RE: =EC= Fountain Arena (Full Version)

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The Extinguisher -> RE: =EC= Fountain Arena (8/29/2006 17:54:48)

Axel chuckled. The ninja had fallen for it. While he hadn't expected the spell, he could use it to his advantage. He mumbled an incantation and stopped moving. His body jerked forward, but he managed to stay standing. Within an instant, he pushed his body backwards, expelling him, barely, from his opponent’s dark ring. The shock of reversing direction that fast was intense, but Axel couldn't let it stop him now. With the final word, a large fireball flew from his hands, right at the ninja’s chest. It would be impossible for Axel to miss, save divine intervention. And once the ninja was weakened, and his spell dissipated, Axel could go in for the kill. Then he could move on to bigger things.

SZO11 -> RE: =EC= Fountain Arena (8/30/2006 0:41:57)

Hmm, I guess it was too good of a performance, oh well, it should still work. My speed did increase, but I underestimated him, dodging will be no simple task, luckily I can at least weaken the attack. His blades spun rapidly through the wind ripping the ball of fire and spreading the reduced damage all over his body. The flame ball flared around in the air currents of the spinning blades, guided along with darkness, the ninja was engulfed and could hardly be seen or see out of this orb of fire and darkness, and the radius of the darkness slowly retreated around the ninja. The darkness exploded in all directions, leaving a crater on the ground and smoke that seemed to reach the sun, even though one could not stare at it long enough to see so. What was left appeared a slightly burned ninja, in a defensive pose, his two right fingers slid near his face while his left arm hung around his right elbow. The voice that came from it sounded like an echo that never saw it's master, "Never underestimate the power of a diversion." As soon as the message ended the mage found himself surrounded by a shadow that was getting smaller and denser. The ninja star was not in Zoshang's hands, but a small buzz could barely be heard, if not drowned out by the commotion of the other fight.

Kellehendros -> RE: =EC= Fountain Arena (8/30/2006 10:32:28)

Shadow's eyes ran over the new warrior who had aided him quickly, it would be a hassle that the Ice Wizard was not quite yet ready for if this one turned out to be an ally to the Dark Jester.

It seemed, however, that this was Shadow's lucky day, and if it wasn't, certainly things were turning out well anyways. The man turned, slicing and hacking wildly through the forest of wire connected knives that the Ice Wizard's spell had blown willy-nilly across the raised marble fountain area.

Turning back to him, the man offered only a bow, then adopted a defensive stance, ready in case Shadow decided to attack him. That presented a problem, as the Ice Wizard was uncertain if the warrior had bowed out of some sense of honor, showing that he was preparing to launch an attack on Shadow, or if it was a sort of 'you're welcome' bow, requesting the pay for services rendered, so to speak, at a later date.

Shadow was feeling optimistic today, a rare occurence, probably brought on by the fact that things seemed to be working in his favor. He therefore decided to assume that the bow was the latter signal, and being one to not speak unless he felt it was necessary, and perhaps wanting to respect the warrior's chosen silence, he simply inclined his head in a sort nod of assent. Turning back to survey the field, and placing trust in his, hopefully, new ally, Shadow reached down into himself, grasping the well of Elemental power, and pulling forth another surge of its might, preparing for the next spell he would cast...

The Extinguisher -> RE: =EC= Fountain Arena (8/30/2006 19:23:09)

"This isn't going to end well." Axel knew there was no escape. He had seen it before. The darkness was centered at his body, so no matter how much he ran, he could never escape. He though for a moment, when suddenly, a plan went through his head. "I just hope this works"

Axel started running, strait towards the closest wall. Secretly taking out pair of daggers, normally used as backup weapons, and readied his assault. Seconds from the wall, he jumped, and positioned the daggers to hit the wall. The force of impact drove the tips in, and Axel climbed quickly, using the daggers for support. Working on pure adrenaline, Axel turned around on the wall, and jumped, removing his daggers on the way. He was aimed strait at Zoshang, and there was no way the ninja could block this. Soon Axel's twin daggers would drive into the ninja’s shoulders, and Axel would use the daggers as a way of tossing Zoshang directly into the wall. Hopefully that would keep the ninja from finishing the attack.

