Time Scrolls (Full Version)

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Suikoman444 -> Time Scrolls (8/12/2006 2:36:05)


Location: Isle D'Oriens > Falerin's room > Click on the Time Scroll to the left of Falerin, closest to him.

As you open the scroll you feel your head begin to spin. Suddenly, strange lights appear before you and you are transported backwards through time....

Moon Called: Our friends are already on the battlefield fighting... they need your help! I have never seen a battle so fierce. But we must win! We must stop the evil fire dragon!

An Adventurer: I am so jealous! I wanted the Ice Claymore from Twilly but he said he was holding on to it for you. You are so lucky! Do not worry, when we finally break through the fire army, I will watch your back when you fight Akriloth!

Evil Firezard Minion: Rarrrwwrrrrraaarrrrr! (Translation: "Akriloth is going to eat you all and go eat your families... ouch, Artix's foot hurts right there.

Enemy Fire Knight: Help! I've fallen and I can't get up! ... Haha when I do get up I am going to stab all of your friends there in the back!

Kick 'em

Enemy Fire Knight: OUCH! That was not very nice... I hope Akriloth breathes fire and burns your house down!

Kick 'em... again!

Enemy Fire Knight: YEOWCH! ... heh... you call that a kick? I bet you get beaten by level 1 frogzards! Akriloth is going to crush your puny human army and eat you as a snack! You do not have a ....

One more, aim low!

Enemy Fire Knight: *Super high pitched voice* ... chance.

Artix von Krieger: I just knew you would be here! Tis' an honor to fight by thy side! I came here to ask Twilly to heal me so I can get back to helping to defeat the fire monsters. That evil Dragon's days are numbered.
Artix von Krieger: Akriloth, the Evil Fire Dragon taunting us from that volcano, has killed many of our fellow adventurers, and destroyed several towns. He even stole the magical Fire Orb which made him nearly invincable!
Artix von Krieger: Since he obtained the Fire Orb, he has been attacking everyone on random encounters. The only thing that could stop him was an ancient weapon known as the Ice Scythe... long story... but it is the Ice Claymore now!
Artix von Krieger: All of the adventurers in the world came together and beat the impossible odds to recover the Ice Claymore; Fire Demons... Ice Demons... Undead Dragons...
Artix von Krieger: ... and now that we have the Ice Claymore, it all comes down to this final battle. All of the adventurers united against the most evil monster in the world! When we get through their troops, you will take the Ice Claymore.....
Artix von Krieger: ... and... BRING THAT DRAGON DOWN! ... we are counting on you.

(To Battle)
Akriloth, the insanly powerful fire dragon, remians perched upon his volcanic home, commanding his army to block your path. Along with the help of the other Adventurers, you must fight your way to him! The bar to the left shoes how many of Akriloth's forces remain. There are thousands of players on their way to join you in this battle!

Level 49 and Below
Fire Drakel Warrior
Fire Drakel Wizard
Fire Fiend
Fire Knight
Fire Mantik
Torch Foot
Level 50 and Above
Draegan Avenger
Fire Demon
Fire Drakel Warrior
Fire Drakel Wizard
Fire Fiend
Fire Golem
Fire Knight
Fire Mantik
Fire Seed Spitter
Fire Warlord
Torch Foot

Twilly: *Huggles* Yea! Now that you are here we will win for sure! Twillies has a gift from Yulgar, it's the Ice Claymore! It does good damage against Fire Monsters, but it will do MASSSSSSSSSIVE damage to Akriloth!

You now possess the FROZEN CLAYMORE

«As Above»

Akriloth the Fire Dragon

Amazing! You have defeated the evil Fire Dragon Akriloth!
You did it... you really did it!

You: It is finally over...
You: I have saved these lands from the greatest monster of all time. I only wish... I only wish that there was some cool theme music to mark this incredible victory.
You: Like a... "Da Daaa Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
You: Or perhaps a... "Do Da Doooooo"
You: DadadadadaDAAAAAAA Dooo da dooooo! Dededededadada! DAAAAAA DAAAAAAA DOOOOOOOOOOOM!
You: ... or something.
You: The important thing is that we were victorious. History was made here... today... on this very battle ground (and I have a really cool sword now too!)
You: But now that Akriloth is gone ...
You: What is next?

