Rough Egg (Full Version)

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Crynsos -> Rough Egg (7/8/2006 18:07:09)

[image][/image]Rough Egg
This tough looking egg is coarse and bumpy to the touch. Large cracks have now formed in this egg, won't be long now!
(No DA Required)

Location: Cysero's Shop
Price: 1 Dragon Coin
Sellback: N/A

Level: 1

Rarity: 4
Item Type: Quest Item

Other information
  • Item was available between July 10th–19th, 2006 to promote activity during a server stress test; players who were not verified AdventureQuest Guardians could participate in this event prior to DragonFable's public release.
  • Previously had the descriptions:
    • This tough looking egg is coarse and bumpy to the touch, but if you listen carefully you can hear something moving inside of it!
    • This tough looking egg is coarse and bumpy to the touch. You hear a heavy sloshing and bubbling as the egg grows larger.
  • Transformed into Pet Slime on July 21st, 2006.

    Also See: Rare Rough Egg

    Thanks to Jay and Stephen Nix for corrections.

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