RE: =EC= Spike Arena (Full Version)

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Davros -> RE: =EC= Spike Arena (9/6/2006 6:00:01)

So many sounds, they came and went. Moved around the arena. Malus ears perked up a bit, trying to listen to each sound. There were many ones, voices, metal on metal, maybe some kind of magic in there too.

Why would people be talking or shouting in this place, especially when they had perfect cover of mist. He listened more intently than ever, ignoring the sounds that weren't voices. He tried to find one that might be close by, if not then he would go for any voice.

But it wasn't sound that attracted him, no, he saw a slight parting of the mist, a light in it. There had to be someone there. He stood up more, his wings still outstrected for balance. He beat them softly so he left the pillar, not wanting to fall off when he shot his powers.

He placed his hands together and absorbed the 3 orbs circling him. He glowed an eerie black, pulsating out of him. As he pulled the hands apart, the bolts of darkness were building between them and soon they had formed a ball of swirling black, a vortex of hatred. One fleeting second he looked at the partially cleared area, no hesitation, no though for what might happen to the person, he just thrust his hands forwards and fired the ball straight for the gap. He hoped for a hit, but it mattered not if there was none.

The force of the blast pushed him backwards through the air, he beat his wings harder to counter the push. The wall came close, he slowed and put a hand out. one spike made a small puncher in his palm, a trickle of blue blood, colder than that of humans, ran down his hand, onto the spike and 2 drops fell to the floor. He stared at his hand and then pushed his wings hard, to move himself away from the wall, back to the pillar.

Art of Blade -> RE: =EC= Spike Arena (9/6/2006 8:22:40)

"Aww, khara," Nimra cursed, weakly. Her Blood Ball was sliced cleanly in two, and her foe... changed. Her lips formed a smile, as she felt his blood drip out of his body. Her forehead formed a frown as the enemy roared in anger and charged towards her, engulfed in fire. The opposition has turned into a monster.
Grunting, Nimra attempted to dodge to her left, her wound sending messages of pain as the cold ice covered the warm blood within her.
That speed...
She grunted once more as her wound continued to affect her. It was a horrible wound... long and deep, the only thing keeping Nimra from fainting was the fact that the ice, by itself, covered the wounds and kept the blood from dripping out.
This did not, however, create much of a positive effect. It was now in constant pain, great, unbearable pain... if the wound was any smaller, Nimra would be able to keep up... if the ice were any bit more merciful, it wouldn't hold on to her in such a way, sharp and cool as it is to her exposed insides... even as she dodged, the ice clawed into her body, causing agravating pain.
No blood left her body, yet the near-fatal experience exists still.
That speed... this... person... this... beast... I can't keep up... even without... especially with this...
Nimra paused, as she held on to her painful wound.
He definantly has a spirit within him, she thought. Not in the same way as her, of course... this sort of spirit, apparantly, is granted the ability to 'take over' the body, even changing physical features and giving the human subject extraordinary powers, whatever they may be: strength, magic, precision... it differs. It always does.
This, of course, was a general observation. Spirits are always different, almost in every concievable way...
She remembers this, Nimra reminded herself, because she was trained in such matters... it was because of this training that she was able to bind with Berdin. It was this training that granted her the title of Medium.

I am nothing without you.
You are nothing without me.
We are alike, Berdin... you and I.
Extraordinarily different, yet connected in so many different ways...
We've both been forgotten, left behind... in different ways, you might say.
For me, I've been left behind while others went on to the next world.
While you... were merely forgotten.
Both alone.
And we both almost went mad.
Maybe we are mad...
Berdin, if we die here now, everything will end.
If we don't do this, we'll die anyway... this wound could be the end of me... the ice preserves it, yes, but it would never heal it... in ways, it's worse for it...
C'mon, Berdin... this is why you signed a blood contract with me... to leave that forsaken temple...

Nimra supported herself on the pillar, in the center of the arena. Her body was gradually being covered with ice...

An all or nothing situation... I'm sacrificing all my blood for this, Berdin.
If you don't get his, I'll die.
And if I die... you'll disappear.
And if he kills you... I'll die as well...

A part inside her, felt a ripple of fear. A ripple of understanding.
Nimra's body was completely covered with ice, an unbreakable barrier... her figure trapped inside the block of ice, her eyes closed... her reddish-brown hair trapped untidily...
A sparkle of light shone in the mist...

Get ready for this... for the possibility of death...
Desperation Attack: Berdin... Unleash!


And as the sparkle of light grew, a figure solidified...
His fur as white as snow, with stripes as blue as the clearest sky...
A proud feline of the mountain, and a spirit under the service of the Ice Lord.
A spirit in the form of a tiger...
Berdin of the Ice.

The tiger stared at his opposition, whose powers were obviously those of the Fire Lord...
He growled.
I am ready for your blood... it smells nicer from out here!
Berdin, although his posture was flawless, gasped slightly and breathed deeply. While he didn't share any bodily wounds, he shared Nimra's stamina... and Nimra did a hell of a lot of running around, damn her.
Don't take this personally, you flaming furry beast! I need your blood to live!
Berdin, his fur glistening in the mist, charged towards the firey foe, his dripping blood and his smoldering, flamed scent giving him away. He growled once more, and released a breath of ice, a barrage of hail.

Guardian of Nekops -> RE: =EC= Spike Arena (9/6/2006 13:19:04)

Roch grinned as the Axe of Gravity hammered through his opponent’s shield and into the metal floor beneath it, shattering it more by virtue of mass and brute force than due to the sharpness of the blade. It was unfortunate that the shield was the only thing harmed by his first blow, but at least the resounding crack as the shield gave way should earn him some respect.

As the starbursts cleared from his vision, Roch took a good look at his foe for the first time. Although he wasn't surprised to see that he had been fighting the water mage who had cast the blasted mist spell that had given him such trouble with his armor, he hadn’t been sure before. The now shieldless warrior bore a short sword and very light armor, nothing more to weigh him down. His style was fluid and loose, leaving openings in the defense but also not tying him down to any one place. He would be difficult to hit, true, but Roch wasn’t about to get all out of sorts about that. He had all the time in the world.

Knowing that the water competitor was a magician of some stamp, the Crusher looked him over for any signs of the arcane. On his second glance, he noted silver letters scattered across the man’s robes, more noticeable because of the gaps left where they were absent. Very interesting.

Just as Roch was trying to decide how to proceed, a shadow passed over the sun, darkening the clearing in which he and his nimble opponent were fighting. Looking up, he saw a large winged shape that was flying over the Spike Arena, gathering a large orb of darkness in his hands to cast down at a point somewhere near the gate. The blast was not aimed anywhere near him and the shadow soon passed, so he thought it safe to ignore for the moment.

“That’s odd,” muttered Roch as he felt a light misting of sweat break out on his brow. The Crusher had fought much longer in much hotter sun than this without breaking a sweat, in the same suit of armor; there was some devilry at work here… looking at the competitor for water, he suddenly became sure who was responsible for it. Opening his mouth and breathing in the water vapor trapped in his armor, he identified the taste he had not been able to place before; salt.

Raising Impact high, Roch threw himself forward with a cry that turned into a grunt as his feet lost their grip on the slippery floor mid-jump. Reaching his opponent’s feet as he hit the ground, he tucked into a ball around the axe and hoped he hit something. That way, maybe it wouldn’t be quite so embarrassing.

Zinsho_Lexagen -> RE: =EC= Spike Arena (9/6/2006 18:21:28)

The projectile flew past him more quickly than he had anticipated, missing him as he had already moved yet still close enough to have him bear a mind to not being in the path of any future blasts it might emit. He had no clue what his blade would do against such a blast, nor was he entirely sure he wanted to find out. For that matter, he wasn't even entirely sure it would stand up to a more conventional weapon, although somehow he doubted something of the nature of this blade would find itself faltering against a simple piece of metal or stone. Her words made him wonder just what she thought she saw but the following threat was enough to dismiss such considerations from his mind.

