RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (Full Version)

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Shirefolk -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (7/30/2007 11:31:51)

in the quest mu glens call for help the damage icons are completely old and dont show the new ones for even a milisecond Monday 9:30 23000 ppl on i think

Taimat396 -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (8/3/2007 6:45:37)

just did saphiras plea quest, and once you finish it and you get to choose to fight or not, i turned into the wrong guardian armor,with a longsword and a shield i dont own heres a screenshot

xxxAtogxxx -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (8/3/2007 8:53:23)

The Nemesis shield is touching below where you are supposed to be standing when you have it equiped with Gilded Plate, or is it that Gilded makes us fly? [:D]

true guardion -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (8/3/2007 23:27:16)

carnax blade has dragonslayer symbol on the guard/hilt (whatever you want to call it).

Nobody16 -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (8/3/2007 23:57:28)

hey i found a bug in the vamp thing you know where you turn into a cat, my orgenal hp was 600 someting and then my hp when i was turn into cat 1000 something then as i turn back into human it still at 1000 something that same number and my mp is 900

ZeldasMom -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (8/4/2007 12:53:42)

When you equip Helm of Drakonnan while wearing Shinobu Shozoku the helm floats very far away from you then if you take a potion it goes to normal again.

pincon7 -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (8/4/2007 14:53:30)

obsidian, if it was a shield it wouldnt disapear when i clicked it, and it was never there before

ShadowSpawn -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (8/9/2007 3:52:59)

Look carefully

Now thats weird!


One more thing!


Ambros55 -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (8/9/2007 12:05:43)

Is there a glich in the pirate quest where if you fail the die roll you can fight the some big dude w/ an anchor arm... but at the same time you can continue...???

Michaelzxhc -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (8/9/2007 16:58:15)

I dont know if this is reported yet, but its not in "known bugs list." When using the level 75 transformers armor my head fickers disappears then reapears whenever an animation happens. Also when I get hit by a multiple hit attack(usually one with 3+ hits and ranged or magic) and I don't block most of the hits, the armor disappears leaving my head stuck into the ground untill I do somthing on my turn. I just thought that was annoying so it would be nice if it were fixed.

isthepuppy -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (8/9/2007 22:13:08)

- Windows XP
- Internet Explorer 7
- Flash 9
- Player Online 18,357

When in Isle d' Oriens I entered The Library to find a door where the boiler room door was. I clicked the arrow thinking it to lead to a new room and found myself in the boiler room. I exited the Boiler room and rentered the Library but the door was gone again. This might be an elaborate plot point involving cute little puppies and their quest for world domination... or a bug. You decide.

brotherbeast -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (8/10/2007 12:18:40)

Windows 2000
Mozilla Firefox v
Flash Version
*I have cleared my cache entirely and retested the problem and still occurs.

When I entered Isle D'Oriens' library to read the 2 new tomes they were not there. I clicked one of the other 3 books (Lore, Pae's Story, and The fisherman) then returned to the Library I saw the two new books up. I exited the area (via toilet) and returned to the same problem, but when I clicked on a book and then back out they were there.

Also, the book Archmages has some serious problems with the text 'spilling' out from the lower portion of the book and remaining there, even after changing pages. It is noticed on the title page, page 4, page 5 (this one's text drops past the bottom of the book), page 7, page 9, page 15 (much like page 5 except for the fact that and what is below the page stay there for the duration of the book).

Chipmunkking -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (8/10/2007 15:55:06)

On the primal garb the leg closest to you is infront of the belt/sash they wear, I beleive the leg is supposed to go behind because if you look the leg is sticking out infront and the belt/sash looks like it hangs between the legs, I think all that needs to be done is move the leg back behind the sash that hangs down.

Paladin Dracomancer -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (8/10/2007 17:47:40)

Armor: Necromancer Cloak

There seems to be a hole in the hood, near/around the right ear... this is with the Brown, "Spiky" hair.

- Windows XP
- Internet Explorer 7
- Flash
- Players Online: 21,908

One_So_Thoughtful -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (8/12/2007 0:03:59)

i have found an un reported grpahics bug, here it is:
i have drakonnan helm equiped and its not showing on berzerker armor, is it suppose to be like that or bugged?

DragonUltraMaster -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (8/12/2007 13:59:38)

When using the mirror:

I just tried to change my face a little (exactly the same [:D]) but, after "buying a new face" it looked like this...!

Nice, huh? [:D]

MageHeart -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (8/12/2007 19:28:42)

OS: The PS3's OS - The Cross Media Bar (XMB)
Browser: Built in PS3 browser
Flash Version: (come with the PS3, id love to update but i cant)
Bug: The ScaleZard's image didnt come up... But i cud hit it and its attack still worked with its tongue lashing..

Not a big deal but looked weird... a flying tongue! Well, I've seen stranger in AE's games.. and those were on purpose.

Munmen -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (8/13/2007 9:40:48)

O NOS! The Bersrerker Hides have no face!!!! I look hidieous.......[:(]

Hmmm, maybe cus im running flash 7???? not 9......... nvm its ok now!

MageHeart -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (8/13/2007 9:59:38)



OS: The PS3's OS - The Cross Media Bar (XMB)
Browser: Built in PS3 browser
Flash Version: (come with the PS3, id love to update but i cant)
Bug: The ScaleZard's image didnt come up... But i cud hit it and its attack still worked with its tongue lashing..

Not a big deal but looked weird... a flying tongue! Well, I've seen stranger in AE's games.. and those were on purpose.

It works okay on my computer..

OS: Vista
Browser: Latest Mozilla Firefox

Worked fine. I found it both times on the Safiria's Plea quest. (The ScaleZard)

sean dewar5 -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (8/14/2007 19:53:02)

I Noticed That when You Talk To twilly And Go to the SeedSpitter Where You fight Drakels
I noticed When they KOed That edivallige (spelling?) warrior The Un Updated Drakel Comes But
Part Of His foot Is see-Through

Sorry If You Cant Understand what im saying...

DragonUltraMaster -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (8/15/2007 12:27:06)

Hi, D.U.M here.

I just wounder what this thing is (The link is a video to Youtube)

It is a somekind of a bug?


Edit: hmmm, it seems to disapear now [&:]
it is not there anymore... Strange

-Operating System Windows XP
-Web Browser and version - 7.0
-Flash player version - the latest
-Number of Online Players during the time you had the bug (check the AQ home page for the count)
Hmm, I donīt know. I didnīt check that .... Sorry

WanabeWarWizard -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (8/16/2007 15:30:58)

can't find my way around this forum yet, so don't get angry if I posted in the wrong place.

I seem to have misplaced my head... I'm headless...

don't know if this is a bug or that I forgot to do something after quit a few updates were added...

Alar Menoc -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (8/17/2007 7:37:54)

The Drakel swordmistess has a left hand on her right arm.

Sora Aeragorn -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (8/17/2007 15:50:55)

Under Submit Articles in the Zardian issues, Ash's sword is over is hand.

Z -> RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting. (8/17/2007 22:43:18)

... Do I have to post this here too?


Along with your bug report, please list the following:

-Operating System (Windows XP, Vista, Mac, Linux, etc)
-Web Browser and version
-Flash player version
-Number of Online Players during the time you had the bug (check the AQ home page for the count)

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