Suikoman444 -> Bone Shield (2/25/2006 12:26:41)
[image][/image] Bone Shield Level: 50 Price: 4000 672 Sellback: 3000 10000 336 Location: Warlics Expert Spells Obsidia's Shop Element: Neutral COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: + 2 Ranged: + 2 Magic: + 8 ELEMENT MODIFIER Fire: +5 Water: +5 Wind: +5 Ice: +5 Earth: +5 Energy: +5 Light: -14 Darkness: -14 DESCRIPTION Rumored to have been made by a lich, the Bone Shield both absorbs Dark attacks AND protects from Light attacks and Magic. [image][/image] Pic thanks to Legasee, info thanks to Wiltro and esbeam. Element from Legasee.