My Angel of Dreams -> RE: =EC= Fountain Arena (8/30/2006 22:22:35)

     Thessa felt a mild amusement as she saw Holly, dropping away from the assassin like an arrow-stricken bird without noting his offer, nor paying him any heed. Too bad for him. Her eyes traced the girl's path towards the ground, fixing themselves upon a man standing at her destination. A priest, of some denomination, garbed in mostly nondescript grayish garb, and tightly wound, by the looks of him, the one who had aided Holly. Of what god? She stared at him intently as Holly flipped about neatly in the air above, landing lightly on her feet, her back to the priest. The clothing, devoid of insignia or symbol, gave her no answers, and she gave up after a few seconds, knowing that the dress alone would tell her nothing. It irritated her, slightly, that there were still priests and servants of the gods all around who carried no markings, who hid themselves in anonymity, but such was life. She turned her attention back to Holly, and saw her champion spin lazily around to face her ally. She relaxed, even taking her attention away from the scene before her to turn to the retainer behind her. "Bring me the book," she commanded, then turned back to the battle. Maybe she didn't know now, but the priest there couldn't keep hiding his god forever. It was as if they were ashamed, or afraid. She knew that wasn't a very good reason to waste time identifying an anonymous priest, but her irritation drove her on. She turned back to receive the book, nearly an inch thick, nearly two feet tall, bound in leather and titled "Pantheon - Northern Continent, LORE" and set it on her lap. She closed her eyes, briefly, allowing her memory to resurface, then turned back to watch the priest.

     Holly stood, facing the one who had aided her with his channels of flowing flame, her eyes closed, her body loose and light, as if even a whisp from a fan would blow her away and send her swirling as it would to a mere speck of dust. She could feel him. He was warmer, now that the flame had blurred his feel, and more indistinct. She could feel nothing more than that, a consequence of the traces of his fire, which beat against her skin with frightening intensity. There was sweat, some part of her realized, but her body, the heat and the pain, so distant now, concerned her not. It was as if it were not hers, but a mere copy of hers, an unreal, impure copy which had bound itself to her though sheer stubbornness. Like a doll, a small, fragile thing, but nonetheless one which should never be lost of broken, lest she lose all those memories locked behind those milky eyes, all the feelings locked inside. A note of concern rippled though her, and the air around her body flowed and mingled, cooling swiftly. The distraction gone, she considered her next course of action. Her hand floated upwards, in a gesture of peace towards the man standing in front of her.

demonhunter -> RE: =EC= Fountain Arena (8/31/2006 8:56:23)

Bernard's face was impassive as the wind girl landed in front of him. His daggers remained crossed in front of his groin, ready to move in a heartbeat if the girl turned hostile.

A hand raised by the girl: Bernard recognised the gesture as one of peace. Cassiline's were versed in many forms of unspoken sign language, for the rare occasion that one they were required to protect was deaf. He responded in his own way, with a gesture that was unmistakeably Cassiline.

He uncrossed and sheathed his daggers, before raising his arms to cross the steel vambraces that protected his forearms in front of his chest. He then shifted his legs slightly to allow greater flexibility, and bowed deeply. Standing up again, he moved his hands to rest on the hilt of his daggers.

"I am Bernard Verruil, of the Cassiline Brotherhood."

It was the first time he'd spoken since he had arrived at the arena. His voice was low pitched and gruff, giving the impression that he was not the sort of man who spoke more than necessary: An impression that was, in fact, true. Bernard rarely spoke, and when he did, it was usually to say very little.

kenzoku -> RE: =EC= Fountain Arena (8/31/2006 17:01:07)

Blood continued to pour out of the gash that Havoc's rose made in the ground. Already the blood had spread three yards in every direction. Out of the blood, which itself was an illusion, many plants and trees grew rapidly, making the area a perfect spot for hiding. The plants and trees themselves were also illusions. Glowing yellow eyes stared out from the bushes. The creatures in the area were illusions too. Havoc was cultivating his own area, in which he would have the upper hand due to his control of the area's illusions. The daggers gently dropped Havoc to the marble floor, and Havoc dashed with amazing speed into his temple of illusion. The two eye-holes on his mask melded into one large eye. Now that he could see past his illusions, he could strike from within them. His knives launched out of the fake forest and lashed out at any who dared to get near. He had thrown more to account for those that had been severed.

