=AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - Metal (Full Version)

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Metal -> =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - Metal (2/12/2006 11:54:25)

My turn! Ask me questions, I edit your post with the answer. I'll be editing in this color (I know, kinda hard to see the difference from black when just skimming, that's why you must read). Ask away ^^

UChihaSteven -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - Metal (2/12/2006 12:01:30)

Hi there
How are you doing?
Not too bad, thanks.
Ok, your welcome, bye.
I'll be back with more questions later (undead war =} )
Have fun

TrueAnarchist -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - Metal (2/12/2006 12:03:06)

Hey Metal.
Hey, TrueAnarchist
How did you feel when you became an Archknight, were you surprised, or was it something you expected for a while?
Oh, I was very surprised. I didn't see it coming, but it was great.
Why did you start making signatures in photoshop?
I never really used any other program. I came across this board one day and someone said they used PSCS2, and I remembered having that lying around here somewhere, so I gave it a try.
What do you use as inspiration?
DeviantArt mostly, some times Fathom and Tagmonkey when I'm stuck on sigs. Mostly I just go with what the stock is feeling.
Thanks. ^_^

Reens -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - Metal (2/12/2006 12:03:09)

*snuggles Metal welcome to teh AKs*
*snuggles Reens* Thankies =D

Oooh, that's eeeevil. Nasty edit colour that.
Hey, that's my color being Metal and all. I like it =P
How are you liking the AKness? Good? Bad? Fun? more work that you thought?
More work than it'd come across. I actually feel sorry knowing Grafh had it tougher than I did. But I really like it, I wouldn't trade it in for that shiny new bicycle.
What's your favourite Fruit?
Mmm, lemon!
Hmm, gotta go with carrots. Love 'em.
Fave character in AQ?
Gecko. On the tree. Everyone must love Gecko.
*you'll note the complete lack of originiality, but hey, I didn't get much sleep last night*
You can come back later when you are feeling original

.Heads -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - Metal (2/12/2006 12:10:50)

Favorite song?
Eminem's The way I am, don't like much of his newer. Most likely tied with some System of a Down stuff.
Most fun you've had as an AK?
Poking Grafh with a stick
As any good person who just recieved power, did you take the first 5 minutes to trash peoples posts?
No, actually I've only negative rated 2 or 3 times. I don't like to negative rate.
Did you get caught?
Bestest time you've had with pals?
RL: Generally hanging out, though I might say when bringing two friends that hate each other with a passion in to the same house for a night you get a great laugh.
Online: Must say MSN convo with BleedingAcid and BrokenGFX, alot of drawing random things and talking about random stuff.

Worst Gecko you've ever been in? (Gecko=Trouble)
Well, if Gecko=Trouble, I must say when I "accidently" pushed a 6 foot tall dresser on my sister's leg in revenge for shutting of my video game on the last level. ;)

The Riddler -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - Metal (2/12/2006 12:18:44)

Hello Metal
How did I get here again?
Through the portal in the ceiling.
Are you now or have you ever been a fluffy pink bunny?
I told you to never speak of that.
You're a dude right?
No. I'm a guy/male.
You think Reens knows that she misspelled favorite?
I hope not, it is a plot from me to make her look bad.
Did I misspell the word misspell?
Dictionaries are our best friends.
Who's your favorite Batman villain?
If I don't say The Riddler are you going to stalk me?
Who's your favorite Marvel character?
Good question. Spiderman.
What's the story on that marvelous avatar of yours?
Unknown Band cover art = good start for an avatar
You ever watch Drawn Together?
I've seen it, don't watch it on a regular basis
Who's your favorite character?
Ling Ling!
Good Cartman(who is evil) or Evil Cartman(who is good)?
Good Cartman, he's funny.
Favorite Cartman quote?
Not to be spoken on these forums :P
Are you insane?
Where am I?
Am I?
Where are you?!
Is Reens?
Of course.
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Hmm, as many seashells she selled by the seashore.
Doesn't it bother you that, at this very moment, there is a very large spider crawling up your leg?
No, it bothers me that at this very moment there's a spider crawling up yours.
Have you always been an Ak?
Ever since I've been AK.
What is your opinion on gay marriage?
Do what you want, I'm not one to tell anyone to not be wed.
What is your opinion on Proposition 123?(wherein everyone who does not believe what I believe or think the way I do is to be arrested immediately)
Give me the signal and I'll enforce it!
Am I running low on stupid questions?
Looks that way
Ok that's all for now
Done so soon?

