RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (Full Version)

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exgsuntzu -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/28/2009 6:19:26)

thats more of a game engine glitch but not uncommen and well known

I don't see a game engine glitch in that - when a network connections drops in the middle of loading something, it doesn't load. ~Aelthai

Meati -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/31/2009 21:22:35)

Glitch found while fighting the Rayfish. In it's second form I was still able to use potions, though they did appear transparent in the inventory. I think it was due to using the Shadow Mistress's Katana while it was activated. I had the Fairy Godmother and level 90 Krenos as pets. Using firefox with windows vista. It happened around 9:10-15PM 1/31/2009.


OK, I fought the rayfish again, but didn't have Shadow Mistress's Katana this time, but was still able to use potions and a misc item in it's final form. Same weirdness with the potions looking transparent, but still usable.

BexnDan -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/2/2009 18:03:14)

Since the game engine upgrade Archdemon's sword doesn't change colour anymore. Maybe this is intentional but I used to enjoy trying to get as many different colours as possible before the end of the battle!

EDIT: seems fine now. Maybe I was imagining it!

Thanks for following up ~Aelthai

personguymanthing -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/2/2009 20:42:15)

hey ima guardian who made another character(non-guardian) and when i was fighting an orc gladiator
level 25
xp 250
gold 125
str 30
dex 30
int 10
end 30
cha 20
luck 5
all elements do 100% dmg
now here is where it gets interesting- his defences for melee,ranged and magic all said 1245! i couldnt hit him at all and after 5 rounds or so i gave up and fled o and btw i fought him using the battle monsters button in battleon. the background looked like a red cave if its helps. has'nt repeated but i havent fought another orc gladiator so i cant tell if it will do it again. i seriously doubt he was intended to block 1245% of the time so plz fix. sry bout the chatspeak

There's only one Orc Gladiator and his MRM are all 25 (I just checked). What was the monster before him? Were you using any unusual equipment? And the important part - if you see another one, does it happen again? ~Aelthai

nope no unusual equipment, no unsusal pets or guests, but be4 him i think i was fighting in the pit (sry if thats secret)

It's quite well known, and not a problem at all here. Hmm. All I can say is that if you run into him again and this happens again, please let me know and I will investigate further. ~Aelthai

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/4/2009 12:49:10)

Woodland Pack bug

Armor: Aaron Stone's Body Armor
Weapon: Fire Blood Blade
Shield: Nemesis Shield
Guest Galrick
Pet: Gong of the Wind!

Browser: Firefox version: not quite shure what number but the most recent one
Flash Player:
O.S. Windows XP home

I was in the middle of a battle against them it was my turn to attack. i hit the attack button and select the laser option i am in the middle of the attack when the turtle reaches me. it blows up and freezes my attack. their HP was down to 0 but they won't die now i am stuck with no possible action. i was i the quest for the Golden Set.

I would upload a pic but it won't let me
By the way this is like the fourth time it happens to me in the same quest with the same items

Ah, them :-\ It's a problem with the "out of turn attack". All I can suggest is that if the turtle is close enough to you that it might blow up before your turn is over, wait until it has blown up before attacking. ~Aelthai

Ubear -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/4/2009 15:59:00)

im now facing a mondrogor (3)
but ive got it down to 833 health and its now doing a strange flashing animation on the mondrogor (3)
i would upload a pick but imageshack isnt working for me atm

whilst writing this i killed the mondrogor (3)
this flashing animation is still occuring
however, one mondrogor remains on the screen
like i said i would take a pic but theres something wrong with my internet or theres something wrong with imageshack

EDIT: btw this happened in the new paxia event, attack igneus
EDIT2: i tried imageshack again its working now: heres a screenshot

ask13 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/16/2009 22:07:13)

I was fighting night of 100 ninjas and had killed 36 (it said night of 64 ninjas). This monster is not supposed to go below 1 hp untill all 100 are gone. I got him down to 1 hp several times and they wouldnt die, thats not the bug. The bug is when it had 20 hp left (and still said night of 64 ninjas so there were 64left) it attacked an missed hen I had the new frostval shields equiped (ornament shield) Because it missed the shields ability activated doing 50 damage. This made the monster (still with 64 left) go to 0 hp and I won the battle. This needs to be fixed because it makes the battle a lot shorter.

Yup, sure does. ~Aelthai

jimij770 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/18/2009 21:04:59)

not sure if this is a bug but scale rot isn't triggering on the zard/carnax crossbreed from snugglefest
although its leaving tomorrow so it may not matter...

UltimateRAM -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/19/2009 2:26:59)

What The Heck?
The Battle started like this....
I was doing a dragonslayer quest
some shadowy dragon head charged at me before the dragon appeared, does that have anything to do with this?
BTW what is this monster called?

Er. I can't remember offhand. Which quest was it? ~Aelthai

The quest to become lvl 7 dragonslayer

manu buhay -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/27/2009 15:47:31)


# Water dragon has no headshot.
# Vampire Slayer has no headshot.

thats weird....when i fought them they DO have headshots but oh here to report a bug ive noticed for quite a while now...i noticed that everytime i kill a monster because of soaking it with tsunami edge, it shows you that "stop" sign lying at the lower right part of its headshot, because it is being "soaked!"...but in the next battle i still notice the same sign still hanging around the next monster i come into battle against...and when i hover my cursor over to their headshot that's where the stop sign disappears...but when i dnt hover them over they remain there until i log out....

MIB™ -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/2/2009 13:31:27)

Hi, i just reached level 74 after a long while, but after that no monsters ever gave me XP, i got gold, but the ExP was always 0...

