Ice Orb (Full Version)

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geopetal -> Ice Orb (6/1/2006 22:09:07)

Ice Orb

Also see other Orbs ( Light, Wind, Fire, Energy, Dark)

Location: Z-Token Item Shop
Element: Ice
Level	20

Price	490
S <48h	441
  >48h	122
Activation: 0 Turns
MP Cost: 50
Effect: None.

Trigger: Base Element Fire
Effect: 120% Base and Random weapon damage, 105% spell damage

A small elemental Orb of Ice. Adds attack power when you use it while fighting fire enemies!

«Image Needed»

Thanks to the bomb guy, Crynsos and princeof, plus coolman951 for corrections. Element and activation from .*..*..*.. Spell damage correction from blues (via shoopi).


June 1, 2006: The misc was released.
June 8, 2012: Price and sellback were swept. Old values were:
Price	200
S <48h	180
  >48h	100
June 15, 2017: Price and sellback were swept. Old values were:
Price	800
S <48h	720
  >48h	400

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