RE: Tutorial Directory (Full Version)

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siris99 -> RE: Tutorial Directory (10/10/2006 0:51:01)

[url=]Sprite Sig Tut[/url] > ZeusTheKungFuKiller
[url=]Smudge Tut[/url] > Metal
[url=]Full Sig Tut[/url] > Lyrics
[url=]Sketching Tut[/url] > PhyreLuck
[url=]Smudge Tut[/url] > wu218
[url=]Dark-Blur Tut (defaults)[/url] > Slate15
[url=]Sprite Sig Tut[/url] > Acolytic
[url=]Full Sig Tut[/url] > Acolytic
[url=]Brushless Tut[/url] > AQ ROCKS
[url=]Sig Lighting Tut[/url] > Metal
[url=]Sig Tut[/url] > Lightnin10
[url=]Full Sig tut[/url] > Metal
[url=]Sig Tut[/url] > Taylor R
[url=]Sprite Smudge tut[/url] > Acolytic
[url=]Renderless sig[/url] > Slate15[/s]
[url=]Full Sig Tut[/url] > Memorex
[url=]Tut 2[/url] > Godx
[url=]Tut 3[/url] > Godx
[url=]Tut 4[/url] > Godx
[url=]Tut 5[/url] > Godx
[url=]Tut 6[/url] > Godx
[url=]Tut 7[/url] > Godx
[url=]Tut 8[/url] > Godx
[url=]Tut 9[/url] > Godx
[url=]Tut 11[/url] > Godx
[url=]Tut 12[/url] > Godx
[link=]Wallpaper Tutorial [/link] > chickenbakeok

[url=]GIMP installation tut[/url] > T@G
[url=]Renderless Sig Tut[/url] > wolfythegreat
[url=]Tutorials and Help[/url] > Vader
[url=]Beginners Guide[/url] > Fencepost!
[url=]Firey Background[/url] > windragon
[url=]Rendering[/url] > Firemoon

[u][b]Paint Shop Pro:[/b][/u]

[url=]Smiley Tut[/url] > Nickwright
[url=]Buddy Making tut[/url] > Dorkknob101
[url=]Splicing Tut[/url] > chickenbakeok

[u][b]Cinema 4D:[/b][/u]
[url=]C4D Render Tut[/url] > Metal

[url=]Terragen tut[/url] > TBK

[url=]Art of Abstract[/url] > TarVanimelde
[url=]Weapon Conception and creation tutorial[/url] > siris99
[url=]Artistic Guide[/url] > Kereo
[url=]Animimation Tut[/url] > darkwing dux

Updated version with dead links removed and chicken's added. left it in code for you Aco. IF this is a burden to update, you can always ask someone else to take care of it for you just so you know. if not, keep it up, this is a great resource.

Grafh -> RE: Tutorial Directory (10/22/2006 20:15:06)

Thanks a bunch Siris, updated.

Everyone else out there, post me your tut links if you are not on the first post. It would be nice to show off your tuts to everyone. :)

FNORD -> RE: Tutorial Directory (10/22/2006 20:17:22)

Photoshop tut

Sprite Sig tutorial > Myname

[link=]Sprite Sig tutorial[/link] > Myname

8 edits later and it is all spelled correctly :)

LifeLine -> RE: Tutorial Directory (10/24/2006 23:56:54)

Wow, thanks for puting so much effort into this. It's great :D it's also UNBELIVABLY helpfull..

Movrolon -> RE: Tutorial Directory (11/7/2006 10:32:43)

If you want to get serious about all of this try W3 Schools.
This site has more than you probably want to know.
Basic HTML to Flash to Server scripting. All free.
And no, I am in no way affiliated with the site.

.//Obsession -> RE: Tutorial Directory (11/7/2006 17:30:48)


ORIGINAL: Kereo Takana

How about adding a FAQ?

Good god... Skip over me why don'cha? It's not like I'm trying to help. *rolls eyes*

Anywho, put it up. Pwease?

VampireHSS -> RE: Tutorial Directory (11/17/2006 18:50:04)

Topic updated. More tutorials to come soon =).

Kereo: The FAQ doesn't really fit into a tutorial directory.

relykswalton -> RE: Tutorial Directory (11/25/2006 14:47:57)

Quick question:do you download fonts into gimp the same way you do with brushes,but in the font subfolder?
Edit: there is no subfolder marked fonts. how do i do it? i really need help!

VampireHSS -> RE: Tutorial Directory (11/25/2006 19:14:00)

If you are using Windows XP you must be logged in an account which is administrator of the computer. Go to My Computer and then go to C:\Windows\Fonts. Now with the fonts folder open, go to that folder's menu File>Install New font. And you should be able to do the rest by yourself. If you have any questions about this process you can either reply here or Private Message me.

Zero Hex -> RE: Tutorial Directory (11/25/2006 19:20:29)



If it's not extracted, right click and find the extract option (if you have WinRar, WinZip, or whatever. XD)

Then get them all, select them all, and Ctrl+C.

Next go to the folder: Fonts

My Computer > C: Drive > WINDOWS > Fonts

When in the Fonts folder, Ctrl + V, and all of them will appear.

Assuming you have Windows

That could also help. Except VampireHSS's is more indepth. xD

.//Obsession -> RE: Tutorial Directory (11/29/2006 21:57:47)



Topic updated. More tutorials to come soon =).

Kereo: The FAQ doesn't really fit into a tutorial directory.

It does just as much as my artistic guide, and that's up there

Fire_Elemental -> RE: Tutorial Directory (11/30/2006 8:56:36)

Not really, FAQ is for Q&A, which is the main purpose of this board and the artistic guide is a guide/tutorial. So you do not really have a point.

dominic_r_monroe -> RE: Tutorial Directory (1/6/2007 12:55:20)

its the first pixia turutial there is on the site !!!!

EDIT : when will it be added
edit2 This thread is dead (murderer murderer) *picks up phone and presses 999 (or in youyr counhtry 122 or somthing like that ) police yes murder at

Directory forum
galllery q and a
ny67 7ai

Amoeba -> RE: Tutorial Directory (1/8/2007 5:58:50)

My tutorials :D

Doubleoh4 -> RE: Tutorial Directory (3/13/2007 1:47:48)

You may concider adding these, they have been getting some good hits and good feedback, i think DF editors are on the rise [:)]

Doubleoh4's Basic Guide For DF Edits/Comics

Doubleoh4's How to make your own NPC Guide

I_AM_SO_EBIL -> RE: Tutorial Directory (3/28/2007 15:35:16)

Could you add this Aco?:
Reflection tut

DeathKnight2 -> RE: Tutorial Directory (4/8/2007 10:18:24)

Rmxp sprite Sheet tutorial

(Rmxp)Make a sprite Sheet in 1 minute
Gimp Full Sig Tut

dominic_r_monroe -> RE: Tutorial Directory (4/16/2007 13:52:42)

i'm still waiting for mine to be added

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