My O.S is Windows XP,
My Web Browser is Mozilla Firefox 3.0.6,
i have flash player 10,
i cleared my cache and no changes

Romanv12 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/2/2009 17:56:25)

I think i found a bug while i was fighting ziragat,i left him with like 15-2 HP and then he attacked and right in the second hit of his melee attack i block it and all the sudden he dies :O i was like what the?!? dosent really matter since he was about to die but if it had happend at like 3000-2000 HP...

What shield were you using? The Ornament Shield (along with a few others) can do that - they deal damage when you block. ~Aelthai

I was using Shadow cloak+Shadowbones.

ZackDark -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/2/2009 19:40:22)

I think I found a bug when fighting the Forest Party (or something like that, with the bunny with rocket launcher, beaver with chainsaw and respawning timed suicide turtle)

Well, when the turtle explodes in between the main action menu and the ninja skills menu (as soon as I click the first's attack button) the game refuses to reload the action menu, meaning the turtles keep coming, but I can't attack back, nor can my pet and/or guest and the animal party.

MIB™ -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/4/2009 11:29:07)


ZackDark Date 3/3/2009 0:40:22
I think I found a bug when fighting the Forest Party (or something like that, with the bunny with rocket launcher, beaver with chainsaw and respawning timed suicide turtle)

Well, when the turtle explodes in between the main action menu and the ninja skills menu (as soon as I click the first's attack button) the game refuses to reload the action menu, meaning the turtles keep coming, but I can't attack back, nor can my pet and/or guest and the animal party.

LOOK at the bugs already posted please, look:

kelda40 Date 2/4/2009 17:49:10
Woodland Pack bug

Armor: Aaron Stone's Body Armor
Weapon: Fire Blood Blade
Shield: Nemesis Shield
Guest Galrick
Pet: Gong of the Wind!

Browser: Firefox version: not quite shure what number but the most recent one
Flash Player:
O.S. Windows XP home

I was in the middle of a battle against them it was my turn to attack. i hit the attack button and select the laser option i am in the middle of the attack when the turtle reaches me. it blows up and freezes my attack. their HP was down to 0 but they won't die now i am stuck with no possible action. i was i the quest for the Golden Set.

I would upload a pic but it won't let me
By the way this is like the fourth time it happens to me in the same quest with the same items

Ah, them :-\ It's a problem with the "out of turn attack". All I can suggest is that if the turtle is close enough to you that it might blow up before your turn is over, wait until it has blown up before attacking. ~Aelthai

NP :)

UltimateRAM -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/6/2009 3:24:05)

Roman what equipment did you have?
Some deal damage while blocking like the shield of corruption

Draculatsjo -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/15/2009 8:59:20)

I am not sure if this is a bug or not, but when I am fighting the werewolf King, it looks like his howl is affecting mana regeneration. Because manaregen do heal damge and his howl affects damge( I used mana regen agaist him when i had lightning rod, poela and teacup of life equiped and got 232 mp which should be immpossible ).

Eladar -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/16/2009 14:14:04)

Gilgamesh does not allow you to use heal spells. It says that he's immune to the spell. He's in game in the Frostval in July.

Ebil Twig -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/16/2009 18:36:57)

Weird bug, Galanoth guest attacks with his dragon/drakel trigger against a level 30 deathroller (Devourer part 1, dragonstone). It did element X damage, along with the triggered DB look

EDIT:Did quest a few more times, it triggers everytime, it fails to trigger on the level 100 version

Jamiie -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/31/2009 9:12:52)

In the void, when the rayfish does it's second "nerf"... is it supposed to stop you using potions? Because you still can! -> Yes on the monster description page it says it stops you using misc items INCLUDING potions.

Edit: I haven't actually tried using a single potion, but it let me heal everytime i tried using two potions. Maybe it has something to do with the SP bar?

shoebird -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/2/2009 15:53:50)

Armor: Asgardian Plate
Weapon: Golden Axe of Legacy
Shield: Spell Blocker
Item: Tortello Frond

Browser: Google Chrome
Flash Version:
OS: Win XP
Monster: Level 105 King Frost

Bug: I was fighting King Frost.. and when i almost killed him, i used Archmage Research III's shape mana to attack. I damaged King Frost for about 300 hp without killing him, but the spell killed me instantaneously. I had more then enough hp, around 900 since i used heal extreme wounds just the round before..

Lifestream -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/4/2009 14:25:14)

I just beated Safiria! During this fight, Safiria was doing lucky strikes with luck nerfed [:-]!

vezha -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/4/2009 14:29:36)

So? That's not a bug. Lucky strikes can always happen, even with no luck or negative luck.

Ubear -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/4/2009 14:35:30)

with negative LUK, it's more of an unlucky strike.
dealing less damage than a normal lucky strike

Lifestream -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/4/2009 15:08:12)

That's so now, ok thank you! Well vezha you gave informations to me in three different topics, great job [;)]!

Jamiie -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/5/2009 4:21:58)

Dynablade drakel;

I was facing it and i got it down to 0 health, then it jumps back to 1. Krenos attacks and each attack hits and takes it down to 0 then it jumps to 1. Nerfkitten attacks and the hit takes it down to 0, its health jumps back to 1, Then on its turn it still dies.

Not really much of a bug but it still looks pretty odd :|

Armor: Reign Plate
Weapon: Tsunami Edge
Shield: Nemesis Shield
Item: None

Browser: Firefox
Flash: I don't know, haven't checked.
OS: Win XP
Monster: Dynablade Drakel

Bug: Health doesn't stay at 0 when you kill him, yet he still dies on his turn.

Yeah, that's because his health has to be 1 for the shop to open. ~Aelthai

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