[RMXP] RPG Maker XP Tutorial (Currently a WIP) (Full Version)

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The Falcon -> [RMXP] RPG Maker XP Tutorial (Currently a WIP) (6/13/2006 16:53:52)

RMXP Tutorial


You may use the find tool (Ctrl-F) to skip to the section you want
0.3-About RPG Maker XP (RMXP)
The Basics
1.0-How to use the interface
1.1-Switches and Variable
2.0-Explaining the event interface
2.1-The first page of commands
2.2-The second page of commands
2.3-The third, and last page of commands
Quest Creation
2.4-How to create a Quest
The Database
3.0-What the database is for
3.9-States (Status conditions)
3.12-Common Events
4.0-How to make maps
4.1-How to map well
Layout Comming soon!
6.0-About RGSS and Ruby
6.1-Basics of RGSS and Ruby
7.0-FAQ (Comming soon)

0.1 The Staff

Currently, we are in need of people who will write tutorials for us for Scripting, Spriting, and Eventing.
Current Staff

0.2 Disclaimer

Anyone is allowed to host this on their forum/webiste as long as they give credit to the whole staff, and a link to this topic, and notify me. In addition, one may not translate this tutorial in to another lanuguage and not give us credit.

0.3 About RPG Maker XP (RMXP)

Offical RPG Maker XP Website
RPG Maker XP (RMXP for short) is a powerful tool for creating old style RPGs. RPG Maker XP costs $60 through Enterbrain, the maker of RMXP. There is a cracked version, called the Postality Knight Edition, which is illegal to use, and many other sites will not give you help if you use it.
Recommended RMXP Sites

The Basics

1.0 How to use the interface
The RMXP Interface

Explanations of the Numbers:

1-The new file button, makes a new RMXP project
2-The open button, opens a RMXP project
3-The save button, save the RMXP project
4-Cut button, when working on map, will cut the tiles
5 and 6 :P-Copy button, copies tiles, good for symmetry
7-Paste button, pastes tiles
8-Delete button, deletes tiles
9-Undo buttons, deletes mistakes you may have made while mapping
10-The first layer, will explain in mapping section
11-The second layer, will be explained in the mapping section
12-The third and final layer, will be explained in the mapping section
13-The eventing layer, double click on any tile to make an event
14-Pencil tool, use to draw tiles from #29 on to your map
15-Rectangle tool, use to draw tiles in a recagle shape
16-Circle tool, use to draw tiles in a circular shape
17-The Flood Fill tool, use to fill the current layer with one tile
18-The select tool, selects tiles
19, 20, and 21-The zoom tools, self explanitory
22-The database, opens up the database
23-Resource Manager
25-Sound test, listen to your sounds
26-Playtest, starts your game
27-The canvas, use the pencil, rectangle, or circle tool to put objects on your map
28-The party start posistion, place this, and when a new game is started, your party will appear here
29-The object select area, select objects to place on your canvas here
30-The map area, select your maps here

1.1 Switches&Variables

A switch is a thing which can be turned on and off. Different events can be set to function differently whether a switch is on or off.
For example, lets say you have the hero meet with the king to enter a forbidden area. A switch would go on saying that you have talked with the king, and the event which blocks passage to the area will disapear when the switch is on.

A variable is like a switch with numbers. For example, lets say you must kill 5 monsters. As the monsters die, a variable will go up. When the variable equals 5, an event will give you quest rewards.


2.0 Explaining the event interface

Explaining the Numbers:

1-The event ID, used for certain scripts
2-The event name, used for certain commands, not used in game. Ever.
3-New event page, An event page is used with the conditions, means that when a switch is on, the event will switch to another page and the event will act differently
4-Copy event page
5-Paste event page
6-Delete event page
7-Clear event page
8-Conditions, means when the conditions are true, the event will act use this event page
9-Event graphic, what graphic the event uses
10-Movement Selection (Fixed-Not moving, Random-Moves randomly, Custom-Event uses a user defined path, Approach-Event moves torwards party) Selects what movement the event will use
11-When the movement selection is using cutsom, this defines the route the event will take
12 and 13- Sets the speed and frequency of an event
14-Triggers, how the event starts
15-Options, Move Animation means the event will be animated, no animations means the event will not be animated
16-Event page, double click to make event commands, event commands at the top go before bottom commands

