Evil_God -> RE: =AQ= Truth Stuff (8/21/2006 1:13:44)
Truth, we know him in the hooded cape, Lies, I don't think we know him/she/it, but we have probably heared of him/she/it, Hope, won't come untill we have lost everything/ or is the devourer that eats worlds and gives birth to a new begining, and Edward, is probably some weird creature that was captured by drakel. Truth, Hope, Lies, Edward, Death, Life, Nothingness, and where are Twilly's new boots from the future...what dose it all mean? find out sometime in November probably, when we have Banks[:D]. So many things to do and figure out and so little time to not do it in[:)] Twilly is taking a break, but then again he takes break around April 1st, December 23rd, and ....Almost compleatly off topic[&:] how did that happen? well Truth is saposivly 1 of 8/10/11 or something, and opposites are gathering Truth/Lies Hope/ Edward/ Death/Life