Listening to her footsteps he moved to meet her, letting her charge for all she wished rather than waste his own efforts in the same pursuit. As he moved to meet her his vision once more shifted through the lavender flames, spotting her once more in her motion and knowing that there would be no point evading her, not that he had intended to for even an instant. Yet the approach of a second combatant, a flicker in his vision that slowly resolved itself into the form of another on a course that would likely lead to a complicated congestion of limbs and weapons.

Sensing an interesting pattern in the making he considered the most likely outcomes of his first contact with the pirate and how to best use it to his advantage regarding the newcomer. Slipping to his right as the blade was about to reach him he used his free arm as a temporary shield, counting on the momentum of his foe to prevent more than a single potential slash, one he was almost certain his sleeves could deflect. Yet rather than risk leaving such things to chance he pivoted in the same motion, swinging even farther from her path to settle with his blade held parallel to the ground, his arm ready to whip into motion the moment she tried to halt, not about to give the pirate a chance to charge a second time. But it also left him safe from any sort of assault from the rear from the incoming warrior, he might dislike facing two foes at once but since they both were roughly facing him he felt as close to at ease with the situation as he was likely to until this whole thing was over and done with.

Nightmare17 -> RE: =EC= Spike Arena (9/7/2006 7:51:51)

A flicker in the corner of her non-eye, the sound of footsteps in the mist, Lily's eye narrowed. Somebody trying to attack her in the cover of the mist, whilst she was focused on the arrogant swine who thought he was some kind of ninja or something? Tricky little coward, they probably thought that she couldn't cope against two people at once.
Well that's where they were going to get a little surprise, she'd been in more barfights than she had bars, and she could handle herself in a brawl with the best of them.
Not least because....
She cheated.

Lily subtly changed her direction mid-charge, arching round so that the person running at her could reach her before she reached her target, trusting the mist to obscure this incredibly minor, yet important change of path. With a flick of her wrist she snapped the tip of her cutlass into the ground at her feet as she ran, quickly drawing it back to position as she muttered yet another dissonant verse under her breath. Beneath her, her shadow, which had been almost non-existent in the dim light that filtered through the mists, suddenly darkened as though once again in the noon sun, stretching beneath her like a pool of dark liquid, its movement lagging behind hers only ever-so-slightly.
She didn't change her pace, but her feet seemed to drag ever so slightly with each step; drips of blackness trailing from her boots as she went, closing the distance between her current target, even as the gap between the mystery assailant who ran at her grew dangerously narrow....
And then she could see him, an indistinct form growing ever clearer between the swirling fog, a dull burning centre infusing their entire body....
Ah hah, a man. Figured that only a man would be stupid enough to try and jump her.
She stared straight ahead, where the putrid yellow flame of her target was motionless before her, showing no sign she noticed her new assailant, who was approaching on her "blind" side. She grinned darkly as she envisioned beating a little respect into the arrogant little toad, and raised her pistol towards him, still ignoring the man charging towards her...
Until it was too late for either of them.

Just as the two were about to collide, Lily snapped her gun down with a flick of her wrist, pulling the trigger to send a bullet down at her own leg. In the split second before the bullet struck her, her shadow burst upwards like a coiled spring, hurling her spinning up into the air over the bullet....
In her wake, the bullet impacted into the base of the shadow, which now occupied the space exactly where Lily had just stood, right in the path of the charging martial artist, the "spring" now revealed as a black squid's tentacle that snapping towards the martial artist, trying to use his momentum to drag him into the widening pool of darkness that now lay in his path.
A split second the bullet, nursed in the raw darkness from which it was made, swelled rapidly before exploding into fragments, still mired in the pool of darkness. A moment later the pool convulsed, soundlessly ejecting everything on it directly towards the shadowy figure before evaporating into black smoke. Whether it hurled shot fragments, the body of an idiot martial artist or both, Lily had no way of knowing as she turned head over heels in the air, spiralling upwards in a graceful arc over her opponent's head even as the shadow's payload hurtled towards his front. She twisted over, ready to swing her sword down to strike at his body just as the projectile hurtled towards him from the front, or at least aiming where she thought his body was; the fighter's form was blurred and indistinct, only his heartfire gave her any real clue as to his location.
If her attack went to plan, she would land safely behind him and give them both a sound beating as both fighters crashed into one another. Even if it went wrong, she was reasonably certain things would go badly for this arrogant little swine, if he concentrated on taking her down, he'd take the full brunt of whatever was flying at him, if he concentrated on the projectile hurling straight at him, she would take his head clean off his shoulders. Even if he dodged entirely, she would land after the projectile did, and there was a good chance the martial artist would deal with himself by hurtling into the spikes with the momentum, and she was reasonably sure the shadowy material that still clung to her boots would give her enough purchase that she could stop herself from suffering a similar fate.
Lily smiled to herself as her blade lashed out.
She loved to win.

Coyote -> RE: =EC= Spike Arena (9/7/2006 16:09:23)

There were wingbeats. Ver'yan felt a gowing sense of dread. She just knew something was going on up right above her. Her suspicions were pretty much confirmed when a trickle of blue blood fell from one of the spikes behind her. She looked up to see a dark figure fly back to the top of the pillar. It most definately wasn't human and judging from its color, it fought for the Dark. Ver'yan shrugged. While fire would've made an easy battle, she'd dealt with demons and the like before.

She readied a battle spell but held back. It was quite obviously the slight parting of the mists and the faint flash of light that had caught its attention. It wouldn't be wise to make a noticeable move again, especially against an airborne foe. Maybe there was something else she could do...

She concentrated, holding her staff with both hands. It was the only piece of equipment she brought; otherwise, she was vulnerable. It wasn't the smartest move to go in almost unarmed, but what's past is past. She'd deal with it later.

Even if it did mean that the ground would be spiraling up to meet her.

Ver'yan focused on the billowing mists, forcing them higher. It wasn't her enchantment, but it was still a basic form of her element. She had some measure of control over it; though she definately wouldn't want to face off against the one who caused it in the first place. Higher and higher, the mist went up, covering more and more space in the arena. Her intent was to fog up the entire arena so anyone up higher would not be able to use height as an advantage without being called a coward first. Just to the top of the pillar, she told herself. Just up to there...

Davros -> RE: =EC= Spike Arena (9/8/2006 5:10:03)

Malus didn't know nor cared if his shot hit someone, he needed to look for his next target. The mists seemed to change, so he needed to do this quickly. As luck would have it someone seemed to be juming and twisting int he air, darkness seemed to be with her. Malus was not sure if a black spell would hurt her, so he needed to aim at something else.

He watched her twist and judging by the direction she was going, it seemed she had an opponent. His target was set. Even as the mist came up to him, his eyes were still focused where the people were. Once again he readied a ball of darkness and fired it across the arena. Hopefully it would hit the person that the dark woman was fighting, double dose of darkness.

Malus chuckled to himself as he stopped himself once again form hitting the wall. The pillar was not a place to return to now, someone knew he was there and had lifted the mist to his level as well. His flight, although still an advantage was not as much of one as before. He drew both of his swords, in his left hand, his native Felconian Blade, made of light weight material, with a green tinge to it. In his Right hand, a blade so dark it could no other element but darkness.

The Mortis blade in his right hand gave off a funny glow, the swirling blackness within his eyes grew as well until it wasn't in his eyes but his whole face and then his body. His entire form was a black shadow, beating it wings gently. He held the blade in front of him and closed his eyes. The orbs that circled him stopped, one above his head, the other 2 at each side. 1 represented himself, the other the blade and the third represented the spirit dragon that lay inside of him, an old friend and pet, now forced to be part of this trio. The shadowy outlines of the beast appeared behind Malus, the ghostly figure getting easier to see, soon the whole spirit dragon was visible and then, as Malus called out across the arena in a trembling roar, the dragon entered his body too and he stormed to the ground, landed quite hard but unharmed.

