Crynsos -> Primary Fire Element (6/18/2006 1:43:35)
Primary Fire Element Elemental Location: Fiery Heart of Mt. Shining Star Level: 10 Element: Fire Damage: 16-30 Damage Type: Melee HP: Scaled MP: 50 Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0 Defenses: Melee: 5, Pierce: 5, Magic: 5, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0 Offenses: Crit: 1, Bonus: 0, Boost: 0% Resistances: Water: -100, Ice: -50, Fire: 200 Attack Type 1 - Walks up to you and swings his arms at you for one melee damage Attack Type 2 - Throws a fireball at you for one melee damage Gold gained: 11 Experience gained: 216 [image][/image] Also See: <Named Elemental> (1), Elemental Servant (1), Fire Elemental (All Versions), Fire Lord, Fire Minion(s), Inferno Elemental, Titan Fire Elemental Thanks to Stephen Nix for entry reformat and corrections.