Pivot Guide and Q&A (Full Version)

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Mobuis -> Pivot Guide and Q&A (6/26/2006 0:10:36)

Moby’s Complete Guide to Pivot
A beginners guide to pivot by Mobuis



I'll be answering pivot questions for any kiddys that need it, Kereo will help to when he can.

Part 1 = Basic Overview
Part 2 = Walking
Part 3 = Teleporten

Hello and welcome to Moby’s Complete Guide to Pivot TM. I’m here to teach you, the average person, who has no clue what the hell to do with this program. Lucky for you I’m here. I’ll run down everything you need to know, from starting the program to making your first animation.

If you have comments, make them have a point. No "d00d d1s is for n3wbs!" of ANY kind. Becuase it was made for new people.


The first thing you should keep in mind that this program takes a while to master. Some people have been using the program for 2 years. Don’t be overwhelmed if you first animation turns out like a piece of crud. That’s how everyone starts, and eventually you will become better.

First thing first, make sure you have the program! Just go to Google and type in “Pivot animation” or something close to it. Then download it to your computer so we can get rolling! I would suggest getting the normal pivot and not the Pivot 3 beta, as that can have problems.

Got it? Good, now go ahead and open it by clicking on this little icon right here.
Easy huh? If you have trouble opening it I suggest seeing a doctor, that step was incredibly easy to do. Now you’ll come to this screen. (Hopefully)
Yep, ignore my little taskbar there please. So you come to this screen and find a little random guy floating in the middle. I’ll over view what all the buttons do.

  • PLAY – Plays all your frames as one animation.
  • STOP – Stops playing your animation.
  • REPEAT – Toggle on and off, this decides when your watching an animation to repeat it after
  • it finishes playing the animation.
  • TASKBAR – Speeds up your animation playing speed, bottom is slower while the top is faster.
  • THE BOX WITH AN ARROW – Let’s you cycle through which stick men you have imported to the clip.
  • ADD FIGURE – Adds the currently selected stick from the selection box above to the animation.
  • DELETE – Deletes the stick figure selected in the selected slide screen.
  • CENTER – Moves the stick figure selected in selected slide to the center.
  • COLOR – Let’s you change the color of a selected stick in a frame.
  • FRONT – Moves a stick figure in front of all the others.
  • EDIT – Let’s you edit the selected stick in the Stick Editor.
  • FLIP – Let’s you horizontally flip a stick figure selected in a frame.
  • NUMBER BOX – Let’s you change the size of a selected Stick Figure
  • BACK – Places the selected stick behind the others.
  • NEXT FRAME – Adds the current frame to the animation and brings you to the next one.

Got all that? Now what’s that blank box at the top? Well click next frame and I’ll show you. Now you see up there? A miniature picture of that last frame came up on there! That’s the first frame!



For people who know what layers are, a frame is basically a layer and each layer will go into a saved GIF, when saving it will be saved at 7/100th speed for best results. Shrinking it by 1/2 also smooths an animation.

Well that was interesting eh? Now you still have the same image in your big box in the middle right? Well click on any of the red dots and move them. Whoa! You just moved your stick guy! Well now your asking why there is a gray imprint behind him? That’s where he was last frame so you can see. Now make sure you moved him a little and click NEXT FRAME.

Another box appeared up there. Now from here press PLAY. You see that? That was, believe it or not, your first animation!

Guy: Mobuis that totally sucked!
Mobuis: *signals with a hand motion and Nuclear Nerd comes out of nowhere and eats the annoying fool* Mobuis: Back to business!

Now go ahead and start a new one, go to start > New. Make sure you don’t save this animation though. Now go ahead and click NEXT frame. Now I want you to go ahead and clckon the stick man, and change his color, size, or add a new stick. Then click NEXT frame and play. Now he blinks/shrinks/grows/duplicates, and you now know a little bit about effects.

Go ahead and experiment and move them around. Try making a fight and concentrate on fun over quality now!


Well you have a couple of fights ready, but there mainly guys floating around and shooting balls at eachother, right? So maybe we should try getting down one of the most basic and important things, walking.

Walking is simple to get down. People tend to mess this part up and its a basic element of Pivot you should learn. First just open up a new animtion. (or a .piv file, as i will now call them) And place the default stick like he was facing right, on the bottom left so his feet are touching the edge of teh box. HIT NEXT FRAME

One foot should be behind while the other should be in front. Hit NEXT FRAME, and move the back leg forward and bending slightly. The front leg should be strait and the end of the foot must still be touching the old imprint's foot.

NEXT FRAME again, and keep carrying the back foot forward so it should be just passing over the front foot. The front foot should still be touching that same spot. Now bring the formaly back foot a little above the ground and have him lean foward. Then hit NEXT frame.

Now make that foot touch the ground, hit next frame and play your results. Hopefully it looks good, if ot then try again. Keep in min dit should be about fun and learning over quality.