Nifaria comes out from the volcano

Nifaria: Do you know you have just done, human!?
You: Whew... I was worried things were going to get boring here for a moment. Erm, *coughs* I mean... Who are you?
Nifaria: I am Nifaria, the Elemental Spirit of Fire! (Read my name tag next time.)
You: I have never seen an elemental spirit before.
Nifaria: That is because you are the first human to do so...
Nifaria: Thou hast slain Akriloth, the most powerful fire creature in this world... are you aware of the consequences of thy action?
You: *Obviously this will require some roleplaying* Mi'lady Spirit... Akriloth was a dragon of evil. He was defeated fairly in battle to protect the innocent.
Nifaria: That may be true, but slaying him has caused a great imblanace in elemental power.
Nifaria: Human, this may be difficult for you to understand... but this world is a battleground for the great elemental beings...
Nifaria: ... by slaying Akriloth you have put all fire beings in grave peril.
You: Are you trying to say by killing Akriloth, that I have endangered all fire beings in the world?
Nifaria: Yes
You: Then why did you not just say that in the first place?
Nifaria: Do not anger me human!
You: (This discussion is getting really heated) Nifaria, what can I do to reset balance?
Nifaria: In my hand is a fire dragon egg... it is about to hatch.
Nifaria: When it hatches in a few moments... it will be the only great fire dragon left in this world...
You: ... (Does this mean I get to kill two dragons in one DAY!?!?!?! OMG OMG OMG OMG!)
Nifaria: You will raise it...
You: RAISE IT!? You want me to raise a baby dragon?
Nifaria: Yes. You will raise Akriloth's only son. Take him with you on your adventures and raise him as you see fit.

Nifaria gives you the egg.

Nifaria: Akriloth's son will grow much faster than the other dragons you have seen...
Nifaria: Try not to let him eat you.
You: *Gulps* I will do my best to raise him to be a noble dragon.. a protector of humans...
Nifaria: *Chuckles* Thou art so going to be dragon food.
You: ...
Nifaria: Farewell...

Nifaria leaves.

You: ...
You: First I slay a dragon... then I get a lecture from some elemental spirit... Now I need to raise a baby dragon? What else could happen today?

Mysterious Necromancer walks in

Mysterious Necromancer: Mwahahahahaha... *hrmph!?* Excuse me... what are you still doing here?
You: I guess that dialogue took a bit longer than I thought. Um... aren't you the Mysterious Necromancer that created the Undead Dragon from the dead Darkness Dragon?
Mysterious Necromancer: Yessss... You have not seen a dead Fire dragon laying around anywhere by chance have you?
You: Why yes... "laying all around" was a good way to put it. He exploded. *Wipes some goo off his foot*
Mysterious Necromancer: Seriously
You: Yes
Mysterious Necromancer: I am leaving.
You: ...
Mysterious Necromancer: Are you sure you exploded him? I mean... an undead super ultra magma dragon would really own in another undead war.
You: He definately exploded...
Mysterious Necromancer: DANGIT!
Mysterious Necromancer: By the way, I just thought you would like to know that I have used evil magic to create an indestructable force of mutant worm monsters which I will unleash on the small defenseless town of battleon soon....
Mysterious Necromancer: Enjoy your victory while you can... DragonSlayer. *mumbles something about exploded dragons under his breath*

Mysterious Necromancer leaves

You: Evil army of Worm monsters? Elemental spirits engaged in an epic battle? ... looks like things are getting interesting again... and I liked the way he said "Dragon Slayer" (Now would be a good time to look at your class)

You gain the class Dragon Slayer

You: It is time to start training this baby dragon...
You: This is weird... what is this "Dragon Armor" option under armors?

You gain Dragon Rider

You: Wow... the baby dragon hatched.
You: OMG!!! He is huge!!!!!!

The Dragon War Saga

Corrections from alexefb and Sora Aeragorn. Guardian requirement thanks to Archlist.

Suikoman444 -> RE: Time Scrolls (8/12/2006 2:36:26)


Location: Isle D'Oriens > Falerin's room > Click on the extreme left Time Scroll

As you open the scroll you feel your head begin to spin. Suddenly, strange lights appear before you and you are transported backwards through time....

The Drakel hid inside massive domed cities long ago to escape a great destructive force. Now some Drakel have left their cities to search for something that could help them stop the old enemy if it returns! A Drakel war party activated a strange “clock” in Stonerule. We need to find out just what it means…

Twilly: We tracked the wily Drakel back to their domed city! We need you to help fight and get to their leader!
Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you.
“Heal me please” or “Let me handle this.”

If healed
Twlly: There we goes! All healed up!
“Thank you”

“Battle the army” will put you against 4 battles of the monsters randomly chosen from the list below.