Viroxor -> RE: =EC= Fountain Arena (8/31/2006 20:50:22)

Lexaeus was getting tired of the clown's constant games. From a fountain, he was now generating some kind of an artifical environment from a rose in the ground. Whether it was real or not was clear from the fact that there were no vibrations of any kind in the ground. He saw the clown dash into the unreal foliage. Lexaeus could not see him, but the Earth could. Lexaeus concentrated on the ground, homing in on the clown. "The Earth betrays you, blackguard." He said out loud, finally finding his quarry. He focused, sending a spike of earth through the ground below, homing in on the dark jester.

He then repeated the line he had said to the wind girl. "Perish, now." Then he realized that the enemy had sent out another volley of knives. He saw them coming, and tried to calculate the best course of action. He deflected the first two with his sword, their small forms bouncing harmlessly off the huge weapon. He then noticed another four coming at him. They were too close to move his sword in time. Seeing only one way to do it properly, he brought another spike of earth up in front of him. Blocking all the knives except for one.

Lexaeus roughly pulled the knife out of his shoulder. Then he saw it's true intent. Poison. There was poison dripping from the small blade. The blade hadn't gone very deep, not deep enough to inject anything into his bloodstream, but it had left a small mark. He stared at the weapon. Then he remembered who had sent it. The death clown. Lexaeus's eyes narrowed. He was going to finish that coward with his own weapon. Slowly, he set off to finish the foolish harlequin, should he still live.

SZO11 -> RE: =EC= Fountain Arena (9/1/2006 1:02:35)

The shadow underneath Axel slowly moved towards him, for a master of shadow, this one moved pretty slow. The two knives dug deep into the shoulders, farther than Axel or anyone would expect it to, there was only one thing missing...


There was no blood coming from this ninja, but some evaporation of darkness where the knives hit. The ninja screeched out some inhuman pitch and grinned slyly at the fire mage, before spontaneously evaporating into particles of darkness. Twirling into the darkness below it, and splashing into it like rain. The darkness that infected the ground was slowly seeping away as a single ninja star was seen spinning on the ground. It seemed like the ending of an evil final boss. Only without the final form. Or the ninja falling from the sky with enough speed to penetrate a fire mage's armor. Apparently he was planning it the whole time, what was mistaken for a shadow attack, was a real shadow. The way he was able to use the explosion from the combination of darkness and fire to propel him into the air and into the blind-spot of the warrior because of the sun. Even his illusion warned him of his diversions. Only having one spinning star in his hand, he used the force of both hands and even the speed gain from gravity to accelerate this ten second makeshift advanced weapon into this lethal final attack movement. Only the more that it spun, the more noise it made, and the whizzing was loud enough to be noticed when Axel found out that Zoshang was above him, but instead of sawing the mage in half, a dark glow began to drip from the star, causing a strange smoke to slide over an invisible sphere that was around Axel, Zoshang slowly entered it from above when the entire cloud swallowed Axel. What happened in there was unseen by the audience and even the fighters. This fight was personal. Zoshang was burned by Axel, few have laid a scratch on him, much less a full body burn, guess his grudge went too far...

kenzoku -> RE: =EC= Fountain Arena (9/1/2006 20:57:06)

Havoc had predicted this shortly after the warrior claimed that the earth had betrayed him. Realizing what was to happen next, Havoc had only one choice: To get into the air. His mask send a magical pulse outward and the eye glowed brightly before reverting into a pair of eye-holes. Now wings sprouted from the sides of the mask. Havoc drew upon the power of the mask to take flight. It was a close call; The spike emerged from the ground nearby as Havoc was being drawn into the air. It cut a wide, but not deep, gash across his back. Havoc's mask shifted: The face was no longer grinning, it appeared angry. Havoc reached into a concealed pocket on his colorful pants and pulled out a sword hilt. At first, it appeared as if that was all, but Havoc poured energy into the hilt, causing a blade made of black flames to jut from it. "You have angered me." Havoc said simply. Many Havocs emerged from the fake forest, all identical to the original. They spun rapidly and suddenly stopped, like one of those games that people play with the cups and the ball. Havoc was far from finished. His suit had repaired itself at the points where it had been ripped by the spike of stone.

My Angel of Dreams -> RE: =EC= Fountain Arena (9/3/2006 21:40:19)

     Hand falling, Holly stood, waiting. Some air about her, some feeling, suggested that she was no longer there, or that she was, in a sense, sleeping. Meditating, maybe. Inactive, at the very least, perhaps waiting, perhaps simply gone.

