Crystal Seed (Full Version)

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geopetal -> Crystal Seed (8/15/2006 21:25:39)

Crystal Seed

Price: 400 55
Sellback: 200 300 27
Level: 20
Location: Dwarfhold Mountains; Crystal cave

Element: Light
Attack Type: Magic
Damage: 5-17
BTH: 10%

Hits: 2
Element: Light
Attack Type: Magic
Damage: 100% Base and Random each
BTH: +10% each
Stat Bonuses: Yes
Rate: 100%

The shell of a Vizalain Seed. This magical weapon focuses powerful light onto your enemies!


Thanks to Nixtrix89, Tainted_Flesh, CrimsonDarkness, master of the gates, Siouxsie871, Minion of Poelala and pedrobobo.

geopetal -> RE: Crystal Seed (8/15/2006 21:26:55)

Crystal Seed

Level: 50
Price: 1 000 672
Sellback: 500 750 336
Location: Dwarfhold Mountains; Crystal cave

Element: Light
Attack Type: Magic
Damage: 6-23
BTH: 10%

Hits: 2
Element: Light
Attack Type: Magic
Damage: 100% Base and Random each
BTH: +10% each
Stat Bonuses: Yes
Rate: 100%

The shell of a Vizalain Seed. This magical weapon focuses powerful light onto your enemies!


geopetal -> RE: Crystal Seed (8/15/2006 21:27:59)

Crystal Seed

Level: 80
Price: 8 000 14,814
Sellback: 4 000 6 000 7,407
Location: Dwarfhold Mountains; Crystal cave

Element: Light
Attack Type: Magic
Damage: 7-27
BTH: 10%

Hits: 2
Element: Light
Attack Type: Magic
Damage: 100% Base and Random each
BTH: +10% each
Stat Bonuses: Yes
Rate: 100%

The shell of a Vizalain Seed. This magical weapon focuses powerful light onto your enemies!


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