2.1 The First Page of Commands

Everything in this section builds on each other so don’t skip anything.

a) Message: Whatever you type in the box when you click on here will show up in your game in a text box.

b) Show Choice: This allow the player to make a choice while playing. For example asking a question. You can have up to 4 choices with any name you desire that is less than or equal to the length of the line. Included is a cancel handler with the choices Disallow (the player can’t cancel), Choice 1, Choice 2, Choice 3, Choice 4, and Custom Handler. Whichever you choose is the cancel button for when the player is asked the question.

b2) Choices Command: Your page now looks like this: [image]http://vsgames.us/RMXPImages/ConditionalBranch.PNG[/image]
In the Yes Handler you can choose what happens if the player chooses yes, the same applies for all the other choices.
In the Cancel Handler you choose what happens if the player chooses to cancel. In some cases you can leave this blank.

c) Switch Operation: This command turns a switch or a range of switches on. You may change the name of a switch or add more switches to the list of switches by clicking on the arrow with the switch name. To add more you then click Array Size and increase (or type in) the number.
d) Variable Operation: Variables are much like switches except there information can change. They don’t turn on and off, they contain numbers. Variables can be used for many things. In my first game I used them as levels for the more advanced classes. They are commonly used for quests where you need to do more than one task (read Basic Quest Eventing).

d2) Operators: This determines what you are changing the variable to or by. Set changes the selected variable to the value you select below. + adds the value below to the current value. – subtracts, * multiplies, / divides.

d3) Operands: this section is where you choose what changes the variable value. Constant is a set number that you type in. Variable is using another variable’s value. Random Number Between is a number in between the values you typed in the boxes.

e) Input Number: This command allows you to store a number in a variable.

f) Local Switch Operation: Instead of using a normal switch you can use a Local Switch for operations only involving one event. For example the player defeats a monster that was on the map as a sprite. The player can travel to this place again, but you don’t want them to be able to fight the monster. You turn on a Local Switch and make a new Event Page. Have nothing on the page and no sprite. In Preconditions check off Local Switch and choose the switch. Preconditions for all switches work like this.

g) Conditional Branch: This is one of the most important parts of Eventing. Everything above will come together now.

g2) Switch: Checks if a switch is on or off. Conditional Branches work much like Choice Commands. You choose what happens if the condition is true or false. From there you can build on inside each branch if there is more that happens after something else becomes true. Events can become very complicated from there.

g3) Variable: Here you choose a variable the system will test. For variables it is more complicated than true and false. Here you choose whether it should test if a variable is equal to (==), greater than or equal to (>=), less than or equal to (<=), greater than (>), less than (>), or !=. Once again you can choose a constant as the value it should check for or another variable’s value.
g4) Local Switches and Timers: The system can also check if a Local Switch is on or off. The system can use timers as well. Using the timer (see i bellow) the system can determine whether the timer is greater than or equal to a value or less then or equal to a value.

g5) Hero: This section is pretty much self-explanatory, but I will explain it anyway. Here you choose a Hero from the list. The system can check if the Hero is in the party, if the Hero has a certain name, if a certain skill is useable by this Hero, if a certain Weapon is equipted to this Hero, if a certain Armor is equipted to this Hero, or if the Hero is inflicted by a certain status.

g6) Monster: This is usually used in the Database for certain monsters. If a monster is present or not present something different can happen in the battle. If a certain status is inflicted to the monster than you can make something else happen. This will only work properly while used in the Database.

g7) Sprite: This function is used so different things happen depending on how a sprite (the player or the event this command is in) is facing.

g8) Money Is: This is used for if the player needs a certain amount of money. You can set what happens if the player’s money count is greater than or equal to a value or less than or equal to a value.

g9) Item, Weapon, and Armor Possessed: These are used to test if the player owns a certain item, weapon, or armor.