If he could not use the air, he would take the battle to the ground. So there he stood, just where he'd entered in the first place, the gates.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =EC= Spike Arena (9/8/2006 20:06:55)

There was something amiss, something ethereal in the air. The fine hairs on the back of Ronin’s neck began to stand rigid as the faintest tingling feeling passed through him. Then he felt the light touch of a magical gaze brush near his very core, alighting past the secrets held within his soul and instead pausing to inspect his heart. He felt, too, that familiar serpentine prescience within stir emphatically in a summons, leaving Ronin to begin to falter in his dancing step. His eyes glazed over as his attentions shifted to a scene viewed solely in his mind’s eye. If the once living shaman of the Vish-nu wished to speak in depth, then he must have a very good reason indeed.

Ronin met with Raikenin in that private sanctum of his own soul’s domain. Their conversation was ultimately brief as viewed by time on the mortal coil, despite having relative depth, and reached an amicable conclusion for them both. Raikenin wished to make a statement against this caster discerned to be of Darkness, and in doing so, he would provide Ronin a shield of deception to hide the secrets written on both his heart and his soul. He felt the serpentine essence move and shift, growing and expanding within, until the Vish-nu settled about his core such like donning a voluminous cloak. Ronin’s heart was newly wreathed in the obsidian hued flames of a zealot of darkness, striking amber of fierce warrior’s pride, and ultimately outlined in the dulled blue of stoicism to all else. For a moment, that chain which represented the Binding against Passion glittered through even Raikenin’s honest fervor. Yet the geas that was this deceit held, and Ronin’s concerns on this private sphere vanished.

Instead, his concerns drew himself back wholly onto the mortal coil. His balance was shot with his negligence. With his weight precariously supported on the balls of his feet, gravity had already began to win the battle to bring him down as he listed to one side. As the glassy quality to his eyes vanished, he let go of his tensions and flowed with gravity to begin falling to his right. Idly, he noticed that Roch had begun to ready an assault upon his person, although this was quickly fouled by the slowly dispersing pool beneath both their feet. A small, nonchalant smile spread across Ronin’s face, for such an attack could have been easily dodged had he too not lost his balance. Even then…

He planted his right hand on the ground as he fell, and kicked his legs upward into what became a handstand just as the armored warrior curled himself up to bowl Ronin over. Bending his arm for a moment to marshal a modicum of extra strength, he pushed out hard against the cold metal floor. Adding a twist, Ronin went horizontal before Roch’s form bashed solidly into his shoulder and added to his spinning rotation. The hit was harsh, tendons and ligaments straining as the blow threatened to dislocate his shoulder; even as a lance of pain shot out from the limb from the webbing of bruising that developed. Ronin winced, even as his shoulder resisted the crippling edge of possible injury, and watched as he was idly spun about as he rolled away form his opponent. The floor added to the bruising, most assuredly, but that would be shrugged off easily enough.

Eventually, he rolled to a stop on his back amidst the concealing mists he had cast so recently. The threateningly dark shadows to above his head were probably the lethal spikes that gave this arena its lethal characteristics. He ought to be more concerned than he was, with his shoulder injured and so close to implements of death, but instead he was oddly calm. Raising to a low crouch, his feet secure beneath him, he shrugged his shoulder a few times and held his sword warningly in front of him. He even had the mind to begin stringing a few choice runes together in his mind as he awaited the warrior to search for him.

“Come warrior…the game is far from over.” he called out, merely to give his opponent a clue of where to turn than for any other reason. And if his opponent attempt to rush him again…well…this time he had a better trick for that as well.

Xforce -> RE: =EC= Spike Arena (9/9/2006 18:01:09)

Kuth paused, staring at the doorway into the arena with perverse fascination, his silvery, almost mercurial eyes riveted on the carvings that marked the gate with an almost eerily intense single-mindedness. He stood there for long moments, slowly poring over every detail of its outward form and construction, imprinting its image deep into his mind. He would remember this day, he would remember this place, and his chance at seizing a destiny closed to all but a chosen few, but above all else… he would remember this really spiffy… giant … door-like thing. There was no denying it was a tremendous feat of construction, an architectural marvel… an awe inspiring colossus, so tremendous that its sheer majesty and splendour defied belief. Here lay inspiration for the ages, a piece of art almost unrivalled in its glory, a monument to all those who fought within… and those who had fought, and died within the walls of the arena. Oh, of course, its structural integrity was probably going to be severely compromised by the time the day was through – but that was probably a part of what made it so undeniably awesome.

Probability had always been a subjective thing for Kuth; given his experience, he often rated the improbable quite plausible and probable, while on the other hand, he rated many more probable, commonplace events both strange and unusual. In this instance; he was hedging his bets. The door had that archaic touch… a blend of the mystical, magical arcane and forgotten that excited him so… Then again, it was, well, just a door… and doors weren’t usually accorded any level of awe inspiration as far as he was concerned. It was a puzzling conundrum for him, even more so because of the chosen venue employed by this door, in particular – a gateway to a tournament of champions? That rated somewhere on the awing scale… he was certain. Two point seven two pohns, at the very least. He squinted, scrunching up his eyes as he stood on the tips of his toes, trying to get a better view of an inlayed carving near the very top of the gate. It was at that point that he noticed something very strange indeed… despite the early hour, it seemed to be getting darker… much darker than it should have been, given the time of day. Glancing at into the sky, he shot an inquisitive glance at a few clouds that could not possibly have been responsible before returning his attention to the gate before him, fully intent on unlocking the mysteries contained within the gateway. A moment later, the loss of light intensified again, suddenly growing far more pronounced, draining away before an onslaught of shadow like the cries of a baby that had just had a pacifier stuffed into its mouth. Alarmed, he turned his attention from the gate, just as… something impacted the other side of the doorway, colliding with the solid, nigh-indestructible metal that composed the gate with terrific driving force. The sound of cracking, splintering metal, the dull boom of the impact, and the vibrations sent forth by the blast reverberated around him, setting his magical senses afire with alarm, and giving him a faintly uncomfortable tingling sensation. Subconsciously, he chalked that last effect up to indigestion.

Another warrior would have run, turned and fled beneath that hellish harbinger of the horrors soon to come. In Kuth's case, it served a different purpose... a purpose more or less akin to an obnoxious alarm bell that wouldn’t turn off, and refused to give those inclined to slumber their precious “five more minutes”. Snapping back to attention, he rubbed the back of his head as he allowed a sheepish grin to cross his face. He'd gotten sidetracked… again. At the rate he was going, it was entirely likely he'd never get into the arena... let alone have a chance to compete. Well... he'd just have to fix that. Dashing towards the entrance, he crossed the threshold, bursting through with the enthusiasm of a seven year old as he emerged within the arena of legend. Its scenes however - its terrible and majestic grandeur, its macabre splendour and grand design, its riveting spike-laden deathtraps and innovative blood drainage system failed to catch his attention, for a far more pressing matter had thrust that little problem aside, usurping complete and total control over his mayfly attention. With all the fog swirling around him, he couldn’t see a blasted thing.

He barely had the time to mouth a surprised "... great forkin' godly garnished gizzards…” before the mists took him, washing over his finely tuned mental senses, overriding his unprepared mental defences with brutal efficiency. Sadness… despair… and sorrow permeated his senses, thrusting him deep into a sea of inner despair and mental lethargy. He felt something tiny prickling deep inside him, struggling desperately against the urge to burst into song. Two seconds into the arena and I’m already in over my head… heh… Gritting his teeth, he forced several of his latent abilities to surface, warping his mental landscape with the force of his effort as he sought a way to escape the turbulent sea of emotions. Tiny motes of white whirled across the silver in his eyes as he marshalled every ounce of power he had invested in his mental defences, temporarily halting the mists’ caustic effects on his personality. Bit by bit, he repulsed the effects of the encroaching mists, lambasting them with an onslaught of mental energy as he slowly – and torturously began to expel them from his psyche. Reaching into one of the many pockets that adorned his vest, he withdrew his weapon, drawing a measure of calm – and hope from the feel of its metallic touch against his skin. A stream of power manifested through its surface, and he hurriedly drew on its energy to fabricate a potent shield over his mental state: a preventive measure against he mists, and a powerful argument against any form of mental attack that might soon be used against him. The exhausting process had taken mere seconds, but to him, it seemed as though hours had transpired. He exhaled noisily, glancing down at the most prized of his weapons, the golden fork he still clenched within his right fist, seeking support from his spoony choice of weapon.