     Thessea sat back, closing her eyes, letting the gesture made by the priest run through her mind. Crossed arms. Bow. Arm armor. She turned the words over in her head carefully, letting them catch on various pieces of trivia and knowledge. It was down to a few, then. What else? She took another look at the priest, noting his greyish dress. She eliminated all the cases who did not have greyish dress, and a name came to mind. She knew little of it, though, which surprised her. It was often her duty to know, and she almost never forgot. Perhaps it was an exceptionally arcane order, or such. She looked down, opening the tome on her lap and leafing through it until she reached the "C"s. Cassiline, Cassiel. That was it. She began to read.

Ranger Taleth -> RE: =EC= Fountain Arena (9/6/2006 11:07:34)

Taleth jogged onwards, he was already late and the contestants in the arena would already be fighting, this could be useful as he could avoid injury until he was noticed. His green cape whipped out behind him as he rushed towards his destination, he entered the town of Bren, he could hear crowds roaring with glee and exictment. A messenger seamed to be circling the small number of individuals that were strolling around, the messenger spotted Taleth and headed towards him. Taleth lowered his cloak and a mane of golden hair was shown, the messenger sprinted over, "Taleth Horgath, im looking for him have you seen him." Taleth raised his eyes to the man, "That is me." The man sighed with relief, and beckoned Taleth to follow him.

Taleth walked behind the messenger until he reached the arena, the messenger bowed and said "Good luck." Taleth continued through the gates he was shown, then another pair of gates that entered the place for battle itself, he quickly abosrbed the arena into his mind, there were mighty trees here and there, a stone platform with marble steps, that ended near some fountains, but the fountains were no longer water but snow, he registered the ice and cracks in the floor. He knew at least one of the elements he would face. Taleth took his shield and attacthed it to the brown leather armor covering his arm, he took out his bow. Taleths bow was blessed by the Energy Lord, it had no string but a spark that connected the ends of the finely crafted wood, this bow required no arrows because when pulled back it produced a arrow of pure energy. Taleth also had a short sword for when the opponents got close, he quickly revised the few energy spells he knew incase he needed them. He clenched his fist and put it to the the ranger mark on his leather armor at the chest. Taleth was now ready he waited with baited breath under one of the trees, he would let someone else strike him, he prepared his bow, if someone seemed like they were heading in his direction he would fire upon them.

The Extinguisher -> RE: =EC= Fountain Arena (9/7/2006 19:34:57)

Axel flew from Zoshang’s dark hold. The force of impact was too intense, as the ninja had struck him with all his might. In just a short time, he knew that his opponent would be back to take the kill in plain sight. He needed to get ground and prepare. If this didn’t work the way he wanted it too, he would be in serious trouble.

The ninja has said something strange in there, and Axel new that he wasn’t to be trusted. But it couldn’t hurt to consider the ninja’s words. It had given Axel a new weakness to use on Zoshang, one that he didn’t think of as he spoke, but it would have to play this well. Looking around, he chucked, and positioned himself for battle

As the ninja emerged from the darkness, Axel started to attack, bringing his sword up as he neared his foe. But he would never hit him. He had another plan…

SZO11 -> RE: =EC= Fountain Arena (9/8/2006 0:06:45)

Axel's attack was fast, but he suddenly dug sword into the ground. That was the signal. Zoshang took the charge from the spinning saw blades he took up and injected it into his sword, the combination of darkness and fire worked so well last time...Axel's sword was charged and the fire started whipping out wildly, cracking violently until the ground around it could take no more. The explosion blasted Axel off straight to the new contender in a fiery mass of speed and power.

With the power gone from his buzz saw, the ice cracked and shattered to the ground, so Zoshang threw the two ninja stars at the string-less bowman as well, having them shortly follow Axel's attack.

It was time for Zoshang to play with a new toy, the ninja reached for his new weapon, changing his whole style, strategy, and pretty soon...the arena.