g10) Key: This is used to test if a certain key is pressed. (Down, Left, Right, Up, A, B, C, X, Y, Z, L, R)

g11) Check Box: At the bottom of the Conditional Branch there is a checkbox. The text next to it reads: Execute Custom Handler When Condition Not Met. This means that in the case of a condition not being met (matched or true) then something else happens. There will be a branch for you to put in what happens.

h) Message Display Options: This is used to change where messages (see a) are shown while playing the game.

i) Timer Operation: This starts and stops the timer, as well as set it.

j) Change Money: Changes the amount of money a player has by decreasing or increasing with a constant or a value of a variable.

k) Change Items, Weapons and Defense Items: Adds or takes away an item, weapon, or defense item from the player. For the amount you can use a constant number or the value in a variable.

l) Change Party: This changes the members in the player’s party. You can add or take away a member, or add one in Initial State (the settings in the Database on the Hero tab).

m) Comment: Add a comment to help you remember what the event is for.

n) Wait: You can make the game “freeze” for a certain amount of frames. In this time the player can’t do anything, great for chapter titles.

o) Loop: Whatever you put in the Loop Branch will continuously repeat until End Loop is used.

p) Change Window Skin: Select a new Window Skin to use in game.

q) End Event Processing: Ends the processes of the event that this command is in.

r) Erase Event: This command temporarily deletes the active event (the one the command is in).

s) Common Event: Common Events are defined in the Database. This command uses the specified Common event instead of having to redo the event inside of this one. The Common Event command does this for you.

t) Change Battle BGM: This changes the battle music to a different track.

u) Change Victory ME: This changes the sound that is made when the player wins a battle (Enemy Encounter).

v) Allow/Disallow Saving: The player looses or gains the ability to save.

2.2 The Second Page of Commands

Everything in this section builds on each other so don’t skip anything.

Before you begin you will need to know what Transition Time Frames is. Whenever you see: Transition Time (# Input) Frames, you can choose how long something lasts for (counted in Frames).

a)Teleport: Use this command to move the player between maps. You can choose a specific location or use variables to choose the location. You can also choose the direction the player will be facing when they enter the new map.

b)Change Event Location: Using this command you can change where an event is located on a map. Choose a specific location or a variable location, or have the event trade places with another event. And of course you can choose the direction the event will be facing.

c)Scroll Map: You can scroll across a map to show different things to the player before they arrive there. Choose how many tiles the map should scroll across and the speed.

d)Change Map Settings: Change the Panorama, Fog, and Battle Backround of the current map.

e)Tint Fog: Adjust the fog on the map, making it darker or lighter by adjusting the colors.

f)Change Fog Opacity: Change the thickness of the Fog.

g)Show Animation: Show a battle animation and choose who or what it is displayed on.

h)Change Hero Transparency: Make a hero transparent, so the player can see through them.

i)Move Event: Move an event or the player. Here are the many options of movement. You can also repeat the movements & command it to ignore impossible moves.

j)Proceed with Movement: Continues with the commanded movement.

k)Prepare Transition & Execute Transition: Set the game to use a transition then choose the transition to be used.

l)Tint Screen: Tint the playing screen to give it a night, bright, or inside look.

m)Flash Screen: Make the screen flash.

n)Shake Screen: Shake the screen. You can choose the strength and speed. Works good for an earthquake effect.

o)Show Picture: Display a picture on the game screen for the player to see. You can also choose where to display the picture, using the Upper Left Pixel as a marker or the Center Pixel. You can choose specific coordinates of where to display it or you can use a Variable to determine them. Then you choose the Magnification (100 is it’s normal size), Opacity, and the Blending (Normal, Positive, or Negative).

p)Move Picture: Move the picture, this works the same way as Show Picture.

q)Rotate Picture: This command makes the picture rotate. All you need to do is choose the speed.

r)Tint Picture: Change the light off the picture, make it light or darker.

s)Erase Picture: Erase the Picture.

t)Weather Effects: You are the forecaster and you are always right. Choose between Rain, Storm, Snow, and Absolutely Nothing (None). Choose the Strength as well.

u)BGM: This part talks about the function of the BGM Buttons. Play BGM-Choose a song to play in the game. Fade Out BGM-Fade the BGM to end it, choose the time (in seconds) this should be in effect for.