He tossed his shock of amaranthine, silver flecked hair from side to side in an attempt to clear his mental vision, trying to bring himself back up to his normal level of alertness. He half-jumped backwards as a shape moved in the fog ahead of him. Blinking, he cleared his eyes – then stared into the mist. Yet another mist-figure appeared, then vanished, followed by another. Shocked, he drew himself up, planting a firm hand on the plumed hat that adorned his head even as he twirled his fork in a defensive gesture. Something was wrong here… very wrong. Abruptly, a score or more of mist-formed visages burst into reality around him, each of them hauntingly familiar, yet at the same time, completely alien. His mouth dropped in a startled “O”, as realization sank into him. The faces weren’t real… he was hallucinating… hallucinating away the effects of the mist that had made it deep into his mindscape in that first instant, before he had become fully aware of the danger they posed to him. In his experience there was but one way to handle such an offensive; surrender.

Fully aware that he could not possibly have been in a functional of mind, he allowed the mists that lingered within him to take effect, dispersing the mental lock he’d placed on their effects. Dark striations crossed his eyes, wriggling as they slowly resolved into a series of oscillating circles that floated haphazardly within their mercurial depths. Instinct told him to face down the sorrow, and that was that – he felt himself losing awareness, losing consciousness as he dove deep into the depths of his soul. Dove deep into the tenaciously clinging mist that had claimed a grip over his faculties. Dove deep into the core of the spell, into the memories it used to feed itself, to keep itself alive. A flood of nausea washed over him, followed by a profound sense of satisfaction, self fulfillment and a sudden need to philosophize. He didn’t consider the last nearly as bad as the alternative, no matter what the situation, he was not bursting into song. Even insanity was better than song. Or being forced to imitate Shake…

A vision blurred into reality before him. He was back in his room, at his house. He was older… or was it younger? He was taller, certainly – fully grown, by the looks of it, and he had an unusually pleased expression framed his dark elven face, as if all was right with the world…

A rising sense of panic suddenly burst within him. He knew this moment… he knew what was going to happen. A silent scream escaped his lips… for he knew what was soon to come. Moments from now, the unnatural accident that had triggered the regression of his age would occur. And there would be nothing he could do to prevent it… he sighed, and a tear trickled down his cheek, ere his mind began to speak…

Tis the excellent foppery of the world, that, when we are sick in fortune, often due to the actions of others,

The scene blurred, reverted to nothingness. A new scene took its place… and he saw a man… his uncle, driven to the depths of insanity. An unholy fire lit his eyes, his hands extended forward like dark claws, even as his father drove the family weapon – an enlarged butter knife of the “vorpal” trait – deep into his belly… His uncle had botched a summoning… and had unwittingly swapped souls – and minds – with a demon of the nether planes. The two of them had been very close before the… accident, and his loss weighed heavily on Kuth.

we make guilty of our disasters solar hellspawn, the moon and the wolves that follow its path… the malignant clutches of aether dimensions now lost to the stars…

The scene blurred yet again, and he saw himself on the streets, younger now – with a wild, feral gleam in his eye. He had not grown much, since that time… physically, had never advanced beyond the age of ten… not since the night of his first kill. He struggled to shut his eyes as the bright tines of his fork burst through his opponent’s jugular vein…

As if we were villains on aught but necessity, fools for some heavenly compulsion, a geas placed upon us ere we were born…

A new scene resolved before him now, as he wept openly, kneeling over the broken body of a dragon, clutching at a bright yellow stone held within his palms… events had been completely out of his control, that time – and an erstwhile villain – a dragoness, at that - had sacrificed her very soul to save him from a face worse than death…

antiheroes, villains and manipulators, by spherical predominance… drunkards, liars and liches by an enforced obedience of planetary influence…

The previous scene vanished, replaced this time by a vision of himself alongside his literal “other half” – a crystal dragon that had bonded with his very soul at the instant of its hatching. A powerful yearning consumed him, as the effect of even a single day’s separation from his counterpart tore at him…

and all that we are somewhat perhaps evil in, by a divine thrusting on. An admirable evasion of man…elf… things… to lay their dispositions at the charges at the hands of free will!

A vision of his brother now flashed into being, a strange hybrid, stranger than even he himself had been, a being at once half elven, three quarters drow, part raptor, one quarter miscreant, part-time adventurer and all invaluable friend. His lineage had been the result of an… accident, involving an unseemly amount of alcohol, and the presence of a wild mage. He had been crucial to his survival, in those early days… when he had opted for voluntary exile, rather than allow his older-but-now-younger brother to perish in the streets…

His father compounded with my mother somewhere near a dragon’s tail, and I bear an advanced magiscience major, therefore it follows that I am unrefined and unpredictable! Fork! I should have been that I am, had the maidenliest star in the firmament twinkled on my age regression!

At this, the visions began to fade… the effects of the mist now nearly dispelled. His unseeing eyes gazed upon reality, where he saw before him, the titanic form of another competitor… one who radiated malice so openly that their very aura alerted Kuth to his presence.

Pat! He comes, like the catastrophe of the old comedy. My cue is villainous melancholy, with a sigh like Tom o’ Bedlam. O. these eclipses do portend these divisions I shall soon make upon his body!

quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur.

And with that, the last of the mists’ effects lifted from him, leaving him once more alert, alarmed, and somewhat primed for combat. Drawing on the depths of his spirit, he formed a shaft of joy, which he thrust into his outstretched fork, sending it aglow with power, the power of emotion… the power of spirit… and most importantly, the power of air. Streams of wind rippled around his childlike body, sending his tattered blue scarf billowing behind him, rippling in odd serpentine motions that could not possibly have been natural. A sadistic grin split his face as he fell into a fighting stance, bending his knees and holding his arms at the ready. Piping up, his tiny, child’s voice reached out to the towering draconic figure before him, a fearless announcement of his location - all challenge, threat, and taunt. “Hey… Malice, its not very polite to turn your back to a stranger. Doncha have any manners?”

Guardian of Nekops -> RE: =EC= Spike Arena (9/10/2006 19:41:18)

Roch closed his eyes while he rolled, finding the sight of the floor and sky rolling by him so quickly disturbing, but he did feel the impact of a body on the back of his armor, near that which was, at that moment, the uppermost point. A good hearty blow, he judged, merely painful to his opponent as opposed to crippling, but it should not be insignificant in the battle to come.

The Crusher's momentum carried him well beyond the point of collision, and as he passed the boundary of the clearing of the mists he felt the sorrow-laden vapor condense around his armor once again. The sensation was not at all unlike putting rainsoaked clothing on again after getting dry yourself, and Roch didn't like it one bit. Fortunately, the effects of the water mage's spell also opposed and slowed his rolling, allowing him to stop and regain his feet much sooner than he might have otherwise been able to.

Upon rising, the warrior's first move was to retrace his steps, arriving back at the clearing in the mists in fairly short order. The open space was slowly fading back into the haze, shrinking in size and becoming slightly foggy around the edges. It was empty when he arrived, so his opponent must have gone elsewhere... ran off after jumping over his roll, perhaps. But which way?

“Come warrior…the game is far from over,” Roch heard through the mists, in front of him and a little off to his right. The Crusher smiled in relief at this, for tracking his foe through thick haze would have been annoying to say the least, and would have taken time he wasn't sure he had. During his awkward roll and the slow walk back, his body had begun to sweat heavily. Though he had not yet lost anywhere near enough fluid to affect his performance yet, he could feel the magical vapor trapped in his armor mingling actively with his sweat, stirring up the air next to his flesh in tiny whirlpools that made his skin crawl, and he began to worry about what the spell might do to him before too much more time passed... but his opponent's challenge had gone unanswered long enough. With a loud affirmative grunt, he looked up, glimpsing the top of the spiked steel wall through a thin wedge of blue fog.