Ranger Taleth -> RE: =EC= Fountain Arena (9/9/2006 16:50:33)

Taleth watched as different fights were raging viscously. He now attached his bow to his belt and unsheated his short sword, he unleashed the power of energy into it and prepared himself for the pending attack. Furious with himself for not paying attention properly, he noticed a fighter blasting at him. Whizz, a Star flew past and scratched his face along his tanned cheek, another glided towards him he lifted his shield and with a dull clunk the star dropped , the opponent was nearly upon him, he thought quickly and decided as the opponent was travelling so fast he would use the speed and throw him over, he prepared to stop the other blade and throw the opponent over him, this would take precision, he knew precision as he was a ranger but this precision could result in him being knocked to the ground which could be fatal.

kenzoku -> RE: =EC= Fountain Arena (9/9/2006 23:09:41)

Havoc and his cloud of illusions pointed their swords at the earth warrior. "Charge!" They all shouted in unison. They flew toward him. They spun in circles around him, levitating slightly to avoid being detected by his senses. There were at least nineteen Havoc illusions. One by one they would swing their swords at him, causing no damage, because they were illusions. This was just to confuse him. Make him unsure of who to block. They all swung at once this time, all using different strikes. The real Havoc was one of the ones behind him aiming for his right arm. The other clones were aiming for his face, legs, heart, and waist.

Viroxor -> RE: =EC= Fountain Arena (9/10/2006 8:39:11)

Lexaeus now lost sight of the malevolent jester. He must have taken to the air somehow. No matter. This clown was really getting on Lexaeus's nerves, and that meant he was going to die. Now he became aware of Havoc appearing before him, hovering slightly above the ground. No, it was about twelve Havocs, all getting ready to strike. They all began to strike him, but nothing happened. Lexaeus simply stood there, his calm, serious expression suggesting that surely he was planning something. And he was.

After the clowns had been 'attacking' for a while, Lexaeus heard it. The slightest sound of the wind being disrupted. He had been tuning out all the noise of the outside battles in order to hear it. Now he knew the real Havoc was there, but he didn't know exactly where. Nor did he have to. As all the floating enemies raised their blades to strike, they were already too late.

Lexaeus raised one hand into the air and slammed it heavily into the ground, causing earth spikes to shoot up around him on all sides. That would send the harlequin shooting up for sure. "You're a dead fool." He taunted as he did it.

kenzoku -> RE: =EC= Fountain Arena (9/10/2006 9:40:31)

Havoc and his clones flew backward quickly to avoid the spikes that were sure to follow his fist-slamming. The real Havoc aimed his fists at the warrior. Mechanical snakes, five of them, launched out at the earth warrior. "Nothing up my sleeves." Havoc said, more out of habit than in humor. Going out after the snakes were mechanical bees. They would not cause much pain when they stung, but they contained a muscle-relaxant poison. The snakes, however, would bite hard, and their sharp fangs would release deadly poison. The bees flew around in formation, like they were at a circus, then they flew randomly like a large cloud of pain and poison. The snakes hit the ground and sprinted towards the warrior, baring their fangs and hissing with their mechanical tongues. The bees flew after the snakes, then passed them, heading for their target.

Kellehendros -> RE: =EC= Fountain Arena (9/10/2006 9:56:25)

Shadow stood at the top of the marble steps, watching the fight transpire between the Jester and the Earth Warrior. The unseen face frowned slightly, it would seem that he would have to intervene on behalf of his ally. Such was the burden of making such decisions in the first place, yet, in any event, he and the Jester certainly wouldn't be able to get along, and Shadow rather liked the Earth Warrior. There was a certain brashness in his character that reminded the Ice Wizard of himself.

Pausing, he watched the horde of Jester illusions attacking, it seemed that the Earth Warrior didn't need help with them, they didn't seem to be damaging him, nor did he seem distracted by them. The Earth reared up in the fury to defend one of its champions, spikes bursting from the ground to scatter the illusory pack.

The Jester revealed himself, launching a two tiered attack, some sort of mechanical beings erupting from his sleeves to swarm forwards toward the Earth Warrior. That was the Ice Wizard's opening.

As the mechanical creatures screamed forward to attack the Earth Warrior, Shadow tapped once again into his magic, muttering the spell's incantation softly, he pointed to a spot a few feet in front of the Earth Warrior. The Ice Wizard clenched his fist, feeling the magical power surge through his body. The temperature in the air in front of the Earth Warrior plummeted almost instantly to below zero degrees.

