RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (Full Version)

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Anne -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (7/11/2007 12:06:06)

When you're fighting monsters with Low HP and kill them very fast (like in one or two hits) the XP and Gold won takes a while to load and the "Next" button that appears after it takes a while to appear either.
It is really boring when you're in quests with weak zards, for example.

EDIT: The game is designed to force every battle to last at least 30 seconds long.
If you quickly win a battle, the game waits for awhile before saving.
This should encourage you to find more challenging places in the game to do quests.

antheia -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (7/11/2007 16:03:55)

Thanks for the replies. I think this is a different problem. This is happening after any length battle, not just short ones, and it doesn't recover from it. It will stay on the screen that says "Saving", and will not come back. I have even left it overnight before and the next morning it is still stuck on the "Saving" screen. No matter how long I wait (and I always wait much longer than 30 seconds, usually more like several minutes), the "next" button doesn't appear, and all I can do is reload the page, which logs me out.

I don't know if this is happening to anyone else, I have not been able to find any other posts that mention this problem.

Thanks again for your help!

EDIT: I just tried it on my laptop to see if the problem was related to my computer, but it does the same thing on this computer too. It is also an AMD processor (Sempron) w/ 1 GB of ram, running Ubuntu Linux OS... and everything else is the same too.

This is becoming very frustrating because every few battles, the game is locking up on me. It is also happening in shops (it hangs at "Please wait...") and when I change armor during a battle (my character leaves the screen and never comes back). Sometimes I can get through 8 or 9 battles without it happening, and sometimes it happens after just two or three.

I hope this is something that can be fixed because it is making it extremely difficult to play the game!

EDIT 2: Here's a bit more info in the hope that it will help: This "hanging" bug frequently happens at the end of quests. Here's a few examples: during the Sinister War, right after fighting Drakath (twice in a row!) and before the store appears the game locked up at the "Saving..." screen, then once I finally got past the screen after defeating Drakath and made it into the store, I tried to sell a weapon and the game froze at the "Please wait" screen, and just now (the game is frozen as I type this) very close to the end of the Temple of Hope quest, after defeating the two Velociraider Rex monsters... it's just sitting there attempting to save the 1369 XP points I earned. I have to refresh the page and log back in and lose the XP and start the quest over. It's a very big bummer! I hope someone can help!!!

EDIT 3: I've started keeping a log of when this bug is occurring. Maybe this will be of assistance in troubleshooting the problem?

July 15, 2007
*Random battle against an Energy Dragon. Hung at "Saving..." screen after winning battle. Waited from 02:15 to 02:20 central time.
Lost: 1155 XP and 480 gold.
*Quest for the fire orb. Battle against Fire Ants. Tried to cast a spell, my character "froze" in "spell casting stance" and nothing else happened. No spell, nothing. At all. Waited from 02:58 to 03:03 central.
Lost 1155 XP and 240 gold.
*Quest for the wind orb. Battle against Suld. Hung after winning battle, at "Saving..." screen. Waited from 09:02 to 09:07 central.
Lost 770 XP and 350 gold.
*Guardian shop. Purchased and sold a spell. Clicked "Exit", the game froze at the "Please Wait" screen. Waited from 10:09 to 11:05 central.
Lost 0 XP and 0 gold.
*Devourer Saga. Tried to start part 3, game froze on the grey screen. Waited from 11:18 to 11:23 central.
Lost 0 XP and 0 gold.
*Devourer Saga. The Huntress. Won battle against a Battle Troll, game hung at "Saving..." screen. Waited from 14:06 to 14:11 central.
Lost 1430 XP and 900 gold.
*Random battle against The Seeker. Hung at "Saving..." screen after winning battle. Waited from 14:22 to 14:32 central.
Lost 1705 XP and 900 gold.
*Random battle against Plasma Dragon Lord. Hung at "Saving..." screen after winning battle. Waited from 14:42 to 14:46 central.
Lost 1430 XP and 420 gold.
*Random battle against Undead Paladin. Hung at "Saving..." screen after winning battle. Waited from 15:29 to 15:40 central.
Lost 1145 XP and 840 gold.
*Vince's Maze. Hung right after maze, before chest appeared, at "Prepare for Battle!" screen. Waited from 18:34 to 18:37 central.
Lost 110 XP and 1600 gold.
*Keld Naer towards the end of the first 12 battles... I was very frustrated and didn't record the XP or gold I lost, but it locked up right at the end of a battle worth high XP and less gold. At approximately 21:25 central.
*Tried to enter Guardian Arena and the game locked up on the grey screen. At approximately 21:30 central.
Lost 0 XP and 0 gold.
*Final Challenge in Guardian Arena. End of first battle with Battle Troll, game locked up at "Saving..." screen. Waited from 21:40 to 21:46.
Lost 1430 XP and 900 gold.
*Final Challenge in Guardian Arena. End of second battle with Elite Zeel, game locked up at "Saving..." screen. Waited from 21:59 to 22:04 central.
Lost 1485 XP and 570 gold.

