skyboy59 -> Demonic (3/8/2005 13:41:09)
Demonic Level: 50 Price: 7000 1345 Sellback: 2800 3,500 672 Element: Fire Location: Yulgar's Beginner Shop Base Defenses Melee: 30 Ranged: 30 Magic: 25 Elemental Modifiers Fire: 75 Water: 105 Wind: 100 Ice: 75 Earth: 100 Energy: 105 Light: 110 Darkness: 80 Description: Your body becomes that of a lesser demon and gives you enhanced damage abilities and high protection from darkness, fire, and ice. SPECIAL Base Damage: +2 Random Damage: +1 NORMAL ATTACK Hits: 1 Damage: 100% base and random (plus special) BTH: +0 [image][/image] Pic thanks to Teuvi. {Description thanks to TCassat! <3} -Coronet Sellback thanks to roibup. Attacks from Legasee.