RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (Full Version)

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ShiitakeWarrior -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/12/2008 20:44:03)

When the Night of 100 Ninja are attacked by a Carnation pet's special, if their HP is low enough, their HP goes down to 0 instead of going down to 1, effectively making it possible for them to be defeated without the number of ninjas having to be decreased all the way down to 0.

Screenshot! (Notice the total is only at 87.)

Bisser777 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/15/2008 11:31:51)

when i was figthing a giant leech,when it attacks with darkness the sound is earth

bigwavedave -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/20/2008 16:10:07)

I was fighting a Shirigg and when I used Tsunami Edge's special the first hit was normal, but then it started to go sideways, and at the end the monster had 0 HP but wasn't dead!

mu695 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/21/2008 11:38:21)

when i face and undead that dose not have undead in its name vampire strike dose not work for ppl shuch as i think there called death knights the guys were when and undead is killed there sole is traped in him

Shadow Spawn -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/22/2008 4:09:00)

Not fair.

The Grewnog has 1314 HP for al evel 75.Check pedia and that HP is for level 100 version.
It suppose to be 756 HP.

I am using Mozilla firefox and flash palyer 9.5.110.

Strange little dude -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/31/2008 18:04:13)

When fighting frogzard hunter in the firts frogzard hunter quest
and frogzard hunters HP reaches 0 the zard jumps
farther away from the screen and attack menu doesn't appear anymore

I tried clearing cache and tried it again and it happened again
I'm using the newest version of Firefox
and the newest version of flash player

Equipment I was wearing:
Nemesis shield
Reign plate
golden axe
Helm of Drakonnan
and Fairy Godmother


qbsuperstar03 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/1/2008 20:29:49)

When the first Order Golem goes to 30 HP or below, its HP automatically drops to 0.

This one is not a bug. You weaken, but not kill it.

While fighting the second Order Golem, your max MP doesn't reset as your INT gets drained. However, using an item will update the new max MP accordingly.

light487 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/4/2008 4:31:32)

Silverback Mankee
Does not display damage dealt when successfully hit by player, companion or pet. Magic, Ranged, Melee are all the same. The damage is dealt but no numbers appear to indicate the resulting damage amount. Also the BLOCK and MISSED messages don't appear for this monster either.

adrichiang -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/4/2008 11:10:39)

My screen froze up with I encountered a Shirrig and attacked him with a water based weapon (Bad Axe) after about 3 attack prompts the game would freeze and I can no longer do anything. The first time the screen froze up I had a fire dragon, hawk and nerfkitten as a pet. My screen froze again after I attacked Shirrig with another water based weapon when I switched from my ice katana, this time it froze again but my pets where fire dragon, shark (waterbased), and nerf kitten. So it appears for now I should avoid attacking Shirrig with any water based pet or weapon because it have froze my game twice doing the same quest . Thank you.

DarkEternal -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/4/2008 18:15:23)

Ello. When I fought Woodland Pack (Lvl 85 version) and the bomb turtle blew me up the attack menu left. So right now nothing frozen and the turtle still moves (Its blown me up 3 times already) I still don't have my attack menu. Heres what I was wearing

Bunny jammies (But I just switched from Guardian robes to the bunny jammies the turn before)
Jingle Bells (But I was using The Staff of Awe the turn before)
NerfLord's Crest (But I wasn't using a shield the turn before)
Twig was my pet. He's almost always my pet.

Make that 5 times lol. (He hit me twice as I was typing).

By the way. I encountered him during The Mt. Thrall quest (Search Patrol)

It kinda seems like each time I try to do this quest I always get messed up near the end lol. I either have to get off. Monster doesn't load or this happens. Kinda funny though.

noamba -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/5/2008 6:01:06)

This may be a bug but if a "Demon Knight"'s defences are nerfed, they become exremeley high.
I used a "Squirrel of Order" and, instead of his deffences becoming:
they became:

EDIT: Same against Tryana.

Bug with squirrel, not monster.

Kosefira -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/6/2008 9:21:20)


He's on the Devourer's side, so shouldn't the Salvation weapons trigger on him?

Ash -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/6/2008 15:32:10)

Fighting an Undead Zard. There is an errant pixel that is connected to his head sprite( ie. it moves whenever his head moves). It's annoying but not really a bug, just thought I should point it out.

Screenie: Here

Dryn -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/11/2008 8:29:42)

Im not sure this is a bug, but with the Drakel SUperfreak, after it does its rush attack or whatever and goes back, it goes into its two hit kick attack. Is it supposed to be 3 hit or is it a bug?

BurningSwade -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/12/2008 2:58:00)

Not shure if this is a bug or what, but The drakel Super freak (lvl 100), when it does a vertical attack, its str goes down by about 5. This happened to me twice, so his str is at lvl 140. I checked in the encylcapedia, and it said nothing about its str reducing. here's a screen shot.

here's a link to the encylapedia entry.

It's because you're wearing the Nerflord shield. It decreases stats when you block an attack.

king cy -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/13/2008 20:11:31)

When fighting Undead Fansarin with Big 100K it does not trigger damage or turn white as it should on Undead.

linkman88 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/14/2008 16:46:51)

When fighting Undead Fansarin using golden holy armour i use holy light and it only does one attack but it should do two since it is undead

NFITC1 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/15/2008 12:42:12)

Graphic issue with Drakel Ninja. In the current war (as of 4-15-08; Attack on Augerthorne) while attacking a Drakel Ninja, after the guest attacks and before pet attacks the DN will appear to start his pole attack, but not finish it. The pet I had was My Clone and the guests have been Artix and the Huntress.

hannibal1326 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/16/2008 19:50:49)

um i dont no if this is a bug but i killed a blinding sunray with Illuminate ultra and it had like -700% to lite i was in mage robes and golden sheild and FGM as pet and silas staff as wep

Strange little dude -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/17/2008 16:45:30)

^ Not a bug
if you give sunray enough hp it will "blow up"
and dies.
It's completely intended.

hebert888 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/17/2008 18:23:24)

I was fighting Undead Fansarin with golden holy armor and when i used holy light it only hit him once, but its supposed to hit undead twice

Petraul -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/17/2008 21:33:53)

Dirty Snowman costs 400 SP to flee.

nbks01 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/18/2008 1:20:19)

You probably already know this but for the UndeadZard fight there is a Green dot horizontal to Zards head, in the picture I have provided it's just a dot, but it IS bright green in game


Closer picture w/ no character

destroyer2424 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/19/2008 21:51:30)

Guardian Armor
Guardian Sword
Blue Wyvern there is what I think a text glitch on the information of the monster
at the bottom of the info it reads
Wyverns are more magical then their drab kin.

leex -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/19/2008 22:14:51)

I think I have found a bug with rayfish: It is supposed to either disable your attack or spell button (supposed to be random every battle) and it worked like that the first time i fought it,
But ever since it came out in the lolosia quest, it only disables my spells button and never, ever disables my regular attack button anymore, out of like 50 times I have faced it, it always disables my spells and never my attack button. It is supposed to disable one of the two and not just the same one every time you face it IIRC, so I am assuming this is a bug.

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