DoodMan -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - Metal (2/12/2006 12:25:32)

Hey Metal! Forget what Reens said, I like your edit color.
Me too.
Are the rumors true? Does being an AK feel like a pair of fuzzy socks?
Not in the slightest. More like a pair of skin-tight leather pants.
Where are you from?
Ohio, USA
Does your new position take a toll on your social life?
No. Actually the strange coincidence is I'm offline more then I am on now that I'm AK. Dealing with school has played a major role for that.
Now that you're an AK are you going to rate your own Gallery? XD
Can't rate your own posts, but I would if I could but I can't so I won't.
Are you going to rate my gallery? XD XD
Juvember 45th a good date for you?
How about on a scale of 1-10, what would you give it?
Funny songs, good flash animation (kicking butt like Chuck Norris) Earns a 10
Do you enjoy art?
It's my passion
What inspires you? Where do you get your motivations to create your next piece?
When I'm not forcing a piece from scratch, my every day enviroment will often inspire me. More often, I'm going on what I see which usually doesn't produce the best I've done.
I wrote this proverb about judging others:
The frog frowns upon the fish in the pond, only to find his own reflection frowning back at him.
The kitten frowns upon the Gecko in the tree, only to find herself being attacked.
Any profound words for us?
Don't quit when you are down, this may not sound like alot but in my days I've had many friends just give up what they are doing because they feel down about something. Having a friend quit life is the worst, never... ever do that. It's not worth the loss to just give up.
Any parting words?
Do what I say, not as I do.
Thanks very much.
Thank you, too.

Galum -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - Metal (2/12/2006 12:26:04)

Yo Metal
So now to the first and the question that must be asked, is it fun being an Archknight?
Of course it is!
How did you find AQ?
Playing StickRPG on xgenstudios, seen the banner, clicked Aria.
How long have you been playing AQ? And how long have you been on the forums?
I started near the beginning of July, only to level an adventurer to 50 before losing the pass and starting over again with my current. Forums since late July.
Where do you live?
Ohio, USA
Fev music genre?
True Rock, not emo.
How old are you? (no I didnt chack your profile :p)
15, but getting technical my Birthday is about a month away. (My profile doesn't show my birth year, turned it off)
Do you have any picture of yourself that you want to share?
Lost the USB cable to my digital camera, soon as I go pick one up everyone will see me.
Do you mod all of the gallery or just the digital arts section (you have powers all over the gallery, bu tdo oyu use them?) ?
I tend to hang out here and Gallery Q&A more than GoCA, but I do go there and skim the posts.
What do you think of Dadric leaving his moderating postion? will you and Grafh handle it?
Man, I was bummed out, it ruined my whole day. Grafh and I are definitly handling it.
Can I have a snuggle (I never get snuggles) ?
Do you play the game more than you use the forums or vice versa?
Forums more than game, game's only once or twice a week.
Do you use mIRC?
Of course I do!
Have you heared of Team Tesnhi (points at un attached siggy)?
Yep yep, I'm awaiting the projects, looks great.
If yes what do you think of us?
A great bunch, ye be.
Who is your fev Mod?
I can't choose, because I love them all xD, but I must give a shout out to DD for being a good friend for a long time.
Who is your fev Admin?
I don't know most of them, really only Pae and Reens, so them!
Who is your fev AK?
Hmm, I like all the new guys that came in with me, but like all the other questions, I can't choose a specific one being that I like them all.
What forums do you useally use (besides the Digital Arts board) ?
OOC, Forum Feedback, GoCA, GGD occasionally.
Do you read poetry?
When I find a good poem
Ill be back later to annoy you with some random and unrelated questions =D
Annoyance is only skin deep, or something to that effect.
Bye bye
Edit:I cant belive that I have been beated by a pirate lol
Argh, ye be a scallywag!

The Ultimate -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - Metal (2/12/2006 12:31:12)

omg its teh Metal *gets down and bows while on two knees*
Bow down to thine lord!
When you were just a member, who did you always look up to as your idol?
And Why?
Wow, Fade, Tar, Conor, Grafh, Dadric, Shadowboy, and BleedingAcid. Generally great people, even though I don't know SB that much anymore
Well I am brain dead so thats all ihave so I will ask more later

gandalf5849 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - Metal (2/12/2006 12:31:27)

I like Shiny Objects, Metel is shiny, so I must like you right?
I r shiny
Oh, i forgot to say hi, so, Hi!
Hi so hi
Do you like sandwitches?
Depends on what's on it!
Well, Im feeling all unquestiony today. Ill be back later.
Good to know

The Riddler -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - Metal (2/12/2006 12:39:46)