All together, just today, a total of 11215 XP and 6500 gold went down the drain. This isn't counting any XP or gold from the past couple of weeks, just from today. This happened on both the guardian server and the regular one.

If it is a server problem, maybe there should be a hard limit to how many people can be logged in at one time. That way it doesn't get so bogged down that the quality of the game suffers. Just an idea.

I'm not sure what else it could be. Since it is happening all over the entire game, I don't think it is a coding issue. Network problems seem like the only thing it could be.

Any other ideas?

Glory -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (7/11/2007 23:40:52)

Did you tweak your firefox? If yes, try lowering the connections to server to default rate. If it still doesnt work, disable pipelining... not sure how that would help.

If you didnt, the only reason i see that it hangs is that the server is busy or a problem with the coding. Plain unlucky =/

antheia -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (7/11/2007 23:51:49)



Did you tweak your firefox? If yes, try lowering the connections to server to default rate. If it still doesnt work, disable pipelining... not sure how that would help.

If you didnt, the only reason i see that it hangs is that the server is busy or a problem with the coding. Plain unlucky =/

I haven't tweaked Firefox, the settings are all default. I think you might be right about it being a server issue or a coding issue... Hopefully someone will look into it!

For now, it's definitely not fun! :(

dcs05 -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (7/12/2007 10:44:19)

i cant get a subrace on my main lvl 91 AQ account but i can get a subrace on a new account that i make. my subrace is at none? right now and the vampire and werewolf thing are in grey and the cure is also in gray. can any 1 help?

pyrowolf53 -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (7/13/2007 14:05:57)

alright, i have NO idea where this bug is supposed to go, so i'm putting it here
i was just killed by an orc horde, then death came up like he usually does, but then i started a battle against a frogzard (still with 0 hp). i drained its hp in one hit, then i died and went back to the reaper

shintilaberis -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (7/14/2007 10:42:51)

Several people have reported being put in the CAT clan for no apparent reason, someone has also gained a freindship ring unwillingly.

EDIT: Many players were caught using cheat tools.

Irish Buddha -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (7/15/2007 9:07:47)

When you re-enter BeastMaster training after logging out as BeastMaster, the trainer has to re-join you to the BeastMasters class.

Beastmaster Problem Graphic

I looks like after I log out I'm in the "Beastmaster" class. After the trainer re-joins me I'm in the "BeastMaster" class.

Rahk oscarz -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (7/15/2007 15:29:38)

This is a huge bug, please read the whole post: If you go to the horse riding quest in guardian tower and change the armor in battle, the attack menu will pop up at the same time as the "you run from the battle" message. then you can click a spell and the spell will go on outside guardian tower! You can click "back to town and the spell will go on in battleon, cool with megainferno. Anyway, I can also play a battle in battleon: Click "next" after you have changed armor, then go to battleon. Then change armor again with the menu that have popped up and your char will come up to the screen. Now you can equip misc items and change pets just as a normal battle.

tenbu74 -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (7/17/2007 9:34:34)

I have just burned away a PCs processor at my workplace during lunchbreak while playing AQ (I m X-guardian). Last reading I got form the motherboard heat sensors showed that the processor was over 90º celcius.

Then I indulged myself to do some serious tests and when trying AQ on other PCs, I noticed that as soon as I enter a battle the processor's usage goes up to 100% and as low as 96% and it stays there. This happens before taking any action at all, and getsworse after I do.
I short, you have a major programming bug in this game that is now set to cook CPU's. So it's perfectly understandable the complains I read about the game being strangely slow. And it gets slower as you play more, because the more you play the hotter the CPU gets. If you are unlucky to have a less then excelent cooling system, like I was, you are in to having expenses.

if anyone would care to comment on this issue please do so to because I do not know when will I get access to my registered e-mail account.


Flash animation tends to use a lot of CPU power, especially when there's a lot of different parts animating on the screen all at once.
But when there's nothing moving on the screen, the CPU is less than 20%

One thing you can do to help the problem, is to lower the graphics quality to Medium during battles.
You can also use the new options setting to turn on the frame rate counter.
If the frame rate drops below 10, lower the graphics setting to Medium or Low.

crushnator -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (7/19/2007 13:45:26)

The attack menu did not appear at the start of a battle

EDIT: What battle? What were you fighting?
Was this the first battle you did after logging in?

aNyThInG -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (7/19/2007 14:39:25)

Found this character and I have no idea how the heck did that guy have the Ninja suite as his first armor. Found out on this guy

mango1164 -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (7/19/2007 17:49:56)

Something is wrong with my character's sub-race. You can check it out here. I cant go to the Werewolf Layer, Vampire Castle, The Secret, or The Cure.

