=EC= Cellar Arena (Full Version)

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DWeird -> =EC= Cellar Arena (8/25/2006 15:52:03)

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It has been a long year since the last Elemental Championship, but the Championship Arena Complex did not show signs of age, but rather on the contrary - it grew, and along with it, just a hill and a spring with a weary wooden bridge over it away, grew the township of Bren. The vicinity of the Arena has done it much good - apart from the great crowds -- and thusly business -- it brought it during the Championship itself, just the presence of such a building carried the township's name far over the lands. There came adventurers of many sorts, and the two inns of Bren were never short of business, there came priests of the Elemental Lords, building shrines and churches and granting it divine protection not from one, but from all the Lords, and there came many, many artisans to build the three new Arenas around the old one, which, as sizeable as it may have been, was getting far too small for the year-by-year increasing numbers of competitors.

The would-be combatants, either just arriving, or having taken a night's rest either at an inn or at the small camp of tents at the base of the Arena hill, would get to see the artisans' handiwork soon enough, right after the priests and mages within them finish their last checks on the protective barriers and image transportation enchantments for the gathered crowds.


It took the enchanters quite a bit of time to get out of the Cellar Arena, as it was quite a ways down into the ground. One could see the granite walls of the main part of the Arena Complex right above the now open heavy metal Cellar gate - the underground arena was placed right under the original, First Arena!

One of the now leaving spellweavers conjured up an opened scroll above the entrance, which would levitate there until the end of the match. Those who would care to read it would have found out that the place they are about to enter had more than just regular protective shield enchantments - rather, the ordinary enough looking mirror walls the fighters would find inside were of magical nature, and not only act as a protective barrier for the spectators behind it, but also make any projectile flung at it - magic or not - simply bounce off, much like simple a ray of light would from a regular mirror. On a more disturbing note, the scroll also stated that no wound would ever heal whilst in the Cellar, not even by ways of magic. If the group of healers and doctors standing about just outside the entrance were to be of any consolation, the shovels lined up against the wall and the priests near them were most definitely not.

As daunting as that may have been, most of those gathered here had never feared death - lest they would not be there at all - so they began descending the spiral stairway, leaving the shrieks and anxieties of a bloodthirsty crowd behind them - or rather, over them.

The upper gate closed with a loud *CLANG*.

The fight was about to begin, but first a quick glance would reveal the interior of the room - it was square in shape, with the mirror walls they new to expect there... There were four humongous round pillars of plain grey stone, as wide as a man with his arms spread out, in the middle of the room forming a square shape as the room did. Each side of each pillar had a torch on it, and with the mirrors' reflection, the Cellar far from the dark, damp place one would imagine a room of such a name to be.

It was actually very dry, uncomfortably dry, and there was something very unnatural to that dryness.

Could that have been the enchantment of never-ceasing wounds they sensed?


But for now, it was time to forget such thoughts, and cause some wounds instead.

Muse -> RE: =EC= Cellar Arena (8/25/2006 17:01:40)

A man wearing white clothes sat, poring over a book with the brim of his hat pulled down over his eyes. Locks of straight blonde hair fell to the shoulders of his jacket, wavering gently in the wind.
"Vaughn Isaacs!"
With a sudden finality, he snapped the book shut and did the clasp, standing up with it tucked under his arm. He smiled, knowing that the time had come. Walking with a steady pace, he arrived at the entrance to the arena and stood alongside the other competitors who had also been called. The crowd was creating a tremendous din, hollering and roaring for blood as they waited with ill-patience for the fight to begin. The cleric touched his hat as a symbol of respect; to whom, it was not certain. The match was to begin and he descended a spiral staircase into the depths.

Far from the small, dank chamber Isaacs had expecting, the cellar arena was cavernous and the air was very dry. The mirrored walls were there, just as he had been told before the match and four massive pillars of stone stood in the middle of the room, stretching from the floor to the ceiling and possibly providing cover for anyone under attack... Of course, trying to hide behind them would be useless as the mirrors would reveal your presence instantly. He stepped forwards, looking around the chamber for any possible traps but could see none. Then again, appearances could be deceiving.

An object caught his eye in the far mirror and he turned, seeing a floating scroll above the doorway that he had just entered from. He had missed it when he entered, and reached upwards to grasp the parchment. It came down easily in his hand, and when he had done reading it it sprang back into place above the door. Interesting. So, there was a spell that prevented healing cast on this place? That made a couple of his spells redundant; it was a good job he had taken the time to learn some defensive ones before the tournament. And the mirrors were unexpected, too. Then again, he was sure that he could find a way to twist them to his advantage...

Isaacs tugged the brim of his hat further down and grinned, clasping the tome to his chest. This would be fun.

Zephiel -> RE: =EC= Cellar Arena (8/26/2006 0:24:02)

Selis grinned widely. He looked into the darkness, a spiral staircase barley visible with the faint glow of torches at the bottom. He scratched his head, Crap, my energy will give away my position down there if i fire it off... His eyes darted around, I guess i'll have to rely on my 'tools' then. He smirked and began to descend the staircase. When he reached the bottom he could faintly make out the room as his eyes adjusted to the darkness. He saw some mirrors and some pillars around the room, and a scroll. He went over to it grabbed it, unrolled it and read it. No healing? Heh, better hope I don't catch them. It sprang back up after he read it. His eyes narrowed as he looked around the room, his hands resting on his twin Kodachi swords at his waist.

He would be prepared for a surprise attack. Ever since he gained the Energy Lord's blessing, or rather stumbled upon a tomb and stole the swords from a man who had, his wild nature was further 'sparked'. The energy flowing through his body caused his nervous system to fire off much faster than the average man, giving him amazing reflexes. He also could discharge the energy in various ways. He used this combined with his swordsmanship to give him an edge. Yet he was an above average swordsman at best, if an expert caught him in combat he would be at a disadvantage, despite his title, the Lightning Samurai. However to make up for this he used certain 'tools' to catch any ungaurded opponent and destroy them with his energy.

