skyboy59 -> Blob Form (3/8/2005 13:38:55)
Blob Form Level: 30 Price: 3,000 213 Sellback: 1,200 1,500 106 Location: Warlic's Beginner Magic Shop COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: 25 Ranged: 25 Magic: 35 ELEMENT MODIFIER Fire: 100% Water: 85% Wind: 105% Ice: 95% Earth: 85% Energy: 110% Light: 100% Darkness: 100% NORMAL ATTACK Hits: 1 Type: «As Weapon» Element: «As Weapon» Damage: 100% Base and Random BTH: +5% Stats: 100% DESCRIPTION Your body is magically transformed into a part-slime hybrid (water, magic and earth defense), and you get a +5 bonus to hit. [image][/image] Thanks to roibup for the sellback, and Legasee for the attack. Image from feral__john. Correction from ShadowLurks