The water competitor had his back against a wall, and was not more than twenty feet ahead of him. Readying Impact for a swing at the first solid thing he saw, the Crusher waded slowly back into the mist, eyes peeled for any efforts to get around him to the left or right. His foe would not escape him again.

Davros -> RE: =EC= Spike Arena (9/12/2006 5:52:24)

There was a voice behind him, a small voice, a voice of a child? What child would be stupid enough to enter such a tournament, let alone shout taunts at Malus. Was he calling his name? Couldn't be, but none here knew it. Maybe something that sounded like it. Whatever he shouted, it mattered not to Malus who turned slowly on the spot and looked towards the glowing light before him and the child behind it.

A late arrival before me. Tell me child why is it that one so small as yourself would enter such a dangerous place?

Malus' right clenched the Mortis blade, hidden behind his back. The power in the blade began to eminate outwards, not far, maybe an inch or so past the blade. The metal vibrated in his hand, the power building and building. The deathly destruction within the dark blade surged, wanting to be released, wanting to consume it's prey.

So Child are you just here to taunt other competitors or can you fight as well

With these last words shouted, Malus swung the blade round, sweeping it from top right down to bottom left. The Mortis shot was released, a soul devouring energy that wanted nothing more than to rip apart an opponents inner self. The dark wave that erupted from the blade stormed outwards, vibrating the very air it pushed aside with it huge force. This time a shot was aimed at an opponent, not a space where he thought someone was, this time he did care if it hit or not.

qbsuperstar03 -> RE: =EC= Spike Arena (9/12/2006 13:47:11)

"What in the..." That was Tobias's first thought as the pirate lady leaped above and behind him, hoping to catch him off guard. But there was something looming ahead...he needed to avoid it. Knowing that if he tried to change direction it would hit him, Tobias tried something else. Wheeling around, totally ignoring what was in front of him, he fired a desperation ray of energy from the tip of his sword at the woman who dared to use a ranged weapon in an arena, especially one as hazardous as this one obviously was.

The ray emanated from the point, a cold steel-blue line of energy distilled from the awesome power that hid inside its masterfully crafted blade. It was originally meant to slay dragons, but it was still a reliable sword.

He just hoped that he would be able to count on his weapon to protect him one more time. After all, the thing that waited for him would probably break his run and he would stop short of the wall of spiky doom. And if he got lucky, he might just be able to slam the shadowy behemoth into the wall, too...

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =EC= Spike Arena (9/12/2006 22:58:11)

Ronin could hear the ponderous gait of his heavily armored opponent creep ever closer, thump by muffled thump. The warrior had evidently chosen a measure of caution rather than charging blindly again at the small statured form that Ronin represented, a very wise move considering the spikes not a scant few feet from his own back. Or, perhaps…there was the possibility that his own magic had begun to take an active role against his opponent, to start sapping his strength of mind and body. Yet Water could be an unpredictable and even a fickle mistress in that regard, Ronin could simply not be sure when the tides of his magic would force his opponent’s great strength to ebb. And it is strength that this warrior has bulk, a far greater capacity than I have witnessed in quite a long time. Yet…such strength does come at a cost…

In a fit of sudden inspiration, he broke the mental patterns of runes that he had prepared in the back of his mind to give his opponent problems with a charge. Caution was all well and good, but now it gave Ronin time to change his own tactics and prepare anew for the next flurry of action. The aborted magic, admittedly more of a brute force application to force a balk or a stumble, still provided the main basis for the new spell being formed in his mind. Targeting the impurities held in suspension within the air, he drew them towards his sword through a criss-crossing pattern of runes in his mind. These impurities changed the nature of the water that held it, turning it from a pure, inert liquid into a mildly corrosive form that coated his blade for the moment.

The key, thought Ronin, is to make his weakness far more apparent. In doing so, I might buy yet more time for the extant magic to work its way to completion. Stepping to his left, he switched his blade into a backhanded grip. Now…to give this magic impulse and let it worry my opponent. He spun, moving with a dancer’s grace, whipping the sword about in a horizontal arc angled just slightly downward. The leading edge of the corrosive liquid leapt from the blade, taking with it the strongest contingent of mixed impurities in suspension, and the several runes winked out of existence benignly as it did so. This slash, as it were, was aimed to land just in front of where Ronin thought his opponent would be in a span of quick heartbeats.

He continued his spin, crouching low before jackknifing upwards suddenly. The blade creating a near perfectly vertical arc also aimed at Roch, and the remainder of the corrosive liquid…now truly mild at best…leapt off his blade. Yet before the last of the drops left the tip, before the last of the runic pattern could fade from existence, an idea leapt unbidden into his mind. Consuming several more runes in a flash of brilliance, he restrained the trailing edge of this liquid slash on the tip of his blade. Though the thought originated from the Vish-nu residing in his soul, Ronin saw the logic of the thin, coiling lash of corrosion within a heartbeat. Let him think he has the advantage of reach…let him be proven wrong. With this, I might yet be able to strike at the grip on his mighty axe instead.

Now, for his final act of distraction. He composed himself into a defensive stance once more, knowing that his opponent was naught more than a few spans in front of him, yet he called out regardless. “Tell me warrior, what makes you fight so? Who do you think you are to claim the favor of any of the Lords this day, held so tightly as you are in a womb of metal?”

Guardian of Nekops -> RE: =EC= Spike Arena (9/14/2006 1:42:33)

As he neared where his opponent stood against the wall, Roch's cautious eye caught a slight change in the mists about him, a nebulous flow of sorts heading towards his objective from a radius as far as he could see in the blue haze. The vapor itself wasn't moving; the motion was passing through the mists, like the rippling of long grass in the wind. If he had been asked what exactly it was that he saw he could not have explained, but he noticed it regardless.

The effect was even more jarring when whatever was moving stopped doing so, hanging in tense suspension; waiting for something. Sweat was pouring down his face now, and the vapor in his armor was moving as violently as boiling water; both signs urged the Crusher to strike as soon as may be, whipping him towards frenzy... but these were due to a spell of the enemy, and he knew better than to let them rule his actions. Instead, he reached down into the core of his being, discarding the Crusher for the moment and focusing on the Roch who walked unarmed; Roch the potter, the helpful neighbor, the gentle giant of his village. And there, deep within his heart, he found the peace of Earth, a peace that allowed him to pause and just observe for a moment despite the crawling of his skin and the battle fever in his blood.

A single step in front of where he had stopped, Roch heard something splash on the ground. Before he could devote any further attention to it, however, he heard a second splash and a light sizzling on his right foot and moving upwards, fast. Without thinking, he brought Impact up in a double handed grip, catching the part of the attack meant for his face on the broad head of the Gravity Axe. He listened intently as the acid struggled to dissolve his armor, deciding after a moment that it would not eat very deep at all before its powers were expended. Sparing the affected flat of his weapon a glance, the warrior was glad to see that the protective spells laid on it at its forging were doing their duty well, preventing the liquid from even trying to react with its metal. If the corrosive fluid had reached his eyes, though, it would have been the worse for him. Best be careful about that, he mused.

With a diffuse flash of silver from his foe's location, the strange flow that was not resumed. It must be needed to produce the acid, thought Roch, still trying to decide what it was and why he could sense it at all. It was not long, however, before a more intriguing question came to him out of the mists, “Tell me warrior, what makes you fight so? Who do you think you are to claim the favor of any of the Lords this day, held so tightly as you are in a womb of metal?”

To the first question, Roch had a ready answer. "I have always had a love for the Earth," he replied fondly. "I loved to explore its caverns, to climb its highest peaks, to shape its clay in my hands by day and to sleep on its hard packed dirt by night. One day, as I travelled back to my village after a battle, a group of bandits set upon me, hoping to kill me and take my valuable armor. They had magic on their side and I was hard pressed, but then the mountain fell on them and gave me the victory, and my life." With a loud, clanking shrug, he continued, "As an act of gratitude, I came here."

By the time he had told his tale, the warrior knew what the rest of his answer would be. "As for who I am," he added with a smile as he stepped forward, the calm of his Lord filling his heart even now, "I am a son of Earth; I am Roch of K'eld Naer."