Selis walked over to one of the darker areas near the back of the room and unraveled some steel wires. He layed them around the floor at about a 5 foot radius in an octogonal shape. They were thin, but powerful enough to conduct strong volts of electricity; and worse yet, they were barbed and coated with a powerful nerve toxin that could stun nearly any foe. He'd ensnare an unwary foe and give him the 'shock' of his life. He Also put on gloves that connected to his robes, hidden underneath another tool. Lastly he withdrew a few steel spikes and put them into certain specific holes in his robes. He stood about three feet away from his octogonal trap with the ends of the wires in his hands, ready to ambush his prey in the dark Cellar. He though of the sparks flying through that poor souls body and smiled at the thought.

Mittoo -> RE: =EC= Cellar Arena (8/26/2006 4:51:01)

J woke in an instant when the gate slammed shut. He had been leaning on a wall about halfway down the stairs, and had nodded off. He rubbed his eyes, that were as grey as the walls around him and hardened by combat experience, and shook his hair, watching with an almost amazed look as one dirty blond hair shook free and floated gently to the floor.

J then picked up his leaf-covered bow and descended into the faint glow of torches. His trained eyes spotted the threats instantly - mirror walls, which would pick up positions wherever he hid. Four pillars provided cover, but the mirrors would dispell any chance of hiding. A cleric stood near a strange scroll, which J could not decipher, for he could not read. Even if he could, the information would be useless - J had no form of healing except a few herbs that were only used for his fingers. The rest of your body can be damaged with largely little worry, his master had taught him, but broken fingers cannot fire a bow.

J walked slowly up to the man and without a warning stuck out his hand. "J," he said, his voice slightly betraying his age. J was young - barely over fifteen years of age - but he was one of the best at being an assasin. "Feared by the nobles, unknown to everyone else."

Muse -> RE: =EC= Cellar Arena (8/26/2006 11:48:07)

Isaacs barely moved when a boy walked up and stuck his hand out, but a subtle twitch moved his fingers into the correct position for an offensive spell; should the need arise, of course.
"J. Feared by the nobles, unknown to everyone else." A slight smile, and the cleric shook the boy's hand lightly before letting it fall to his side once more.
"An assassin...?" His voice was light and carried a silky but dangerous tone. "My name is Vaughn Isaacs. I hope to see you again in the next round; if not, that at least you are still alive by then." He tilted his head back and appraised the boy.
"A little young to risk your life for glory, are you not?" A faint laugh escaped his lips. "Then again, maybe that is all your life holds. You would be amazed how many people have died in an arena, fighting to their last breath in the vain hope that they would be remembered above all else. I beleive I did." The cleric gazed upwards wistfully, almost as if he was trying to remember something. Then, he levelled his hidden gaze on the boy. "Not everyone gets a second chance. Make sure that you don't have to find out if you do."

With that, he turned and walked into the center of the arena. The room was quite brightly lit, but there were some darker areas towards the back of the arena, in which his dark sensitive vision would not be able to see. Looking into the sun was not a problem for him, but he had trouble seeing in gloom which would not normally present a problem for a full-sighted human. But then, that was the price for being reborn into the service of the light lord; gifts and curses in equal measure. He retreived a small bag from his jacket and opened it, sprinkling the fine dust it held onto the floor around him.

He sat down and raised a hand, light flaring from it and turning the grey, crystalline dust into a ring of pure, white light. After a few seconds, the dust burnt away and he lowered his hand, extinguishing the light. His offering was complete; now it was time to prepare himself for battle. Isaacs unclipped his tome and called out to J.
"I wish you the best of luck, for I know that I shall not need it." His voice was barely a whisper, yet it carried all the way across the room. The cleric raised a hand and a sphere of light grew around it, a halo of purest white that swelled to the size of his head and then sped from his fingers, homing in on the boy's position...

Cheeseliker -> RE: =EC= Cellar Arena (8/26/2006 20:48:21)

Darkness is not the absence of light. It is not the shadows caused by the sun. It is not the sky at night. True Darkness lies within all men's souls and if you wish to truely be a master, you must manipulate this power for your own use. Once you can do this, young warrior, you shall only run out of magical energy when you run out of enemies, and that is always a rare occasion for one such as you.

Daroth headed down the spiral steps, his teacher's saying's repeating themselves in his head. His armor, black as midnight, clinked as he walked. It covered most of his entire body, save the joints for he needed to be agile. The armor, though heavy, had been molded to his body at a very young age. When he grew, it grew, and therefore, he never took it off. It had become a second skin to him, and it impeded his movement none at all. His armor was more then just shielding around his body. It enhanced his magical abilities greatly, and when activated, Daroth's power multiplied, though doing so tired him greatly. Other then the armor, he wore a cloak with a hood, also black. The cloak fell down to his ankles, and the hood fell over his head. Whenever the hood was up, Daroth's face was always in shadow, and you could never quite see the features of his face. Everybody considered it a trick of the light usually, though they were wrong.

He arrived in the cellar, and looked up through the gates. How interesting....The mirrored walls surrounded him, and unnerved him a little. The cellar was lit, but there were still shadows. Good... Shadows were useful, but never as useful as the shadows in a man's soul. Man's deepest darkest secrets, urges, and thoughts. Those were the true shadows. Daroth didn't bother to read the scroll, he merely let himself feel the place. A grin grew on his face, as he felt one of the magical auras of the place, for it was similar to one he used quite often, to stop petty priests from healing themselves during battle. No healing.....Good....

Daroth sidled on over to a corner, glancing around at the other combatants. There was a fool cleric, using magical powder or some such to get ready. "Your healing spellss will not help you..." Daroth said under his breath, his speech slurring on the s's, suggesting he wasn't quite human. "Perhapsss... you will die first." Daroth looked to another, and saw him laying down metal wires. A trap, perhaps, quite clever. He made a mental note not to step over there anytime soon. Then Daroth saw something that nearly made him laugh. A boy, spoke to the cleric, and shook his hand, introducing himself even. A fool! He shouldn't even be allowed in this arena! Daroth laughed. "Come sshake my hand fool, and I will do the world a favor...." Daroth whispered, smirking.