v)BGS: This part talks about the function of the BGS Buttons. A BGS is a backround sound, for example it can be used with the Weather Effect so players can hear the sound of the rain. Play BGS-Just like Play BGM, except you now choose a BGS to play. Fade Out BGS-Fade out the BGS sounds, choose how many seconds this effect should last for.

w)Memorize & Play BGM/BGS: Have the game system memorize the current playing BGM/BGS. Later command it to play the memorized BGS/BGM.

x)ME & SE: MEs are certain playable sounds/short tunes. There is Victory Music, Defeat Music, etc. In Play ME you choose which ME should be played. An SE is a sound effect. Here you can choose to play a sound effect or stop one that is playing.

2.3 The Third Page of Commandst

Everything in this section builds on each other so don’t skip anything.

a)Enemy Encounter: Choose an enemy for the player to fight. Check Escape Allowed if you want the player to be able to flee (escape). Check Custom Defeat Handler if you want to make something happen when the player looses. By Checking Custom Defeat Handler there is also a Victory Handler.

b)Open Shop Window: Opens up the shop where players can buy things. You choose what they can buy by double clicking on an empty slot in the Command Window.

c)Change Hero Name: This allows the player to change the name of a certain Hero. You can also change how many letter can be used in the name (default is 6, I recommend more).

d)Change HP: Changes the HP of the entire party or just one Hero. You can change it by a Constant # or a Variable, increasing or decreasing. By checking HP Reduction Can Kill Target allows the Hero to die if they reach 0 HP. Change SP works exactly like Change HP.

e)Change Status: This allows you to Inflict or Remove a Status from a Hero or the whole party.

f)Complete Healing: Here you can fully heal a Hero or the whole party.

g)Change Experience Points & Change Level: Here you can increase or decrease the EP (XP) of a Hero or the entire party. Using Change Level you can increase or decrease a Hero’s level or the entire party’s level. Once again this works as either a Constant or a Variable.

h)Change Base Statistics: Increase or decrease the Max HP, Max SP, Strength, Dexterity, Agility, and Intelligence of a Hero or the entire party. This works as a Constant or a Variable.

i)Change Skills: Add or Remove a skill from a Hero.

j)Change Equipted Items: Change what item is equipted to a certain Hero.

k)Change Hero Name, Class, and Graphic: Change the name of a Hero. Change the Class of a Hero. Change the Battler and/or Sprite of a Hero.

The following Commands are to be used in the Database. Some can be used in the Database and in normal events.

l)Change Monster HP & SP: Increase or decrease an enemy’s HP or SP by a Constant or a Variable. There is also an HP Reduction Can Kill Target checkbox.

m)Change Monster Status & Completely Heal Monster: See Change Status and Complete Healing. These Commands work in the same way.

n)Show Hidden Monster & Transform Monster: Show an enemy you had set on Hidden. Change an enemy into another enemy.

o)Show Battle Animation: Show an animation on a Monster or a Hero.

p)Damage Dealing: Take HP away from a Hero or a Monster using a Constant or a Variable.

q)Force Action: Force a Monster or a Hero to Attack, Defend, Escape, Nothing, or use a Skill. They can either attack a Random target or the last figure (Monster or Hero) they targeted. This Action can either go into effect at that current moment (now) or instead of the next action.

r)End Battle: Close/Exit/End an Enemy Encounter (battle).

Back to Normal Event Commands

s)Open Main Menu & Open Save Menu: Open the Main Menu or Save Menu.

t)Game Over: Go to the Game Over screen.

u)Return to Title Screen: Go back to the title screen, exits the current game.

v)Call Script: If a script requires you to activate/call it them put the Command in here. For example a Beastario gives you a script to make the Beastario and a line of script to show the Beastario to the player. This would be that line of script.