Guess what?
If it has to do with hamsters I'm leaving now.
You didnt say The Riddler!!!
Do you ever watch Naruto?
I have seen one episode!
Who's Gaara or Naruto?
Um, 3
Neji or Sasuke?
Is this a better than quiz, or asking who they are?
Rock Lee or Sasuke?
Rock Lee is a cooler name
Rock Lee or Naruto?
Rock Lee again, because Naruto is a nerd.
Maito Gai or Kakashi?
I've only heard of Kakashi from friends
Make up your mind. Are you a guy or a male?
Why aren't you bowing down before my awesomeness?
It is you who should bow before me!
Is it true that all AK and Mods etc work for the Board of Education under the direct command of SporkGoddess and Westwind?
>.> <.< >.> No... of course not >.>
Did you know that the BoE was a totalitarian regime bent on world domination?
Yes, of course I did...
Ever play any of the Prince of Persia games?
Yes. One. First one. Didn't like it that much, but plan on checking out the newest one soon
Whats your opinion on my sig?
Riddle you what?
Am I running low on dumb questions again?
Happens to the best of us
Ok thats all for now

MAF1A -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - Metal (2/12/2006 13:01:19)

Howz it?
Still a poser on your board?
My board?
Will you rate my gallery?
Ask me again in 35 years
Will you make me a AK Mod Admin!!
Will you make me a superhero?
Peace 4 now...
See ya
What's with everyone using these name tags?

Reject -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - Metal (2/12/2006 13:07:51)

Hey Metal.
Hello, the Rejected one
What up?
Not much, just cruisin the forums
On a scale of one to ten what would you rate being an AK?
Definite 11
Do you think mutant monkeys will take over the world?
No, however mutant kittens and the army of vindictful geckos will
Is it true that your really......Made of metal?
Do you like MGS? (If so, how many games do you have?)
The original Nintendo game, both SNES games, Metal Gear Solid (dual disk PS game), MGS2, MGS2 Substance, MGS3 Snake Eater, and I used to have MGS2 for the PC but it's long gone in the trash for breaking in half. Oh, and TwinSnakes for GC
So...Reens is Insane?
I was ordered to keep that confidential
When are you going to take over the world?
Tomorrow, if all goes well.
What is the meaning of life?
Why did you steal all of Iraqs Weapons of mass destruction?
I'm keeping them in my containment chambers until further notice. I am selling them half price, and if you act now you can get a free can of shaving cream.
Well thats all.
Lata Metal!

DoodMan -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - Metal (2/12/2006 13:08:59)

MetalMan! Me again!
Yay, you again.
Just browsing through your Gallery... again. You know you're loved when you have more gifts in your gallery than actual pieces by you.
Funny, I've got 79 but only 78 displayed because the other one "isn't finished"
How long did it take you to learn and devlop your skills with those programs?
Been around since September with Photoshop, October with C4D, December with Illustrator, those being my main tools.
Which program do you find yourself using the most?
Photoshop, as it brings all aspects together in to one point. I'd be no where without my C4D though.
When can we expect to see more tutorials from the MetalMaster?
Soon, I've been planning one for a long time and I get out my notecards and jot down things to add all the time.
I just started with Photoshop and your lighting tutorial helped a lot, I think you really should pass on more of your know-how.
Will do, maybe a full-sig tut some time again.

Anyways, thanks for complimenting my gallery. I highly value the opinions of the artists I admire.
Oooh, I am admired!
ŹDoodMan (Ha! My tag is different!)
But aren't we all different in our own special ways?

Prankman Hifly -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - Metal (2/12/2006 13:28:19)

Hello & Nice to talk to you
What is it like to be an archknight?
It's like being eaten by a giant gecko.
What is your favourite element in aq?
No one says wind, so wind.
What do you like & dislike about these forums
Like: Everything. Dislike: Constant ban evaders
Do you listen to music when playing AQ & the forums?
Yes, always.
If do what do you listen to?
One of my many CD's, often System of a Down when playing AQ, it's good killing music.
What do you like doing when you are offline?
I'm a huge sports fan. If I'm not watching, I'm playing.
Ok that's me done! Bye!
See ya