NixaFF4 -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (7/20/2007 2:03:22)

I'm getting the same error as mentioned above - the Next button never appears. However, I notice that the problem may be related to my connection. I'm posting here because since I notice the game contacts the server sort of like a webpage, I was wondering if something could be added to ask the engine to try contacting the server again, as every time my connection seems to screw up and I can't contact, I'm forced to reload the entire page. Being an Adventurer, often this means I lose my spot on the server and have to wait to log in again, and it's very annoying.

EDIT: The game does connect exactly like a web page.
The flash game sends and receives data using the same technology as web pages.
If your browser temporarily has problems connecting to * then so will the AQ game.

Gecko4lyfe -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (7/20/2007 15:57:42)

The thing is that with the level 9 beastmaster ability you can summon two of the animls at the same time

The thing is that some of the animals have the same attack speed and this causes problems

For instance
Wolf & shark

There attacks land at the exact same time but onlt wolf does damage (If you clicked his name first) and vice versa for shark

This means that not only is the second animal useless but it also enhibits your first animal from doing it's 2 hit attack
which mean your damage output goes down

Please fix in a hurry

-Operating System - Windows XP
-Web Browser and version- Firefox Current
-Flash player version- Current
-Number of Online Players during the time you had the bug - No idea

Riceminon4Faro -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (7/20/2007 16:32:51)

when I search AQ clans in polls it sais that I tiped in "clan".

Also when i play aQ tha fps stays beatween 4 and 14 I heard it should be 60! I yous safary and some times opera.

EDTI: The highest the AQ frame rate can go is 13.

Sonni3 -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (7/21/2007 5:04:51)

I'm at Yulgars Back Room and there is no back button, i can drink the potion on the table though.

EDIT: That's strange.. The button is in the top left corner of the game screen.

tristiano77 -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (7/21/2007 13:21:32)

i get this sometimes too when fighting war parties and things that have multiple separated attacks.

stevennoel -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (7/21/2007 16:16:39)

when on the stat roller i hit the button on accident where the numbers r and it erased the number

i think it is a bug

takman2k -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (7/21/2007 20:21:13)

[:@]Your entry and exit screens are pitifully slow since the last upgrade. The please wait and prepare for battle screens can hang for 5 minutes or more. I get this 'lag' about 20% of the time. The please wait includes the shops, and exiting battles. The prepare for battle hangs with monster and background not loading( the 2nd and 5th loading areas for battle screens).

Windows Vista Basic, Flash, everything is up to date and not many back ground features on.

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (7/22/2007 1:51:40)

As a reminder, when posting a bug, please include:

-Operating System (Windows XP, Vista, Mac, Linux, etc)
-Web Browser and version
-Flash player version
-Number of Online Players during the time you had the bug (check the AQ home page for the count)

The number of online players gives an indication of how busy the game servers were at that time.
Saturday is our busiest day, so if you find loading/saving problems, try playing again on a different day of the week, during a less busy time, and see if your results are any different.

Walneto -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (7/24/2007 1:23:28)

I'm not sure where to post this, but am I the only one that is having problems with slow frame rates? It's been going on fora couple of days. I've tried logging off, restarting my computer, clearing the Firefox cache. It jumps constantly from 13 to 10 to 6, etc. and back and when I go to my log home it sometimes slows down to 3. What's going on? It has done this when I went to my log home before, but now it's going on at all times of the day and night - even when only about 10,000 people are logged on.

Guardian server
Firefox v.
Windows XP sp 2
flash v.
game upgrade 33.66

Mistaken -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (7/24/2007 21:04:54)

I am using
Windows XP
Internet Explorer 6
Flash 7
SERVER ONLINE : 15025 Playing

In the Sinister 7 Battle when you click back to town, it doesn't let you.

Mystic Dreamer -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (7/25/2007 10:12:00)

Guardian server
Firefox v2.0.0.5
Windows XP SP 2
Game upgrade 33.66

Problem: Game freeze with sign LOADING! when I try to put on my Golden Holly Armor.

Keno Chao -> RE: Game Engine Bugs - read the rules and known bugs BEFORE posting (7/26/2007 13:04:27)

Normal Server
Internet Explorer 7
Windows XP
Game Upgrade 33.66

I can't move a weapon down to slot 8 or up from slot 8 to slot 7. But slot 8 can move can move down to slot 9 and slot 9 can move up to slot 8.
It only happens with one character. I just logged out to check another character and it didn't effect that one. But it still effects one. Even after logging out.

EDIT: When this happens, try logging out, and don't use that character till the next day.
The system will automatically check once per day for glitches like this, and fix it.

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