His spell cast, Shadow watch to see the result, his hope was that in entering the field of cold the mechanical parts of the creatures would condensate and then freeze because of the intense temperature change, hopefully disabling them. It had a good chance to succeed, and there was no indication that the spell had been cast besides the temperature drop, so the Jester should have no idea what happened unless he had seen Shadow cast the spell...

kenzoku -> RE: =EC= Fountain Arena (9/10/2006 13:58:33)

Havoc's mask pulsed, indicating that someone had casted magic. <There, it was the ice mage.> The mask told him. Havoc made a small, innocent, barely noticeable movement, causing a needle to drop into his grip. With a slight flick of his fingers, the needle was launched at the ice mage. The needle was tipped with poison that caused hallucinations. Havoc's mechanical allies were undaunted by the cold, as their armor was very thick. The snakes lunged at the warrior, one going for his ankle, one for his arm, one for his heart, one for his other ankle, and one for his stomach. The cloud of bees flew higher, then began to fly downward at the warrior. Havoc clapped with joy.

Viroxor -> RE: =EC= Fountain Arena (9/10/2006 15:00:08)

Lexaeus felt the extreme change in temperature a few feet ahead, although it did not affect him. The clown's new metal minions were unaffected by the sudden drop in their surrounding temperature. As if a simple attack like that was going to defeat a trained servant of the Earth. Lexaeus used the same defensive measure he had used against the wind girl. Spikes of earth shot up in a row in front of him, smashing the metal devices to bits. Now to help his ally. Havoc had fired a poison-tipped needle at the ice mage, and Lexaeus planned to return the favor Shadow had al least tried to give him.

The Earth rose and closed itself around Lexaeus, seemingly swallowing him up into it's close-packed depths. For the second it had taken him, it looked as if he were gone completely. But not two seconds later, the Earth shot up in front of the ice mage, effectively countering the posion-tipped needle. The Earth returned from whence it came, leaving only a whisper of "Now we're even...".

Lexaeus waited beneath the Earth, looking at the jester from the solid, silent depths. "We shall go together." He said, silently signaling the ice mage to assist him in bringing this jester to his knees at last.

kenzoku -> RE: =EC= Fountain Arena (9/10/2006 15:35:38)

Havoc stuck to the same strategy. He dropped a metal ball. It grew on his command and legs sprouted from its sides. Large fangs pooped out of its head. It was a mechanical spider. Its back opened up and a flag with a picture of Havoc's mask on it popped up. The bottom opened up and dropped fourty-nine metal orbs, which all grew into mechanical spiders like the first one. The flagged spider was at the lead. He led the others toward the bowman. A recorded 'Charge' erupted from the lead spider, followed by cheering from the others as they ran with incredible speed toward their quarry. These were Havoc's elite. Havoc's mask shifted. It was once again smiling. The wings shrank back into Havoc's mask, causing him to lose the ability of flight. Now his mask changed again. It became made of a reflective material, like a mirror. Havoc sunk into his shadow, which jumped out of the ground to replace him in battle. Havoc's disembodied shadow put his hands on the ground. A wave of destruction burst into the earth, corrupting the grass in the stadium. The grass turned black. The leaves on the trees turned black. The trees themselves became white and hard. Havoc had changed the field to better suit himself.

xaxtoo -> RE: =EC= Fountain Arena (9/10/2006 15:56:57)

One would assume that a gentle breeze caressing the face would be the work of benevolent river nymphs caring for a waylaid traveler, but this howling gust holds no such sweet forget-me-not fragrances. Of course waking up to such a thing would be called a rude awakening indeed. Martin would never have guessed that his life would be subjected to the misfortune of finding himself sailing through the air. Certainly those that mastered the art of Mountain Skipping would find that to be a pleasurable substitute to walking, but for himself, who never bothered to learn, he is quite afraid indeed. His pitter pattering heart really doesn’t have much left in it to absorb shocks such this unfortunate event. What a predicament! Yes, yes, predicament, yes, a predicament yes. Absentmindedly, Martin puffs at his long and quite slender pipe—the delicate nature of the pipe masked not the gruffness and inexperience of the carver. Martin, reached a certain stage of his life awhile back to start enjoying simple things, such as always sleeping with his pipe in his mouth, in case he wakes up feeling the itch to puff on it. However, in this case, to observe the proper etiquette of thinking, Martin removes his pipe after inhaling one long and final time and holds it at his side in a manner that could be considered elegant, yet despite whatever innate sagacity one may associate with a white willowy beard, Martin’s current action couldn’t have seemed any less incongruous than a purple elf with tentacles. What a predicament! Predicament I, a what, yes, yes, I quite predicament, yes. Didn’t take long, though, for Martin’s mind to wonder off to other subjects: such his acquisition of his brand new name. The process was a rather simple one for ones with his anonymity, all he had to do was pray to Lord the night before asking for a new name, and the next day, start using it. My new name, Martin thought, is a nice tribute to my life.