Level 49 and Below
Drakel Air Raider
Drakel Captain
Drakel Caster
Drakel Enforcer
Drakel Power Scout
Drakel Warrior
Drakel Water Mage
Drakelon Prototype

Level 50 and Above
Drakel Air Raider
Drakel Captain
Drakel Caster
Drakel Destroyer
Drakel Enforcer
Drakel Power Armor
Drakel Power Scout
Drakel Swordmistress
Drakel Warrior
Drakel Water Mage
Drakelon Steam Dragon
Greater Warbeast
Lesser Warbeast

Level 39 and Below
Drakel Guards ( Drakel Enforcers )

Level 40 and Above
Drakel Guards ( Drakel Destroyer )

Level 39 and Below
Soralag Drakel/Dragon Hybrid (30)

Level 40-60
Soralag Drakel/Dragon Hybrid (60)

Level 61 and Above
Soralag Drakel/Dragon Hybrid (90)

Kragg: *huff huff* Thank the Creator! I managed to escape those meddling humans at last!
Kragg: Now I must regroup with my special Drakel War Council and figure out our next move!
Kragg: Gah!! It's one of the humans' ghastly pets!!

Truffle flies in.

Truffle: Mep! meeep!
Kragg: Please!! Spare me!

Valencia and Galanoth walk in.

Valencia: Truffle, come over here before this ugly guy's bad breath makes you faint!
Truffle: Mep? meeeeeeeeeee...!
Kragg: Gahhh! I am trapped! I beg you, please spare my worthless existence!! I promise to never again lay waste to one of your hairless-ape villages!
Kragg: Really, I do!
Galanoth: Suuurrre. I only believe you when you don't say anything, Kragg.
Valencia: You have some questions to answer!
Kragg: Okay, anything! Except for top-secret secrets.
Valencia: I don't think so. Here's how this is going to work: we ask, you answer. You don't answer, you get thrown into the Pit without that big flamethrower on your arm.
Kragg: Um.... can I have a day to think about it?
Galanoth: I suppose so... you can spend it in the Pit.
Kragg: Nevermind. You were saying--?
Valencia: Question one: why did you raid Stonerule in the first place?
Kragg: My special Drakel War Council thought we might find a valuable clue to our past there, since Stonerule is so ancient.
Galanoth: You can't fool us... we know that your past is no history to your kind: it is the rest of us that you keep it hidden from!
Kragg: bah-- you are right. But it is for the better. Some things are better left shrouded in mystery.
Valencia: Okay then, tell us why you had all those Azru Stones with you? And just what is that giant clock-like structure that blew up out of the ground??
Kragg: Our magiscientists discovered the Azru Stones a few cycles ago. They have a mystical property that we don't quite understand fully. But then--
Kragg: --Their magnetic poles were found to point to Stonerule. Something there must have a deep geologic link to the Stones. But we found nothing when we ransacked the place.
Galanoth: Ah yes... that was very nice of you to do, Kragg.
Kragg: There is no place for diplomacy when it comes to protecting our species! My faction of Drakel society believes in doing whatever is needed to preserve our future.
Valencia: Okay. So then what is that clock-like monolith that appeared out of the ground??
Kragg: We have no idea. My best guess is that the Azru Stones somehow caused it to appear.
Kragg: Our Drakel seers have said a "prophet" of some kind will appear in Stonerule, so there is more to come...
Kragg: ...perhaps something dangerous lies in wait. Either way, the best thing for you to do is to keep watch on the Stonerule monolith.
Kragg: .........
Kragg: Can I leave now?
Valencia: I don't know. Galanoth, what do you think?
The Scene changes to the Pit.

Kragg: ........mommy?........

Commander Kragg was imprisoned, but the real effects of the war-crazed cyberdrakel's actions are even more devastating than anyone could imagine at the time.
For the Drakel unwittingly awoke the most terrifying monster ever to walk the world of Lore...
But that is another story...

Guardian requirement thanks to Archlist.

Suikoman444 -> RE: Time Scrolls (8/12/2006 2:37:03)


Location: Isle D'Oriens > Falerin's room > Click on the Time Scroll 2nd to the left of Falerin

As you open the scroll you feel your head begin to spin. Suddenly, strange lights appear before you and you are transported backwards through time....

Carnax was a powerful monster created by a sorcerer’s cult They lost control of the beast and Carnax destroyed the island nation of Talados. And vanished into the sea with it.