It should turn out remotly like this guy's NN's. =\ Click me
Now that you listened to me, try Nuclear Nerds Tutorial, found Here!

Part 3
Telportation Sheet
Read ^

ktt8400 -> RE: Complete Guide to pivot (And ill do a Q&A) (6/26/2006 9:26:32)

this looks easy, step by step and not too big, perfect tut, expecialy for a first one(i think)

Mobuis -> RE: Complete Guide to pivot (And ill do a Q&A) (6/26/2006 9:37:51)

Thanks, i added part two. Next comes section 3 and 4.

.//Obsession -> RE: Complete Guide to pivot (And ill do a Q&A) (6/26/2006 12:46:12)

Okies.. You said I could help with the Q&A, And I have a tut coming!

Mobuis -> RE: Complete Guide to pivot Q&A (6/26/2006 12:48:01)

w00t, duh ya can.

I'll add your tut up as section 3 if ya want.

.//Obsession -> RE: Complete Guide to pivot Q&A (6/26/2006 12:51:58)

Okies! I'll be done soon!

Um.. I'll be leaving for 3-4 Hours. I'll answer questions and finish the tut then.

wu218 -> RE: Complete Guide to pivot Q&A (6/27/2006 9:57:56)

not trying to flame, i like this, wish i could try this program, the guy doesnt look like hes walking in your first link.

Mobuis -> RE: Complete Guide to pivot Q&A (6/27/2006 11:50:16)

That's why i said remotly! =D

.//Obsession -> RE: Complete Guide to pivot Q&A (6/28/2006 13:28:36)

My tut is to be even further delayed. I have gotten a possible job as an artist for a game, so that is more important at the moment.

Mobuis -> RE: Complete Guide to pivot Q&A (6/28/2006 13:42:44)

meh thats ok, what kinda game is it? If its classified i understand. :D

fre0082 -> RE: Complete Guide to pivot Q&A (6/28/2006 14:59:12)

He mobius, this have really helped me.When will part 3 and 4 be finished?

.//Obsession -> RE: Complete Guide to pivot Q&A (6/28/2006 15:00:10)

Well, it's an RPG. Master doesn't care if I share that. But the rest is classified until monday. (Too bad all the oldies still know)

Fre: I'm suposedly doing third part, but I am inable, so you may just have to ask questions for now, unless Mobius would like to change the lineup.

Mobuis -> RE: Complete Guide to pivot Q&A (7/2/2006 19:18:25)

I"ll work on em to night.

bloby2 -> RE: Complete Guide to pivot Q&A (7/3/2006 1:51:11)

does pivot require winzip because when i downloaded it and tryed to open it, it said i need winzip evaluation version and states that winzip is not free hardware/program (cant remember) what should i do?

Mobuis -> RE: Complete Guide to pivot Q&A (7/3/2006 12:00:18)

Hmm.... are you running windows XP? Or something else?

bloby2 -> RE: Complete Guide to pivot Q&A (7/4/2006 2:01:43)

windows xp 2000

Nuclearnerd -> RE: Complete Guide to pivot Q&A (7/4/2006 2:05:11)

Dooder! At least say I made the animation!

Oh yeah, I can help out with all the teenytiny pivot chillin'

Pivot Guru of Wub

fre0082 -> RE: Complete Guide to pivot Q&A (7/4/2006 3:59:05)

When the Winzip window pops up just click on the button: use free evaluation version
Or something like that.Then you should be on a screen where you can click on a pivot/winzip file.Click it.
Now there should be a program installing Pivot.

VampireHSS -> RE: Complete Guide to pivot Q&A (7/4/2006 8:04:44)

Is it possible to import other type of guys to this program and animate them?
If yes, I may give it a try.

.//Obsession -> RE: Complete Guide to pivot Q&A (7/4/2006 12:38:54)

Yes. And it is very very simple. Find a stick pack (moby has one, or you can wait for our swords and sorcery pack) and download it. Then open that file and extract the stick figures. In Pivot, go to file>load figure type, and choose the one you want. YOu can also download one at a time from www.droidz.org

VampireHSS -> RE: Complete Guide to pivot Q&A (7/4/2006 16:09:43)

I mean, guys made by myself? Is it possible?

.//Obsession -> RE: Complete Guide to pivot Q&A (7/4/2006 17:00:07)

Yeah. Same thing for that.

Moby, I made a real quick tut to add.

Telportation Sheet

Mobuis -> RE: Complete Guide to pivot Q&A (7/15/2006 21:11:41)

Yup, totally possibible.


fre0082 -> RE: Complete Guide to pivot Q&A (7/19/2006 4:41:17)

Well eh, You say it is a beginners guide but teleportation is advanced i think.BTW, in my opinion are the pictures on it not very usefull. (on the teleportation sheet)

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