Pretty soon, worry did start to creeping into, most unwelcomed, and disrupting the rather blissful and carefree route the thinking has taken. Gravity never took a break, at least not on those days Martin had a mind to test him, so today, he can hardly expect the hardworking and rigid workaholic to be napping or dining with his lady friend. Close to the limit of his vision, Martin is able to discern an arena of no small stature; which doesn’t provide much of a comfort other than at least he won’t run into trees if he tries to land there. Instead of hoping for the social luck of gravity to suddenly change, Martin settled into looking for things near to arena to latch onto to slow his descent, which is approaching at a rate a little too rapidly for comfort, before even his first cup coffee! Never has Martin felt so depressed so early in the day outside of nights when he had indulged a little too much in his fellow travelers’ drinks brought from places foreign and most likely exotic. However much to his chagrin his early flight is, Martin laboriously keeps clearing thought away from fuzz of nothing; with that endeavor along with planning his landing, Martin’s old mind can hardly restrain itself from shutting down completely. Closer to the arena now, Martin can see that it is hosting some event today; the noise reached his ears way before he can make out the Lilliputians. Maybe he can crash on top of enough of the people to cushion his landing, but even his immorality has its limits, 100 liquefied people would be a downright massacre, and he couldn’t bare going out labeled as the gigantic human pancake masher; Martin didn’t really have an illustrious career to ruin, but such a blemish can tarnish even the most mundane. Though just barely, maybe he can guide his landing somewhat with the aid of those saplings to land in the somewhat soft buffer the water in the fountain offers. “Ho, ho, ho, Merry Christmas!” With this such yell, Martin reaches for those trees. Bending as nature never intended them to, those saplings withered underneath the sheer bulk, not to mention the velocity of the abomination trying to end their lives prematurely. The one on the left de-rooted and enjoyed a rather short misadventure before colliding along with Martin into the fountain, shattering it outright. Fortunately, it did provide enough of an obstacle to stop Martin’s progress, as he and his new companion landed into the shallow water below, cracking some marble in the process. Ouch, yes, ouch.

Ranger Taleth -> RE: =EC= Fountain Arena (9/13/2006 16:26:41)

"Charge", a shout had loudly sounded infront of Taleth, Spiders, Taleth gazed at an metallic spider army which were moving with uncanny speed, Taleth, sheathed his sword with an accompanying screech on metal, He fumbled loose his bow and began firing 2 energy arrows at a time. Hopefully the energy would either destroyed the trublesome spiders or at least disable them allowing him to say the spell incantaion he had in mind. He gazed forward fearlfully noticing that he hadnt disabled any spiders they were still trooping effortlessly towards him.

Taleth quickly whispered an incantaion, Dnuath lojak polkol seold, His shield was now two times as big and enpowered with deadly energy, if the spiders jumped at him he could block them with his shield and from the force of energy they should explode, he drew a marble from his pocket, Dnuath puillot holp marbol, the marble crackled and started to shoot energy in all directions, knowing he had seconds he quickly rolled the marble. It exploded obscuring his view of the spiders, hopefully that would take care of some of the little beasts, Taleth contemplated his next move and decided to stand at the base of one of the massive tree if the spiders followed he could slice it an dmake it fall upon them.

kenzoku -> RE: =EC= Fountain Arena (9/13/2006 19:09:36)

The explosion went off, killing a small group of spiders. A few were blown up by energy arrows. The head spider made a small gesture. One would assume that the spider was merely twitching, but he was giving a signal to the others. A few of the robotic arachnids dropped from the tree above the ranger. The others pointed their fangs at him and fired acid. Havoc's shadow continued to pour dark energy into the land. The energy crept into the marble staircase, turning it into obsidian. It had yet to creep into the fountain.

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