“Galanoth. head of the Dragonslayers, can absorb punishment from Carnax with his heavy armor.”
“Vampireslayer E has put off his vampire slaying to help battle Carnax”
“The water elf Aquella fights to protect her coastal home.
“Robina Hood snipes at the beast from a distance.”
“The paladin Artix Krieger fights Carnax’s evil with his holy might!”
“Warlic is one of Lore’s greatest wizards.”
“Captain Rhubarb has given us many supplies for battle!”

Twilly: Oh no!! That big ugly-wugly is stomping around everywhere.! We need your help now!!
Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you.
“Heal me please” or “Let me handle this.”

If healed
Twlly: There we goes! All healed up!
“Thank you”

From the treasure chest, guardians can pick up the Carnax Blade and you can pick up, up to 5 potions from the bag.

Guardians can also do little side events.

Shoot Carnax

Robina: Welcome to the Stonerule battlefield, where we are fighting the gigantic and powerful monster Carnax!
Warlic: I have magically charged some arrows for you to shoot at Carnax from afar! They should be strong enough to pierce his evil hide. Just click on the targets when they light up.

You now get to shoot arrows at Carnax.

Robina: Great shooting! Those arrows definitely let Carnax know we mean business!!
Warlic: If you hit more than 30 of your targets you will get a special reward! If you hit less than 30, you will get a lesser reward.

If you hit more than 30:
Level 25 and Below
Treasure Chest

Level 26-50
Big Treasure Chest

Level 51+
Huge Treasure Chest

If you hit 30 or less:

Level 25 and Below
Small Treasure Chest

Level 26-50
Treasure Chest

Level 51+
Big Treasure Chest

1 on 1
You fight a full HP Carnax.

When you click battle, you have the option to bring Artix, Galanoth, E or Aquella with you.

Now what parts of Carnax’s massive body do you want to attack?

Choose LOW to fight his arms and legs, or choose HIGH and ride on the wizard Jackel Sano’s ice platforms and fight Carnax’s upper body.
“Battle HIGH!” or “Battle LOW”

Battle High
Level 49 and Below
Carnax: Head (Weakest)
Carnax: Head (Middle Version)
Carnax: Left Shoulder (Weakest)
Carnax: Right Shoulder (Weakest)
Carnax: Tail (Weakest)
Carnax: Back (Weakest)
Level 50 and Above
Carnax: Head (Strongest) (4k HP)
Carnax: Left Shoulder (Strongest)
Carnax: Right Shoulder (Strongest)
Carnax: Tail (Strongest)
Carnax: Back (Strongest)
Carnax: Head (Middle Version)
Carnax: Head (Strongest) (10k HP)

Battle Low
Level 49 and Below
Carnax: Right Arm (Weakest)
Carnax: Left Arm (Weakest)
Carnax: Left Leg (Weakest)
Carnax: Right Leg (Weakest)
Level 50 and Above
Carnax: Right Arm (Strongest)
Carnax: Left Arm (Strongest)
Carnax: Left Leg (Strongest)
Carnax: Right Leg (Strongest)

Level 49 and Below
Carnax: Head (Weakest)
Carnax: Head (Middle Version)
Carnax: Left Shoulder (Weakest)
Carnax: Right Shoulder (Weakest)
Carnax: Tail (Weakest)
Carnax: Back (Weakest)
Level 50 and Above
Carnax: Head (Strongest) (4k HP)
Carnax: Left Shoulder (Strongest)
Carnax: Right Shoulder (Strongest)
Carnax: Tail (Strongest)
Carnax: Back (Strongest)
Carnax: Head (Middle Version)
Carnax: Head (Strongest) (10k HP)

Level 29 and Below
Carnax: Head (Weakest)
Level 30-65
Carnax: Head (Middle Version)
Level 66 and Above
Carnax: Head (Strongest) (5k HP)

“See Carnax fall”

Carnax collapses violently.

CARNAX: I've failed you, my Master...death has come, my nightmare ends.
CARNAX: I can rest, finally...rest...you can't reach me now.
CARNAX: ……..

Carnax’s eyes close and he turns to stone.

The Great Scourge of Carnax is now defeated , and the beasts massive body has become entombed in a cocoon of rock. Stonerule can now be rebuilt.

A kind family of married villagers, unable to have children of their own, have volunteered to take young Danail into their home as their own.

Something tells you the story of Riona Shadowgale, the Prophet who helped save the world from Carnax is far from over…

Guardian requirement thanks to Archlist.

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