He felt it was almost time to start, and so untied the cloak. it would only slow him down in the fight to come. He let the cloak fall to the ground, revealing his face. His face was pale, almost white, as was his eyebrows and shoulder-length hair. His eyes were shocking in contrast, completely black, and if you looked hard enough, it seemed the darkness within the eyes were moving, swirling. Two black holes........The hilt of a longsword jutted diagonally above Daroth's right shoulder, and he quickly grabbed it. He unsheathed the sword slowly, drawing a long ringing to the entire cellar, as he revealed the completely black sword inch-by-inch. Finally, the tip emerged, and Daroth lowered the weapon in front of him. "Let uss begin..." Daroth muttered, showing his forked black tongue. He was ready to destroy all those who opposed him.

OcarinaofTime -> RE: =EC= Cellar Arena (8/27/2006 0:30:15)

A seemingly normal tree sat in a seemingly normal forest right outside of a seemingly normal town. Within the tree hung, upside down, a seemingly abnormal man dressed in black and red from head to toe. On his body could be found many daggers and a set of katanas as well as a lighter. He didn't smoke, but he found it relaxing to play with lighters, plus it had great religious meaning to him and had a strong connection to the Fire Lord somehow. The man opened his eyes, peeked out and fipped out of the tree landing on his feet with little effort. The man looked up into the sky and saw the sun as it rose. He pulled up his hood and suddenly dashed away as quickly as possible.

After a while the man reached his destination. Unfortunately, he was a day early. He decided to sleep the night at a nearby inn. After renting a room the man began training. He was timing himself at how fast he could wield specific weapons and then he began practicing fire magic by making it dance. This he found more amusing than useful as he focused less on mana and more on chakra. Many thought them one in the same, but they were actually quite different. Mana was magic buildup in the body that it could release and control. Chakra was another kind of power that affected every aspect of a person from their movements to their mind. After trainig for several hours the man pulled out a small piece of elven bread and took a bite, he finished it up and layed down on the comfy bed.

The next morning the man woke up and set off for the arena once more, now fully rested. He once again reached the arena, this time it was a shorter trip. He entered the cavern and enjoyed the lack of humidity, but did not like the lack of oxygen wich was essential for the burning of fire. Once he finished his journey into the Cellar Arena he realized it wasn't as stuffy out of the tunnels. There were many dark areas. He quickly hid in the shadows and sprung into the corner almsost bumping into someone wearing white clothes. He flicked open his lighter and ignited it. He then said a few words in an unrecognizable language and an image appeared in the fire for a few seconds. It looked like a face but it faded quickly. The man standing with the lighter now closed it up and stuck it in his pocket. "I, Aduro Urere, a name that will soon be well known, fight in the name of the Fire Lord, and that is why I cannot lose!" With this he prepared for battle. He would show no mercy, especially not to any of the water or ice elements.

Lion Heart -> RE: =EC= Cellar Arena (8/27/2006 2:14:17)

He walked the town aimlessly, waiting for the battle to begin. He had signed up for the Elemental Championship a few days back, and decided to stay in town until the time had come. He regretted his choice, as boredom struck him time and time again. He found himself at the tavern for the fifth time today, the site of it struck even more boredom into his mind. “A quick drink won’t hurt,” the man mumbled, opening the door. He walked to the bar positioned on the opposite side of the room as the entrance. He walked around the tables and stepped over a small puddle of spilt ale. “Just half a pint,” he said, placing some coins from his pocket onto what seemed like a very old bar. The bartender placed half a mug of ale on the bar and greedily snatched the customer’s coins.

The bartender stared oddly at the man, “You are blind, correct?” he asked in a quizzical manner.

“Correct,” the man replied, “Just because one is blind, or wears a blindfold for that matter, does not mean they have no means of sight. Fire is my… seeing eye dog, you could say.” The bartender stared at the man, a confused look on his face. The customer was indeed blind, and did wear a blindfold, but thanks to years of training himself in the arts of fire magic, he was able to use fire as his eyes, he could see what fire could see.

“Fire…” the bartender started.

“Yes, fire,” the customer replied, pointing to the candles every here or there on various windowsills or tables. “On table two there is still a fork. The window nearest the door has a small crack in it. You have a large bald spot on the back of your head.” The bartender remained silent after this, and rubbed his bald spot.

The blind one only just began to sip his ale when a loud voice from outside called out names. “Ace Orion? Is there an Ace Orion in the village? Please report to the Cellar Arena immediately!” The voice yelled from outside.

Ace swiftly swallowed his drink in one gulp and left for the arena. “The battle has begun, you’d best hurry,” someone said to Ace, “Good luck.”

Ace began to descend the staircase, but stopped the moment he knew there were torches. “Interesting, sixteen brilliant weapons facing every direction of the battlefield, this should go well,” he said to himself. Ace drew his sword from the sheath attached to his back, and readied for combat. The sword was long and broad, as well as enchanted with fire. His blindfold, a ragged piece of worn cloth proved to work as normal eyes would, as it too was enchanted with fire. His leather armor had several silver rings on it, specifically his elbows, knees, and chest. Each was six inches in diameter; his chest ring was one foot.

His hair fell over his face; this would certainly serve as a problem during battle. He set his sword against the wall, and tied his dark brown hair in a ponytail using the remaining ends from his blindfold. He picked his blade up and walked into the arena. Earlier informed of the ‘no healing’ rule, he had no need to bother, as he knew no healing magic.

“I, Aduro Urere, a name that will soon be well known, fight in the name of the Fire Lord, and that is why I cannot lose!" Yelled a man, preparing himself to fight.

“Odd,” Ace said, “I fight for fire as well.” With that said, he lifted his free left hand, and fire had engulfed his entire right arm. He stretched his arm out straight towards one of the men in the cellar, it seemed had something in his hand, a string? Chain? Wire? Whatever it was, Ace knew he should stay clear from this one, at least stay away from that area while on the ground. He opened his hand, and flames shot from his arm towards this man. Whether or not it hit wasn’t important, as it would likely bounce from the mirror if he missed.