2.4-How to make a Quest

Everything in this section is built on the Eventing Section. Read that before you read this. I am not explaining this in as much detail. You may also want to know about Monsters in the Database and you need to be able to make 2 maps. I have zipped up an RMXP Project Folder to help you understand this tutorial. It is located here: http://vsgames.us/RMXPTut/QuestMaking/QuestA.zip

King and Monsters: A Very Simple Quest

a) Create the Maps “Outside Castle” and “Castle”. I changed the player starting location to right outside the castle entrance. Since your quest will be part of a game, not a whole game I suggest you have the player teleport to the bottom center of the map.

b) Add a King Event inside the Castle. The King is the Quest Master (he gives the player the quest).

c) A few switches and variables will be needed.
Switches: Help King, Quest Taken
Variable: Monsters Defeated
*Note: To make it easier you can change the name Help King to Quest Completed. I suggest this. Whenever you see the name Help King just think of it as Quest Completed.

d) On the King’s Event page add a Conditional Branch. Set the condition to Help King is Off. Under the else handler, add the message: “King: Thank you for helping me.”

e) Above the else handler add another Conditional Branch. Set the condition to Quest Taken is On. Under else handler, add the message: “King: I need a few monsters beaten. Can you help me?” Add the choices Yes and No. If the player chooses Yes then the Switch named Quest Taken will turn On (add this below the Yes handler). If the player chooses No insert the message: “King: But I needed your help...”

f) These next 2 steps you may do before or after adding in the monsters (step h). Above the else handler for Quest Taken is On add a Conditional Branch. This time the condition is Monsters Defeated is less than (<) 3. Above else handler add the message: “King: Go defeat them!”

g) Now you must add in a reward for helping the King. Click under else handler (for Monsters Defeated). Add the message: “King: Thank you for helping me.” In this case I used Gold as a reward. I added 500 Gold then typed the message: “+500 Gold” so player knows that they earned money. Turn Quest Taken off and Help King on. Now the player won’t be able to take the quest again.

h) Without the Monsters there is now quest. Go to the map “Outside Castle”. If you have not already, add an entrance to the Castle (teleport). I will guide you though the steps to add the first of the three monsters. The rest are added in the same way. I suggest not using the same monster each time (ex: ghost, ghost, basilisk). Of course you must first choose a sprite for the monster. Don’t use a different sprite than the monsters battler. For the first monster I choose a Ghost (051-Undead01). Make sure the monster is moving (Movement Pattern). I suggest the event Trigger to be set to Hero Touch. Set the Preconditions to Switch, Quest Take is on.

Add an enemy encounter. For Victory handler: Add the value of 1 to Monsters Defeated (be careful not to use the set command). Then Erase the event.

In defeat add the message “You loose, try again”. Since this is a basic quest there needed to be some place to heal so when the player looses the party is completely healed.

[Yes, Game Overs can come in handy, but I do not like them. I like to give player another chance, especially in basic quests. If you wish you can have the player teleport somewhere else and heal (ex. Castle) and have the King say, “Don’t give up! Go back out there and fight!” Have this message in the Monster event after the teleport command. This gives the effect that the King is saying this in the Castle.]

i) Remember this is just a basic monster quest. There are many other kinds. Some you will find in my future tutorials (some to be written soon after this one). I will explain the kinds I use the most. This one is the most basic. All after are built on this. If you understand these concepts you will understand the others. Keep practicing and you will be able to create more advanced quests. After this one I will explain Advanced Classes. I will start with the basics of that then continue from there.

*Note: I do not recommend use of this quest. It is meant for teaching purposes only. It teaches you how to make a quest.

The Database

3.0-What the database is for

The database is for the technical aspects of your game. In the database, you manage your actors, and their stats, you manage classes, you manage items, weapons and armors, skills, and pretty much every aspect of your game. Using the database well is required to make a good game.


What the numbers do:
1-Select which actor you wish to modify
2-Change the actors name
3-Change the actors class
4-Select the actors inital level and final level, for example, if a actor joins about halfway through the game, you dont want him starting at level 1 ;)
5-EXP curve, edit how much exp is required to change levels
6-Character Graphic, change the graphic which the character uses when he/she walks around (also appears in the menu)
7-Battler Graphic, change the graphic which the character uses when he/she appears in battle
8-Parameters (stats) edit the actors stats.
9-Edit the actors starting equipment (selecting fixed means that the user cannot remove the actors equipment)


Explination of Numbers:
1-Select which class you want to edit
2-Edit the name of the class

Relative posistion in the party. Influences the ease which enmies can target a character.

