RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (Full Version)

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Khimera -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (3/4/2006 16:45:12)

Hi SwallowTail-I'm back lol

What's you're IQ?
No idea. I've never tested it.

If its over 136(you'll be higher then me) then whats 81 squared and if lowered then whats 17x41 lol
6561 and 697

Whats you're favorite subject
Science... well biology.

What's you're favorite band(Music)(Mine's Green Day but it used to be Busted)
Right now, its A Perfect Circle... But that could change and I like a lot of other bands a lot too.

What's you're least favorite(Mine's Son of Dork cos they stole Charlie from Busted causin them to split up)
I dunno... I really don't like a lot of those boy bands and those pop singers... I guess theres a whole genre of music I just don't like.

That's all 4 now by
Okie dokie. Bye.

Killer Croc -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (3/4/2006 18:50:05)

Hello! *waves back*

Just one question for now.
I hope I can answer it for you.

Is it true that Sarah Kerrigan, Queen of the Zerg is the greatest VG villain of all time?(just say yes)
.... ^^ ....o_o .... yes?

Ok that's all for now
okie dokie

buh bye



Lucius -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (3/5/2006 0:46:52)

Return of the Angelic Hybrid-sorta thingy!!! okay, okay. Hi again.
Hello Lucius ^_^

I'm planning something called " Aq Idol" and I plan to put you as a judge >_> is that okay?(no, you don't have to put your REAL comments but its fine)
Lol! Yeah as long as I don't have to be Simon.

AHHH!! google search yesterday for a few Lyrics to use in that, not much stuff.
Yeah... I only use Google to look up homework related things.

You hate exams?
Yes :( For me, my tests are all essay or fill in the blank (with no word bank!) so I don't like them any more. (Not that I ever did...)

Pie or bun??

Sorry, not much for now, which is why I put the silly question above.
That's ok. ^_^

Edit: sig done!
I noticed! It's really cool looking!

xaxtoo -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (3/5/2006 2:27:49)

*salutes* *shakes hand*

Reens said Swallowtails are off limits to poaching, however she's fine with eagle-poaching and eagle-bar-b-quing. Is this avian discrimination?
Not necessarily... I'm not a bird. I'm a beautiful butterfly ;P (see picture on page 3)

Favorite activity in the morning, assuming morning is whenever you choose to wake ^^. Mine is going back to bed; telling you this so you get the idea of what the bounds are.
Ah. I like to look at the clock, see that it's still early and curl back up and fall asleep. Assuming that I have to get up, then I like to take a shower... So that I actually can get up.

Meow :3

Going to do anything in World Building once it's back up?
I dunno... I might think about looking into it.

Favorite song, and yes choose 1 *gasps* ;p
O no! Only one.... *thinks* I guess right now its 3 Libras by A Perfect Circle.

Ow. *Checks arm* Okay, no bruising. *pokes back*

Invent a color.
Snurple or... possible grorange... (that way purple and orange finally have rhyming words)

Life or Monopoly?
Life. It takes too long to play monopoly without cheating.

Awww! I'm awake now so *stretch-snuggles*

Reayx -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (3/5/2006 14:21:33)

Oooo, this looks like it will be quite entertaining...[;)]:
Heehee. I aim to please.

1) What is your most obscure and unimportant characteristic
Hmmm that's tough! I guess maybe that I don't like to have my picture taken..

2) If you could have switch lives with one famous/important person for one day, who would it be, why, and what would you do?
I dunno really. I never thought about it. Maybe Stephen Hawking to see what it's like to be super duper smart and understand asrto-physics. I think I would have him/me write a note to the real me offering me a job or something... and some cash. Lol. I dunno. I think I would use my super smart powers to let me see things like observatories and such that I wouldn't be able to see normally.

3) What ten things do you hate the most?
I have to think of ten?! I guess this is stuff that annoys me rather than stuff I hate.
10. People who don't know how to drive
9. People who are in your group for a group project and don't do any work and/or never show up for meetings
8. Teachers not explaining projects well enough then changing their ideas on it all the time.
7. Teachers forgetting that you have other classes and loading you up with homework
6. People who answer their cell phones while talking to you and then forgetting you're there
5. Spilling food on your clothes
4. Losing money
3. When school/teachers won't give you a straight answer
2. Spiders
1. Rude people

4) Most embarrasing moment?
I'm embarassed to even say it... One time when I was in 6th grade I was jogging to get to the door for recess. A kid stuck his leg out and tripped me and I slid forward. The floors must have been waxed because I slid a looong way... All the way into the trophey case. Nothing was broken and I wasn't hurt... well my pride was...

5) Proudest moment?
I dunno. I'm not sure if I had a proudest moment. Maybe when I was my brother's sponcer for his confirmation.

6) _______est moment?
When I ____________ed.

7) If you could go anywhere in the world, for free, where would you go and why?
Hawai'i. I want to be somewhere warm right now... Plus I want to check out a volcano and see all the interesting geology that's there.

8) If you were marooned on a desert island and you could only bring one thing with you, (as long as it can not save you or cause you to be rescued) what would t be?
Assuming I have all the tools I would need there to survive? (If not then I'd bring a special tool/tool set that would help me survive.) I'd probably bring subdivision so I wouldn't go crazy from loneliness.