Zephiel -> RE: =EC= Cellar Arena (8/27/2006 3:13:34)

Selis had just finished laying his trap when suddenly a burst of fire shot at him. His enhanced reflexes enabbled him to dive out of the way to avoid being incinerated, but as he rolled he suffered a burn on his back. Pain was nothing new to him and he shook it off, mostly. He stood up and brushed off his robes, "My my, aren't you the feisty one? Not interested in comming over here?" He obviously knows about my trap, ah well i'll let it lay there for some other unsuspecting fool... actually I have a better idea. He grinned and quickly surveyed the Cellar. He saw the other combatants preparing for a battle, he wasn't sure if anyone might try and 'double team' him; but that was of little concern.

Now for my counter... Selis tugged on his gloves, "You know, you shouldn't recklessly attack a Shadow Instrument user, or in my case; an Energy shadow instrument user." He reached back with his hands and took hold of the end wires of his 'web'. He swung them around and launched the trap at the man, the barbs looking to tear into his skull or wrap around his chest. At the same time he concentrated and sent volts of electricity into the entire trap, illuminating it and causing it to become more deadly. After he launched the entire trap he dropped the end wires and reached into his robes. He pulled out a bottle, filled with some sort of powder. Poision? Acid? Some sort of mystic device? Only Selis knew. He threw the bottle at the ceiling above his targets head causing it to shatter and launch the powder all around his victim.

Next he charged up bolts of energy and directed them into the falling powder. The specks lit up and shot the energy from one to another, forming a massive, dangerous grid as they scattered all around the fire user. Iron is a great conductor of electricity, that iron powder combined with the web should buy me some time, or just kill him Selis thought as he grinned widely. He took great pleasure in seeing a plan fall together. He didn't look to see what happened next, but eagerly began his next ploy. He twisted his wrist causing steel wires to come from the fingertips of his gloves. He swiftly weaved them between two of the pillars, creating a zig-zag between them; hopefully this fire fighter would rush headlong and get a real jolt. Selis grabbed the ends of the wires with his gloves and stood a few feet back from his newely laid trap.

Mittoo -> RE: =EC= Cellar Arena (8/27/2006 3:25:32)

Without a hesitation, J formulated a plan together. The man seemed like a priest or cleric, and so he assumed that he had no advantage or disadvantage over him. He only carried robes, and so would be a pincushion for arrows. He had no weapon apart from some sort of book.

J had fought spellcasters before, and cursed to himself as he realised his own magic was nigh useless. J's magic was focused around entrapment and defence, not known for its offensive capabilities. He was probably worth killing later.

However, it was not going to be that easy, for the cleric launched a ball of light at him. J quickly drew his sword and readied to parry. It crashed into his sword, knocking him back, but succesfully knocking it back into one of the mirror walls, letting it bounce around towards one of the corners. With that, he sheathed his sword and readied his bow, stringing one arrow in before running back a few feet, aiming a shot, and firing a single arrow. He did not aim for the cleric himself - it would be too likely for him to dodge - but instead he aimed at the wall behind the cleric. If his hunch was right, those mirrors reflected more then just light.

Lord Memphis -> RE: =EC= Cellar Arena (8/27/2006 10:28:56)

Threkanaa sighed as he watched the bloodthirsty crowds gathering, waiting to witness the demise of the unlucky elemental champions and the gory destruction of the hopefuls. Why had he signed up for this? He wasn't a champion, he was just a sorcerer of shadow, a Shadowmancer.

The others looked prepared, some were probably formulating plans already, he threw them all dirty looks, even the vacant eyed ones, if not to pass along his message of ''You try anything with me and I'll kill you'' then just to shatter their morale for the battle. He smoothed down his black robe and pulled the cloak into a position in which it would make him look bigger but not hinder movement. He pulled the dagger from the scabbard on his belt and looked at his reflection. His hair was grey, almost white and many wrinkles covered his gaunt, pale face. His eyes were the purest black, even the sclera. This was one of the remnants of his training.

The other combatants began to descend the spiral stairs. He stood up and followed them, feeling nerves fill his gut. The arena was a cellar unlike most others he had ever seen. Gigantic pillars engulfed the centre of the room and mirrors surrounded the edge. The fight was about to begin, he had a sketchy plan ready and had every intention of using it. He looked at the mirrors as he moved around the perimeter of the room, they would prove useful. He stood in one of the corners of the room and enveloped himself in shadow then extinguished the nearest torch with a flick of his hand. He was as invisble as he could get in a mirrored room.

He smiled to himself as the others threw insults and warning shots between them, he would enter the fray when the others were weakened and eradicate them, excellent.

TormentedDragon -> RE: =EC= Cellar Arena (8/27/2006 13:27:50)

He stood back, waiting, watching. He hated being first. Let them go in, let them get ready, let them start to fight amongst themselves. Let them reveal their abilities, their styles, their secrets, let them tire. He would fight when he was ready, and not before. A few had already entered, and they all checked the scroll. He'd already read it, analyzed it, figured out what it meant. A small, small smile crossed his face. Did they understand? No healing, not even by magic. That also meant no healing, not even through natural means. The smallest cut, the tiniest wound, would bleed and bleed and bleed so long as you stayed in the arena. The strategy: Avoid getting cut at all costs. The smallest hit could spell your doom.

He shoved off the wall and sped through the gate, short legs moving him at a surprising pace. He reached an empty spot, turned, and scanned the area. Torches. Hmm... it would be to his advantage to see those put out. He could see in the dark. He doubted most of his enemies could. Of course, silver fur and a glowing red eye had a tendency to give him away, and no doubt there were people here capable of creating their own light source. It might not be worth the time and effort. Would have to wait and see. One paw reached out to touch the mirrored surface of the wall, his eye analyzing it, feeding his brain with knowledge. Hmmm... what the scroll said was spot on. This would reflect anything, magic, arrows, flying bodies... This was going to be an interesting fight.

