=AQ= Meet the Mods! - This week, smbdoll - online (Full Version)

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smbdoll -> =AQ= Meet the Mods! - This week, smbdoll - online (3/7/2005 12:26:17)

Meet the Mods is a new program that might, or might not be continued weekly, depending on player response.

Basically, this is a chance for you to get to know each moderator in particular by asking them questions that you ordinarily wouldn't get a chance to. The moderator then either answers the question or lets you know that they consider the question inappropriate to be answered here.

The Online, Offline tag at the end of the title is just that, it tells you if the person is available to answer questions at the moment or not so people don't expect an immediate answer when the person is offline. Even when it says Online, the moderator should still be given a bit of time to answer, as they do have other duties besides watching this thread.

I've volunteered to be the first moderator for Meet the Mods, so fire away!

SPANKY -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods! - This week, smbdoll - online (3/7/2005 12:27:03)

wooo, go you

so what job do you do when not mod-ing AQ?

*I'm currently enrolled in a prep college for university, when finished, I'll be taking a bachellors in social services.*

weatherseed -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods! - This week, smbdoll - online (3/7/2005 12:27:29)

Where are you from?

*Right now, I live in Denmark, but I was born in Germany, adopted by US citizens and spent much of my life travelling*

masterwolfie -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods! - This week, smbdoll - online (3/7/2005 12:27:37)

theres nothig to say really

jorlass -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods! - This week, smbdoll - online (3/7/2005 12:28:02)

What's it like, being on staff and knowing all these things that the rest of us don't about the game?


*It's fascinating seeing the way things are put together, but the job is rather crazy at times and it's easy to get stressed to the point where you don't even play anymore*

Legasee -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods! - This week, smbdoll - online (3/7/2005 12:28:20)

Q: Did you get my PM I sent you about the Avatars?


Q: Were you annoyed about it?

*Slightly, Sonic handles the majority of avatar uploads.*

Q: Do you know when Gal is online?

*Yes, but I don't tell other people things that another staff member will tell you themselves if they want you to know.*

Q: How old are you?

*Old enough to know better, too young to resist.*

Q: Shouldn't this thread go in OOC Room? Though it is a very good idea.

*No, Moderators affect the entire community*

davidfreeland6060 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods! - This week, smbdoll - online (3/7/2005 12:28:22)

what is your real name?

*Puddintain, ask me again, I'll tell you the same.*

qbsuperstar03 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods! - This week, smbdoll - online (3/7/2005 12:28:23)

Wow, I like this idea. First question (from me, anyway):

What are your influences when you RP?

*A lot of different things influence me, what I read, the people I talk to, how I'm feeling when I type the post, etc.

I would say the biggest influence would have to be my memories of a some of the people I met while travelling, including a sweet little deaf girl named Carrissandra that I based Sarai off of.*

Yerameyahu -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods! - This week, smbdoll - online (3/7/2005 12:28:42)

Do you ever want a vacation from AQ? Do you ever take one? :] We know you deserve it...

*Yes, and I took a week off about a week ago. When I came back, there was a lot of work that needed to be done, but Sonic, Beleqwaya and Blackhawke were invaluable in handling the users needs, so much so that Sonic still answers Helpzard emails about the forum.*

Kilor -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods! - This week, smbdoll - online (3/7/2005 12:29:08)

Why and how did you start AQ? How long have you been playing? Finally aproximate age and any family?

*I needed something to do to keep me sane while I was desperate for an English speaking social environment while I was studying Danish. A friend of mine kept showing me his status page and I finally decided to give it a shot. I've been playing for about a year and a half now. I have a beautiful pair of three year old twins (boy and girl) and my husband and I are old enough to be parents to three year old twins.*

davidfreeland6060 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods! - This week, smbdoll - online (3/7/2005 12:29:22)

is artix going to drop another bomb?

*Of course, it's Artix we're talking about. I'm more worried that he'll drop another pun.*

Bakuryuuha -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods! - This week, smbdoll - online (3/7/2005 12:29:24)

umm what do you mostly look for in signatures (like how do u guys decides who get creative)

*Size counts, I don't like them too big. A nice balance of colour and texture is a good idea too.*

Qwesh -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods! - This week, smbdoll - online (3/7/2005 12:29:34)

Great idea.

How did you find out about AQ?

*I had a friend called Kurokage (now known in the forums as Smile) who kept showing off his character page. He finally got me interested.*

Hero of Winds -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods! - This week, smbdoll - online (3/7/2005 12:29:37)

What inspired you to make the Flutterbies?

*I was inspired by a piece of stained glass I bought when I was in Augusta, Maine.*

Destined Darkness -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods! - This week, smbdoll - online (3/7/2005 12:30:25)

Are you ever gonna answer? joking...

*I'm working on it.*

Sasheria -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods! - This week, smbdoll - online (3/7/2005 12:33:20)

Are you going to have any class that will be associate with you? aka you be the leader of X class.

*I doubt it, I have my hands full with the forums!*

davidfreeland6060 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods! - This week, smbdoll - online (3/7/2005 12:34:09)

why do paladins have weakness to dark? don't they fight dark type monsters so they should have more resitance to dark and be weaker to light.

*Ask Artix, I just manage the forums!*

ScorchPSO -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods! - This week, smbdoll - online (3/7/2005 12:45:11)

How did you become a staff member? (I'm not saying i wanna become one because i don't im just curious :P)?

*I spoke the languages needed when the old forums desperately needed a translator!*

Deadman -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods! - This week, smbdoll - online (3/7/2005 12:55:03)

If you could do one thing consequence free what would it be. Ex.-Ban every person who didn't like you

*I'd get all the body piercings I want at once - no pain. :P*

skyboy59 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods! - This week, smbdoll - online (3/7/2005 12:57:14)

smb, so you spoke proper english and leet? I saw old ez boards lol...

*I despise leet, but I can read it. The langagues in particular that were needed were Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish (which are close enough that if you know one you can translate the others.)

anyways when do you ever take a vacation away from us? :P

*I took one a month ago, leaving the other admins in charge.*

Elnaith -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods! - This week, smbdoll - online (3/7/2005 12:57:51)

Lol, looking forward to LLBNF ARP? [:)].?

*Of course I am. The RPers all seem skilled and I haven't done a romantic RP in a very long time.*

Thief -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods! - This week, smbdoll - online (3/7/2005 12:59:01)

Simple fun question....What is your favorite thing you have contributed to adding to the game?

*Flutterbies of course! I love those things.*

warf -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods! - This week, smbdoll - online (3/7/2005 13:00:13)

What is your favourite weapon in the game?


Why did you choose the name smbdoll?

*It was chosen for me. My innitials were smbd before I married and my friends at my first job called me doll.

What is your favourite thing about AQ?

*The players*

zemfiro -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods! - This week, smbdoll - online (3/7/2005 13:00:23)

wel i stil doubting end some other poeple also about dracolich is it a 1 lucky person to kil or all poeple have a change to kil it?

*It's defeatable, I did it with my level 56.*

weatherseed -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods! - This week, smbdoll - online (3/7/2005 13:01:10)

One last one, Will we ever see pictures of the Aq staffers or do they want to live behind their npc pictures?

*We've shown our pictures before, here's mine*

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