charachu -> Krovebow (2/25/2005 1:48:41)
Krovebow Level: 65 Price: 12,000 3,117 Sellback: 3,000 9,000 1,558 Location: Class Shops: Dracomancer / Knight Element: Wind Attack Type: Ranged Damage: 6-24 8-32 BTH: 5% SPECIAL Hits: 2 Type: Ranged Element: Wind Damage: ??? (100% Base, Random, and Stat each?) BTH: ??? (+0%? Plus Stats?) Rate: 100% DESCRIPTION The bow preferred by Rangers and their ilk who live near Kroveport. Good craftsmanship yields superior firepower! Every attack is 2 hits of 6-24 damage each. [image][/image] Picture thanks to roibup. Special from Rauzzi. Location from Sora Aeragorn. New image thanks to Wingman.