Back to the main floor, sweeping it, eye picking out the other living creatures, outlining them. One fight had broken out already. There was an opening, here, to attack either opponent... nah. Far more interesting was the energy user in the corner. He liked traps, he did, setting one after the other. Not a bad ploy. Of course, it only worked against people who were vulnerable to electricity. He could give the man quite a shock he could...

Then one of the torches flicked out. He instantly refocused, scanning that corner. Normal sight picked up nothing. Thermal? There was something there, all right. And magic detection confirmed. Hiding were we? Now that was tempting. Oh so very tempting. His ears swiveled forward, devoid of their usual jewelry. Yes... yes, he'd go after this one. He took his spear in hand and aimed it, pointed directly at where the shadows were strongest. "If you're gonna hide," he whispered, "don't do something noticable." His fur sparked, stood on end, electrical energy surrounding him, focusing around his spear. The lightning gathered at the tip, then shot forward, deadly current ready to fry. "Wakey wakey, shadowed one."

Lord Memphis -> RE: =EC= Cellar Arena (8/27/2006 17:36:46)

Threkanaa stood, watching the chaos further, the ball of light speeding across the room to one of the other contestants, a mighty parry from the man's sword sent the ball spinning around the room, ricocheting off the mirrors until it finally fizzled out of existance in the opposite corner. The angry man took his bow and fired a shot at behind the cleric, a very intelligent and tactical move.

He looked around, and one thing caught his eye. In the shadows there stood a figure, wreathed in darkness, his red iris a dark beacon in the penumbra of torchlight and desolate nothingness within. He felt it staring at him, probing the area around him, had it seen him? The creature took something and a great energy filled the air as yellow and orange flashes built around the object. Threkanaa jumped to the side as quickly as he could, throwing himself out of the area as quickly as he could. But he was no match for the speed of a lightning bolt and it hit his chest with enormous power.

Had he not been above the ground when it struck, he would have fallen to the floor in a burning heap. But he was not on terrafirma for the split second when it hit, reducing the power of the bolt fractionally, but it was still powerful enough to throw him against the mirror, absorbing the energy but leaving a mark of pain in the form of a burning crater through his chest, exposing his ribcage. His limbs throbbed with agony and his chest crackled with almost unbearable pain. As he stood back up and drew his dagger from scabbard and spellbook from robes. ''Foolish one! You have...not the intellect to match me in combat. You...will die this day.'' He threw himself at the creature and thrusted with his dagger while attempting to entangle his assailent with shadow. The next move could well determine the fate of the combat.

OcarinaofTime -> RE: =EC= Cellar Arena (8/28/2006 12:43:44)

Aduro saw a man glance at him and then turn away to attack another. The man who glanced at him used fire agaisnt an opponent. The man's opponent flung an iron trap at the man and seemed to charge up electrical energy. "One who fights for the Fire Lord it seems is in danger." Aduro pulled out an iron throwing blade with a rubber handle and threw it towards the man who through the trap. It was not meant to hit the man but nearly absorb his electricity without creating a passage by aiming a non-conductive rubber handle towards the fire user.

Looking further at the man who wielded fire, he noticed the man had no eyesight, or simply cared not to use it because his eyes never seemed to focus on anything particular. But surely the man was not hindered by his blindness. Then Aduro realized he must've been using his sixth sense. The sense gained by working for the Fire Lord, the sense of heat, fire as his eye this man's vision was untainted by mortal eyes. This would surely give the man an advantage as he could not be fooled by mirrors. "Of course, I shall try this too."

Aduro, although not likely to be as good at it as the man, closed his eyes and hoped to use this tactic to prevent the mirrors from fooling him. At first Aduro bumped into a wall, but then he began to see the whole room, a power granted to most Fire wielders, but also a power often unused. Aduro had only used this power once though, a horrible day for him, a horrible memory, but now he would make a new memory, Aduro then payed attention to the knife to see if his plan would work. He could sense that nobody was around him at the moment and he felt safe for several seconds.

Cheeseliker -> RE: =EC= Cellar Arena (8/28/2006 13:30:49)

Daroth grinned as he saw the conflicts shaping up. The cleric and the bowman, the red-eyed one and the Shadowmancer, The firehand and the trap-layer..... Nobody had decided to take the fight to himself, and Daroth idly wondered why. Intimidated? Frightened? Or just by chance perhaps..... Whatever the case, Daroth was ready to get in the mix, but who to attack?

An obvious choice was the Shadowmancer. Destroying Dark element users other then himself would surely give him an advantage in continuing on in the arena, but then again, fighting the same element was never easy. They knew the tricks you used, the power you had, and fights were usually long and drawn out, no matter how much more powerful one combatant was over the other. No, Daroth wasn't ready to expend that amount of energy so early in the contest.

The firehand and the trap-layer? Daroth snorted. Let them kill themselves.... The trap-layer seemed quite clever, and had many tricks up his sleeve, meanwhile the firehand......Was he blind? And if blind, how did he see so well? A powerful one, to be able to move and fight so well while being blind. Another entered the fray between them, another fire-user it seemed, coming to aid his fellow. Daroth laughed and shook his head. Fool! Being of the same element does not mean you are allies, my young friend. In fact, in a place such as this, it means they were more the enemy then anyone else. In a contest of the elements, there can only be one champion for fire. I would not be surprised to see with a dagger in your back from the very man you helped. Daroth turned away, searching for another to sake his thirst for battle.

The cleric! Of course! Pathetic healers and peace-makers. Healing and talking will do you no good down here. In this cellar, your light will fall to the darkness. The shadows will consume you. I will gladly send you to the greatest of all Lords. You know him, as do we all. Give him my best regards priest, for I know him well. Your beliefs defy him, your spells deny him. Death will be glad to have you priest, and I will be glad to send you.

Daroth clenched his left fist, closing his eyes and concentrating. "Ssend me your gift, oh Lord, sso that I may ssserve you better...." Daroth muttered, and his hand began to shake. He tightened his fist harder, and clenched his teeth, breathing in and out deeply. After a couple seconds, he let go of the fist, the shaking stopped, and he breathed out slowly, a grin forming on his face. "Thank you, my lord." Daroth said glancing to the side.

