geopetal -> DracGuard (8/8/2006 13:51:13)
[image][/image] DracGuard Level: 35 Price: 1000 162 Sellback: 800 81 Location: The Nightbane Chronicles Part I Element: Neutral COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: +2 Ranged: +2 Magic: -2 ELEMENT MODIFIER Fire: +5% Water: -0% Wind: +10% Ice: -0% Earth: -10% Energy: -5% Light: +10% Darkness: -10% TRIGGER Trigger: Monster Category "Were", "Vamp" Damage: 110% base and 120% random DESCRIPTION A shield that defends well against earth and darkness attacks, and also increases your offensive abilities against vampires and werewolves. [image][/image] Triggered: [image][/image] iThanks to narutorocks, weatherseed, Legasee, dillan628 and Azerkail. Element from Legasee. Images from Teuvi.