Two Face (Full Version)

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magetildeath -> Two Face (5/16/2006 17:37:02)

Two Face
No matter how you slice it, it will end up hurting your opponent.
(No DA Required)

Location: Save The Mill!
Price: N/A
Sellback: 1 Gold

Level: 3
Damage: 5-15
Element: Metal
Stats: None
Resists: None

Rarity: 1
Item Type: Sword
Damage Type: Melee
Equip Spot: Weapon
Category: Weapon


Also See: Split Second, Chrono Blade, Harbinger (of Sorrow), Earth Breaker

Thanks to
  • Jay for image and corrections.
  • Dragon Longsword for format and information.
  • Icyhell for information.

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