RE: Town Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting (Full Version)

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Cowheart -> RE: Town Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting (2/8/2009 19:20:41)

I can't get into the Stat Trainers. The background just goes gray.

I'm not having that problem. Which stat trainer is it? Have you tried clearing your cache? ~Aelthai

Sicooray -> RE: Town Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting (4/12/2009 9:51:51)

I really need this fixed asap.
My character Forrest doesn't get the icon for the holiday shoppe.
I've the money, but it wont let me buy.
It's showing updates from weeks ago.

Here's to hoping this'll be fixed in time for me to get all the eggs!

ckcot -> RE: Town Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting (5/3/2009 22:09:52)

man i created a new account because i lost everything with my old account. But now i can even start the game. When it Artix is showing me the town of battleon everything goes fine. But as soon as i get to the fight part the BLUE SCROLL OF DOOM pops up and i have to restart the cutscene or whatever you call it. I know that it happens because the server is supposidly slow or lagging, but ive tried a ton of times in different pasrts of the days and this always happens.

Comparison -> RE: Town Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting (5/7/2009 21:38:28)

You can still access the old granemor before the graphics update if you go tololosia->gibet's pub->click the map in the back->click on the button that takes you to granemor.

I believe that this may be a bug

lanceknightmare -> RE: Town Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting (5/8/2009 8:41:22)

There is a glitch currently with Gramemor. When I try to enter the tower. My screen suddenly goes dark. There is nothing I can do at this point. Except for logging out then back in. I suspect this is a glitch. Brought on by some sort of change. I know this sometimes happens with programs. When something is changed.

fixed ~Aelthai

dude122333 -> RE: Town Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting (5/10/2009 19:13:14)

I have a problem with the granmor tower when i go in nothing happens it just goes all dark and i can't do anything if someone has already posted this sorry but i didn't see any tell me if they have and i will delete it

fixed ~Aelthai

chaosnecro -> RE: Town Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting (5/10/2009 23:13:42)

Apparently, going to Granemor from the inn in Lolosia results in being sent to the old, pre-Absolix Granemor.

Fixed ~Aelthai

Vinnitto -> RE: Town Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting (5/17/2009 22:26:50)

Apparently whenever I am in Darkovia, either after being killed, retreating, or normally going there by map or a darkovian home,
I noticed a very distressing annoying bug.
If you happen to click on the event button, there on the map or any other events buttons within darkovia,
you are able to enter an endless loop of having to remain in the quest involving Victimnia, with Victimmy and Wjero.

I find that dying and retreating leads back to the war camp for that event.
Likewise, you are unable to leave the war camp, as doing so brings you... to the same thing? WTF?

So basically you will be in an endless war loop, with your only option to leave is by logging out, by exiting the internet.
Relogging into the game brings you back to battleon, and this bug is repeatable with my non-guardian character...

I think the bug is somehow tied to owning a house that leads to darkovia... specifically the cheaper ones,
but it may also include others, I havent owned any others yet...

Aldren450 -> RE: Town Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting (6/11/2009 5:15:36)


nightshadow989 -> RE: Town Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting (10/14/2009 18:10:28)

there is something wrong with the gurdian tower now when ever i click on the door it refuses to load at all to the front door to the guards so im completly screwed from being able to get inside at all and yes ive tryed refreshing deleting cookies catch ect and still nothing

EDIT: Sorry about that! I accidentally deleted the tower.
It's fixed now.

infuturity -> RE: Town Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting (10/14/2009 19:29:54)

Indeed you are correct nightshadow.

I am stuck on the gray screen of DOOM...

EDIT: Wait...nevermind, it's back now for me

nightshadow989 -> RE: Town Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting (10/15/2009 0:13:48)

yea he fixed it thanx cap! :3

nko12 -> RE: Town Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting (11/1/2009 12:24:30)

I also have a problem EXACTLY like Vinniitto, except its with the Aria is missing and new monsters quest, known on the map as mystery. Once you enter it, NO MATTER WHAT you do, you ALWAYS loop back to the part where you see Valencia telling you to go search for a creature. The loop is inescapable, I tried everything to get out. First I did the normal thing, I tried just fleeing from battle. But it LOOPS you back to Valencia. Then I tried Dying, and then death sends you back to life only to be back to VALENCIA telling you to find the monster. So i tried dying again and this time I did the quests Death had, to find the hourglasses, and after finding a couple I fled from battle and it took me back to Death. Then Death sent me back to life and I was BACK TO VALENCIA TELLING ME TO FIND A MONSTER. The onlly way out of this inescapable loop is to log out. PLEASE fix this [:(]

soundboy3 -> RE: Town Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting (11/1/2009 14:19:37)

I'm stuck in an endless loop. after killing the mystery monster, I'm supposed to head back to battleon... on the way, it tells you that you encounter creatures never seen before and asks you who you'd like to quest with.

