RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (Full Version)

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Arkiron -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/16/2007 1:19:44)

in the dragonbane quest and the uneasy peace between dracomancers and dragonslayers the Bronze dragons dont have their graphics shown it shows only on their icon by their hp and mp menu.

heres a screen shot bronze dragon

Golduin -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/16/2007 8:15:03)

Pet whistle + Syphon Dracovampiress bug.

When you have pet whistle activated and syphon dracovampires drain your CHA to 0, it is possible to get your normal CHA reduced by 5.

I have got 110 CHA before fight with her, and after the fight (I won) my CHA got reduced by 5, down to 105.

Strange thing is this is not displayed on my character page, so that this definetelly is temp issue (will go, when I relogin) but anyways - it seems to be a bug.


A well known one at that. It happens whenever a player uses stat altering items when facing stat altering monsters. Therefore, it is highly reccommended that players do not use misc items against such monsters.

Golduin -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/16/2007 12:47:30)

Another bug from very last moments
Ultimus does not seem to trigger vs Demon Squib.

Drakopyre -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/16/2007 16:23:24)

When fighting with the new sir pwnsalot, his vorpal edge's special doesnt hit at all. No sound, no damage dealt, no hits.

shootingskier -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/16/2007 17:11:33)

Fireorbs are still turning into Ice crystals when paralyzed. I hope that this can be fixed.

BassoonMaster -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/17/2007 0:42:15)



Another bug from very last moments
Ultimus does not seem to trigger vs Demon Squib.

Same with Demon knights.

Lando -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/17/2007 17:58:16)

The alpha werewolf and alpha dracwolf's regenerate abilities are to intense. When a alpha dracwolf has 23 hp left and I do undead Giant with fyreforce ultimate for 126 damage and the alpha dracwolf has 8 hp left something is wrong.

Satakan -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/17/2007 20:10:11)

I joined the forum recently, but my bug happened awhile ago. When I went to fight Sarah the Nerfkitten in the Void, the weirdest thing happened: I had a liliputian army guest at the start of the battle! What on earth happened there?!

That would be an update to the Void, assigning you a guest.

triplestrike -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/18/2007 2:58:59)



The alpha werewolf and alpha dracwolf's regenerate abilities are to intense. When a alpha dracwolf has 23 hp left and I do undead mutant with fyreforce ultimate for 126 damage and the alpha dracwolf has 8 hp left something is wrong.

tch...your telling me...i was able to bring the alpha dracowolf's hp down to 24 and used 12th day of frostval...all 12 hits connected and it did more then 100 damage...he had 1 hp left... DAMN HIS REGENERATION!!!! [:@]

This would be because the maximum damage you can deal to a monster is equal to that monster's hp. So what you describe is quite possible.

Ianthe -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/19/2007 18:03:48)

When you paralyse NightBane, you get the message:

*Crack!* Foolish creature, mere ice cannot contain such as I!

However, he still misses his turns.

ZeroHex82 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/20/2007 16:43:33)

I was fighting Xyfrag, and I used the BeastMaster ability "Beastial Skin".
My Fire Resistance decreased, even though its base element is water...

Not a bug. It doesn't decrease according to base elements, it decreases according to their modifiers. If their modifiers are the same, fire will decrease.

shmoda -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/20/2007 22:07:51)

I didn't see any recent reports on this, but the bug with shirrig freezing the game still seems to be a problem.
I had it occur twice in the last week. I don't recall my equipment set for the first one, but for the second my char
was equipped with nightmare plate & shield, water spirit staff, had tiger&wolf guest (from beastmaster) and
nerfkitten for pet. I believe my guests attacked, not sure if nerfkitten did. Game froze after shirrig attacked me,
went back to it's position, then my option to attack again never came up.


