduces your odds of finding a rare chest.
    (2) Valencia: However, my service does not come without a price. I require a Guardian Blade in exchange for creating the Blade of Awe for you.
    (3) Valencia: The Blade of Awe has many special attacks!
    Powerword Die: 1%
    Guardian Dragon: 4%
    Blast: 25%
    Health Vampire: 20%
    Mana Vampire: 30%
    Roll Attack: 30%

    Scakk -> RE: Visit Grumbugly (4/1/2010 19:40:55)


    Clicking on Grumbugly
    Grumbugly: GRRRR...
    Valencia: I trade for rare items all over the world. Grumbugly carries my prized possessions on his back. Originally he was one of the Salamanders used to pull the Mage Tower around. It was a tough trade but the mages were very excited with the magical item they got in return.

    Clicking on Truffle
    Truffle: Meep meep! Meep meep!
    Valencia: Aha, yes! That is Truffle, my ultra rare moglin pet. Not only is she the only moglin that can fly, but she also has a great nose for finding rare items.
    Truffle: MEEP!

    Clicking on Valencia
    Valencia: *wink* Why hello there Adventurer! I'm Valencia and my specialty is hunting rare items. There is no item too rare and no quest too dangerous.

    Introduce yourself
    Valencia: It is a pleasure to finally meet you as well, Character Name. I have heard amazing stories about you and your adventures. With your battle skills and my nose for treasure we are going to get along very well.
    Valencia: I will be coming to town at least once a week and staying for the day. Be sure to visit me when I'm here. You never know when a rare item will arise!

    Blade of Awe
    Valencia: Did you... Just... Ask... About... The Blade of Awe!?
    Valencia: *winks* Just one moment. TRUFFLE!! EMERGENCY RARE ITEM SCAN!
    Truffle: Meep meep! Meep meep!
    Truffle: *sniff* *sniff*
    Truffle: Meep!

    If you don't have the Blade of Awe
    Valencia: Thank you Truffle. Now let's see. Where were we? Oh yes! You are interested in learning how to obtain the Blade of Awe? Let me tell you everything you need to know!

    If you have the completed Stonewrit
    Valencia: Amazing! You have the completed Stonewrit for the Blade of Awe! With these items I can construct a new Blade of Awe for you.
    (Without the Guardian Blade)
    Valencia: But I require a Guardian Blade in return for creating this weapon. That is my price, it is non-negotiable. I am a rare item hunter after all. Come see me again when you can make the trade.
    (With the Guardian Blade)
    Valencia: But I require a Guardian Blade in return for creating this weapon. That is my price, it is non-negotiable. I am a rare item hunter after all. Would you like this to become your new no-drop weapon?
    Valencia: I am now preparing your Blade of Awe... please wait!
    (If an error happens)
    Valencia: Hmmm... this is not good. There seems to be a problem swapping your Guardian Blade for the Blade of Awe. This is a technical issue. Please log out and try again. Your Stonewrit will still have all the pieces.
    (If everything works fine)
    Valencia: Truffle, would you conduct this transaction for me pretty please.
    Valencia: Congratulations, you are now the proud owner of a Blade of Awe! To see and use your new weapon. You must exit and re-log in. Take good care of your Blade, it is priceless!

    If you already have the Blade of Awe
    Valencia: Ah, yes there it is! You worried me for a moment when you asked about it... I thought you lost it! It is a really nice weapon, and it looks "Awesome" on you. Would you like to hear the Blade of Awe story again?

    Blade of Awe's Story
    Valencia: The Blade of Awe is the rarest and most deadly weapons in the world. It's ultra rare special ability "Powerword Die" makes it priceless and feared by even the most powerful monsters.
    Valencia: To construct your own Blade of Awe you must first find all of the pieces! To do so you will need a stonewrit! These Stonewrits can only be found in Rare Treasure Chests.
    Valencia: Once you have found a Stonewrit you can start collecting thr pieces... the Handle, Guard, Blade and Runes!
    Valencia: When you have found all of the pieces, come back and speak with me. Be careful... fleeing from battle reduces your odds of finding a rare chest.
    Valencia: However, my service does not come without a price. I require a Guardian Blade in exchange for creating the Blade of Awe for you.
    Valencia: The Blade of Awe has many special attacks!
    Powerword Die: 1%
    Guardian Dragon: 4%
    Blast: 25%
    Health Vampire: 20%
    Mana Vampire: 30%
    Roll Attack: 30%
    Valencia: I look forward to making yours. Good luck to you!

    Customize Items
    Valencia: One of my specialties is item customization. Many new items have the ability to have their colors changed or their pieces modified. For example... the new Guardian Armor with cape.
    Valencia: I can custom color this armor for you. If you are a Guardian, you can permanently customize it. The armor will keep the new colors even after you log out. You can change it as many times as you would like when I am in town.
    (Armor Customization Screen)
    Valencia: If you are a Guardian you can permanently apply these changes to your new Guardian armor. Would you like me to apply these changes?

    (If you do not have the Guardian Armor)
    Valencia: Hmmm... you do have the Guardian Armor. Come back with the Guardian Armor and I will apply the color change for you.
    (If you have the Guardian Armor)
    Valencia: Excellent... let me borrow your armor for a moment. *begins working*
    (If an error happens)
    Oh no... there was a problem changing your armor's color. I will make it temporary for now, come back and try again later please!
    (If everything goes fine)
    Success! Enjoy your new armor, those colors look great on you!

    Travel Passes

    Without a Pet Rock
    Valencia: I have a few extra travel passes that allow non-Guardians to Travel while I am here today. As I am sure you know I absolutely love rare pets. I will trade you one for a pet rock. what, you do not have one? I know that mage Warlic keeps one around his shop. If he will not show you where it is...
    Valencia: ... try mixing some of his arcane ingredients you find on his shelf together in that large iron pot he has. I traded him some of those rare ingredients for the enchanted gem in my color during my first trip to town.

    With a Pet Rock
    Incredible, a pet rock! You are wonderful. Thank you very much. As promised, here is the travel pass. Use the button below to travel. Enjoy!

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