One of the shadows beneath a torch began to grow, forming a four-legged shape. The shadow detached itself and went to Daroth's side. It looked like a wolf, only with midnight black fur, and red eyes. He reached down, petting it, and it growled. His smile grew. He crouched down and whispered in its ear. "The cleric Dark Wolf. Rip him apart." Daroth stood as the animal bounded away, sprinting straight at the cleric. It lunged, teeth snarling, teeth gnashing, ready to rip out the clerics throat, chest, or any body part he could get a hold of. It would try it's hardest to disable the cleric in any way possible, at the very least, providing a distraction that would give Daroth enough time to strike.

Daroth walked slowly behind the wolf, readying his sword. As he walked, he took his ring and middle finger of his left hand, and began tracing the edges of the sword, from the tip down. As he did this, his mouth moved, whispering an incantation of some sort. A green substance began to appear behind the fingers, dripping from the swords edge. Finishing, Daroth looked to the cleric, seeing how his wolf was doing, and readying himself to leap into action. With no healing, any cut at all would be brutal, but with a poisoned sword, hope of survival at all was diminished. Daroth grinned. "Time to die priest."

Zephiel -> RE: =EC= Cellar Arena (8/28/2006 22:22:36)

Selis tugged on his new trap, testing its bonds. Perfect... he thought, when suddenly a dagger flew into his thrown net. Not just any dagger. A rrubber ended one. It weakend the elkectricity so much that if anything it would only be a slight zap. His other 'grid' trpa was still falling towards his foe so that was no problem. But this other one, who disrupted his plan must be delt with. He broke the weave on the wires and left them there. Using his advanced eyes he tracked the trajectory of the knife and found the general location of its launcher.

His brow furrowed and he clenched a fist, "So you like to mess with my fun do you? Perhaps you'd like to taste some of my toys for yourself!" He reached into his robes and pulled out a jar of water. He threw it in the general area not caring where it hit, or if it hit him. Selis heard it shater and the water pouring out. Next he withdrew two small cubes from inside his sleave. "Lets hope you don't need to breath." He threw them into where the water landed and they both exploded, releasing a large gaseous cloud that filled the area. "It's poison, but it won't kill you. However it is powerful enough to leave you paralyzed for a good long time, even if you inhale one breath." He grinned Fools ought to know when not to mess with other peoples affairs.

Selis sped away back into another dark part of the floor, his electrical grid still closing in on the fire knight threatening to shock him to death, the other person was probably lying on the floor not moving. He needed to set another, more cunning trap. He weaved a few wires out and layed them on the floor in a smaller, but similar pattern to his original trap. He lightly electrified it making it somewhat visible. Next he threw two spikes on either side two feet infront of it. He walked over to those and layed a fuse connected to the two spikes leading to an explosive charge behind it. They'll see my first trap, thinking they've figure dit out, and walk forward to try and take me out; then i'll electrify the spikes lighting the fuse; and blow them over. The charge wasn't deadly, it was powerful enough to damagae somewhat, but it was designed to generate a shockwave infront of it knocking the assailant over. Lastly he grabbed two small hooks on his robes, a last resort effort incase his ploy failed.

OcarinaofTime -> RE: =EC= Cellar Arena (8/29/2006 16:03:52)

Aduro suddenly realized that the trap using man aimed his efforts at him now. A jar now hurled through the air towards Aduro. With his ninja reflexes he pulled out a katana and sliced it in half mid-air, unfortunately he had not antipated it would be filled with water which splashed all over him. The jar smashed onto the floor, both halves at the same time showing that his attack was precise enough to slice it in two exactly equal halves that fell at the same speed rather than two randomly sized ones flying at random speeds.

This water caused a problem. Aduro was soaked from the top of his head down to his knees and couldn't use fire if he was soaked. Only his feet to his knees were dry. He thought quick and ignited his legs up to his knees and most of the water evaporated, but he was still moist and though it was not enough to hinder his fire it could conduct electricity more easily, and that seemed a likely tactic for this man who had used electricity in his last trap.

Suddenly there was a sound of two items hitting the ground and the air became thick with something. As a fire user his body naturally developed a filter that filtered out impure air, otherwise it would be impossible for fire users to breathe while using their own fire based attacks. Luckily the filter meant for smoke that developed in his throat worked here and he was still breathing fine. But he realized that although his lungs were fine his fire would not be. Instead of wasting energy he quickly pulled out his lighter and lit it. It lit but went out almost immediately. Hmm, smart one he is. I can't use my fire over here, I'll need to move quickly before he prevents me from using ninja arts as well. Aduro placed the lighter back in his pocket. He realized the man was still setting traps and while he was busy Aduro moved through the shadows as he planned to set a trap of his own. He was finally positioned directly behind the man three feet away. He removed a small container that appeared to be an oversized water bottle from his belt. The bottle was labled C3H5N3O9. Aduro removed the lid and splashed much of it towards his opponent before darting into some nearby shadows without looking to see if it hit.

TormentedDragon -> RE: =EC= Cellar Arena (8/29/2006 16:31:14)

A hit. Good. He stayed at the ready, spear angled off to the side. Normally, he would have followed his first attack up with another. But this was not a normal fight, by no means. There were other people to keep track of, other combatants who might take it into their head to attack him. So he kept up his guard, prepared for an attack from any quarter.

They weren't concerned with him, it seemed. He had only the dark user he'd attacked to worry about right now. He was back on his feet, and apparently still able to fight. A dagger and a spellbook, and a quip about intellect. Typical mages. He reacted instantly, skipping backwards, away from the shadows and away from the dagger, not caring to just stand there and be caught. The energy crackled about his form, lightning arcing across the length of his spear as he ran, ready to summoned and shot forth at a moment's notice. "Catch me, oh smart one!" Speed mattered too. And speed was his forte.