As soon as he had finished speaking, Roch hear a loud sizzling beneath him and looked down, seeing that his opponent's acid was eating rapidly through the carefully textured treads of his steel boots. The peace in his heart and mind vanished, replaced instantly by his rage. He had mere seconds of friction left and he used them all, throwing himself at the water mage and sweeping Impact's flat before him in a wide, deadly arc, abandoning caution to Wind or anyone else who might want the useless thing. He would not be able to stop before he hit the spikes. He didn't care.

"I am the Crusher," he shouted as he flew through the air, not caring for the moment that the boiling magic in his armor had just taken hold, become something much more sinister, "and I'll break you, trickster!"

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =EC= Spike Arena (9/17/2006 2:39:21)

Roch’s little speech, as touching as it might have been in different environs and to a different warrior, phased Ronin not at all. Nor was it truly a satisfactory answer, for it did hearken his mind to those scant memories of the lad Arcadius that he had sent to this very same tournament this past year. However, as Roch’s words turned to harsh and sudden rage, all nostalgic thoughts scattered before the storms of renewed combat.

The shift in Roch’s stature as he began to press forward in his rage gave Ronin ample time to notice the relatively standard cut that he was making, but more worrisome, Ronin also realized that Roch would be carrying himself into the spikes themselves…and thick armor or not…Ronin was not going to let his opponent wound himself so. “There’ll be no dying here, if I can help it.” he whispered aloud to no one in particular. Moving quickly, at least on the mental aspects, he drew upon his remaining inlayed runes on his garb and armor. Saving a scant handful, those necessary to empower the Reversals hidden within both his previous subtle attacks against Roch, he shifted his power into his sword and the dangling lash of corrosive liquid.

The former began to glow softly with a sliver aura emanating with the blade of Fallen Heavens, his power moving to lend yet further effect to the enchantment of resiliency inlaid within. To the latter, he forced a change in the nature of the liquid, rearranging the impurities and substituting with what was immediately available to lend the quality of tensile strength to the lash by sacrificing its previously corrosive nature. Yet even as these shifts began to take hold, Ronin was yet again in motion, swinging Fallen Heavens across his body to adapt a backhanded grip in his right hand. The lash itself twisting and being propelled towards Roch’s own mighty form, to wrap itself around his waist…waiting for the time its own new strength would be tested.

Now held sturdy in his right hand, Ronin brought it down far enough to interpose his blade with the projected path of Roch’s own mighty axe, Impact. As Ronin did so, he leapt lightly into the air itself, turning himself into a mobile target rather than a static one to be broken. Much like a reed in the winds of the great storm, bending to the force rather than breaking apart like the mighty and proud oak. The clash of blade to blade itself was muffled and far from climactic. Though he found his arm jarred so hard as to tear the already once strained tendons and ligaments - leading to his arm dislocating itself at the shoulder - Ronin had effectively turned the force into momentum in order to escape greater harm.

As he was knocked sideways be the brutal impact, he turned his momentum into a lazy flip to land on his feet a mere two dozen inches from the spiked wall’s curvature. This was truly a dangerous area to find himself in, particularly if he was left to defend himself against another rush without the use of his right arm…but Ronin would cross that bridge when he came to it. Instead, he adopted a wide stance while grasping the sword from the deathgrip of his injured limb before heaving against it with all his strength and leverage that he could manage.

“Calm thyself down, Roch! Act like the acolyte of Earth you claim yourself to be in truth, and do away with these new trappings of rage and anger!” An audible groan from the strain of his efforts broke through, interrupting this plaintive call to the opponent he knew previously. This change simply would not do, not given its sudden nature nor its apparently suicidal tendencies. “They suit a stripling in the throes of Fire’s passions, not the sturdy strength thy ought to be a living testament too. Nor is there honor to be lost in submission to a greater foe…for is there not proof in the living growing stronger when they live despite defeat? Come Roch, awaken from this rage and come to yo---”

Ronin’s plea to Roch’s sanity was interrupted, however, as the lash that bound the two physically snapped violently into two. The lash faded, becoming inert mineral-laden water, as its magic was exhausted in the efforts…and Ronin was thrown suddenly off balance. Although he moved to keep his feet and avoid being thrown into the spikes, he miscalculated dearly given another feature of the arena itself. The suede sole on one booted foot caught in those carefully crafted grooves that were meant to wick away lifeblood and other liquids. That moment was perhaps the most harrying moment for quite a long time in Ronin’s life, as he fell backwards onto his rear end and canted backwards towards those deadly implements. Three scratched at his back, the Armor Cerulean’s breastplate providing enough protection to avoid injury with such little momentum as this. Yet, by some twist of fate, the padded feather-lined pauldrons on his right shoulder parted easily to the wicked point and it sank at least three finger lengths into that already ravaged area.

“Damn it all,” Ronin exclaimed as white hot lances of pain shot from the affected limb in devastating magnitude. He hauled himself to his feet slowly, his awareness of his surroundings fading slightly as he focused intently on avoiding further injury. Scarlet lifeblood oozed a dripping river down his back, staining the painstakingly self-tailored robes in dark testament to the costs of mercy in an arena designed solely for the purposes of death and destruction. Only as the adrenaline and his willpower banked the raging fires of pain with the cool relief of shock-based numbness did he realize his sword had been flung from him. It glowed softly deep in the mists, barely discernable from his current position…alas, he was not going to be reclaiming it swiftly. Perhaps not at all, depending on Roch himself…

ChaosDivine -> RE: =EC= Spike Arena (9/17/2006 20:36:19)

The heavy, fog-laden air whipped at his fur, even as strands of mane floated onto the ground, glowing like embers from a dying flame. Though rational thought was foreign to him now, memories still drifted across his mind, misty and distant, as if from some previous incarnation. A female... he had caught a female. An adventurer who had strayed too far into the hunting grounds, driven further into the Smoke Mountains by their inexplicable greed for gold - a concept foreign to any Rakshasa. Fleet footed and cunning, it had been little trouble for him to silently scale down the slope before a quick swipe to the head had knocked her out cold. Bound and gagged, he had brought her back still alive. She had been divided amongst the pack later that night, so that even the youngest cub had eaten well.

Prey tasted so much better fresh.

Haste makes waste, so I rarely hurry. But if a ferret were about to dart up my dress, I'd run.

Instinctively, he leapt aside just as a barrage of hail materialized from the mist. Flipping through the air, his blades swept up as he landed on his feet, expecting to cleave the garish female clean through her midsection. Instead, the scimitars clashed against solid ice. Flames licked at the ice, but it refused to melt. The vibration crashed into him with the force of an avalanche, traveling up his spine as shock enveloped him for a moment. He snarled in frustration at this new shell his prey had barricaded herself behind.

It took him a few more seconds before he realized a new concern had presented itself. He glared through the ice block at his opponent, a distorted image of white fur and fangs. The beast grinned.

A reflection sometimes exposes more reality than it echoes.

Growling, he dismissed the female. Leaping past the ice block, he barred his fangs in challenge at this new hunter. Of their own accord, the chained blades leapt forward seeking its blood, possessed now by the beast.

Guardian of Nekops -> RE: =EC= Spike Arena (9/17/2006 21:09:39)

Blinded though he was by the unreasoning anger of the Crusher's battle fury, Roch couldn't help but notice the speed of his opponent's spellwork and the purposeful grace with which he moved. By the time he reached the caster, his opponent was already prepared for him and had unleashed some sort of preemptive attack, a thick ribbon of water that had whipped out at him and fastened itself around his waist. The thing seemed to be connected to the end of the short sword his opponent held in a backhanded grip, forming a sort of whip. Odd, he thought.

By the time he reached the water competitor, Roch was beginning to think better of this course of action. His foe had jumped into the air and, in a brilliant tactic, allowed the Gravity Axe's own force bat him out from between the Crusher's massive bulk and the the spiked wall, which was now looming large in Roch's mind. Too fast, his mind screamed as he slammed both feet down to the floor and thrust forward with Impact at the wall, hoping to slow himself down. It would not be enough to save him, and his terror-filled mind told him so in no uncertain terms.