I don't have the mana or health potions to beat either of the monsters and when I die it brings me back to the screen where you select who you'd like to fight with. I can't get passed it and I can't beat the monster... an endless loop, HELP!!!!!!

soundboy3 -> RE: Town Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting (11/1/2009 14:21:20)

found a workaround, not a solution.... the only way to fix it is to logout and log back in.

sliceNdice -> RE: Town Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting (11/5/2009 16:10:30)

Where it shows Assassin preview I click and Wolfriders comes up

times tried:4

happens no matter what

fixed ~Aelthai

Bisser777 -> RE: Town Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting (11/11/2009 17:58:17)

Nothing written on Batteon News. And no Event button... >.>
I just logged in and it went blank...

Regocji -> RE: Town Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting (12/25/2009 17:56:33)

I tried to change my face at Warlic's Shop and I could select everything fine, but when I click "save" the game says processing, then informs me that there is an error and to try again later. I've tried for the last few days to change my face, and the same message just keeps popping up.

InfernoRage -> RE: Town Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting (1/1/2010 2:36:47)

-Operating System (Windows XP, Vista, Mac, Linux, etc) - Windows Vista
-Web Browser and version - Internet Explorer 8
-Flash player version -
-Number of Online Players during the time you had the bug (check the AQ home page for the count) - 4275 or somewhere in the 4200s

Type of bug: Game crash

Bug details: It's like there's a 50% chance that whenever I go to dragonspine mountains, the game screen turns grey displaying nothing but: "AdventureQuest, The Draco Wars" and my character display section, and it won't move onwards even after I let it stay like that for the rest of the day

Before bug occurred: It's been like this the whole time
During Bug: Game screen stays exactly the same but I can still change the settings through the character display
After bug: Just stayed like that the whole time

Item Bugged: None
Other Equipment: None
Screenshot link: Didn't get one
Character page link:

Did you log out and log back in? Yes
Did you clear cache? Yes
Did the bug happen again? Sometimes it still would

Please try it without clearing your cache. It sounds like it's not finishing loading ... ~Aelthai

grave filler -> RE: Town Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting (1/2/2010 5:07:28)

well infernorage i too have windows vista flash player 10.03218, but i dont have internet explorer 8 and i never had anything in dragonspine mountains and i go there alot. maybe try a other explorer.

lonewulfy -> RE: Town Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting (1/20/2010 21:52:44)

There is a bug when returning from the Isle d'Oriens. The upper room that loads seems to be old, and the ladder leading up to the attic, as well as the attic is... non-existent. If you go downstairs, then come back up, it's back. A problem with where it tells you to go?

Odd. Probably, yes. ~Aelthai

It's not high priority, seeing as I don't even have a use for the Ion cannon now that your staff is out.

lonewulfy -> RE: Town Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting (2/14/2010 15:48:08)

Yup, another bug involving an old room. The 2 newer books, and the doorway don't show up the first time you enter the Library from outside Isle D'Oriens. But, opening and closing a book will take you to the current one. Maybe the Isle needs an update sometime soon. I'll probably find even more soon.


Exactly how did you travel to the Isle? ~Aelthai

Danny A -> RE: Town Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting (3/8/2010 15:25:48)

Everytime I try to go to Granemor the screen loads up about 7/8 of the way then just crashes, i have cleared my cache about 6 times and it still isnt working

Please try it once without clearing your cache, and see what happens. Sometimes, it helps to have cached the file before you try to go there, particularly on a slower connection. If this works, please let me know; the file should take care of it all so that this isn't an issue. ~Aelthai

Nope still not working, btw i dont mean that I have cleared my cache 6 times all at once, its been over the past week because i wanted to do the bloodline quest to get me the water spell.

I can get to Granemor just fine ... I just checked again. Exactly where do you get? ~Aelthai

I dont know what you mean by

Exactly where do you get?
but it may just be my connection but im not sure, i can get to anywhere else in the game, but when i go to granemor the circles still spin which means somethings loading/happening but it just never finishes loading.

Well, you answered the question, you're getting to the loading screen. Have you tried it wihtout clearing your cache? How about using the Guardian server or the Free server instead of the one you normally use? ~Aelthai

Thankyou I tried the free server and it worked, thanks a lot Aelthia!

plenty -> RE: Town Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting (3/11/2010 10:46:03)

-Operating System (Windows XP)
-Web Browser Opera@USB10.10, FF 3.5.8 Portable
-Flash: Updated
-Number of Online Players during the time you had the bug: 3509

Have cheched for a word "Dev" (ourer) in this section of the bugs. 1 found, different bug, hope It wasn't reported before.

I'm a guardian (guess thats relevant).
Edit: I forgot. Bug is repetitive.

Location: Yulgar's Inn, Devourer saga.
Description: "Back to Town" button takes me again to Devourer saga, including intro animation. Guardian tower button works fine, I can access the town trough the tower.

Known. The other access point to the Saga (from Deren) works fine. ~Aelthai

elite096 -> RE: Town Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting (3/13/2010 9:21:00)

I don't know whether this was just my account but when I fighting Sir Lancer, the stat trainer, I used a spell which has a status effect of poison as water damage for 10 turns (Guardian ToxiClean) And after I used it to beat them, the next time I went to fight them the status effect was still active?

Known. ~Aelthai

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