Lord Memphis -> RE: =EC= Cellar Arena (8/29/2006 17:35:54)

Threkanaa looked at his opponent in some more detail as it skipped backwards like a small child, it was small, silver and...A moglin? He was wounded by a moglin? The little monster was clearly adept at acrobatics, as was obvious from it's movements as it charged more lightning.

He closed the spellbook, he had no time to look things up, he would have to stick to basics, he thrust his other, gnarled hand towards the moglin and chanted the words ''umbra partis.'' Strands and claws of pure, coproreal shadow grasped forth toward the moglin, he could not see through the purest darkness to see what was happening, he only hoped the creature was writhing in agony. He threw a quick glance to the other contestants and watched as one of them poured a thick, yellow liquid over the floor nearby and running away. ''Duely noted, danger zone.''

Zephiel -> RE: =EC= Cellar Arena (8/29/2006 21:49:03)

Selis heard something... a liquid? yes, flying through the air. Right at him. He couldn't abbandon his trap now, yet he couldn't get hit with something potentially dangerous. So he light a spark in its general area to see what it was. As soon as he did, Oh crap... He dropped the wires and surgged as much energy to his feet as possible rocketing him backwards at quick speeds, but not before the resulting blast came. It surgged over him burning him in the arms and chest as he fell backwards, but that wasn't the only problem. His own trap was just ignited. A huge shockwave came hurteling at him and blew him back even further, luckly it probably saved him from getting incinerated by the explosion, but he suffered bad burns to his chest and arms, as well as the shockwave smashing him into the ground. He clenched his fist and stumbled to get up.

As he did he focused hard, harder than ever before. He cut off the electrcity that would normally warn of pain to his arms and chest, though he was injured, he wouldn't feel it for a while. What a pesky sneaky little rat, using my own powers against me, well now i'm injured enough to worry myself. I can't heal, and im in bad shape. Logically I SHOULD retreat, but I can't. Only possible tactic left, kill him before he becomes a bigger threat. He finally stood up, a bit shakey and breathing hard, but he would live.

Now to kill this punk. This is going to be a tricky maneuver, I only know his general area but that should be enough. He drew his two swords and unwound some wires from his gloves, he tied them to his swords. "Okay you gave me a big bang, but how about a little jolt for you?" He threw both swords at the general direction he thought the 'bomber' was at. When they struck a mirroed wall and flew back from the reflective magic put on them, he tugged on the wires to reasert control of the swords and final regained it, but there was more. He sent a huge jolt of electricity into the wires and traveling through the swords, he could now manipulate them easily. He launched them once more into an area, this time he would be more likely to hit. He cut the wires and let them fly at where his foe SHOULD be. Of course if he was wrong then his entire ploy would be a waste. In case my chain lightning fails i'm going to need something more, sneaky... Selis reached into his sleaves and pulled out a fistful of kunai each. He threw them near the area with the swords, but not in the same direction. It formed a sort of 'box' to prevent his enemies escape. The swords cutting off one way and the Kunai another. However in addition he fired off a few powerful bolts of energy at the ends of the kunai. The bolts flew from one to another forming a menacing grid as they enclosed the area, now he was trapped like a rat. If he tried to escape the swords, he'd be fried. If he tried to dodge the swords the wires on the end would grab him and fry him. A perfect trap, few things could go wrong now. Selis grinned as he walked in the direction the kunai had been thrown, If he somehow dodges ALL of this, or i aimed in the wrong spot, i'll be here to shred him.

Lion Heart -> RE: =EC= Cellar Arena (8/29/2006 23:07:12)

“Energy shadow instrument user,” Ace repeated, “Long title.” He gave a smirk, which turned out to be short-lived. The ‘instrument user’ had thrown a net and a handful of dust at Ace. Fortunately, another fighter, the other of the Fire Lord, had stopped the net with a knife of some sort. Fool, Ace thought, you should want me dead.

Ace shot another blast of fire, this time the end of the blast was large, and was aimed at the dust. He used his ability to make fire a solid. The shot still flamed as fire normally does, but anything that touched it would more than likely be pushed. As with the case with the electrical dust, it was all pushed by the fire, away from Ace, preventing a damage that may have cost him the battle. A large blast had blown on the other side of Ace’s solid fire, and lucky for him his attack was able to block the explosion with the attack.

One of the torches no longer held its flame. With a wave of his hand, Ace had thrown the fire from the pillar next to it into the torch. The corner grew bright once more. He could now easily see the entire room once more.

Two swords flew in his direction. He jumped back, and the fire on his arm grew. The flames now reached from the end of his fingers to his shoulder, and began creeping up to his neck. It stopped where it was on the neck. I shouldn’t use too much energy, not yet at least. He decided to leave those two, the other fire one and the instrument user. He set his next target at the one in black, and a pet wolf unnaturally created. The black one faced the cleric, and he had said some mumbo about sending the cleric to the Dark Lord. A green substance was on his blade, poison from the looks of it. That could end up horribly wrong, he must be disposed of now.
Ace lifted his left arm again, as he did previously, to the black one’s back. He shot another blast, it was even larger than before, and solid as well. Hopefully it would strike his opponent in the back, and throw him into the cleric. After the blast left his hand, he threw two more, one to each side of his opponent, incase he decided to leap to the side.

OcarinaofTime -> RE: =EC= Cellar Arena (8/30/2006 6:44:44)

Aduro realized exactly what his opponent was trying to do, it was another trap, Aduro quickly took the bottle of Nitroglcerine and threw it at the trap wielder. It would act as a grenade as the physical movement of being shaken and than smashing into something would cause an explosion, and the bottle would only make the explosion more deadly as it's debri would be capable of shredding straight through bone.

Now that the electric user himself was taken care of, hopefully. He would need to stop the two swords heading right at him. With lightning speed Aduro grabbed the two katanas from his back that crossed to make an X and he knocked away both swords to prevent them from being a problem, although it seemed it would work, Aduro underestimated his opponent and he was instantly shocked. He fell to the floor and couldn't get up. He fell so suddenly that he twisted his ankle upon doing so. The shock although it hurt more than anything, did not hinder him and merely caused pain, but a twisted ankle would weaken him. He knew he could get up, but he was now wounded and vulnerable. How could he dodge traps on a twisted ankle. Aduro got up and decided to get out of where he was. He needed to sneak away to get his situation together. Aduro began to move by shooting jets of fire from the soles of his feet. It was like using rollerskates without the wheels and without touching the ground. He snuck over to a corner in the shadows and warped the mirrors using fire so that he would not be visible through them. Unfortunatley the mirrors were enchanted and only changed back to normal in seconds.

