RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (Full Version)

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Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/28/2013 12:20:53)

Are Dragonblades supposed to trigger on Something? Because my Fusion DB does...

Yes. The Somethings have a random list of triggers/tags. ~IMR

Nightmare Dragon -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/29/2013 11:38:34)

Hey there, found a possible bug/glitch with Shogun Akunezu. It suggests HP should be around 1.6k for the level 55 version but it's a LOT less. I initially noticed this a couple days ago when I went for the Cyber Shogun armour, HP was like 160. :O

I just did another run through, suggested by Legendary Ash on my Returning Player thread and get a screenshot. Only issue is can't seem to figure out a way to post it ... I'll have to edit this when I got a reply over on my thread! ^_^;;

Edit: Just noticed another issue ... SP regen is suppose to be 54 apparently but is 38 only.

- Nightmare Dragon Lord -

Bionic Bear -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/29/2013 15:28:33)

Monster HP and MP and SP regens are never exact, that's why it says EstHP/EP, for ESTIMATE.
But if it is really far off, the estimate that is, you can maybe put an info submission for monsters with the correct HP.

Ianthe -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/30/2013 0:05:15)

No, he's right - I missed a digit when databasing him. That part should be fixed.

The SP regen is a bug in the code, which I've fixed too. Clear your cache to get the fixed version.

Skillervamp -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/30/2013 4:57:29)

Sir Pwnsalot- Cannot untrain multiple stats
Operating System- Windows 8
Web Browser- Google Chrome - most recent version
Flash Version- Most recent
Number of Online Players- I dunno
It is seriously annoying for me to untrain my INT because I want to change into an Annihilator Beast Warrior but Sir Pwnsalot does not have an "Untrain Again" option interface thingy. This is because I'm an adventurer.

Bionic Bear -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (10/30/2013 15:44:00)

I have the same problem with my adventurer alts, but:

There was, I'm pretty sure, a 'go again' option after fighting Pwnsalot, now there's only a 'Done' option that makes you go back to the underworld.

Intended. It was removed since it was causing bugs. ~IMR

I reported that, and that was the reply I got.

Then again, IMR, I think it might be wise to announce this kind of thing before making a drastic change to a familiar character, who we all know and love. You see the amount of bug reports coming in?

Skillervamp -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/1/2013 9:28:56)

It's worse for me because I've had to die a lot in order to untrain my stats. I have to untrain LUK and INT - which is over 200 stat points since I'm changing to Annihilator Beast Warrior.

sol1tud3 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/2/2013 13:31:47)

When fighting an Energyshifter, if the player's MP becomes 0, his next attack will instant kill the player.
Level 135 Fireshifter would not use his SP skill, even at full SP.

Both should be fixed. THanks! ~IMR

Lord Markov -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/22/2013 20:11:55)

I went to fight the WereWolf at Willow Creek, and got hit by the bite attack 7-8 times, never got the temp werewolf form. The encyclopedia implies that you only have to get bit, has that changed, or is this a bug?

It's been changed. You now need to fail a save to get the werewolf form. I just tested on a Lv10 character, and it's working. ~IMR

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/23/2013 5:51:05)

Level 155 Poultrygust in the new war only has 330 SP at max, making it unable to perform it's 3-hit skill.

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

Lord Markov -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/26/2013 17:25:15)

I fought an Undead Mage as the first battle to the Sinister Seven cutscene of the Past Unraveled war. It only had 761 MP, and according to the encyclopedia it should have had about 300 more, so that it could cast its spell. Because of this, it never cast its damaging spell, using only normal attacks. Not sure if this was intentional for this particular cutscene, or if this is a true bug.

It's a bug, and it should be fixed now. Thanks! ~IMR

Dark Monkey -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/26/2013 23:14:17)

The first battle to the Sinister Seven cutscene of the Past Unraveled war (Undead Mage lvl 125) doesn't seem to be loading it just gets stuck on loading the monster.
Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

sol1tud3 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/27/2013 5:11:33)

Defeating Tyranna in Level 10 Knight Quest does not give back the potions she stole. Have tried clicking on the potion after her defeat.

Tyranna should give back the potions automatically, without having to click anything. ~IMR

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (11/28/2013 2:22:04)

Two things:
1.) Compared to other monsters of their level range, the SP regeneration of both Rigel Arcturus (Solaris quest boss, 130 version) and Plant Dragon (135 in my case) seems to be half the regeneration of others. I'm not entirely sure if it's a bug because that could be affected by leans/effects, but Plant Dragon has nothing to justify a halved SP regen in my eyes.

2.) Is it intended that Rigel regenerates SP at the end of his own turn? No other monster that I know of does so.

Those monsters are on old standards. They're "working as intended", but they could use some cleaning up. Anyway, it's not a bug. ~IMR

Stormwarden -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (12/20/2013 0:50:51)

Problem: Volgog is not loading when I fight him.

I use: Latest version of flash coupled with Windows XP.

Problem: Doesn't load completely. It'll load the stats, but not the menu or the character itself.

Everything's working on my end, and the code looks like it should be working. Clear your cache and try again. ~IMR

Zephyros -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (12/30/2013 20:00:58)

Noting here, received the following report via IRC.

Upon my encounter this evening with the snow bunnyzard in the frostval delivery, I encountered a very unusual bug. When the snow bunnyzard put it's numbing effect upon me, 6-8 turns later, the numbing effect was still looping rather than leaving after the countdown had reached zero turns. it reset itself back to 2 turns.