9) Do you have anything against chickens, if so, what?
No... I <3 chickens.

10) Favorite word?

11) Favorite pathogen, why is it your favorite?
Well, I really love e. coli. I spent a long time in microbiology checking it out. When you stain him on a slide, he shows up as a cute lil pink ball. That counts, right? You can get sick from him.

12) Your opinion on smilies?
I looooove smilies. I have a hojillion on MSN messanger and I use them as much as I can ^_^

13) Favorite Mod/AK/Admin?
Me! Kidding! I love them all. Everyone is soooo nice ^_^

14) Favorite forum, other than L&L/Story Writing?
The OOC room.

15) Favorite piece of classicla music/ Classical composer?
Well, I like Vivaldi's "Spring" and Pachelbel's Canon in D (which makes me tear up). But I think Tchaikovsky is my favorite composer.

16) Favorite book?
Possibly one of the Chronicals of Narnia... I'm leaning towards Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

17) Favorite author?
I like C. S. Lewis... He's got a wide range of works.

18) Worst smelling thing?
The stuff that's used to preserve animal specimens for dissection (not formaldehyde... that new stuff they use).

19) Favorite saying?
Let's get ready to look so good!

20) Favorite Meet the AK/Mod question you have ever asked/been asked?
Lol. Ummm this one. ^_^

Well, that's all. Bye! ^_^
Tata for now!

NameIsAsh -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (3/5/2006 18:21:09)

hi again Swallowtail!
Hello hello

Do you like swallowing tails?lol just kidding
Silly girl!

What have you been up to?
Hmmm... Working a lot of hours at school and trying to get in all of my homework.

I visited my baby brother today at my dad's house

I bet hes cute.

I wuv wolves!Yipee!
Hooray! They are cool.

Do you like birds?
Yep. I enjoy animals.

Beware for I have some made Fu skills!Hiyah!Whoops I broke the lamp!
Uh-oh! I'll be sure to be careful ^_^

Do you know how to fight?
...I don't know kung fu or anything but I think I could beat some one up... If they were a lot smaller than me...

I can talk to....pretty much everyone...
Cool. People skills are awesome.

I only have guy friends...I don't have a friend that's a girl....[:(]
Aww... I have lots of guy friends too. Some times they make better friends than girls.

Will you be my friend?
Sure! (I thought we were already friends...)

*Sigh*Sometimes it stinks being a tomboy....I feel like a wierdo.....
But that's what makes you... you. You should like who you are. I do ^_^

Well I must depart.Farewell....(I'm not good with acting >_>)
Lol. Bye for now!

jayjaykirby -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (3/5/2006 19:31:59)

aww this is the last day?
Yeah... Well Sunday was but I worked all night so I couldn't reply.

i'm gonna miss talking to you.
Aww. Well I'll miss it too... But you can talk to me any time.

are you a fan of sinbad the sailor?
Yeah, he's a pretty cool dude.

werewolf or vampire?
Werewolf... I couldn never be a vampire.

is it cool to be a knight?
I'd like to think so!

do you have a sword?
No *sigh* I want one real bad...

what is your fav kind of pie? i like coconut the best.
Chocolate! Yummy!

hold still...*kills demon spider with fusion staff but burns off shallowtails hair in the process*.....crap ummm it should....grow back....soon.....
Do'h! Well, I guess I can wear a wig for a while. *Pulls out clown wig*

um favriote aq monster?
Arkiloth is awesome...

10.000 huggles and snuggles.
Awww! *1 hojillion rehuggles and resnuggles*

is jedi ashley ok?

this is random, but i found this image. isn't just so cute yet sad?
Yeah *pouts* I feel bad for the widdle girl and the kitty... But it's drawn so well...

bye *jumps in x-wing and flies off*

Crystal Lion -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (3/6/2006 7:05:44)

Have you got any ideas for 'The young adventurers'?They should be random.
Hmmm... None at the moment. I think it'd be better if you made it all up yourself ;) although... if you want random you could have them buy new equipment that ends up being rubber or something ;P

What does your real name mean?Your non forum one.
Lynn? It means a lot of things from when I last looked it up. It can mean peaceful, flowing or "waterfall". Weird.. I'm a waterfall...

Lucius -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (3/6/2006 7:39:04)



I'm planning something called " Aq Idol" and I plan to put you as a judge >_> is that okay?(no, you don't have to put your REAL comments but its fine)
Lol! Yeah as long as I don't have to be Simon.

No, you won't be Simon. and hi again..

Phew! Okay sounds good. Oh! hi.

^_^ bye!
Bye again.

Golden Dragon -> RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail (3/6/2006 17:34:14)

LOL I forgot to post here.
That's ok... You got the last one.

Hey again!

1 more week till march break. You got any plans?
For break? No... just more homework.... And my break isn't until the 20th...

Yeah... It won't be warm here, that's for sure!

Me probably just gonna sit at home LOL.
Yeah... then you can go online and hang out in Legends in Lore!

Us kids are sooooo lazy.
True that! I am too.

Well I ran outta questions again! LOL Bye for now.
Okay! Bye. It's been fun everyone. Thanks for coming to my little page and saying hi. It was a lot of fun meeting you all ^_^

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