4-Equipable Weapons, choose which weapons the class may equip
5-Equipable Armors, choose which armors the class may equip
6-Element Effiency (Element Reistance) A mean 200% vernueablitiy, B means 150% C means 100% etc.
7-State Efficency (Status Resistance) Changes how the actor gains status changes, A means 100%, E means 20%
8-Choose which skills this class will learn


Explinaiton of the Numbers
1-Skill selection, select which skill you wish to edit
2-Name of the Skill
3-Icon of the skill
4-Element of the skill
5-State Change, select which status effect you want the skill to do
6-Discription of the skill, visible in the menu, and in battle
7-Scope, the target of the skill
8-Occansion, where the skill can be used (Menu, Battle, etc)
9-User Animation, the animation which will appear on the person who uses the skill
10-Target Animation, the animation which will appear on the target(s) of the skill
11-Menu Use SE, the sound which will play when the skill is used in the menu
12-Common Event, used skills which trigger events

SP Cost-The SP which is required to use the skill
Power-The Base Value of the effects
ATK-F-Determines how much the users attack stat affects the skill, a ATK-F value of 0 means that the skill is a magic attack
EVA-F-Influences how the enemy can evade the attack
STR-F-How much the actors STR affects the skill
DEX-F-How much the actors DEX affects the skill
AGI-F-How much the actors AGI affects the skill
INT-F-How much the actors INT affects the skill
Hit Rate-Succes rate of the skill
PDEF-F-How much the targets Defense affects the skill
MDEF-F-How much the tergets MDefense affects the skill
Varience-Affects final attack strength

Comming Soon!

Comming Soon!

Comming Soon!

Ask questions here or here (http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=5023558), we will make the FAQ from questions from both topics.

First Page of Events Added (2.1)

This is currently a Work In Progress, which I will be working on. I will finish the event commands today or tommrow, and I plan to do mapping over the week. I need more staff, as I cant do this alone, since this will be frequently updated.
Good with RMXP? Check out the RMXP 2006 Contest!

_Depression -> RE: [RMXP] RPG Maker XP Tutorial (Currently a WIP) (6/13/2006 17:11:21)

My head hurts...

The Falcon -> RE: [RMXP] RPG Maker XP Tutorial (Currently a WIP) (6/13/2006 17:22:45)

lol, I just finished adding the actors and classes tabs under the database. VS2 should finish the event commands soon.

VampireHSS -> RE: [RMXP] RPG Maker XP Tutorial (Currently a WIP) (6/13/2006 17:54:58)

Nice tut. I'll help you in the rest of the eventing part in case you need it :P.

The Falcon -> RE: [RMXP] RPG Maker XP Tutorial (Currently a WIP) (6/13/2006 17:56:23)

Could you explain the enitre third page of events?

I'll continue work on the Database tommrow.

Servers -> RE: [RMXP] RPG Maker XP Tutorial (Currently a WIP) (6/13/2006 20:47:00)

Nice tut, too long to read tho [8|]...lol

VampireSlayer2 -> RE: [RMXP] RPG Maker XP Tutorial (Currently a WIP) (6/13/2006 20:47:54)

I am almost done with the first part of my Eventing: Page 1 tutorial. It is only some of page 1, but the rest will be finished in 2 days and then I will work with other staff members to improve it and make more tutorials. Coming tommarow will probably also be my Basic Quest Eventing tutorial (the first portion of it at least).

.Heads -> RE: [RMXP] RPG Maker XP Tutorial (Currently a WIP) (6/13/2006 21:00:39)

Seems like the one on crankeye...

The Falcon -> RE: [RMXP] RPG Maker XP Tutorial (Currently a WIP) (6/13/2006 21:02:16)

Really? Can I get a link, I seriously havent copied anything.

EDIT: If you mean constacnces, I've read it, I didnt mean to copy, but when I see the numbers, I see how they can look VERY similar. But a lot of tutorials about interfaces use numbers for buttons and stuff =/

VampireSlayer2 -> RE: [RMXP] RPG Maker XP Tutorial (Currently a WIP) (6/14/2006 15:08:10)

I finished Section 2.1. and sent it to Darklord. He will add it to the post when ready. I have started working on Basic Quest Eventing.