Fixed. ~IMR

Archlist -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/1/2014 4:41:05)

I guess this is a very tiny, but still a bug:

The blinding ability of the renewed Snow BunnyZards sometimes works in an unusual way -- you get the message that you were blinded and the respective indicator appears on the character icon, but the blind is for 0 turns so the next turn the monster does the blinding attack again. I tried to deduce when exactly this happens and it seems to occur if the first of the two hits connects but you win the save, and the second hit misses; I can't be very sure about this, however.
I can't reproduce this. Getting hit and then dodging results in a 5-round -10 BTH blind. ~IMR

^Yes, but not always -- that's what makes me think it only happens when you win the save on the hit. I've just caught another low-level BunnyZard and was able to replicate the behaviour a few more times. It happens when one of the hits (not necessarily the first one) connects and the other misses, though not all such instances are bugged -- sometimes you win the save and everything goes as it should: no erroneous message appears and no 0-turn status is applied. In any case, it's a very minor thing, basically just an extra false message, so it's hardly worth spending too much effort on it. Sorry if I made you lose time for this, and thanks for your reply below v. [Edited on 1/2/2014 15:06]

I also have a small question regarding the Granny, though I suspect this might be intended: is she supposed to reduce your current HP/MP/SP along with their max values when she makes you lose levels? (I mean when the current values are lower than the max ones, of course.)
Yes, it's intended. ~IMR

Neon_hyodra -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/11/2014 19:01:40)

Phlox not only nullifies damage against it but also healing damage on you. So HP/MP/SP healing from pets and shield are all zero.

Phlox is so old that I have no idea if this is intentional or not. I'm labelling it as intentional so that I don't have to do anything. ~IMR

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/12/2014 4:06:07)

The level 45 variant of the Djinni monster is overstatted: 50 STR, 75 DEX, 85 INT, 65 LUK.

Removed the STR. Thanks! ~IMR

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/13/2014 8:08:40)

(Disclaimer: Remove this post if I'm getting the effect wrong, but it sounds strange enough)

Does the "Shadow pull" from Drakath (10th anniversary event -> Akriloth) work the same as the auto-block of Navith and the Twilight armors?
Well, if not...
My quaternary lvl 76 character that I started playing again after more than a year was, in his battle against Drakath, able to hit him despite the message "Drakath's magic pulls him in the shadows!" popping up, multiple times. Similarly, he blocked actively inflicted Poison from the Dragon Partisan. The Poison was inflicted, but his message popped up and he took no poison damage for that turn.

I'm not entirely sure if a screenshot can help reproduce what happened, but if you need one, I'll get one. Equipment used throughout the whole battle was Dragon Partisan, Felled Gunfighter (72), Evening's Emblem.

Firefox 26.0, latest Flash player installment.

It doesn't work the same way. It's just a massive BTH penalty, more similar to the Possessed Sword pet or the Frost Merc shield. ~IMR

-Thanks for explaning IMR!

PharaohLaus -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/15/2014 9:10:42)

I'm not sure but when you AQ 10th Anniv. -> Seekrat -> FearDrake, the FearDrake is permanently paralyzing my pet. It has happened 4 games in a row where my pet was paralyzed for the entire fight. Is that normal?

I can only duplicate this if I don't have a pet out or if I set my pet to not attack. That part is intentional - the paralysis isn't used up until it actually paralyses the pet. ~In Media Res

Zeruphantom -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (1/23/2014 0:03:13)

Problem: The Essence of Wind Dragon is a tad glitchy. It seems to be regaining health whenever I use healing spells or pets.

I use: Google Chrome, though as of recent I'm using Internet Explorer 11, with the latest Flash Player instalment.

There has been multiple complaints regarding this so called "update", regarding this monster. Check here.

I'm only posting this because there was no news from the staff. Thanks in advance.

Not a bug. ~IMR

thedarkened -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/9/2014 17:46:58)

the essence of wind dragon(with its defense boost) dodges my bloodthorn blade's bleeding

Fixed locally. It'll be fixed in the next version of the status system. ~In Media Res

Red Dragon Archfiend -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/17/2014 13:01:18)

Two issues.

1) The Werewolf Warrior packs are healing to more than 100% of total health. All levels.

2 Werewolf Warrior pack. Kill the 1st Werewolf Warrior, no damage on the 2nd monster.
The 2nd monster will start the next turn with more than 100% health (seems to be equal to normal heal + 100% health)

2) The Werewolf Warrior packs are healing more than 1 monster heal. All levels.

2 Werewolf Warrior pack. Attack but do not kill the 1st monster. It will heal more than normal heal (seems to be equal to normal heal x 2 in the case of 2 monster packs, and normal heal x 3 for 3 monster pack).

Klyde Beowulf -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/27/2014 20:13:22)

Mighty Shadow Sphinx Lv146

I got stuck on the battle screen for more than 5 min now.
I have paid 250 z-tokens to change the monster hunt from cyclops to sphinx.
I've successfully hunted the sphinx and I got stuck in the battle screen.
Will I get my z-tokens back if I refresh and try it again?
I can provide proof of the dilemma.

Please help for any suggestions.


Edit: Yup, I tried it again and spent 250 z-tokens to change the hunt and it stills get stuck on the battle screen for more than 5 min again...
I guess it's too new for now...I will try and do the quest later on when it is not glitched. I guess I never learn...xD [8D]

Edit 2: Thank you so much!! So there's Mighty Shadow Sphinx now? :D Time to hunt!! :D

Bug fixed. I've emailed Hollow about getting you a refund. Thanks! ~IMR

EDIT: Hollow refunded you your Tokens. Thanks for the bug report, and sorry for the trouble. ~IMR

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