Validion -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - Metal (2/12/2006 13:28:54)

hey metal
wats up?
Not much
do you play halo 2 and do you have xbox live?
Played Halo 2, don't have xbox. Biggest mistake to choose GC over Xbox
how do you like your steak?
do you like bowling?
Of course
how long have you been maing siggies? and why are you so good?
Over 6 months, and alot of practice.
do you have a dog? whats his name? what breed is he?
Rocky : Lab
Milo : Border Collie (Sister's dog)

have you ever been to domican republic?its cool i parasailed =)
Nah, I want to travel the world some day though
whos your fave band?
S.O.A.D ftw
whats your fave movie?
Meh, I like all movies.
where do you see yourself in the future? in terms of aq forums and life
AQ Forums, no end in site. I plan to be AK as long as I'm welcome. Life, I want to be an architect. Definitly college.
nice talkin which ya
Same same
peace out!
See ya
ps. dont be mean to penguins
Sorry :(

Loki -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - Metal (2/12/2006 13:33:13)

/me munches on Metal
That never seems to phase you ;_;
Trout or Tuna?
Ew fish
Welding iron or rust? >;)
Rust! It's only like a 5 o' clock shadow to us metallic beings.
If you could have just one wish...
That last statement wasn't a question, was it? Yay for implied statements!
I'm sorry.
So glad I got to page 1 of this early...beat those nubs from OOC before they could steal you away :D
No one can steal me! I'm too heavy, being metal and all.
Is AKing hard?
I used it as a verb, sue me.
/me sues
Good luck, man! May the force be with you.
I am your father

.Tails -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - Metal (2/12/2006 13:38:03)

^^am I gonna pwn shadowboy hard in the tourney? xD
^^am you? I think it'll be close, unless you are hiding a trick up your sleeve ;)

Stokey -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - Metal (2/12/2006 13:38:23)

Hey Metal
Stokey, my man.
How come your hardly on msn when i'm on?
Either I'm busy chasing my tail, or I'm sleeping
Where are u from?
If you could be any colour what would you be?
Grey, because I am
Are u emo?
Whats your favorite game?
And if you dont play games, then why not?


eNeRgIe -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - Metal (2/12/2006 13:49:38)

hi my name is.....
What? My name is, Huh? My name is, Who? Slim Shady
favorite color?
favorite pimps?
favorite gfx style (besideds artistic)
Artistic. I don't care what you say, I say what I want.
So true.

.Tails -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - Metal (2/12/2006 13:51:21)



^^am I gonna pwn shadowboy hard in the tourney? xD
^^am you? I think it'll be close, unless you are hiding a trick up your sleeve ;)

lol nope no tricks, i'm screwed :D
Nah, you have the artistic ability. I don't think you'll win easily, being that SB is really great, but if he doesn't come up with something spectacular you should take the battle.

Firemoon -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - Metal (2/12/2006 14:09:28)

hmm ok.
Hm, indeed.
Is there an easy way to get creative(the title)
No loopholes. It's a hard journey, but I know I had fun working for it, and when I finally got it I was pleased.
Whats your favorite color?

Want to be a SuperHero? lol
Yep, MetalMan
Have you seen my gallery!?
Not yet, will search for it and check it out.

EDIT: Do you know the Muffin Man?

SufferMe -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - Metal (2/12/2006 14:28:21)

Whats the closest band to emo you like?
Heh, Seether maybe, not really emo but good music
Are you disgusted by emo's?
I am disgusted by emos

Ever eaten an emo?

How many emo's do you know?
None in real life
Whats better slicing your wrist or jumping off a high building?
High building
What do you want me to do? (i forgot what you said on msn :P)
High building
How cool am i?
-100 coolness
.....Not funny
Well im offski
Back with more questions later =K
I hope you don't ask so many emo quesions :o
Oh And
Metal ftw.

Ultimate Alter King -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - Metal (2/12/2006 14:43:09)

What type of metal do you like
All kinds!
do you like naruto
No, can't say I do
why is your name metal
Long story time: I love the game Metal Gear Solid, is my favorite game of all time, thus my screen names have always been MetalGear328 (328 being 3-28, my birth day) but then when I started making sigs I got annoyed of the numbers and the Gear end, one day I decided to request the Gear328 be dropped from my name, and I got it. I'm happy with this name, though people often confuse me for "Metal-CX" another graphic artist out there on DeviantArt and other sites.
are you insane
Slightly, AKing messes ya up
can i blow up your house with playdo
No, not play-doh. Maybe colored pencils.
and am i insane
Would you sell your soul for a pretzel? If yes, no you aren't crazy.
name all the animes you have seen
Zomg, seriously? Too many, let's say it's above 30.
No, but you are annoying me. Heh
...(shifty eyes)
Better see someone about that eye problem

choppa4 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights - Metal (2/12/2006 14:44:57)

Have ya seen my galery?
Had no idea you had one, since the forum purge.
If you have am I any good
Will check it out soon
What am I stronger in avvys or sigs
Can't answer just yet :P

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