Aduro had a plan now, he took a katana and several daggers, using heat he bent the daggers into rings that could wrap around his leg. He welded the daggers to the katana and it stood pressed against his leg keeping it straight. Aduro just made a splint. He knew a couple forms of healing magic that used only fire that could weld bones and sterilize wounds and such, but he knew the arena prevented even this and didn't waste energy trying. The splint would have to do. Aduro decided he should move on to a different opponent just to spice things up, but who?

Cheeseliker -> RE: =EC= Cellar Arena (8/30/2006 15:00:35)

Daroth walked towards the cleric, eager to give the gift of death. He was so eager he made a foolish mistake. He had figured that people were too busy with eachother to deal with him. He had let down his guard to the others, focusing only on the cleric. he heard the crackling of flames and the sound of something flying through the air and realized he had made a mistake. Cursing himself, he threw himself sideways but it was too late. The fireball exploded into his shoulder sending him spinning, stumbling, and finally falling on his face.

He gritted his teeth as he moved, smoke rising from where the fireball had hit. He saw two more fire balls fly by, obviously intended to hit him if the first had failed. He found the flamer, fire still covering his arm. The blind firehand! "Wolf, the firehand, now!" Daroth yelled. The black wolf immediately changed course, bounding away from the cleric and heading towards the blind man....Blind...yet still somehow managed to see.....Daroth stood up, hoping the wolf would give him some time to recover.

He moved his shoulder gingerly, and smiled when he felt only a little pain. Daroths armor had taken most of the blow, and the only real damage was from the actual impact from the solidified fire. The fire hadn't been able to penetrate the armor, and therefore Daroth had not gotten burned. "Nice little blast in the back blind man, but can you do so well when I am alert and ready?" Daroth asked smirking. He advanced, warily, ready to dodge any manner of fireballs thrown his way. He remembered the torches, and made a mental note to be wary of attacks from any angle.

The wolf got within ten feet of the man and lunged, ready to do to this man what it had been about to do to the cleric. If the man managed to stop, or kill the wolf, then Daroth was ready for melee combat, sword ringing against sword. Daroth gazed, as a hunter gazed at his prey. He would need only one cut, one small slice, and the poison would infect. It wasn't too powerful, merely meant to slowly fatigue his opponent, until Daroth finally overpowered or outlasted the enemy. Of course, usually the body managed to fight off the effects of the poison after falling unconcious, but in a place such as this....Perhaps the poison would merely continue working, until the fighter's heart gave out from extreme exhaustion. Daroth smiled. Whatever tricks the man pulled, Daroth would not be defeated. The mans tricks would not help him. Daroth would not ve taken unawares again.

OcarinaofTime -> RE: =EC= Cellar Arena (8/30/2006 18:14:24)

Aduro thought about who he should battle next but realized he should sit down as long as possible. His ankle was filled with pain but he didn't care. If he had not been wearing a hood his hair would certainly stand on end from the shock earlier but for now he sat out the fights resting his ankle. He built around himself a solid sphere of fire. It would not be indestructable, but he could see through it and it would block at least one or two attacks before cracking giving him the chance to open a hole and escape . Aduro filled the sphere with smoke and although it didn't heal him as he couldn't do so it became easier for HIM to breathe and the pain in his leg lessened. He rested there hoping he would have plenty of time to rest before anybody decided to attack him. Aduro was quite comfortable in his sphere of solid fire, and the immense heat suited him compared to the chilly cellar. He was of course warm-blooded but it was still chilly anyway. Aduro sat comfortably in his sphere and rested his ankle.

Zephiel -> RE: =EC= Cellar Arena (8/30/2006 21:29:07)

From the shadows a bottle was thrown at Selis, filled wit the same explosiove compound as before. He reached ino his robe swiftly and pulled out what appeared to be a prism. I don't wana use this, but I can't just die! He threw it at the bottle full force. Suddenly it expanded and surrounded the bottle in a 'prison'. The bottle struck the wall and erupted in a mighty explosion that was barely contained by the trap. I only had one of those prisms, i wanted to save it to kill someone,but now... well at least i'm alive. The prism was a gift from a fellow shadow instrument user long ago, it was the only one in existence. Selis planned to trap someone isnide and lay a multitude of traps outside of it wand watch them try and escape alive.

Now he lost sight of his prey and darted away from the middle of the arena to the an unpopulated side. The massive burns were taking their burden on him. He removed a pill from a jar he had in his robe and swallowed it, pain suppressant. He had few real traps left. He recalled his electrified swords to his hands and sheathed them. He sat with he back to a wall and waited. The pill started to take effect and he could move a little easier now. He decided that now was not the time to try and ambush someone with traps, but with a real killing intent. Selis drew both swords and flooded them with electricity, making them deadly if they could entire a wound. He wasn't ready to go out and find a new foe, yet. However he was ready to agitate someone into coming after him.

He reached into his robe and pulled out something strange. A metal rods that connected to for a sort of staff, with enough space to attach both swords at either end. He did so and charged the new device with energy. Now he could fire off faster, less deadly, bolts of energy from either tip as well as defend himself up close. Now go to get someone to fight me, or at least injure some poor fool... He saw a globe of fire and decided he couldn't break that, some dark wolf attacking a fire weilder, and little action other wise. Oh well let's just shoot and see what happens. He fired a bolt off of some mirrors in a way to have it randomly arc around the room, loosing little energy. It ended up getting shot at the wolf lunging after the fireman... the one he had been trying to kill earlier, Interesting, now will that things owner continue its attack on the firery one, or come after me....hehe, we'll soon see he thought as the lightning arc flew close to the beast.

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