Just before the outstretched Impact hit the wall, Roch felt a tug from the rope of water round his waist, pulling him back from the quickly approaching wall of death. As time slowed to a crawl, he heard the water competitor calling out to him; trying to save him and offering an opportunity to surrender, it appeared. But why?

Roch had little time to contemplate this important point, though, as the lash that tugged at his waist proved to be no match for his momentum and snapped; he was on his own, now. The crown of Impact's head struck the wall before him with great force and slowed his right side slightly, but the slant of the wall allowed it to slide upwards and carry his right arm out of the way. Wincing, Roch brought up his left arm and turned his head away, bracing for impact and hoping for the best.

When Roch opened his eyes, he saw that one of the spikes had been jammed deep into his armor at the left shoulder, piercing a full six inches of steel and, fortunately, barely clipping his flesh there, judging by the pain. His left thigh and forearm had suffered significantly more damage, spikes there having pushed an inch into his flesh in both cases, but the rest of him had escaped virtually unscathed. With a hefty shove with his right arm, he managed to free his armor from the wall, revealing several other holes in his armor but nothing serious. Had his momentum not been lessened, though, a couple of the dents on his chestplate might have been fatal. "Thank Earth," he whispered, realizing for the first time how foolish his charge had been, and how fortunate he had been to survive. Then he remembered the lifeline of water that had wrapped itself around his waist, and turned his head to look, puzzled, at his other benefactor.

The fighter for Water looked to be in poor shape. The man was disarmed, and he was heavily favoring his right arm, which was bleeding heavily from the shoulder. Still worse, the small letters of silver that had peppered his garments like stars before were nearly gone now, and from what little he knew about magic Roch guessed that he would be helpless without them, at least in arcane matters.

Of course, Roch's own situation was little better. In addition to the wounds on his left arm and leg and the battering his armor had taken upon his collision with the spiked wall, Roch was getting thirsty and begining to realize what that would mean. The magical vapor, which until now had only sped the natural process of his own sweating, was now actually drawing the fluid out of him like a shell of leeches all over his flesh, letting the excess flow down his body to pool in the boots of his armor; the level of sweat had already reached his ankles, and was rising fast. Logically, he should crush his foe while he was weak and before the spell made fighting impossible, but the water competitor had helped him against all logic. Surely Roch owed him something for that.

Noticing the silver glow of his opponent's fallen weapon near his feet, Roch held up his free hand in a peaceable manner, bent down, and gripped the blade in his gauntleted hand. Holding the hilt of the weapon out to his opponent, he began to limp over to him, careful not to slip on the now completely smooth soles of his metal boots. "It is a hard thing you ask of me, friend," he said, licking his dry lips, "to surrender to one who has not yet beaten me. But you came to my aid when you could have let me die, or even made my death more sure yourself, and I now return that favor, and your blade." The sweat in his boots had now reached the first joint, and began spilling out onto the floor, threatening his traction still further, and his knees began to buckle. "I can give you a moment to prepare, but I am afraid I can spare no more than that. Ready your--- uhn." With that, Roch's injured leg gave way to the double assault of pain and dehydration, bringing him to his knees before his opponent.

As he knelt there, Roch dropped his opponent's sword and touched his fingers to the array in his gauntlet. He could still win, he knew, by activating it... but to do that, he would need to both betray a momentary truce and kill the one who had spared him; both of which he was not willing to do. Hanging his head, not in shame exactly, but in regret at being unable to win a victory for his Lord, he sighed, "So be it, then. I surrender."

Xforce -> RE: =EC= Spike Arena (9/18/2006 1:02:51)

The whirling circles in Kuth’s eyes sped ever faster, blown hither and thither by the mercurial forces that controlled his mind. He was a strange, indeed – unhinged in more ways than one, with a preternaturally acute perception and a completely unpredictable mind to back it up. Ever since that fateful day that had granted him his second infancy, he had been as the wind; an ethereal, drifting presence, ever changing, transient - and truly deadly, when angered. His emotions surged to the surface, a boiling mix of anticipation, nervousness, joy, courage and strangely, regret. Reflexively, he filed the last one away, siphoning the emotion into his fork to retain its charge – regret made a lousy weapon, but it did dull the effects other, brighter emotions had upon his arsenal. The joy infusing his fork would attract too much attention in an arena where stealth reigned supreme. The winds around him shifted subtly in tone, increasing ever so slightly in power as he let yet more emotions slip from his soul, streaming outwards in binds of spirit only he could see, vanishing into his fork, emerging instants later, as a force as elemental as any he had ever desired.

Abruptly, his opponent spoke, the tint of his words colouring Kuth’s mindscape with a score of drifting mental images, his finely tuned brain dissecting each word, ruthlessly tearing into each syllable as he gauged the measure of his opponent, using his voice to read his reaction, his thoughts, and his mind.

A late arrival before me. Tell me child why is it that one so small as yourself would enter such a dangerous place?

late? Me? And small? Small, of all things? Why I oughtta…

Kuth’s eyes whirled ever faster, the “Dissembler” conjoined with his mind, deep within his skull boosting his mental acuity yet further, heightening his magical and emotional perception. Abruptly the taunt registered differently within his conscious psyche, while deep within the vaults of his mind, the dim rage continued to burn – more focused, and infinitely more dangerous than the anger that had preceded it. He had no desire to be called a child… especially since the figure he was facing looked too much like a possible molester– and, if the place was dangerous, then he was dangerous as well; perhaps even more so. To be ridiculed, to be mocked and underestimated in such a manner could not be borne. He let a few wisps of anger leak from his soul, and the winds changed, growing in pace and intensity yet again, even as he tapped the Dissembler’s power, drawing the circles in his eyes into full focus as he altered his vision. The mists blurred into focus beneath his newly heightened vision, the hazy outline of his opponent resolving into a shape he could finally make out more clearly, a minor change to most, but an important one for him.

Releasing the Dissembler, he drew yet more power into his weapon, unleashing the first of his techniques; Kihava, the sonic blink. His pupil-less eyes dilated, then shut for a fraction of a second, opening again in an instant’s eternity. It was enough; for all around him, the air had moved. It swirled around him in a whirling dance, it sped around him in a gentle caress. It moved with the motion of the warriors that fought within the arena, and it moved across the blade of his opponent, a blade that moved ever-so slightly, a blade whose dissonant presence affected the air itself. Most importantly, however, he felt the air that vibrated through the tines of his fork, and through them, he felt those myriad presences that engulfed the arena. He knew of the spikes that surrounded him, he knew of the dangerous power his opponent possessed and… he knew how to escape it.

His opponent’s second line did not need to register for Kuth to know the attack was coming. The distortion presented by the soul devouring energy, and the negative power it emitted was more than enough for Kuth to pick up on its presence. The air that rippled away from the blade – and the push of the blast had announced its location. Yelling something right before he attacked only made the dodge too easy. As the wave of dark energy surged forth, so too did the winds that surrounded Kuth, rising and screaming in sudden intensity, as if to meet the oncoming attack in a duel of power… and then, they were gone. That is to say, the winds vanished, taking Kuth along with them. The dark wave crashed into the arena floor, its arcane might devouring the very air Kuth had occupied mere moments ago. Unencumbered as he was, even he could not dodge a display of might that potent with nothing more than speed. The attack had struck like an oncoming wave, striking from the north, south, east and west.

It was a good thing then, Kuth had decided on going “up”. Drawing the winds around him into a tightly controlled ball of energy, he had launched himself vertically upward moments prior to the attack’s impact. Kuth’s teeth gleamed, his face alight with merriment as air surged past his curled body with terrific force. He could not see what was happening, but he had felt his opponent’s location mere moments ago – and he would make him pay – in coin – for incurring his wrath. First, though, he’d have to make him feel sorry about it, and that probably would take some real effort on his part. Extorting payment was never easy, especially when his opponents thought he was a child.