  • Shirrig - Known screen-freeze when using water attacks against him. Provisionally fixed! (Which means you can report it if you have a problem with it. Full details necessary. What you attacked with, what armour you where wearing, did your pet/guest attack ? What pet/guest did you have ? Did it freeze on your turn or on its ? etc)

  • Asenbesen -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/20/2007 23:54:44)

    Here are some more details for the Shirrig bug:
    Armor used: Nightmare Plate
    Weapon used: Plungerizer the first time, Rosethorn the second time
    Shield used: None
    Pet used: None
    Guest used: None
    When you use a regular attack with a water weapon wearing the Nightmare Plate, the Shirrig will try to attack you after every hit. The pause between the Nightmare Plate's second and the third hit is long enough for the Shirrig to actually hit you. When this happens, the attack animation of the Nightmare Plate is aborted, the player and the Shirrig will return to their starting positions and the attack menu won't reappear.
    I tried it twice just now, once with quality on low, once with quality on high. Both times the game froze when the Shirrig hit me during my attack animation. Wasn't there a similar bug with the Woodland Pack's turtle?
    I hope that helps.

    jtgg -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/21/2007 0:57:17)

    when fighting drekal power armor it attacks and never hits me tried switching all equipment and its still there

    EragonZZZZ -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/22/2007 9:13:35)

    Another thing to add to the bugs with sir pwnsalot:

    When you use Mana Morph against him for -10% life, absolutely nothing happens. No HP loss or mana recovery.
    I was wearing Pyromancer's robes.

    Necro Heal works, so I assume that the M.M. not working is not intentional.

    If your mana is full, it won't decrease your health.

    Mega D Blade Slayer -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/22/2007 16:36:43)

    Ummmm....Junior Zard Pack still shows the old elemental symbols

    seth1r8 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/23/2007 18:31:34)

    the sea fiend in the water orb quest says it will give 880 exp but gives 800 when defeted as well as X-guardians get only 80 bonus exp

    Not a bug. The 880 XP is the total XP amount (normal + bonus added together). When it displays the battle win results, you can see how it arrives at that total.

    Wizeman305 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/23/2007 20:14:53)

    I lost 5 cha point in a fight against syphon vamp i know she steals points but i activated pet whistle and at the end of the fight the 5 points pet whistle added were taken from my overall charisma.

    Onaga_Dragonking999 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/24/2007 16:19:27)

    Everytime I fight energy zard (with my new character level 7 rouge) he cannot hit my charcter. I have fought thee of them and I use no shield. I just wanted to post it. (in case its a glitch)

    Meati -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/24/2007 22:38:58)

    I am 99% sure this is a bug. Everytime I have faced the Orc Horde and used Father Time shield with a class skill that uses MP (Such as Undead Mutant), and use the Father Time shield once I am low on MP, I get a full heal to both HP and MP. Now, I do know there is a 10% chance for a full heal, but every single encounter that I have had with Orc Horde when using a class skill with Father Time shield (which is something like 25-30 times) I have gotten a full heal without fail.

    element fire -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/24/2007 23:34:29)

    While vsing the mondorgot ( small pot flower cratures ) when you get them to 1 hp they prematurly turn into flowers.

    jluges -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/25/2007 4:41:37)

    I think this is a design bug;
    Zards are simple creatures, the elemental zards all have weaknesses to their opposite element.
    BUT i fought a windzard (2) and their weakness was energy, not earth.

    Not a bug.

    Magleby -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/25/2007 9:08:43)

    I think this is a bug.. Fire orbs turn into Ice Crystals if paralyzed..

    *No..that's not a bug. They simply transform when frozen. It's been that way since they day they were introduced into the game..3 years ago.*

    e_lli_ot -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/25/2007 13:31:47)

    My brothers account froze when he fought orc hoard

    His items were Beastmaster, king frosts sword, starblaze shield, frog guest and bungles the penguin

    justpuretje -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/26/2007 5:44:28)

    at the stattrainers grimweld the warrior take your sats down if you train
    i was got my stat 50 (dex) and now 40 it isnt nice i have pay (in game) for tain and they get down
    can any1 do anything about it

    Yeah. Log out and log back in. The stats should return to normal. I'm guessing you used a stat altering item or abilty against him. If I've said it once, I've said it many, many times. Do not use such things against the stat trainers. This bug is often a result.

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