The Falcon -> RE: [RMXP] RPG Maker XP Tutorial (Currently a WIP) (6/14/2006 15:24:07)

Updated with VS2's awesome event explination.

VampireSlayer2 -> RE: [RMXP] RPG Maker XP Tutorial (Currently a WIP) (6/14/2006 17:10:42)

I have sent Darklord my next tutorial: Basic Quest Eventing. I will soon be starting on Advanced Class Quest Making/Eventing which will explain how to create an advanced class.

More Information About Advanced Classes
By creating advanced classes you will not need to change the players base class to enable more abilities not invloved in the base, and involving another class (example taken from Leich: You are a Leichian, a citizen of Leich, you want to specialize in Magic, so you become the advanced class, Mage). You can even go more advanced than that (example that will be in Leich, but isn't yet: Leichian>Mage, now you want to advance more in Mage you decide to become a Paladin, which requires Warrier. You are now a Leichian>Mage/Warrier>Paladin. By being a Paladin you cannot be trained by Necromancers). How all of this works as well as the quests for these classes (some types of them at least) will be explained in the Advanced Class Tutorial, coming soon.

The Falcon -> RE: [RMXP] RPG Maker XP Tutorial (Currently a WIP) (6/14/2006 17:54:21)

Updated the topic with VS2s quest creation xD

Eddie -> RE: [RMXP] RPG Maker XP Tutorial (Currently a WIP) (6/14/2006 19:41:29)

is there a free trial download?Also is this like RS like game maker?

The Falcon -> RE: [RMXP] RPG Maker XP Tutorial (Currently a WIP) (6/14/2006 20:27:18)

RMXP has a 30 day free trial, check section 0.3
Game Maker cant make RPGs half as well as RMXP, game maker owns at everything else though :P

Timothy Nelson -> RE: [RMXP] RPG Maker XP Tutorial (Currently a WIP) (6/15/2006 0:11:56)

how do you go to a different tile set?

The Falcon -> RE: [RMXP] RPG Maker XP Tutorial (Currently a WIP) (6/15/2006 9:03:16)

Will be explained in the mapping section.

Until then, right click on the map name in 30, and you'll see the tileset changer.
You could also make a new map.

Timothy Nelson -> RE: [RMXP] RPG Maker XP Tutorial (Currently a WIP) (6/15/2006 16:11:40)

ya i fiured out how. I guees i will wait for you to finish mapping section to find out how to link maps

VampireHSS -> RE: [RMXP] RPG Maker XP Tutorial (Currently a WIP) (6/15/2006 16:18:10)

That doesn't belong to the mapping sector but to the eventing sector. You link maps using events.

Timothy Nelson -> RE: [RMXP] RPG Maker XP Tutorial (Currently a WIP) (6/15/2006 16:27:36)

oh ok thinks vamp, i have been tweaking my battle system and weapons i made cause i could not link maps thinks alot now i can finish game woot!

The Falcon -> RE: [RMXP] RPG Maker XP Tutorial (Currently a WIP) (6/16/2006 9:52:28)

Okay, we can probably have all eventing done by the end of the weekend, but would people rather see Eventing finished fully (advanced stuff as well as basics), or would everyone rather have Mapping basics done?

VampireSlayer2 -> RE: [RMXP] RPG Maker XP Tutorial (Currently a WIP) (6/16/2006 14:03:53)

I think it would help all people new to RMXP and people unsure what they are doign if we do all the Basics first then work on Advanced Eventing.

The Falcon -> RE: [RMXP] RPG Maker XP Tutorial (Currently a WIP) (6/16/2006 23:17:58)

Okay, we'll do basic evenitng and mapping first.

Eddie -> RE: [RMXP] RPG Maker XP Tutorial (Currently a WIP) (6/17/2006 22:49:33)

Have you even made a game if so do you have link?

The Falcon -> RE: [RMXP] RPG Maker XP Tutorial (Currently a WIP) (6/17/2006 23:01:16)

Erm....check the forums. I dont have a link though, my game is beeing redone.

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