Uncurling near the zenith of his leap, he shifted the air around him slightly, just enough to slow his descent as he fell, affording him enough time to make a counterattack. Reversing his grip on his fork with a quick, practiced motion he muttered a single word in the language of magic. Instantly, the shaft of the weapon elongated, its broad base turning to thin cord, tiny metal cilia whipping outward from the protrusion in the altered weapon as his weapon assumed its new shape… a shape disturbingly similar to (No! Not Cthulu!) an oversized feather. Spinning in mid-air, he whirled the forkfeather in a delicate revolving dance, small white feathers leaking from its base and slipping through the mists as he began his descent into the arena once again. All around him, his feathers fluttered, and around the feathers, the wind shrieked, revolving in slow circles as it drew them around him in a circular motion. It would have been a breathtaking sight, had anyone been able to see it through the obscuring haze. As matters stood, it would likely be even more breathtaking, since those around him would surely smell it; for on each fluttering feather lay a fine coat of sneezing power. Powder that now freely circulated in the blowing wind that engulfed the falling child in a swirling, malignant haze…

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =EC= Spike Arena (9/18/2006 11:38:57)

Ronin watched as Roch pried himself from the spikes upon the wall, having failed to aid the warrior enough to halt that reckless charge to any appreciable degree. Watched as Roch stirred and recovered, evidently battered and bruised heavily judging from the extensive damage the man’s armor had suffered. Passively watching yet further as Roch approached, holding Fallen Heavens by the blade in his mighty gauntleted fist, expressing a sign of peace. He pulled himself upright, drawing upon his regal past long since buried beneath the sands of time, as Roch addressed him as an equal.

Ronin even went so far as to nod solemnly as Roch’s injuries overtook his mighty constitution, forcing him to his knees in an unexpected manner. “You choose your words well, Roch beholden to Earth. There is no honor lost in choosing to surrender to an equal, and I’m already certain that I would not be able to control the tempo and pace so well in a future bout. You fought valiantly and well, at least while you reined in your own impulses.”

Wincing slightly as his own wounds sent more waves of pain through him, he paused. Even so, he knelt himself down in front of Roch before speaking once more. “I, former Prince of the Kindred, now known as the Ronin of Dreams, recognize this surrender for what it is and accept it as such. It is the admission that your body can go no further, but the spirit of battle still shines brightly within your battered frame.” He paused again, this time moving his lips in the silent whispers of ritual work. The pale silver glow of his remaining runes taking the last of the tension from his own body merely through their reassuring light as he worked the Reversals inlaid in both the corrosion and the dehydration magicks. Roch might not recover entirely, but he’d find himself newly capable.

Ronin knelt for a few heartbeats longer, waiting for the telltale signs that his magicks had begun to set about their tasks of restoration, before retrieving his weapon, sheathing it, and standing once more. “By the ancient codex of the Mirrored Cathedral, I bind the thrice by honor in this surrender, Roch. Once for each mercy I have bestowed upon you. First, whenever we next meet again in the trials of battle, you will not dishonor either of us by striking at my back unawares. Second, I bind you to take up the study of tactics in future, if you are determined to continue on the path of the warrior. Tactics, more surely than any other skill, lent me the greatest edge in our bout. Finally, I bind you to a task of service…as you have deprived me of my aegis, so too shall you aid me in the creation anew one day.”

You are weak, princeling. He is a danger best killed, and you show him mercy. It was an old insult, and an even older argument that Raikenin had chosen to bring up. There are other things in life than battle, old serpent, and not every defeat must find its price paid in death. Even if I meet this man again soon, once more in hostile combat, Roch will undoubtably remember this exchange. Stern and regal, Ronin nonetheless bent over despite this internal argument and offered his good hand to Roch. “Now rise, young one, and prove to your Lord that you have grown in his service despite being forced to bow low in defeat.” Even as he did so…the smallest white feather seemed to float towards them both…

Davros -> RE: =EC= Spike Arena (9/18/2006 12:22:39)

Quick was this child, playing with the air around him. Malus only momentarily saw his shot fly at nothing but air, as the child flew upwards. He bowed his head slightly for a move well performed.

Some skill here me thinks, i'll have to up my game

His thoughts didn't occupy his time much, as he felt the air around shifting in all directions. He spread his wings and allowed the swirls and gusts to flow through his feathers. He had flown freely through the air for over 7 millenia, so he had some understanding of how they worked, also have formerly been a user of all elements is knowledge was greater still. But he had never been a single user like now, so higher powers, powers like the child possessed were greater than his wind used to be.

Beating his wings gently, he lifted himself gently off the ground, only mere inches but gaining a further intel as to how his opponent was affecting the air patterns. Softly, yet with power there? Not sure on how to act on this information his wings were giving him, he followed the patterns to their epi-centre, which surely was the kid. He smiled to himself, Felconians feared nothing, he would not keep away but go straight in.

The 3 dark orbs left his soul and swirled around him once more. He tilted himself towards the centre of the air disturbtion and held both blades out in front of him. The power of the orbs grew as the span faster and faster, moving in front of him and the target. The darkness joined them together and they formed a swirling mass of black magic. This dark matter grew smaller but denser, the power growing still. Malus cared not for any magic given off by this child as his nose began to tingle.

It happened in a mere moment, the great image of his once powerful dragon, a spirit for many years that was as faithful when a phantom, as it was as a physical being. The image grew behind him, then shot back into Malus' soul, shooting both the Felconian and the orbs forwards. He pushed his wings back, to cut the air better, hoping the bolt of darkness in front of him would cut enough to lower the push on his body and wings. His whole form was in alignment, arms, head, body, tail and legs, all in a perfect arrow form.

He sneezed twice, this put off his perfect line and turning him round. Luckily the force of the shot forwards kept him going in a straight line, even though he was now spinning forwards. He sneezed more, closing his eyes as he did so. He needed no sight on his target, the force of the winds around him would tell Malus roughly were he was. But all of it took merely seconds to pass, a drop in time that it all occured. Even if it slammed Malus into the spikes as well, as long as the kid came with him, he cared not.

Guardian of Nekops -> RE: =EC= Spike Arena (9/18/2006 14:15:59)

As Roch sat slumped upon the arena floor, wallowing in his pain and his defeat, he kept his eyes fixed on the knees of his victorious opponent. The man was generous with his words, even going so far as to call Roch his equal in combat, but they rang patently false in Roch's ears. After all, his foe still stood ready to fight, and he could be on his feet as well had he just trained himself harder, been a better warrior...

But then, surprisingly, the water competitor knelt before him, bringing their eyes to eye level as he accepted Roch's surrender. For all he knew, Ronin had to kneel to activate the spells of reversal, but it was a beautiful guesture nonetheless. As he felt the fluid soak back into his body, renewing his strength, the gracious acceptance of his surrender took away most of his regret, as well.

When the displaced prince stood once more and spoke of the three conditions that were to be laid upon Roch, the warrior's jaw dropped. Honorable combat, to focus on his tactics in further training, and to help mend the shield he had broken... how difficult that last might be Roch had no notion of, but these obligations fell extremely lightly upon his shoulders! Who is this man, he wondered, who requires so little of a fallen foe?

Rising up when his benefactor bid him, Roch found his condition vastly improved. Although his grateful smile was hidden by his helmet, it showed clearly in his voice as he said, "Thank you, Ronin of Dreams, for your mercy this day. I shall not soon forget it, you can be sure of that. For life is balance, and as surely as the seasons of Earth always return in their proper time, favors are meant to be repaid."

DWeird -> RE: =EC= Spike Arena (9/19/2006 7:35:06)

Suddenly, out of the blue, or whatever the dominant colour was at the time, multi-coloured sprites appear, hovering down at rapid speeds to choice contestants - they then wiggle into their heads through their ears, making the fighters emit a glow most spectacular from their eyes, ears, mouths, and even noses...

Their bodies growing transparent, and thusly the strange lights taking over everything, making them impossible to see, the light (the contestants?) rise up slowly, finally exploding into a gazillion of little marvelous pieces.

The Lords had made their pick, their chosen champions would proceed to fight the Final battle of the Tournament...

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