Linus (Full Version)

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Slayer Zach -> Linus (8/25/2006 14:51:24)

Your tiny penguin pal. He gets confused alot and likes cleaning... but will not do windows!
(No DA Required)

Location: Grams Pet Shop
Price: 300 Gold
Sellback: 30 Gold

Level: 3
Damage: 1-5
Element: Ice
Pet's Stats: None
Pet's Resists: None

Combine 1 with Royal Penguin Shrink Ray to form Prince Linus (Normal)
Combine 1 with Platinum Penguin Shrink Ray to form Prince Linus (D-Coins)

Rarity: 1

Attack Type 1 - Approaches target and jumps into it for 1 hit of 100% Melee Ice damage.

Other information
  • Pet is animated; it sways back and forth continuously.


    Also See: Prince Linus, King Linus, Emperor Linus

    Thanks to
  • Silver for image.
  • Jay for attack type image, combine information, and other information.
  • Stephen Nix for entry reformat.
  • Peachii for correction.

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