Help with drawing Chibi in Flash MX 2004. (Full Version)

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JJ_Legend -> Help with drawing Chibi in Flash MX 2004. (3/5/2006 16:17:13)

Ok, I was wondering if anyone could help me or make a tutorial for drawing Chibi Characters in Flash MX 2004 ? I've recently got Flash, I'm just a beginer and I wish to draw Chibi. This would be much appreciated. Please and thanks.


bootz -> RE: Help with drawing Chibi in Flash MX 2004. (3/5/2006 16:28:54)

i don't have that program but i can offer some help have a window open with a picture of chibi and then have your program open and look at chibi memorize a small part of him then go draw it.

lil boi blue -> RE: Help with drawing Chibi in Flash MX 2004. (3/5/2006 16:38:19)

or just import the chibi picture onto the flash stage, make a new layer on the timeline, and on layer two trace over the chibi guys (lol, i dont know what chibi's are)

bootz -> RE: Help with drawing Chibi in Flash MX 2004. (3/5/2006 16:41:03)


ORIGINAL: lil boi blue

or just import the chibi picture onto the flash stage, make a new layer on the timeline, and on layer two trace over the chibi guys (lol, i dont know what chibi's are)
chibi is that little brown mogglin.

saraid -> RE: Help with drawing Chibi in Flash MX 2004. (3/5/2006 16:58:07)

No it isn't....Chibi is a form of anime drawing where animé characters are shrunk into a small, child-like forms.

Also, to do this, sketch a chibi character out first, then import to flash and trace over the lines on a new layer above your sketch, delete the sketch layer when you've finishd and voila! a perfect outline of your sketch, then you can colour this with your preferred coloring method.

bootz -> RE: Help with drawing Chibi in Flash MX 2004. (3/5/2006 16:59:54)

huh i thought chibi was that little guy....hmmm you have given me a lot to think about.

.//Obsession -> RE: Help with drawing Chibi in Flash MX 2004. (3/5/2006 17:16:00)

Saraid: I'm pretty sure JJ can't draw. If he can then he's depriving us of his possibly awesome gallery/

JJ_Legend -> RE: Help with drawing Chibi in Flash MX 2004. (3/6/2006 1:25:45)

Kereo, You hit the nail on the head. I can't hand draw either. Well, Not Chibi characters

Edit: Also, What drawing tool should I use ? I currently use pencil.

JJ_Legend -> RE: Help with drawing Chibi in Flash MX 2004. (3/6/2006 14:14:50)



Kereo, You hit the nail on the head. I can't hand draw either. Well, Not Chibi characters

Edit: Also, What drawing tool should I use ? I currently use pencil.

Bumpage [:)] Please help. Could somebody make a tutorial please, I want to draw like Swift.Blade but not AQ. It's hard to copy somebody's style from scratch.

JJ_Legend -> RE: Help with drawing Chibi in Flash MX 2004. (3/7/2006 11:24:39)


lil boi blue -> RE: Help with drawing Chibi in Flash MX 2004. (3/7/2006 18:25:35)

k, dont bump your threads first of all, look at the sticky that is for flash and see if it gives you some help for it even has a table of content, and three, we cant tell you how to draw like swift...considering he got banned, for the pencil you are able to change the settings from ink, to smooth, to straight for how precise you want the pencil to be like, you can also change the paint bucket settings to fill in, and if you want to give a gradient meaning turn from white on the left to black on the right which you can change the colors in the color mixer area, it really helps to see how others did theirs or even just draw on a piece of paper your guy, scan it in and trace over it or just eyeball it, you may feel your drawing like crap at first but just started so you're not going to be magnificantly good at it

somebody621 -> RE: Help with drawing Chibi in Flash MX 2004. (3/7/2006 18:38:43)

For any kind of drawing, I either draw a circle and completely manipulate it or draw a line and curve it or something.

JJ_Legend -> RE: Help with drawing Chibi in Flash MX 2004. (3/8/2006 1:53:49)

Sorry guys, I didn't know about bumping. I've done some work. Not chibi... But could you tell what tool to use for shading please ?

flsg -> RE: Help with drawing Chibi in Flash MX 2004. (3/8/2006 9:02:33)

an exemple of Chibi(look at the title of the page):

somebody621 -> RE: Help with drawing Chibi in Flash MX 2004. (3/8/2006 9:39:09)

For shading, I simply use the brush tool, or make a shape with lines and fill it in with paintcan tool.

JJ_Legend -> RE: Help with drawing Chibi in Flash MX 2004. (3/8/2006 9:55:43)

Thanks for the advice: Ax example of my work: Tathlin Visit my gallery for more.

The Patriot -> RE: Help with drawing Chibi in Flash MX 2004. (3/8/2006 13:28:32)

chibi? ill give you sjw's guide for chibi makin!

wais a sec to let me take pictures and upload them

Arc -> RE: Help with drawing Chibi in Flash MX 2004. (3/8/2006 13:40:15)

I can draw Chibi, have a handy book about it.

Atlas -> RE: Help with drawing Chibi in Flash MX 2004. (3/8/2006 13:45:31)

I can give you a few tips on drawing in Flash if you like. First of all never use the pencil tool. Use the line tool to bend lines instead. Second, you should really have a picture to go off of or drawing in flash is much harder to do. Third, make sure when you color you shade the character. If you want to make him animated ,make sure each body part is a symbol and that it is on its own layer. This way you can animate him easily. I hope this helps [:)]

JJ_Legend -> RE: Help with drawing Chibi in Flash MX 2004. (3/8/2006 14:28:57)

Wow, Thanks guys [:)]

VampireHSS -> RE: Help with drawing Chibi in Flash MX 2004. (3/8/2006 15:05:28)

You could try different styles, different drawings/objectives... that way maybe you would find your own style

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